m Fabric Architecture
Key Points
- why blockchain ? Brian Behlendorf podcast
DID ??
- Fabric privacy models
- channels
- Channels are used when information is not desired to be shared with the entire network
- limited value - can work for application segregation ( eg inventory = channel A, Sales = channel B etc )
- private data
- private data database is operated alongside the ledger to store private data that may be referenced, ensuring private information remains private.
- zero knowledge proofs to validate information without revealing the details
- zero-knowledge proof technologies enable a party who possesses private information to prove to another party that the information satisfies a certain set of properties without revealing the information
- missing >> default one to one shared data ( eg Corda )
- by default all 1000 nodes create one to one connections ( not distributed like Fabric )
- Fabric channels way too cumbersome to administer for many one to one relations
- query all or query all subset should be a logical scope on the network to see ledgers across N orgs
- channels
- External Chaincode
- chaincode that executes outside of a Docker container using new build packs for /design /build /test /deploy /run
- more
Fabric needs an Architecture Strategy - NOT another product roadmap
Jim quote - 200514 on Fabric Architecture Strategy
We're at an interesting point in blockchain as the both production solutions and new use cases drive the future of blockchain. A mature platform like Hyperledger Fabric scales well and offers the flexiblity to adapt to different use cases. I see significant improvements coming in the architecture strategy for enterprise blockchain that can be delivered smoothly. The improvements will accelerate the integration and value delivered by blockchain for enterprises.
Fabric Features Summary 2023
Below are some of the key features of Hyperledger Fabric and what differentiates it from other distributed ledger technologies.
• Permissioned architecture
• Highly modular
• Pluggable consensus
• Open smart contract model — flexibility to implement any desired solution model (account model, UTXO model, structured data, unstructured data, etc)
• Low latency of finality/confirmation
• Flexible approach to data privacy : data isolation using ‘channels’, or share private data on a needto-know basis using private data ‘collections’
• Multi-language smart contract support: Go, Java, Javascript • Support for EVM and Solidity
• Designed for continuous operations, including rolling upgrades and asymmetric version sup-port
• Governance and versioning of smart contracts
• Flexible endorsement model for achieving consensus across required organizations
• Queryable data (key-based queries and JSON queries)
Fabric Blockchain Application Conceptual Architecture
Fabric Feature docs
- interop doc
- confidential private data fixes
- nodejs ioc
- new pgm model
- private local collections
local scope collections
- state based endorsement
- rework ledger architecture for endorsement
Key Concepts
Execute-Order-Commit process
After transaction commit completion notification, validate block hashes the same on peers if desired
Each peer logs its block commit hash every block at INFO level. The block commit hash is a hash over all valid transactions that are written to state database. So you can compare block commit hashes across peers to ensure no fork. Look for a peer INFO message every block containing 'commitHash', e.g.:
Some users do like to validate query results by querying a 2nd peer to ensure they get the same results, that certainly is a valid pattern for critical applications.
Related upcoming work:
https://jira.hyperledger.org/browse/FAB-106 - A 'checkpoint' feature will allow peers to bootstrap a channel from a known good state without having to process all prior blocks since genesis block. The feature can also be used to compare global state across peers.
https://jira.hyperledger.org/browse/FAB-33 - BFT for ordering service to ensure a sufficient number of ordering service nodes sign off on blocks.
We will socialize RFCs for these proposed work items once they become available.
Dave Enyeart
Fab-token process model
Hi Sheehan,
One of the triggers for the deeper evaluation around post-order execution is in fact the operations support proposal from State Street. You made the point on one of the playback calls that we shouldn't hold up operations support while at the same time squeezing token processing into the current validation/commit code path. The maintainers agree and are acting on that feedback. We are taking a look at the broader post-order execution strategy so that various processing models can be supported beyond just token processing.
