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Table of Contents

Key Points




mobility open blockchain initiative
using blockchain and related technologies to
make mobility safer, greener, and more accessible

MOBI VID shared drive for members

has notes, presentations, meetings information etc

MOBI VID requirements report

MOBI VID meeting notes

MOBI account at

only the main MOBI group is somewhat active here. the sub-groups are normally not very active here

MOBI VID project folder

MOBI UBI project folder 

ubi docs folder

UBI folder

UBI - MOBI Usage Based Insurance Group

defining UBI blockchain concepts, use cases, standards, implementation recommendations

MOBI VID spec draft version 0.3

VID Data Standard V0.3.docx

We are part of the team drafting the spec.

The target is to have the final version of the spec ready for outside review before June

MOBI Electric Grid Integration Spec Draftview only - no print
MOBI Electric Grid Business Casedownload

Other MOBI work working on CORDA solutions maintenance infotainment integration Alexa into vehicle

Key Concepts

MOBI members include: 

Potential Value Opportunities

  1. We helped draft the Vehicle Identity Standard for MOBI ( the v.3 draft document is here )
  2. We can leverage the MOBI model nicely for our related blockchains
  3. MOBI is looking at the connected vehicle interfaces for related blockchains
  4. Many vendors are working on independent projects for connected vehicles and some of those include proprietary blockchain
  5. AGL ( Automotive Grade Linux project ) is probably the leading standard on this planet for connected vehicle integration and management
  6. If we stay partnered with MOBI and AGL we will have the  vehicle integration on the vehicle and related blockchain, AI solutions that we can leverage

Managing Vehicle Data Systems on Blockchain

I am regularly asked ‘are there any use cases for Blockchain and AI, or Blockchain and Big Data’. Well here’s a good one.

Decentralising access to high volume specific, generic or real-time data as input to AIs or as ‘oracles’ to other automated processes (smart contracts or IoT automation) allows for more scalability and potentially demand for data assets.

In line with this approach, this platform will accept stablecoins, rather than having its own native cryptocurrency (showing theyyir revenue model is the data, rather than linking it to a token - nice move).

The data is not held on-chain, but minted as NFTs and brought through from decentralised file storage on-demand, which should improve performance and support GDPR and other privacy considerations.

To what extent other manufacturers will join this initiative will be interesting to see. Many car makers see data as proprietary (even though it may technically belong to the driver of the vehicle!) and have taken a more centralised approach to building walled-garden platforms to protect their own IP or maximise revenue (but not interoperability).

Do you think we’ll see car makers embracing decentralisation and Web3 in future? What’s your take on this Mercedes use case?

Mercedes Benz Ledger Insights Platform for Vehicles

Data Market to buy, sell data for many solutions including AI

Two years ago, we wrote about a Daimler pilot with AI organization Ocean Protocol for decentralized data exchange. This week Daimler South East Asia, part of the Mercedes Benz Group, went into production with its Acentrik blockchain platform, based on that pilot.

Artificial Intelligence and machine learning require data. A lot of it. And enterprises are sitting on massive volumes of data without earning the full financial benefits. Hence the concept of a data marketplace where enterprises can buy and sell data. 

If someone is concerned about privacy, they can share the data in a privacy-preserving manner purely for calculating results without disclosing the underlying data.

Acentrik is squarely targeted at enterprise users, including Know Your Business and extensive access controls. The data is not stored on the blockchain, but a non-fungible token (NFT) represents each dataset and a metadata hash is stored with it. 

Transactions are executed on public blockchains Polygon or the Ethereum Rinkeby test network, but users can pay for data with a stablecoin rather than a cryptocurrency. However, the MATIC crypto is required to pay Polygon gas fees. The underlying data can be stored on IPFS or AWS S3.

Jim >>

Decentralized data management for vehicles is a clear necessity. Like existing IT systems, vehicle systems require identity, role-based access, secure data in-flight, at-rest and in execution. There are many systems and application solutions on vehicles and in the mobility space. Some generate tons of data rapidly. A logical data architecture evolves from an RDD approach ( Responsibility Driven-Design ). ADC - application data controllers can locally process and respond to local events fulfilling the primary responsibilities those controllers  have. There are also many other potential applications that can benefit from access to vehicle data. Some of those applications would support vehicle wellness, the driver or passengers directly. Some link to off-vehicle solutions ( eg Google maps etc ). Normally 3rd party data access requires added governance: consent, anonymization, aggregation and access restrictions in compliance with GDPR and other regulations.

Some of these data use cases would also fit a variety of private, permissioned local blockchain DBs. 

Potential Challenges and Questions 

On-vehicle and off-vehicle systems


In my opinion, if this goes right you have governments providing regulations along with industry consortiums. For example, FINRA does a very good job in the financial services industry providing education and compliance oversight and reducing SEC audit audits and costs.

Candidate Solutions

Step-by-step guide for Example
