Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Key Points 


Table of Contents

Key Points 

  1. public and private markets are regulated differently
  2. markets, securities, trading and settlement are subject to the regulations for the related jurisdictions those activities occur in
  3. all parties should "lean into" regulations, not away from them > work with regulators to make it easy, transparent, accurate, useful, timely

Key Items


m Blockchain Financial Services - DeFi - NFTs
m Digital Currency and CBDC
_dtcc gdrive


create platform to add, extend on for all ? for payments? clearance? settlement?

partners, developer startup programs, platform, apis, open architecture, security services apis

Regulation news file ** to Test Blockchain Technology in Traditional Market Activities-220608.pdf file **
SEC Gensler looks to change order placement in trading 220608 considers move to auction trade placements

Project updates

References - data governance - metadata, catalogs, dictionaries *


ECB post trade concepts *** SEC approves new US exchange with blockchain feed faster settlement.pdfBSTX creates DLT trading platform ***
bstx-sec-app-details-blockchain-trading-settlement-34-94092.pdfBSTX SEC application details ***

Boston FED, MIT research on CBDC - 2022

MIT hamilton github architecture overview

Vipin's Forbes review of Hamilton CBDC project

Project Hamilton    github-opencdbc-tx   

DTCC Project Lithium overviewProject Lithium overview  DTCC
Digital Dollar ProjectDigital Dollar Project 
US Executive Order on Digital Assets March 9 2022US Executive Order on Digital Assets March 9 2022

DTCC Settlement Service Guide ( public ) data taxonomies
IMF-2022-cbdc-Behind the Scenes of Central Bank Digital Currency-1644516967687.pdf failure on DLT 

Difference between Private Equity PE and Venture Capital VC

People Steve Rubinow - capital markets services on AI


Securities Markets & Trading

  1. many jurisdictions, markets, marketplaces, exchanges, participants
  2. assets both real and tokenized
  3. payments in many different formats
  4. many networks connect to enable markets, trading, clearing, settlement, custody and more

Securities Clearing and Settlement


wholesale and retail markets

A Prefunded Account is a collateralised trading account where the trading limit is equivalent to the amount of funds deposited into the account. It lets you enjoy lower online brokerage rates for SGX and other markets.

Prefunded Load

Pre-fundingverifies that the accounts involved, for either an individual or a batch of payments, have the necessary funds available to successfully complete the transactions. The accounts are tested, and possibly posted, to ensure that they have the funds required.


  1. Buyer and Seller have accounts with a decentralized exchange ( DEX )
  2. Buyer and Seller have software or hardware wallets and applications to access their DEX platform
  3. the DEX platforms can access ALL related assets for sale on ALL DEX s to get the best prices ( not true in crypto now ) 
  4. the DEX platforms are backed by custodian banks with insurance on assets from bank failure ( not true in many cases now )
  5. the DEX trading fees are low ( not as low as CeFi - Classic Finance platforms now )
  6. the DEX purchase fees for purchases of products ( eg debit cards ) are low ( similar or higher than existing bank debit cards )
  7. the DEX withdrawal fees for withdrawal of fiat for crypto are zero ( no they are very high today )
  8. the DEX provides fully compliant KYC, AML and OFAC verifications on all account holders and asset transfers ( usually not true )
  9. the management of accounts, funds and trades at a DEX involves no security risks or identity theft risks ( not true )

process for escrow settlement of a trade


Through Daml, issuers and end investors gain better, timelier access to information and greater control and confidence in their securities processing. After a successful prototype, ASX announced that Daml-driven distributed ledger technology (DLT) would replace CHESS. Its ability to support the stable, orderly function of this high volume market was confirmed by third party security reviews

ASX has also recently launched Synfini, a “DLT as a Service” platform that allows customers to build their own enterprise DLT applications and solutions on the same VMware Blockchain and Daml technology that the ASX is using for its CHESS Replacement project.

The “DLT as a Service” solution includes three elements:
