Key Points
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Key Concepts
Potential Value Opportunities
3D Wood Home Printing at UM in Orono
state of Maine, where approximately 80,000 new homes will be needed by 2030 to address a shortage, according to a report released last year by three state agencies.
Habib Dagher, the executive director of the University of Maine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center (ASCC)
he university unveiled the “BioHome3D,” a 600-square-foot single-family unit which it says is the world’s first 100% bio-based 3D-printed home, built from local wood fiber and bio-resin materials.
the floor, roof and walls of the BioHome3D were all printed.
If they can reach that target ( 1000 pounds / hr ), their 3D-printed homes will be “very competitive with current housing construction costs,” he adds.
Potential Challenges
Candidate Solutions
Recommended Next Steps
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