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Table of Contents



m Tokens Alliance
Vipin on Interwork Alliance
Andy Martin - Next Gen Digital Business - Token Economy mechanics for insurance use case
Zealeum wellness site and tokens

Sahoja wellness market

Socialgood token market token design story ERC-20 token wallet example - github ERC-20 token wallet example - medium 1155 Multi-token wallet std 1155 Multi-token wallet std  - good article 1155 Multi-token wallet std  - github

Token references Types

Token Taxonomy Framework token framework example for HLF and ERC20 wallets and Tokenize data article 1 - ocean protocol papers Architecture Protocol github Wallet basics React app to run Ocean protocol to run DApps in a browser regulation of utility tokens by SEC

Token Platforms vs Ripple Stellar or Ripple?
Stellarfast, affordable service, more flexibility developers guides fees

Stellar Client API  

supports Java, JS, GO

Ripple fast, affordable service developer site for XRP Ledger  - open money platform

Interledger connects other ledgers ( ILP )

Java, JS, Swift languages

Tokenomics examples Curve Offering Explained.pdfToken bonding curves
token-value-exchange-2020-vipin-forbes-Digital Assets Ecosystem Will Be
Powered By End-To-End Standards.pdf
Vipin - Digital assets driven by stds
IBM - Economic Impact of Blockchain.pdf
Blockchain business model design-andy-martin-linkedin.pdf
tokenomics-andy-martin-The token economy _ LinkedIn.pdf


Here are the steps involved:

  • Step 1: Create 2 accounts (One for Issuance, another for Distribution).
  • Step 2: Execute a change of trust transaction from Distribution to Issuance.
  • Step 3: Create the token.

Step 1: Create 2 accounts

You will need TWO (2) accounts. One to act as the issuer and one to act as the distributor account.

Create two and save them to your local computer. Make sure you clearly label somehow one as issuer and one as distributor. For me, I saved the data as “issuer-test-account-Stellar.txt” and “distributor-test-account-Stellar.txt”.

Using the testnet faucet and fund both accounts with RIA. Make sure that the slider in the top right is set to “test”.

Go to Create an account for more details.

Step 2: Change the trust between the two accounts.

For us to issue the token, we need to issue a change trust transaction between the distribution account and the issuance account. You can do that through this handy web interface.

Using the accounts you have created, change trust using the distribution account aimed at the issuing account:

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Submit this using your private key

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And you’ll come to this final screen:

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If all goes well, you’ll see a JSON response similar to above.

Step 3: Creating the Actual Token

This step is not intuitive: the token creation is done by sending a payment from the issuing account to the distribution account, denominated in the new token. This is why we had to change trust to begin with — the distribution account issued a statement of trust that this “BLOCKSIMPLE” thing was the real deal.

Go to Transaction Builder, this is what that operation looks like:

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If all goes well, you’ll see a successful transaction like so:

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Ok, so now we have issued 5000 BLOCKSIMPLE tokens on the test net. Woohoo!

Congratulations! You just issued your first ever custom token!

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Custom Tokens on HLF example 1 - for ERC20 wallet


Digital Assets Ecosystem Will Be Powered By End-To-End Standards 


These tokens are often marooned in platforms with no way to interwork with other tokens or payment systems or existing financial market infrastructure. Releasing the tokens from their current prisons and allowing them to interoperate will unleash business value. IWA standards are meant to be platform and technology neutral and not limited to blockchain or distributed ledger technologies.

IWA focuses on the interoperation of value represented by tokens, by addressing three layers of the problem. Each layer is at a different level in the business stack. Starting from the base, 

  1. Layer 1 - it is the token definition itself,
  2. Layer 2 -  the creation of smart contracts for interworking,
  3. Layer 3 - final layer is the extraction of aggregated data using privacy preserving AI for regulatory reporting and business insights. 

Token templates can make it easier for business analysts to model tokens and behaviors:

For example a token that can be minted and transferred has behaviors like mint and transfer. A business analyst models a token using a graphical front end, which in turn generates artifacts that span business specifications and code. This creates a seamless way to model the token from concept to code. 

Templates can be developed by domain

Multi-party contracts can leverage existing systems like CDM 

 IWA will benefit by looking at work that has already been done in the CDM or the Common Domain Model. CDM although first developed by ISDA, the International Swaps and Derivatives Association is now open source. CDM is being generalized for all types of contracts and is platform neutral. 

The same model can be used for other domains

ISDA CDM fact sheet

Create standards for market -driven analysis of contractually shared data for regulatory reporting and extraction of business value. This analysis will use privacy preserving methods. One can assume zero-knowledge proofs or homomorphic techniques. In this too, existing standards need to be looked at and integrated into the IWA.

Roles will be mapped to sets of token behaviors 

identities can be mapped to roles by:  automatic or manual assignments

Monetize and Tokenize Data
