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Reference_description_with_linked_URLs_________________________________Notes_________________________________________________________ Cloud products menu

AWS Solution Architectures - pre-defined solution stacks

AWS Solutions are built using services from AWS. They are designed to help you solve common problems and build faster using the AWS platform. All AWS Solutions are vetted by AWS architects and are designed to be operationally effective, reliable, secure, and cost effective. Every AWS Solution comes with detailed architecture, a deployment guide, and instructions for both automated and manual deployment. EC2 docs EC2 Linux docs

AWS pricing

AWS Environment Services
AWS EC2 instance types Storage types Database service options free tier between normal EC2 instances and Lightsail servers

Lightsail - Linux servers

$10 / mo  - 2 GB Memory   1 Core Processor   60 GB SSD Disk   3 TB Transfer*

$20 / mo - 4 GB Memory   2 Core Processor    80 GB SSD Disk    4 TB Transfer*

$40 / mo - 8 GB Memory   2 Core Processor    160 GB SSD Disk   5 TB Transfer*

$80 / mo - 16 GB Memory   4 Core Processor    320 GB SSD Disk   6 TB Transfer*

highly available SSD-backed storage for your Linux or Windows virtual server. Block storage starts at 8 GB and costs 0.10 USD per allocated GB cost optimization cost planning - Planning Dashboard for systems, services cost calculator over on-premise systems cloud services pricing free tier cost calculator - monthly

Cost Optimization in AWS - Best Practices

AWS architecture architect questions EC2 instance types EC2 documentation

AWS services

AWS Lambda Tutorial

External Products on AWS on AWS


The most mature AWS customers are running more than 80% of their EC2 infrastructure covered by RI purchases. A best practice is to not let this number dip below 60% for maximum efficiency.

AWS services

AWS service levels - IAAS, PAAS, FAAS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides the infrastructure to host and run your applications at different levels of abstraction.The most obvious solution for hosting code is of course renting a bare metal machine, setting up the operating system andinstalling all necessary software. You can do that with Amazon EC2, although this service is more known for renting virtualmachines that run on physical hosts provided by Amazon. In both solutions you must care about the operating system you areusing and the installation of the server software (e.g. Tomcat).

Beanstalk - PAAS for Web apps

Amazon Beanstalk goes one step further by providing services that take a ready-to-use war file and deploy it on a virtual machinethat was setup by Amazon on behalf of you. As a developer you no longer have to care about the details of setting up the operatingsystem or the server software. If you implement your application such that it is independent of the OS and runs on the providedversion of Apache Tomcat, Amazon can automatically deploy your software and even scale out the number of virtual machinesnecessary to serve all clients without much delay. You just tell Amazon the limits it should operate in and you can concentrateon the implementation.

AWS Lamba Concepts

AWS Lambda is an event-driven, serverless computing platform provided by Amazon as a part of the Amazon Web Services. Itis a computing service that runs code in response to events and automatically manages the computing resources required by that code.

The purpose of Lambda, as compared to AWS EC2, is to simplify building smaller, on-demand applications that are responsive toevents and new information. AWS targets starting a Lambda instance within milliseconds of an event. Node.js, Python, Java, Goand C# through .NET Core are all officially supported.

AWS Lambda was designed for use cases such as image or objects uploads to Amazon S3, updates to DynamoDB tables,responding to website clicks or reacting to sensor readings from an IoT connected device. AWS Lambda can also be used toautomatically provision back-end services triggered by custom HTTP requests, and "spin down" such services when not in use,to save resources

With Amazon Lambda the level of abstraction is put even one step higher. With Lambda you no longer care about virtualmachines and their scale out yourself. All you have to do is to provide Amazon some code (typically in form of a prepared jarfile) and Amazon cares about its execution on behalf of you. In contrast to Amazon Beanstalk you do not care about the numberof virtual machines used for the execution nor the number of load balancers. Amazon promises to execute your code as often as itis requested. And you pay only for the time used for its execution, not for the time your virtual machines are running.

Stateless function programs

Receive all data as parms, return a value.

Good for lower-level, reactive calculations driven by events from an event source

Potential Value Opportunities

Potential Challenges

Candidate Solutions

AWS free tier services
