m CTech Colleague Tech

m CTech Colleague Tech

Key Points

  1. ctech supports colleague work, use cases
  2. scope and content varies by enterprise
  3. front line for employee satisfaction and productivity
  4. employee feedback and ideas critical to deliver value moving forward
  5. it's more than tools, it's knowledge and productivity - training on how to use the tools
  6. "show me how to try it, don't teach me" approach
  7. where's the innovation lab for ctech?



191212-Jim Mason Itinerary.pdfctech archtiect interview
ctech architect role
colleague-tech-frank-calabrese-svp-ent-arch.pdfFrank Calabrese  - SVP EA
colleague-tech-Mike-Wischnowsky-infra-msg-mgr.pdfMike Wischnowsky - Mgr Msging Infra
colleague-tech-carla-moraes-svp-infra-suite.pdfCarla Moraes - SVP Infra Suite

Network Virtualization for Dummies - 2015

TCP tutorial IBM - 2006 - comprehensive resource
PAAS - Platform as a Service for Dummies Guide 2015
SharePoint 2010 - site guide
SharePoint 2010 - Web guide
SharePoint 2010 - Work flow guide
Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches

Agile ALM - App Lifecycle Mgt ebook
Business Analysis BOK - 2015 - ebook
IBM I Web Development 2012 ebook

ASP.Net v4 - 2014 - ebook

vdi thin client buyers guide 2019 ebook
Vdi desktop apps and services buyers guide 2019 ebook
Vdi tools buyers guide 2019 ebook
Office 365 Business Editions comparison link

BPM for Dummies ebook 2018
C# in Depth - 2014 - ebook
Clouds Private for Dummies ebook 2017
Azure Data Engineering v4 ebook
Big Data ebook 2018
Beyond Spreadsheets with R - 2019
Machine Learning for Business ebook
Data Science Bootcamp ebook 2019
Liferay in Action ebook 2017
Kubernetes in Action ebook 2019
Kafka Streams in Action ebook 2018
Hadoop in Action v1 ebook - 2018
Groovy in Action 2nd edition ebook
Grails in Action 2nd edition ebook
Get MEAN w Mongo Express Angular Nodejs 2nd edition ebook
Google Cloud Platform in Action 1st edition ebook
Docker In Action 2nd edition ebook

Key Concepts

CTECH service components list


Desktop devices

Mobile devices

IAM service
Active Directory or ?




Sametime 8.5

Exchange 2010

Office Communicator 2007

Lync 2010 / Skype



Message Labs

Google Postini email

Blackberry Enterprise

SMTP with Ironport

secure email with Voltage

user surveys

user store

user store

user store

enterprise shared office

enterprise shared office

o365 editions


Windows VDI
Citrix server

F5 router

temp fix - bypass rules on security for speed - avoid the filtering rules for selected inputs

model: 30% remote come in to net and out for internet

migrate HR intranet to SharePoint cloud

MS Teams
from sametime ?

Profilers ?

User apps?

Business app access catalog?

App access methods?

External permissioned networks? log on?
github, JIRA, etc

External  permissioned networks? API?

github etc

Remote desktops?
Citrix or Mocha or UVNC or xserver export

UEC workspaces
Citirix Ready workspace hub - team policies, management, authorizations?

Chat ?
Slack, rocketchat vs Sametime

BI ?
PowerBi,  BIRT or ?

Video ?
Sametime or Skype or ?

Mail ?
Exchange or ?

Kbase ?

User sites?

SharePoint or Confluence or ???

MS Project or Smartsheet or GSheet?

Asset Mgt ?
ALM or ?

IAM Mgt ?
MS AD or ?

User wallets?
IAM, certs, certs x role?, funds ?

SIEM tie for end user?

Service Desk?

Online Help?

Request System?

Defect System?

EOS strategy?
Lower vendor risk better portability

audit trails, app recovery spaces for users, teams

R ?  PowerBI ? or ?

Smart Agents?

Keras or ?

Recovery tools?
audit trails, app recovery spaces for users, teams

Audit tools?

BPM services?
define / run

App gen ?
Defin / Gen / Test / Share / Support

User print?

User reports?

User xlsx RT?

User video?

Online classes?
MOOC etc  - Moodle or ?

CFG ctech questions

  1. cloud services, solutions strategy where it works
  2. moving IBM VDI services in-house and IBM management
    1. weak business partnerships, good operations support
  3. moving to hybrid cloud using IBM services
  4. Azure is strategic platform
    1. MS won't work with other software - eg O365 workers in MS Team only - not existing directory groups
  5. need proactive capacity management
    1. worked for F5 usage forecast
  6. ctech team read-only access to all - minus security?
  7. monitoring tools - security,
  8. project models for:  tactical, analysis, small, enterprise
  9. stakeholder RACI maps?
  10. TOGAF and UX models ?
  11. std solution template for EA
    1. goals > assumptions ( constraints ) > strategies > options > recommendation > expected impacts > delivery keys / risks > operations keys / risks > gnatt milestones > commitments > WBS > sprints
    2. EA SME - stewards solution through engineering, operations
    3. need internal Kbase
  12. where should we use MS Teams?
  13. more

My Experience Areas

my skill sets ...

design, modeling, support, pm, architecture, security
java, nodejs, grails, groovy, some python, go
plsql. sql, nosql
was, mq, ( no dp - wso2, now zuul )
some jenkins

avoid custom ux front-ends - react, angualr - waste of time

- tensorflow, keras tutorial
- db acid, fmr, normalization,
- ?? oracle epm overview slides ??
- lean six sigma concepts
- java lambda
- python for java dev
- powershell basic tutorial
- java spark tutorial
- java kafka overview
- spring boot w iam rest api tutorial
- node.js rest api w iam
- aws practioner course
- iam tools ??

new ideas ???
- nodered for iot
- grails, loopback
- did, wallets, tokens, recommenders w feedback

ESB vs Message Broker


Mule is an ESB (Enterprise Service Bus). RabbitMQ is a message broker.

An ESB provides added layers atop of a message broker such as routing, transformations and business process management. It is a mediator between applications, integrating Web Services, REST endpoints, database connections, email and ftp servers - you name it. It is a high-level integration backbone which orchestrates interoperability within a network of applications that speak different protocols.

A message broker is a lower level component which enables you as a developer to relay raw messages between publishers and subscribers, typically between components of the same system but not always. It is used to enable asynchronous processing to keep response times low. Some tasks take longer to process and you don't want them to hold things up if they're not time-sensitive. Instead, post a message to a queue (as a publisher) and have a subscriber pick it up and process it "later".

ESBs include:  IBM IIB, Mule etc

Message Brokers include: IBM MQ, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, Kafka etc 

Kafka as a Message Broker


Kafka can be used as a message broker by dynamically routing messages to a single listener and, if not handled, re-route to a next listener

Routed messages are set to no longer available on the queue to avoid sending the same message twice to different handlers

Java Spring Boot app using Kafka as message broker tutorial


kafka-java-tutorial-developer.okta.com-Kafka with Java Build a Secure Scalable Messaging App.pdf

Node-RED IoT event message framework with custom JS functions


Low-code programming for event-driven applications for Node.js apps


Node-Red prebuilt


data services - Node-RED

Node-RED basics video

Node-RED best pracices video

Potential Value Opportunities

Potential Challenges

Candidate Solutions

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

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