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Table of Contents


Savimbo - Fair Market Trade for Forest 

Our aim is to employ 1 billion smallfarmers within 10 years to clean the world’s air


  • Drea Burbank
    • MD-technologist who worked for 9 years in wildland fire.
  • Jhony Lopez
    • 20-year environmental activist who worked for the WWF
  • Fernando Lezama
    • Indigenous rights activist & Taita for 30 years.

PBC - Public Benefit Corporation >> Look at VCC, VCE



We pay Indigenous Peoples and subsistence farmers in tropical forests to preserve ecosystems. If they need help to participate, our nonprofit arm subsidizes their entry to sustainable businesses and climate markets. Then we certify credits, sell them internationally, and split gross revenue. Effective, inexpensive, and globally-beneficial climate action.

Economics not working for carbon credits


We sell our own credits to drive out speculation and brokers. Our farmers get those fees instead.
Become a client or just be our friend. Show the world that you #giveashit too.


We aren’t afraid of hard science and we know how to work in the developing world. We fix broken methods and inequitable market structures. We teach our farmers how to track their own actions using trusted methodologies that work off-grid. We utilize drone photography, satellite monitoring, machine learning, GPS, and blockchain to track actions through creation, certification, and sale.