In terms of collaboration, the best place to start would be the design document under FAB-12221 related to improving the validation/commit path: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BBVA8u-GJ99ZYRT015PAnMVK4_pKv53Y-kiP9lZX8Gc/edit
I'd say digest that first and then let's have a deeper conversation, either in the doc or regular maintainer call or web conference. It is actually good timing - with the v2.0 lifecycle work winding down, focus is shifting to the validation and post-order execution work items. As mentioned on the last maintainer meeting, v2.0 will not be rushed out to hit an arbitrary date. The focus is on getting the codebase, along with test suites and CI, into a state that is easier to maintainer and extend, before incrementing the next major release number. In the interim, quarterly releases will continue on the v1.4.x LTS release for critical fixes and improvements.
In terms of the fate of the alpha token code, the code paths will either be disabled or removed before the v2.0 release, depending on how much we think it can be leveraged for the broader post-order execution work items.
Dave Enyeart
1.1 Fabric Transaction validation model
1.3 Additional minor nuances
2 Key level endorsements and challenges
3 New upcoming features and challenges
5 Problems with Operations Support in current form
In this document, first, we recap the fabric transaction validation model and the initial implementation that supported only chaincode level endorsement policies. Second, we discuss the challenges that were introduced by the feature key-level endorsement and how the initial implementation was limited to incorporate those demands. In this section, we also discuss the modifications that were done to the initial implementation in order to support key-level endorsements (i.e., the current implementation) and the resultant complexity and limitations that this lead to. Third, we discuss the demands from some of the upcoming features and how the current implementation is limited to cater some of those demands. Finally, we propose a refactoring that should support the new demands and should be able to remove some of the complexity.
A high level three step flow of the block validation and commit comprise as follows
- Coordinator (gossip) passes the block to validator that performs endorsement and other checks
- Coordinator collects private data (currently for only the transactions that are found valid in the step 1 above, but will be collected for invalid transactions in future releases to support reprocessing scenarios)
- Coordinator passes the block and private data to ledger for mvcc validation and commit.
Opportunity to reuse data in secured cache
Steps 1 and 3 modifies the tx-validation-codes in the metadata section of the block. The input and output to each of the above is the block and hence it requires unmarshalling the blocks data multiple times. Though, this itself is not as big a problem to solve and can always be solved by introducing a wrapper that wraps the block and keeps the already unmarshalled content in a cache to reuse across phases, still this is good to mention here.
Fabric Transaction Cycle Overview diagram - v1x
Fabric Transaction flow v1x - low-level client control
Fabric Interoperability Solutions
There are multiple Hyperledger blockchain projects. Some provide a blockchain execution platform ( Fabric, Sawtooth, Iroha, Burrow ) and some provide services to platforms ( Composer, Explorer, Cello, etc ).
There are different conceptual models for Interoperability that fit different use cases for interoperability.
Interoperability use case examples
Atomic swaps
- the basic atomic swap for tokens - a very limited use case defined by ILP
Contract A calls Contract B - read-only
- Contract A calls Contract B to check a customer credit limit before opening a new order
Contact A calls Contract B - read and write
- Contract A creates an accident report on Govt DLT and calls Contract B to update a related insurance claim on an insurance DLT
Dynamically connecting new nodes to a network
- Node A on Network N provides a gateway connection for Node B to join Network N
Interoperability use case requirements for 2 separate DLTs
- smart contracts defined and understood by both DLTs
- common semantic data models defined and understood by both DLTs for shared data
- dynamic directory services to establish overlay networks
- policies that allow nodes to participant in both networks
- nodes connecting to a DLT have valid identities and permissions on those DLTs
- each DLT has a consensus governance model in place for that DLT
- all transactions created by smart contracts crytpographically signed by the required parties
- logical transaction boundary that can incorporate related transactions on all DLTs and guarantee finality
- shared, secure, private off-chain data across DLTs effectively when required by a use case ( not all use cases need this )
Tong Li - Fabric Interoperability Feature - v1.4x
Interoperability Scenarios Defined Today
Client applications connect blockchains using multiple connections and contracts
In almost every case, interoperability can be done at the client application layer regardless of the blockchains involved. The client application can connect to 2 different types of blockchains concurrently, transact with each and act as a middleman providing 2-way transaction updates across the blockchains. An Ethereum blockchain could be connected to a Fabric blockchain this way.
If I have a Fabric blockchain for an auto dealer supply network and an Ethereum insurance network, my client app could sell a vehicle from my dealership to another dealer using a Fabric smart contract and call the a smart contract on the insurance network to cancel an existing policy on the vehicle.
Interledger Protocol for Payments
ILP - Interledger protocol is a simple payments protocol only for interoperability between 2 blockchains. The only scenario supported is an atomic swap payment that will update both ledgers state synchronously.
Ledger A pays Ledger B an amount X.
This model is limited and not related to normal interoperability use cases.
See Hyperledger Quilt for more - https://www.hyperledger.org/projects/quilt
Smart Contract Oracles - read only access using another contract in the same blockchain
Fabric, Ethereum and other blockchains support smart contract A calling smart contract B on the same blockchain platform. This is typically in a read-only access.
If smart contract A is entering an order, contract A can call smart contract B to check a customer's credit limit to see if the order is valid. What normally can't be done in that scenario is contract A calling a contract C that updates the customer's open credit balance when the new order is placed.
Adding new organizations to a Fabric blockchain network
Fabric has features to support adding new organizations to a Fabric blockchain easily. Service discovery allows blockchain components to find new assets on the network dynamically. The new interoperability feature makes it easy for an admin to add new organizations to an existing network. If network A has 10 suppliers on the blockchain and we have a network B with 4 suppliers, it's easy to add network B to network A using an interoperability configuration in the admin dashboard.
Interoperability between 2 Fabric blockchain channels
Fabric supports channels in a Fabric blockchain. Each channel has a physically separate blockchain.
This can be useful an auto dealer network had inventory management on blockchain channel A and payments management on blockchain channel B. In that scenario, selling a vehicle on the inventory channel with smart contract A1 could invoke a smart contract B1 to execute the payment by the buyer for the vehicle.
See Fabric Interoperability Group - https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/fabric/Fabric+Interop+Working+Group
See Fabric Interoperability Test - https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/fabric/Interop+Test
See Fabric Interoperability Docs - https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/fabric/Interop+Documents
See Fabric Interoperability Patterns - https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/fabric/Interop+Patterns
See this very limited example for atomic swaps on 2 Fabric channels - https://blockchain-fabric.blogspot.com/2019/02/fabric-interoperability-atomic-commit.html
Interoperability between Fabric blockchains and Ethereum contracts
Planned support to run Ethereum Solidity contracts in Hyperledger Fabric using the Burrow EVM
Many DApps (Decentralized Applications) written in Solidity or other EVM languages can benefit from being able to run in a permissioned blockchain like Fabric with minimum modification.
Ethereum created the Ethereum Virtual Machine (a.k.a EVM), a Turing-complete stack machine, to execute smart contract in EVM-bytecode, which is compiled from high level languages, such as Solidity, Serpent, LLL, Mutan and Viper. From the EVM point of view, once those programs are compiled into EVM-bytecode, original choice of language is irrelevant.
EVM is currently part of Ethereum codebase, which is licensed under LGPL-3.0.
Burrow is a permissioned blockchain framework that has its own EVM implementation that is Apache 2.0 licensed, so that programs written in those smart contract languages can run in a consortium chain leveraging a Hyperledger project such as Sawtooth or Fabric, instead of a public chain such as Ethereum.
IBM principles for blockchain
The Five Principles for Blockchain outlined by IBM are as follows:
- Open
Use of Open Source promotes innovation and better quality code - Permissioning
A permissioned network promotes trust and confidentiality. Unlike anonymous blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum, illegal activity can be controlled. - Governance
Universal and transparent governance ensures that the network is not abused and serves the needs of its users. - Standards
Use of interoperable standards encourage innovation. Today’s blockchain implementations are primarily independent entitites. - Privacy
Blockchain should be able to control who can access data and when. Privacy regulations, like GDPR, also need to be complied with.
Fabric Internal Architecture - v1.4x - IBM au
This documentation is organised into four main sections:
- Overview: this section provides an overview of the architecture and the key design principles adopted by Hyperledger Fabric to implement the execution and management of smart contracts. It discusses the rationale, benefits, and advantage of the approach and it introduces the the key concepts of shim and chaincode stub.
- Interaction Protocol: this section dives into the details of the chaincode-peer interaction protocol and discusses the various phases of the protocol, from the connection establishment to the execution of transactions. It also provides an overview of the messages exchanged and their meaning.
- Shim Architecture: this section dives into the implementation of the fabric chaincode shim, which is the process that hosts the smart contract and interfaces it with the Fabric peer. The section discusses the architecture, design, its key components and the protocol used to interact with the peer. If you want to know how
and other methods work look in here. - Peer Architecture: this section discusses the internal architecture of the peer, its breakdown into subsystems and components. It details how these are involved and participate in the manageemnt of the life-cycle of the chaincode and the execution of transactions. If you want to know what happens when a client submits a transaction proposal, look here.
- Support for New Languages: this section provides an overview of the key components that need to be modified and implemented to enable Hyperledger Fabric with the ability of managing chaincode in another language than Java, Node, or Go. If you want to get to the action and see what takes, jump here.
What You Need To Know
This documentation assumes that the you have a general understanding of Hyperledger Fabric, its key components, and the transaction execution flow, as a user of this platform. If you need a refresh on these concepts, have a look at the Key Concepts section on the Hyperledger Fabric documentation.
Justitia - management and deployment on Fabric networks
Justitia helps consortium members generate and maintain all of their certificates, easily deploy and maintain their own nodes. On the other hand, it helps users manage the configuration of consortium and channels, including configurations such as members and policies.
we urgently need a tool to help us manage the identity, nodes, channels, and consortium members on the fabric.
ustitia not only helps affiliate members manage all of their identity data in the federation, but also helps users deploy fabric nodes, dynamically create and manage channels, and members of federation.
This project uses Fabric ca manage and maintain organizational identity information, and maintains and monitors Fabric nodes by using docker's http PAI, and maintain data on the fabric network through fabric-sdk-java. The structural design of the project is divided into four parts, as shown in the following picture. The DB/File is used to store identity data including certificates and private keys. Service defines some business modules that are provided to the Scheduler call. The Scheduler performs identity verification and defines a series of REST interfaces; the WEB provides data display and service calls through the REST interface provided by the Scheduler.
- Dao serverProvide data storage and read interface, you can customize to use different databases according to your needs, MYSQL is used by default.
- Fabric serverThe fabric-sdk-java is packaged to provide some simple service interfaces.
- Chaincode serverProvides chain management capabilities such as installation, instantiation, and upgrade with the Fabric SDK. Chain code installation supports uploading local source files and getting codes from the code repository.
- Node serverBy calling Docker's Rest API to create and manage node containers, users can dynamically adjust the number of nodes as needed. When deploying a node, the system provides a default configuration for the node, and the user can also override the configuration according to the actual situation. The system monitors the status information of the node. When the status of the node is abnormal, the system notifies the administrator to handle the situation through email or SMS.
- Identity serverThe maintenance of identity information is done by means of fabric ca, including registration, renewal and revocation of certificates. In the database, we store the certificate and private key so that when the user needs to deploy a new node or use a new client user, the service can provide all the required certificates and private keys. When the certificate needs to invalidate the original certificate due to the leakage of the private key, etc., the system can help the user revoke the relevant certificate and update the CRL to the channel configuration.
- Channel server
Channel services manage a member of consortium or channel by submitting channel configurations.
The consortium administrator who holds the private key of the administrator of the orderer can manage members of consortium by modifing the configuration of the system channel. The applicant generates configuration data including the identification information of the organization by the system, and then sends it as an application material to the consortium administrator through other forms such as mail.
On the other hand, the process of endorsing by the organization administrator user cannot be done on the chain. It is too complicated to introduce a centralized service to help complete the signature process. In order to solve this problem in the chain, we added a system chain code CMSCC (channel manager system chain code) to the implementation of this signature process. The process of joining a member as shown in the figure below is similar to the process of joining a consortium
Fabric Gardener - oracle for external data access on blockchain
Gardener is a modular and secure oracle node implementation for transferring external data into a blockchain. It allows for the integration of multiple data sources and security features from which an oracle node can be containerized. Gardener provides the libraries and integrations for the data sources, security features and integration to Hyperledger Fabric.
The initial contributions to Gardener have been made by Espeo Software (espeo.eu). It is licenced under the open source MIT license and the source code can be found at https://github.com/EspeoBlockchain.
Gardener is a free to use, fully open source oracle node implementation. It is important to have a modular solution that can be deployed easily and integrated to any blockchain. This will ease the development work and allow for a secure way for accessing off chain data.
The ongoing work tasks include:
- Hyperledger Fabric integration
- IntelSGX remote attestation
- Proven off chain computation
Our code is available at https://github.com/EspeoBlockchain.
Gardener project consist of 2 main components and 1 support utility. The first main component is a set of smart contracts (or chaincodes) with the main one called Oracle and others, which act as helpers. All requests go through the Oracle contract, which knows how to handle each of them. The responsibilities of the Oracle contract are request validation. This means checking that the entity performing the request is valid and that the parameters of the request are correct. It also issues events about new requests and proxies the requested data back to the correct address. Contracts using the oracle have to be either extending Gardener using the Oracle contract or at minimum following its interface.
Gardener offers also wrappers for other oracle solutions like OraclizeIT to allow users to easily migrate from SaaS solutions to Gardener without changing implementation. Wrappers are translators between the backward compatible interface of another oracle into the interface of Gardener oracle (currently only OraclizeIT is supported, but others can be added easily on demand).
The second main component of Gardener project is the Gardener Server. It is the off chain entity that fetches and passes the information that was requested by the Oracle contract. It was designed using a hexagonal architecture approach. This means that in its core it keeps business logic of its behavior and all the technical implementations are external. Because of this new integrations can be added very easily by just writing the technical integration. This means that integration of, for example, a new blockchain, storage or data source is easy and does not require modifications to the main flow of the application.
The main flow of the server application looks as follows: the server listens for new blocks in a given blockchain. If new blocks appear they are checked for events related to oracle requests. If there are any, the events are saved into storage (all requests are saved regardless if they are delayed or not). We use the system scheduler Cron for checking the saved events for delayed requests. Cron periodically asks storage for requests, which are ready to execute. The requests which are ready are parsed from the stored string request. After parsing the request the requested data is fetched and the received response is filtered using one of commonly known filtering patterns. Currently we support JSONPath and XPath supported for filtering. Finally, the filtered data is then pushed to the blockchain as a new transaction.
The third component, the helper for the main components, is Gardener Monitor. It helps to look at incoming requests and outgoing responses. It connects directly to Oracle contract and monitors state changes in it. It is designed to help during development as a GUI interface and in the future we plan that it would also allow to check proofs or executed processing.
Currently the only supported blockchain is Ethereum. However, Gardener team is on their way to introduce a Hyperledger Fabric integration. Thanks to the architecture design described above that integration should not be much time-consuming. We are currently working on writing the complementary chain codes which have the same responsibilities as smart contracts written for Ethereum. By doing so we will add a Hyperledger Fabric integration into the Gardener Server. Some Proof of Concept work was already done and now the result of it is waiting to be incorporated into more production-ready software.
Efforts and Resources
Currently there are four core people working on Gardener, outlined at the Sponsor(s) section. All are working part-time.
Two main backend developers involved are Krzysztof Wedrowicz and Krzysztof Spisak-Spisacki. In addition we have multiple other developers working on various components We hope to have larger Hyperledger community support in the future as we further our development.
Road map
October 2019
- Hyperledger Fabric integration
- IntelSGX remote attestation
- Update, refactor and polish the Monitor
After October 2019
- Off Chain computation with and without proofs
- Work on other Hyperledger greenhouse projects
- Decentralized consensus based on ring signatures
- SWIFT / payment integrations
Fabric invocation of EVM Smart Contracts
Hyperledger Fabric EVM chaincode
enables one to use the Hyperledger Fabric permissioned blockchain platform to interact with Ethereum smart contracts written in an EVM compatible language such as Solidity or Vyper.
Fab3 is a Web3 provider for Ethereum contract access via the EVM Chaincode
Fab3 is a web3 provider that allows the use of ethereum tools such as Web3.js and the Remix IDE to interact with the Ethereum Smart Contracts that have been deployed through the Fabric EVM Chaincode.
For the most up to date instruction set look at the ethservice and netservice implementations. For details about limitations and implementations of the the instructions look at the Fab3 Instructions.
To run Fab3, the user needs to provide a Fabric SDK Config and Fabric user information. To specify the Fabric user, the organization and user id needs to be provided which corresponds to the credentials provided in the SDK config. We provide a sample config that can be used with the first network example from the fabric-samples repository. The credentials specified in the config, are expected to be in the directory format that the cryptogen binary outputs.
Fab3 tutorial to run Ethereum Smart Contracts on Fabric
Web3.js - library of ethereum routines
The web3.js library is a collection of modules which contain specific functionality for the ethereum ecosystem.
- The
is for the ethereum blockchain and smart contracts - The
is for the whisper protocol to communicate p2p and broadcast - The
is for the swarm protocol, the decentralized file storage - The
contains useful helper functions for Dapp developers.
Adding web3.js
First you need to get web3.js into your project. This can be done using the following methods:
- npm:
npm install web3
- meteor:
meteor add ethereum:web3
- pure js: link the
After that you need to create a web3 instance and set a provider. Ethereum supported Browsers like Mist or MetaMask will have a ethereumProvider
or web3.currentProvider
available. For web3.js, check Web3.givenProvider
. If this property is null
you should connect to a remote/local node.
// in node.js use: var Web3 = require('web3');
var web3 = new Web3(Web3.givenProvider || "ws://localhost:8546");
That’s it! now you can use the web3
Fabric external chain code support
External Chaincode execution from build packs vs Docker
Interoperable Blockchain ACID transaction pattern
blockchain interoperability on atomic transactions using escrow transactions
assume 2 different orgs on 2 different blockchains on 2 different platforms want to execute a sale using an order (any type of asset )
both blockchains are connected by gateway nodes for orgs that are members of both blockchains
2 independent chains A and B can send messages using a common protocol ( gRPC or ??? )
each blockchain provides any participant access to directory services to locate other orgs on a blockchain
that directory access may be shared with remote orgs on a different blockchain through the gateway nodes
org agreements: 2 orgs can exchange identity information, register as business partners and agree to communicate
sales agreements: both orgs can agree to buy, sell from each other based on accepted contract terms
blockchains implement escrow transaction interface services in a smart contract for buyer, seller roles on orders, sales of an asset
party A wants to buy X from party B for Y currency amount
how do orgs on 2 different blockchains find each other, exchange identity credentials and agree to do business with each other?
how to ensure only authorized parties participate in the transaction
how to ensure both parties will execute their transaction once and only once to complete the purchase transaction
how to ensure that the purchase is cancelled if either party fails to complete their part of the purchase transaction within the designated time limit
network connectivity
blockchain directory services and access across both networks for authorized parties
identity, registration and access management services for all parties in a transaction
each party implements the escrow transaction interfaces
each party communicates using one of the supported protocols: gRPC or ?
each party digital certificates to sign and execute transactions identifying the authorized party
gateway nodes connect 2 different logical blockchain networks directly or indirectly ( blockchain networks normally not physical but virtual overlay networks across multiple provider networks )
use an escrow transction with smart contracts that
records each parties performance of the obligation
This follows a saga pattern to implement the escrow transaction (eg a purchase ) as a set of linked transactions in smart contracts
Singe Use Tokens are used to guarantee that only this single reservation transaction can be executed once by the designated party
step 0 - party A agrees to buy X from party B for Y currency amount agreeing to a set of policies to execute the transaction for the buyer and the seller roles
step 1 - reservation for payment from A to B with a token, reservation for delivery from B to A with a token
step 2 - when both reservations complete, the reservations are executable as smart contracts by each party
each party executes their reservation transaction via smart contract using the supplied single use token created for just this transaction
A executes B's reservation using the token from B
B executes A's reservation using the token from A
alternate scenarios
