Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents

Key Points



20 best open-source test tools, frameworks

10 best open-source test frameworks

11 open-source test automation frameworks source testing frameworks Manual tutorial - flavio copes Testing Tools list

Selenium Web Driver





Swagger tips to use Postman = free, normal = $8 / user / mo Postman





Microshed - test Java container apps Test Framework - Https tests eg curl tests using Robot in other frameworks
Robot Test Https article - medium REST API automation framework


postman-proxy-config-2020-support.postman-How do I configure
Postman to work through a proxy.pdf

Setup Postman through a proxy server to Internet ( or use OpenVPN)

Postman error: need to enable javascript

>> real issue - hit an invalid web url w bad config value for url - test Java container apps Test Framework - Https tests eg curl tests using Robot in other frameworks
Robot Test Https article - medium REST API automation framework BDD open source DevelopmentBDD Testing
a REST API With Behave.pdf

Behave tutorial  - Java BDD framework - eos


Organize Your API Workflow

Manage your workflow in four stages.

  • Define APIs in formats like OpenAPI, GraphQL, and RAML.

  • Develop your API by adding mock servers, documentation, and environments to specific API versions.

  • Test your API by writing integration and contract tests.

  • Observe your API by monitoring it for performance and response time.

Track Development with Version Tags

Easily maintain multiple versions of an API and its elements at the same time.

  • Define multiple versions of an API.

  • Keep track of you development process.

  • Organize your work with your preferred naming convention.

Increase Flexibility with Schemas

Write, edit, and import schemas in Postman.

  • Create APIs with schema formats including OpenAPI, GraphQL, and RAML.

  • Easily generate collections from your API schema.

  • Develop in parallel by sharing schemas with development and testing teams early on.

Connect It All on One Platform

Organize and manage every aspect of your API development workflow in one place.

  • Maintain a sharable source of truth between your team and with other teams.

  • Maintain multiple versions of your API and API elements in one place.

  • Automatic syncing ensures all linked elements are up-to-date and in sync.

Postman Errors at Runtime

Many runtime errors can be analyzed in the Postman client by:

  1. validating the url for the host app is correct
  2. ensuring the request url is correct with the substituted values for any values
  3. viewing Postman console for the request / response data actually sent and received
  4. viewing Postman logs for requests/ responses
  5. checking headers, authentication methods on the test case
  6. checking pre-request scripts
  7. checking the test scripts for potential errors based on missing data in the response ( try removing the post tests temporarily and re-run the test )

Resolving an issue in the Deprecated Chrome Postman Plugin for Javascript support in web page accessed


Sending a request to some pages, keep getting the error 'Javascript is disabled on your browser. Please enable Javascript and refresh this page'. The page works on the browser but on Postman it comes up with that error. Initially thought it was the page so tried another and still keep getting the error


  1. Postman Version: 4.9.3
  2. App (Chrome app or Mac app): Mac app
  3. OS details: 10.12.2
  4. Is the Interceptor on and enabled in the app: No
  5. Did you encounter this recently, or has this bug always been there: N/A
  6. Expected behaviour: N/A
  7. Console logs ( for the Chrome App, View->Toggle Dev Tools for the Mac app): N/A
  8. Screenshots (if applicable) N/A

For some reason, I need run javascript and submit forms in Preview. I know postman doesn't support it for security (CSP). So I inspected postman's source code via DevTools, and finally I found

131078                 { className: 'response-body-iframe-viewer' },
131079                 _react2.default.createElement('iframe', {
131080                   className: 'response-body-viewer-preview',
131081                   sandbox: '' //
131082                   , src: this.props.src
131083                 })

in /Applicatoins/

Then I modify line 131081 to
sandbox: 'allow-forms allow-scripts'

relaunch postman, it works!

I think it's may not safe when using postman under sandbox: 'allow-forms allow-scripts' all the time. So maybe we could add a button to postman's preferences settings, then we can enable/disable it as needed.

Automating API tests in Postman


Robot Framework is actively supported, with many industry-leading companies using it in their software development.

Robot Framework is open and extensible and can be integrated with virtually any other tool to create powerful and flexible automation solutions. Being open source also means that Robot Framework is free to use without licensing costs.

Robot Framework has easy syntax, utilizing human-readable keywords. Its capabilities can be extended by libraries implemented with Python or Java. The framework has a rich ecosystem around it, consisting of libraries and tools that are developed as separate projects.


Libraries contain framework functions

Libraries provide the actual automation and testing capabilities to Robot Framework by providing keywords. Several standard libraries are bundled in with the framework, and galore of separately developed external libraries that can be installed based on your needs. Creating your own libraries is a breeze.


