gft bdc

gft bdc

Key Points



New EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products

Key Concepts

Savimbo - Fair Market Trade for Forest 

Our aim is to employ 1 billion smallfarmers within 10 years to clean the world’s air


  • Drea Burbank
    • MD-technologist who worked for 9 years in wildland fire.
  • Jhony Lopez
    • 20-year environmental activist who worked for the WWF
  • Fernando Lezama
    • Indigenous rights activist & Taita for 30 years.

PBC - Public Benefit Corporation >> Look at VCC, VCE

Savimbo is a social enterprise which means we make money AND do good.


We pay Indigenous Peoples and subsistence farmers in tropical forests to preserve ecosystems. If they need help to participate, our nonprofit arm subsidizes their entry to sustainable businesses and climate markets. Then we certify credits, sell them internationally, and split gross revenue. Effective, inexpensive, and globally-beneficial climate action.

Economics not working for carbon credits


Savimbo is different. — No middlemen.

We pay farmers directly for sequestering carbon on land they own.
Our researchers donate their time to teach farmers silviculture in their language so they can earn more.
We use better technology and train farmers in it to improve and automate tracking.
We work directly with certification bodies, and our automated data makes this process faster and less expensive.
We sell our own credits to drive out speculation and brokers. Our farmers get those fees instead.
Become a client or just be our friend. Show the world that you #giveashit too.


We aren’t afraid of hard science and we know how to work in the developing world. We fix broken methods and inequitable market structures. We teach our farmers how to track their own actions using trusted methodologies that work off-grid. We utilize drone photography, satellite monitoring, machine learning, GPS, and blockchain to track actions through creation, certification, and sale.


Carbon Credit Market Prices 2024

what is the current market price for carbon credits by country now?


As of recent data, the current market price for carbon credits varies significantly by country, with the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) leading at around €60 - €71 per metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO₂e), while China's national ETS is considerably lower at around $11 per tCO₂e; California's carbon price is expected to average around $42 per tCO₂e in 2024.

Key points about carbon credit prices by region:

EU ETS: Currently around €60 - €71 per tCO₂e, considered the leading carbon market globally.

China: Around $11 per tCO₂e on their national ETS.

California: Expected to average around $42 per tCO₂e in 2024.

Important factors affecting carbon credit prices:

Jurisdiction and policies: Different countries have varying carbon pricing mechanisms, impacting the price.
Market demand: High demand for carbon credits can drive prices up.
Credit quality: Higher quality credits, often with robust methodologies, tend to command higher prices.

Savimbo Business Model

Economic Model

We have proven a layered, environmental economy that is currently transacting. It stops deforestation on the ground immediately by empowering local conservationists to take concrete action.

We're bullish on being fair. We follow a fair-trade economic model with a long history of success in industries like coffee and agriculture. This model includes advance monthly micropayments for a basic living wage, and shared profits from all sales related to environmental activities. Farmers and staff who stay with the project long-term also qualify company equity. Win-win.

Savimbo Products

Certified Carbon Credits

What are recognized Certified Carbon Credit standards and related organizations?

What are methods, tools, software and devices for measuring forest carbon sequestration?

Fair-trade biodiversity credits
Our biodiversity credits are designed to provide an immediate conservation economy to smallfarmers and Indigenous groups guarding primary forest with intact populations of rare or endangered animals.

Biodiversity + Impact credit
We made an impact credit because of this diagram. The most biodiverse regions on Earth have inverse conservation funding, and they are controlled by Indigenous groups who often don’t have full land rights.

Markets that transact biodiversity, and require land title, not only reward bad acting, they fail to pay the people who do the most for other species.

Our impact credit uses the same unit and methodology as our certified credits. All credits have full measurement, reporting, and verification. They all have full topography and ground-vetted attestations for land control. But they are sold by Indigenous groups and smallfarmers that are excluded from the market because of structural inequity. Either they don’t have full land title, or the land titles they do have, can’t be corrected.

In most cases, the sellers of these credits have land tenure, or hunting rights. We think they deserve to be rewarded for protecting rare species. We hope you do too.

Trees Credit
Reforestation - Savimbo works hard to be something called “additional” in the carbon market. This means that we don’t just stop deforestation, we also add forest. This removes carbon from the atmosphere, and actively reverses the negative effects of emissions on the atmosphere.

Agro biodiversity crops credit
Blueberries, other berries etc

Soil Credit
Soil nturients measured for improved from samples

Water Credit
our water credit, and climate action
Water credits are one of our six payment layers for smallfarmers and indigenous groups guarding tropical forest.

Healthy Forest Management Practices
sustainable harvesting
verified environmental impacts


Coin credit Carbon texture



Our impact is directly related to our ability work as, with, and for, local peoples. This is not accidental, it’s a robust economic design based on successful grassroots economics around the world.

A gift

Pricing Savimbo Products

Carbon Credits

This includes:
1 ton/yr carbon credit
Buy direct from smallfarmers in the Colombian Amazon
Stop deforestation NOW

Monthly GFS Subscription purchase
This includes:
1 biodiversity + impact credit
1 ton/yr carbon credit
1 Amazonian #sexytree — curated for 1 year!
1 conservation water credit
Huge thank-you from the jungle activists at Savimbo!

Savimbo Technology

We like technology that is sturdy, solves real-world problems and enables quality human interactions. We teach our growers how to use emerging technologies to achieve digital equity and financial independence, but we’re selective about the technologies we introduce.

Drone scans
Savimbo uses drone scans for aerial photography, videos, topographical mapping, and 3D scans (LiDAR and point-cloud photogrammetry).

Game camera
We’ve discovered game photography can replace a lot of hunting-for-sport activities but we don’t take photographs often so as not to disrupt wildlife.


Mobile phones
We use mobile phones for on-the-ground tracking. Tropical forests are not made for technology and we love Otterbox because it works.

Internet stations
We like being off the grid and many of our growers do too. We do install satellite internet stations for community use, medivac, and to enable electronic payments but we use GPS the rest of the time.

We have a partnership with Garmin and most of our work is done outside of cell-phone range thanks to their support.

Drone Scans
This data helps us certify our carbon credits, assess biodiversity and ecosystems, track and compare our reforestation plots, establish land rights for indigenous groups, and create promotional videos for our admittedly rabid fans.

The video to the right is our first drone scan. We validate our plots, track carbon sequestration and jungle integrity, and certify our credits using drones. A big part of Savimbo's mandate is to train local talent with trustless verification methods instead of importing outsiders to manage projects.


Our blockchain lives in the cloud and we use it to track payments, but we use the most stable regional banking system for transactable good for micro payments - based on Growers feedback.

Organoleptic data
Organoleptic properties are the aspects of food, water or other substances as apprehended via the senses—including taste, sight, smell, and touch. In traditional U.S. Department of Agriculture meat and poultry inspections, inspectors perform various organoleptic procedures to detect disease or contamination.

Optimizing decisions on growth management, market pricing based on data

Forest Regulations

New EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products

Potential Value Opportunities

Potential Challenges

Candidate Solutions

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

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