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Table of Contents


Training Resources

Ed Izzo AWS Tips 

Great catching up as always, Jim. Maybe we'll finally meet in person post-vaccination this summer!

Here are Amazon's Leadership Principles. If you can relate those principles (and their sub-principles) to your career and tell a compelling story, you'll have an excellent chance of joining the company. Of course, watching this year's re:Invent keynotes doesn't hurt either.


The most oft-used tools used for managing cloud costs include AWS Cost Explorer, Cloudability (Apptio), CloudHealth (VMWare), Azure Cost Management, GCP Cost Tools, and Cloudcheckr. About half, 46%, use cloud native tooling as their primary technology, 43% use a 3rd party platform, and 11% use home grown tools or spreadsheets. At the same time, many FinOps practitioners still rely on data collection, collation, and analysis via spreadsheet. Almost all practitioners use a combination of tooling, while still relying on spreadsheets for some tasks -- with forecasting being the biggest Excel use.

The survey's authors project that significant growth is ahead for FinOps, the field of cloud financial management,

Some challenges cited by respondents in the survey include the following:

  • Measuring real-time cost analysis between the various cloud providers.
  • Providing foundational education for engineering teams.
  • Having visualization of cloud architecture, versus cost of those parts of the infrastructure.
  • Facilitating robust tag enforcement, with easy ability to export cost and presentation to teams.
  • Enabling reporting total spend, cloud spend, service management spend and contract spend, the entire cloud spend picture.
  • Achieving container control, network and hardware integration at the scale and speed of cloud."
  • Highlighting and fostering conversations around cloud cost management from a behavior change perspective

AWS services

AWS service levels - IAAS, PAAS, FAAS


Apache OpenWhisk

Cloud Serverless Cost Calculator - AWS, Azure, IBM, GCP 


Potential Value Opportunities

AWS mainframe integration opportunities  ( TCS and IBM i as well )

Potential Challenges

Candidate Solutions


Case ID 7197414421 - can I use AWS services from Lightsail?

Lightsail provides a base set of resources available 24x7 in different configurations for compute, storage, memory, network access. From a Lightsail account, console do I have access to normal AWS services as an option?

Step-by-step guide for Example


create an admin user acct 

If you don't already have an access key for your AWS account root user, don't create one unless you absolutely need to. Instead, use your account email address and password to sign in to the AWS Management Console and create an IAM user for yourself that has administrative permissions.


create 2 admins - jmason, smason 

user key files downloaded


Created user jmason
Attached policy AdministratorAccess to user jmason
Attached policy AmazonAPIGatewayAdministrator to user jmason
Created access key for user jmason
Created login profile for user jmason

welcome email to jm9g 

You now have access to the AWS Management Console for the account ending in 1661. ------

User name: jmason

Your password will be provided separately by your AWS account administrator.

welcome email smason 

You now have access to the AWS Management Console for the account ending in 1661. ------

User name: smason

Your password will be provided separately by your AWS account administrator.

Created an org - swt1

