VCI - Value Chain Innovations and Key Market Impacts for Use Case Context
Investment Summary slide
Summarize the highlights of your business and investment opportunity. Provide a teaser for what's to come. Investment Summary slide example.
VCT - Value Chain Team ( partners, vendors, community concepts too ) for the VCC
Problem slide
Describe the problem you solve. Identify your target customers (and users) and explain why they are frustrated with current solutions. Problem slide example.
VCP - Value Chain Problem Summary in the Use Cases with Key Impact Metrics
Solution slide
Explain how you provide a better solution and list the unique benefits for customers and users. Solution slide example.
VCS - Value Chain Solution Summary, Key Roles and Governance model
Product slide
VCP - Value Chain Product Summary, Key Roles and Governance model
Competition slide
VCSWOT - SWOT analysis Summary for the Market Use Case
Business Model slide
Explain how you make money. Business Model slide example.
VCEF - VCE Market Forecasts on Key Metrics with key Go To Market strategy and verifications and Governance model