both reservations are not completed within the agreed time limit, all reservations and tokens are cancelled and resources revert to current owner control
the purchase policy agreed to may include automated contracts to execute actions to reverse one or both reservation executions or cancel the reservations updating the blockchain
step 3 - if both reservations are not executed as transactions within an agreed time limit, each party is notified to manage the purchase based on agreed policy
step 4 - when both reservations have been executed by each party, all parties are notified of the completion of the escrow transaction
step 5 - any dependent actors are notified of the completion of the purchase which may trigger additional transactions ( eg start an automatic purchase warranty etc )
Fabric v3x Features
see HLF Contributor 2024 meeting notes
Remaining items for production v3.0 release
- Previously deprecated features that have already been removed in v3 main branch
- system channel
- solo ordering (instead, utilize single node Raft)
- kafka ordering (instead, utilize Raft)
- configtxgen flag
flag (instead, utilize channel config updates) - fabric-tools image (instead, utilize client connections into Fabric networks)
- Need to finish
- Finish SmartBFT
- Finish tests
- Fix frequent test failures in SmartBFT unit tests and integration test
- Allow the peer delivery client to select between Deliverer or BFTDeliverer - PR #4856
- Finish v1 chaincode lifecycle removal - keep external APIs but just return an error message - Tatsuya can help Artem
- Remove ability to specify orderer endpoints in channel configuration at global level 'Orderer.Addresses' as deprecated in v2 (instead, utilize v2 'OrdererEndpoints' in org config) - PR #4800
- Change peer property blockGossipEnabled default to false - Block dissemination via gossip already deprecated in v2 (recommendation is to configure all peers as org leaders to receive blocks from ordering service).
- Finish SmartBFT
- #3663 Fabric v3 epic misc items
- #3306 new channel config MaxWriteSize, prevents large writes that potentially exceeds CouchDB max_document_size
- #3343 ed25519 support
- #3650 fabric-protos Go bindings based on protocol buffer APIv2 (v1 protobuf is deprecated) - potential deferral
- #3704 older v3 ideas from Jira - e.g. Remove support for remaining Go plugins (endorsement and validation plugins) - potential deferral
Potential Value Opportunities
Adding a custom consensus method to Fabric 2.5.x
fabric-add-custom-consensus-method-2025-978-3-031-78572-6.pdf. GD
fabric-add-custom-consensus-method-2025-978-3-031-78572-6.pdf. file
In today’s interconnected IoT ecosystems, blockchain technology acts as a facilitator for decentralization. Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) is a renounced permissioned blockchain platform designed for enterprise use. Currently, HLF supports two primary consensus algorithms: Raft and smartBFT. Despite HLF’s modular nature, integrating new consensus algorithms remains a challenging and intricate process that lacks sufficient guidelines. In this work, we bridge this gap by providing a novel, comprehensive, yet practical guide to simplify the integration of consensus algorithms into HLF. Furthermore, we demonstrate our approach by integrating a new hybrid algorithm into HLF, specifically tailored for the IoT ecosystem. Compared to the current algorithms, experiments indicate promising performance and reliability.
Fabric L2 Solution Options
see EBC architecture
it did NOT fully implement an L2 solution but it DID use the mechanics to support a full L2 rollup model for Fabric on v2.2
MySQL - very high performance RDB — one solution hit 40,000 TPS in a load test. Normal Production was 4,000 TPS for a real-time analytics solution in a CustomerCare Dept that processed over 1 million calls per day using Genesys NLP AI
L2 model
writing to the chain
for a block
hash each record's data
write all records to secure off-chain RDB with the record hash and the UID key
create a block from the control table that has all the record UID keys, the record hash, record timestamp, version ID, query field values
write the block control record to the chain
reading from the chain in time sequence for a range query using shared caches
pull the related control blocks to cache
read the cache for the other query filter values to get control records
read the detail records for the key fields in the control data cache
check the hash values from the detail records read match the control key hashes for those records
Potential Challenges
Candidate Solutions
Fabric articles
action plan ... write articles ...
create some medium articles ....
where fabric is now ( vs v1.0 )
scale, features, ease of dev, ease of deployment, ease of support
fabric opportunities going forward ....
use both cpaper examples ... base on v1.4x
adv on v2.1x
deployment articles
ibm cloud
industry articles on ...
supply chain — chainyard follow ups
iot in mobility ??? vinblock pilot
compliance - secure cdcs
Step-by-step guide for Example
sample code block