Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


Overview docs home key concepts docs
Corda version features list  r4.6 ***
Old Corda Fabric comparison pdf - 2018  
s Blockchains Compared: Fabric, Corda, Ethereum XDC token - a staking token that is Ethereum compatible for DeFi

Corda atomic swap explained - mediumCorda atomic swap explained ** Fabric vs R3 Corda.pdf

Hyperledger Fabric vs. R3 Corda  - 2019
quorum-the-business-choice-dd5238b20d88 Fabric vs Corda vs Quorum The business choice.pdf

Hyperledger Fabric vs Corda vs Quorum: The business choice? Blockchain Protocols A Technical Analysis of Ethereum vs Fabric vs Corda.pdf

2019 - Tech compare Fabric Ethereum Corda - Zhang

Enterprise Blockchain Protocols: A Technical Analysis of Ethereum vs Fabric vs Corda - Compare Fabric  Ethereum  Corda BY BLOCK
A Comparative Analysis of DLT - Sep 2018 blockchain competitor joins Hyperledger ecosystem.pdf

BESU - Quorum blockchain competitor joins Hyperledger ecosystem
hyperledger-fabric-corda-quorum/ Hyperledger Fabric will Win Against R3 Corda and Quorum.pdf

Why Hyperledger Fabric will Win Against R3 Corda and Quorum? = 2019

Corda Concepts Notary witnesses the transaction but does not validate it. They only attest to the ID of the party making the transaction. 
Transaction validation ( double spend for example ) must be done elsewhere in the solution DID method to ID party in a transfer

Compare Blockchains vs Corda - Medium 2018


The XinFin network deploys its version of the Delegated Proof of Stake mechanism known as XinFin DPos or xDPoS. Their protocol allows a selected group of nodes to represent all nodes on the network and approve the transactions. By doing so, they reduce the number of nodes that must individually approve a transaction, which results in a shorter time for transaction settlement. xDPoS also enforces KYC requirements on nodes to fit with the needs of all enterprises using the XinFin blockchain.

At present, the XinFin network creates one new block every 2 seconds and is capable of processing approximately 2,000 transactions every second.


 They have a host of applications that form a complete ecosystem that can be used for cross-selling or up-selling products for different intertwined business functions. Working on the principle of hybrid blockchain i.e. a combination of a public and private blockchain, this network has revolutionized the workings of a blockchain by making it more liberal, all the while keeping it more secure. This is done by a series of checks enabled by proof of stakes (PoS) methodology wherein, the nodes holding the largest amount of stakes would have the right to sanction transactions. The aforementioned host node is practically a part of a larger public chain while hosting its own private blockchain on that node. This creates a global connection while keeping the privacy of the organization secure.

Stellar Network Features

  • Stellar (XLM) is a completely decentralized consensus platform.
  • It is designed to support any type of currency.
  • It has a built-in decentralized exchange that can be used to trade any type of currency or asset.
  • Supports thousands of transactions per second
  • It can be used to send or trade any currency, asset, or token.

Anchors are simply entities that people trust to hold their deposits and issue credits into the Stellar network for those deposits. Anchors do two simple things:

1) They take your deposit and issue the corresponding credit to your account address on the Stellar ledger.

2) You can make a withdrawal by bringing them the credit they issued.

Stellar has added enhanced security features to its network and a host of apps; including more security features such as multi-signature, batching/atomicy, and businesses can choose which nodes can validate their transactions. These increased security features are especially crucial for STOs, as the tokens represent real-world assets. Moreover, it enables trading between KYC/AML approved addresses only otherwise they stand of risk having a frozen account. It carries a ledger, which is able to store offers that people have made to buy or sell currencies. Offers are public commitments to exchange one type of credit for another at a predetermined rate. The ledger becomes a global marketplace for assets. It also allows you to send any currency you hold to anyone else in a different currency through the built-in distributed exchange. People can receive any currency through an anchor they added.

Errors in the Comparison Below

  • You create custom tokens on Stellar using SDK
  • For custom tokens you don't need a bank account in Stellar

Image Modified

The tipping point towards XinFin comes in when with double the transaction speed as Stellar and less than half the block creation time as that of Stellar, the XinFin coin XDC still manages to remain at a lower price, making it lucrative for small scale investors looking to start with something in the lower range yet carrying huge potential. The multi-currency exchange mechanism and the capability of creating digital assets using XDC token in order to support multiple currencies result in an expansion of feasibility and durability of operations.

Potential Value Opportunities


Quorum adds permissionless POS consensus

Quorum Control and presented by Quorum Control's Founder and CEO, Topper Bowers. 

The title of their presentation is "Topper Talks Tupelo: Introducing the Future of DLT". In the presentation, Topper will give an overview of Tupelo. Tupelo is a permissionless proof of stake DLT platform purpose-built to model individual asset ownership and provenance as the base layer (rather than token exchange). Tupelo introduces a completely unique infrastructure to better support scalable adoption outside of currency-oriented blockchain circles and deliver concrete benefits to users, from enhanced data security to more accurate and transparent record-keeping.

About Topper Bowers:

Topper Bowers is an entrepreneur and engineer with 20+ years focused on building tech that betters people’s lives. Whether he’s designing user interfaces, managing world class teams, or
building high volume distributed systems for large nonprofits and Fortune 50 companies, he’s committed to making the kind of software that can change the world. He’s a former Y-Combinator founder (Summer 2012) with deep knowledge of distributed systems and distributed ledger technology.