Provides a set of often needed generic keywords. Always automatically available without imports.


Now make a directory called "features/". In that directory create a file called "example.feature" containing:

# -- FILE: features/example.feature
Feature: Showing off behave

  Scenario: Run a simple test
    Given we have behave installed
     When we implement 5 tests
     Then behave will test them for us!

Make a new directory called "features/steps/". In that directory create a file called "" containing:

# -- FILE: features/steps/
from behave import given, when, then, step

@given('we have behave installed')
def step_impl(context):

@when('we implement {number:d} tests')
def step_impl(context, number):  # -- NOTE: number is converted into integer
    assert number > 1 or number == 0
    context.tests_count = number

@then('behave will test them for us!')
def step_impl(context):
    assert context.failed is False
    assert context.tests_count >= 0

Run behave:

$ behave
Feature: Showing off behave # features/example.feature:2

  Scenario: Run a simple test          # features/example.feature:4
    Given we have behave installed     # features/steps/
    When we implement 5 tests          # features/steps/
    Then behave will test them for us! # features/steps/

1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
1 scenario passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
3 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined



Given a stock of symbol STK1 and a threshold of 10.0
When the stock is traded at 5.0
Then the alert status should be OFF


Configure Stories with data scenarios 

At the heart of the JBehave running of stories lies the Embedder, which provides an entry point to all of JBehave's functionality that is embeddable into other launchers, such as IDEs or CLIs. JBehave complements the Embedder with an Embeddable which represents a runnable facade to the Embedder.

JBehave allows many different ways to configure Embeddable Java classes that allow the parsing and running of textual stories.

JBehave provides two main Embeddable implementations:


Code Block
public class TraderStoryRunner {
    public void runClasspathLoadedStoriesAsJUnit() {
        // Embedder defines the configuration and candidate steps
        Embedder embedder = new TraderEmbedder();
        List<String> storyPaths = ... // use StoryFinder to look up paths
    public void runURLLoadedStoriesAsJUnit() {
        // Embedder defines the configuration and candidate steps
        Embedder embedder = new URLTraderEmbedder();
        List<String> storyPaths = ... // use StoryFinder to look up paths

where the TraderEmbedder/URLTraderEmbedder define the configuration using the loading from the classpath and URL resources, respectively. E.g.:

Code Block
public class TraderEmbedder extends Embedder {
    public EmbedderControls embedderControls() {
        return new EmbedderControls().doIgnoreFailureInStories(true).doIgnoreFailureInView(true);
    public Configuration configuration() {
        Class<? extends TraderEmbedder> embedderClass = this.getClass();
        return new MostUsefulConfiguration()
            .useStoryLoader(new LoadFromClasspath(embedderClass.getClassLoader()))
            .useStoryReporterBuilder(new StoryReporterBuilder()
                .withFormats(CONSOLE, TXT, HTML, XML)
                .withCrossReference(new CrossReference()))
            .useParameterConverters(new ParameterConverters()
                    .addConverters(new DateConverter(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")))) // use custom date pattern
            .useStepPatternParser(new RegexPrefixCapturingPatternParser(
                            "%")) // use '%' instead of '$' to identify parameters
            .useStepMonitor(new SilentStepMonitor());                               
    public InjectableStepsFactory stepsFactory() {
        return new InstanceStepsFactory(configuration(), new TraderSteps(new TradingService()), new BeforeAfterSteps());

Running Remote Stories

JBehave supports running both local and remote stories. To run remote stories, we need to use a URL-based loader with an appropriate remote code location. The difference w.r.t. the local run is minimal:

Code Block
public class RemoteTraderStories extends TraderStories {
    public Configuration configuration() {
        return super.configuration()
               .useStoryLoader(new LoadFromURL())
                       new StoryReporterBuilder()
                           .withFormats(CONSOLE, TXT, HTML, XML));
    protected List<String> storyPaths() {
        // Specify story paths as remote URLs
        String codeLocation = codeLocationFromURL("")
        return asList(codeLocation + "and_step.story");

Ignoring Failures Running Stories

By default, the story runners are configured to fail-fast, i.e. the execution will stop at first failed story (but will complete execution of the all the scenarios in the story first). To allow the generation of a complete stories view (reporting how many stories failed), the runners need to be enabled to run stories with ignoreFailureInStories flag set to true. In this way, all stories will run and the failure will be assessed only during the view generation. If any stories failed, the build will fail correspondingly. Should the need to ignore failure in the view arise (although generally not recommended), one can set the ignoreFailureInView flag to true.

View Reports
