Skyve - eos cloud app low-code dev tool

Skyve - eos cloud app low-code dev tool

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Compare to JHipster Lite, Feathers, Grails

Skyve - Github

Skyve is an open-source low-code platform that gives you access to all of the key capabilities needed to build sophisticated, robust and scalable cloud solutions.

Skyve is platform/operating-system independent, works with all common database types, and is accessible through all common browsers and devices.

By incorporating and integrating a range of other open-source technologies to handle persistence, rich UI, security, navigation, reporting, jobs, content, spatial, mobile integration; Skyve provides a platform with all the technology specific areas required to support the Skyve standard for enterprise applications.

Skyve also provides sophisticated validation and a high-level API so that you can build powerful enterprise SaaS solutions.

At any time, branch out into "traditional" development without restriction, but will all the benefits of the API and integrated platform.

Skyve supports spatial concepts natively with MySQL (and MariaDB), SQL Server, Postgres and H2 - Oracle is in beta. Otherwise, pretty much anything supported by Hibernate should work (but we haven’t tested them all!).

For more details on the framework and its capabilities, please check out the platform homepage - www.skyve.org.

Skyve docs

The Skyve platform website which hosts training videos, links to a comprehensive development guide, Skyve tutorial as well as a cookbook.

Skyve Tutorial

This tutorial walks through building a sample application using Foundry and no-code, setting up your development environment and building upon it with low-code, and finally some more advanced logic with code.

User Guide

The user guide is available at https://skyvers.github.io/skyve-user-guide/. The user guide is for end users of Skyve applications and describes how to navigate around the user interface and make use of the built in functions that ship with Skyve.

Development Guide

The development guide is available at github.com/skyvers/skyve-dev-guide. This contains detailed documentation covering the architecture and guiding principles of the framework, as well as explaining all the features and how to get started.

Skyve Cookbook

The Skyve Cookbook is available at github.com/skyvers/skyve-cookbook. This contains code samples of advanced usage such as REST API configuration and troubleshooting advice.

Skyve prereqs

These instructions assume the use of Eclipse with the JBoss Server Tools plugin installed, and Wildfly as the application server.

  • Install a Java 11+ JDK for your operating system.
  • Install Eclipse or an alternative Java based Integrated Development Environment.
  • Install JBoss Wildfly - Our instructions are for Wildfly 20+ - you may be able to use older versions and other application servers if you're familiar with configuration.

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sample code block

sample code block

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