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Table of Contents

Key Points


Key Concepts

MOBI members include: 

Vehicle Data Privacy

Consistent with GDPR, CCPA and other privacy regulations,

Vehicles need to ensure compliance with both regulations and consumer policy preferences for owners, drivers, passengers at all times

See updates on the MOBI site to CMDM rules 

See US regulation proposals from Gina Raimondo, US Secretary of Commerce, on China EV regulations

US to issue rules on Chinese connected vehicles this autumn _ Reuters.   link

US to issue rules on Chinese connected vehicles this autumn _ Reuters.pdf.  file

"We are going to do whatever we need to do to make sure China doesn't use Mexico to end run around these new tariffs," Raimondo said.

Connected cars have onboard integrated network hardware that allows internet access, allowing them to share data with devices both inside and outside the vehicle.

Raimondo said connected vehicles "have thousands of sensors, thousands of chips - they're controlled by software, which is coming from Beijing in the case of Chinese-made cars. They know where the driver goes, what the driving patterns are, what you're saying in your car. It's a lot of data around U.S. persons that goes right back to Beijing."

Potential Value Opportunities


Artificial Intelligence and machine learning require data. A lot of it. And enterprises are sitting on massive volumes of data without earning the full financial benefits. Hence the concept of a data marketplace where enterprises can buy and sell data. 

If someone is concerned about privacy, they can share the data in a privacy-preserving manner purely for calculating results without disclosing the underlying data.

Acentrik is squarely targeted at enterprise users, including Know Your Business and extensive access controls. The data is not stored on the blockchain, but a non-fungible token (NFT) represents each dataset and a metadata hash is stored with it. 


Decentralized data management for vehicles is a clear necessity. Like existing IT systems, vehicle systems require identity, role-based access, secure data in-flight, at-rest and in execution. There are many systems and application solutions on vehicles and in the mobility space. Some generate tons of data rapidly. A logical data architecture evolves from an RDD approach ( Responsibility Driven-Design ). ADC - application data controllers can locally process and respond to local events fulfilling the primary responsibilities those controllers  have. There are also many other potential applications that can benefit from access to vehicle data. Some of those applications would support vehicle wellness, the driver or passengers directly. Some link to off-vehicle solutions ( eg Google maps etc ). Normally 3rd party data access requires added governance: consent, anonymization, aggregation and access restrictions in compliance with GDPR and other regulations.
