- Account Aggregation is a foundation financial data service
- future products can provide more data, function and analytic components of wealth and money management
- Data pipelines connect, transform data sources to data targets in batches or event streams
- Multiple roles to add value in data services: provider, aggregator, agent, cataloger, manager, notifier, security, compliance, transformer, processor, usage, logger, analytics, indexer, archiver, finder, viewer, presenter, access controller, resource manager, identity manager, smart cache
- what are the open-source components we can leverage?
- common architecture for definitions, development, services, deployment, management, support across all platforms is key
- conceptual model: client app > ds broker > ds agent > ds service > resources > ds adapters > client app
- common architecture standards is key, ideally using established orgs ( SOC 2, MOBI, ISO, identity foundation, IEEE, IETF, ISO-20022 fin dsl )
- focus on domains to add value, market segmentation: banking, wealth management, insurance, credit, loans,
- provide leading suite adapters ( eg Salesforce, SAP, HIE etc )
- identity current solution providers for financial data services by domain: equitites, bonds, accounts, purchases, orders
- a data service is a service to other solutions - not a top level solution to users or organizations ( see SWT MySQL rbac data services layer w session and global data frames )
- account aggregator ds value-adds for VSM, VCN
- aggregation, audit, analytics, events, notifications, data trackers, identity, registrations, rbac, dqm, usage x user - data, sql extensions, consent mgt
- find best aggregators and work on SWOT reputations, credentials, consents, privacy policies in standards orgs
- study full Homenet syndication life cycle from market dev through support, retention - api and sftp interfaces
- what are the data products by segment? how are they priced? reward programs for usage over forecast,? revenue gen or cost of business?
- aggregation audit >> what do we have now?
- tech study>> data bricks, spark, container spring boot msvc, rbac fwks
- marketing study>> service business case - who needs? value? other providers SWOT ranked? opporunity sized? success path? success kpi?
- tech costs>> give mid-range providers
- more
DQ Concepts
Big Data Quality Framework Concepts
Potential Value Opportunities