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Reference_description_with_linked_URLs____________________________Notes____________________________________________________________ Design documents from wiki - see github and Jira also product roadmap - JIRA playbacks of design docs server messages public meetings calendar rocket chat channels Fabric product query
file:///C:/Users/Jim%20Mason/Google%20Drive/_docs/howto/tech/blockchain/hyperledger/fabric/docs/design/v2.0/Hyperledger%20JIRA%202019-06-21T14_34_03-v2p0-carrot.xlsxdownload of Jira Fabric product query

Fabric Internal Architecture - IBM - v1.4x

IBM Blockchain Blockchain uses Kubernetes to create networks joining peer nodes from Azure, AWS and Google 3rd party copy of Fabric docs

Fabric Features- More resources

Private Data Collections - 2018 - slides,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,31717564Implicit private data collections answer - 2019 Private Data Concepts SideDb

External Chaincode execution from build packs vs Docker

Fabric component services
m gRPC and other protocolsgRPC to executes the smart contract deployed through the chaincode as a remote process that interacts with peer via gRPC.

Fabric interfaces

Hyperledger Fabric EVM chaincode

enables one to use the Hyperledger Fabric permissioned blockchain platform to interact with Ethereum smart contracts written in an EVM compatible language such as Solidity or Vyper. - oracle support for external data in smart contracts

Deployment and Management - manage and deploy by node w multiple admins lab for Fabric v1.3 - 2018


After transaction commit completion notification, validate block hashes the same on peers if desired 

Each peer logs its block commit hash every block at INFO level. The block commit hash is a hash over all valid transactions that are written to state database. So you can compare block commit hashes across peers to ensure no fork. Look for a peer INFO message every block containing 'commitHash', e.g.:


Some users do like to validate query results by querying a 2nd peer to ensure they get the same results, that certainly is a valid pattern for critical applications.

Related upcoming work: - A 'checkpoint' feature will allow peers to bootstrap a channel from a known good state without having to process all prior blocks since genesis block. The feature can also be used to compare global state across peers. - BFT for ordering service to ensure a sufficient number of ordering service nodes sign off on blocks.

We will socialize RFCs for these proposed work items once they become available.


Dave Enyeart


step 5 - any dependent actors are notified of the completion of the purchase which may trigger additional transactions ( eg start an automatic purchase warranty etc )

Fabric v3x Features

see HLF Contributor 2024 meeting notes

Remaining items for production v3.0 release

  • Previously deprecated features that have already been removed in v3 main branch
    • system channel
    • solo ordering (instead, utilize single node Raft)
    • kafka ordering (instead, utilize Raft)
    • configtxgen flag --outputAnchorPeersUpdate  flag (instead, utilize channel config updates)
    • fabric-tools image (instead, utilize client connections into Fabric networks)
  • Need to finish
    • Finish SmartBFT
      • Finish tests
      • Fix frequent test failures in SmartBFT unit tests and integration test
      • Allow the peer delivery client to select between Deliverer or BFTDeliverer - PR #4856
    • Finish v1 chaincode lifecycle removal - keep external APIs but just return an error message - Tatsuya can help Artem
    • Remove ability to specify orderer endpoints in channel configuration at global level 'Orderer.Addresses' as deprecated in v2 (instead, utilize v2 'OrdererEndpoints' in org config) - PR #4800
    • Change peer property blockGossipEnabled default to false - Block dissemination via gossip already deprecated in v2 (recommendation is to configure all peers as org leaders to receive blocks from ordering service).
  • #3663 Fabric v3 epic misc items 
    • #3306 new channel config MaxWriteSize, prevents large writes that potentially exceeds CouchDB max_document_size
    • #3343 ed25519 support
    • #3650 fabric-protos Go bindings based on protocol buffer APIv2 (v1 protobuf is deprecated) - potential deferral
    • #3704 older v3 ideas from Jira - e.g. Remove support for remaining Go plugins (endorsement and validation plugins) - potential deferral

Potential Value Opportunities
