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Amazon Beanstalk goes one step further by providing services that take a ready-to-use war file and deploy it on a virtual machinethat was setup by Amazon on behalf of you. As a developer you no longer have to care about the details of setting up the operatingsystem or the server software. If you implement your application such that it is independent of the OS and runs on the providedversion of Apache Tomcat, Amazon can automatically deploy your software and even scale out the number of virtual machinesnecessary to serve all clients without much delay. You just tell Amazon the limits it should operate in and you can concentrateon the implementation.

Serverless function concepts

Containers like Docker provide significant environment isolation and flexibility.

An app in a Docker container only talks to the Docker engine and the configured ports.

It has no idea of the environment or OS it runs in.

Deploying microservices in containers provides major benefits for most use cases:

  • locality of reference on data, libraries within a microservice to a high degree when caching is used
  • environment agnostic
  • easy to scale as a unit independent of other services in other containers

faas - single function deployed as a serverless service

the server is conceptually "invisible" to the developer

sounds simple until you deal with the

serverless is a work in progress in 2019

The most popular serverless platforms--AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Azure Functions--all present challenges once data gets involved. Want to talk to local AWS services? Dead simple. But once authenticated APIs get involved, it’s more of a pain. Where do you store tokens? How do you handle OAuth redirects? How do you manage users? Quickly that narrow use of serverless can snowball into a pile of other public cloud services … to the point that you’ve swapped the complexity developers know for some new piles of stuff to learn.

AWS Lamba Concepts
