Versions Compared


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Potential Value Opportunities

SCS >> Simple ( and extensible ) Supply Chain for Logistics tracking 

track shipments from source to retail using QR codes on products, containers

BVA - Business Value Adds

  1. provenance, traceability, visibility on delays, low-cost operations,
  2. easily extensible using interfaces
  3. easily integrates to external services via API or gRPC or DB state transactions
  4. automated code generation from simple DSL
  5. platform independent with configurable adapters

included use cases

org enrollments


STS - Smart Trust Services: deliver trusted outcomes

Modern Platform ODP supports VCE , DAN, STSVCE runs on Web4 = SSM, SGS, AI, SLT, STS, ODP

automation of trust chain services real-time using BSC - Better Smart Contracts 


  1. Borrows concepts from Distirbuted Data Servcies, Blockchain, STS
  2. Not limited to a blockchain implementation in anyway
  3. Can use STS for trust verification optionally
  4. Operates as a service via API or agent
  5. Provides interfaces for extension services
  6. Configuration by file or variables
  7. platform independent with configurable adapters
  8. Segregates roles for transaction sources and consumers
  9. Supports listeners for consumer services optionally
  10. Defines control blocks for faster processing on transaction apply or undo
  11. Provides search filters by time, by block, by transaction ID, by attributes or combinations of criteria
  12. Provides accurate time series transaction state change tracking for any transaction services  ( SQL, NOSQL, API,  RPC etc )
  13. Optionally tracks post transaction state, pre and post transaction state or state changes only
  14. Platform independent service
  15. Can run asynchronously minimizing performance impacts of transactions
  16. Provides  listeners for reactive event management
  17. Can be used to recover transactions 
  18. Idempotent transactions repeated create the same state footprint except for timestamps, status and origin
  19. SCM life cycle for transactions - transaction request > route > notifications ( synch and asynch ) > execution > commit  > notifications ( synch and asynch ) > finalization >  notifications ( synch and asynch ) 
    1. asynch processing can be done as parallel thread, callback, state db change updates, SSE ( server sent events )


  1. Provides more options than traditional Smart Contracts
  2. As a logical contract service, it can map to multiple execution processes:  smart contracts, API, gRPC etc
  3. Platform independent 
  4. platform independent with configurable adapters
  5. Defines interfaces for extensions
  6. Executes via API, gRPC or local process
  7. Can be assembled easily into data mesh networks using the DSL
  8. Overcomes the problems with DLT Smart Contract oracles
