Goals ( as Key XUC - Executable Use Cases in BDD format )
GAPS Example
XUC = Executable Use Case ( to be valid it must defined as an executable or it can't be validated )
Goal> Expand Internet Access in a Rural Community using BPL - Broadband Power Line ISP
- Users have compatible mobile devices
- Users have multiple devices to connect for ISP access
- Users have local ISP access via Wifi router and endpoint modem
- Users authenticate to device biometrically without ISP access
- TG identity network available on cloud-nodes and edge-nodes that are cloud connected
- The SCPT ISP access solution can delegate authentication of accounts and authorization access verification to a 3rd party solution using SAML 2.0
- The TG edge-nodes are optional and not required given the TG cloud-nodes are required
- The TG edge-nodes would need ISP access to run the TG identity ledger
- IF TG edge-nodes supported wireless connections to mobile devices and RAN the identity ledger on those nodes locally, then the edge-nodes could provide authentication and authorization WITHOUT iSP access BUT could not add or revoke credentials until ISP access was provided
Problems ( and Opportunities ) >>
- Marketing capabilities presentations for demos and case study references can be done by sales
- New solution creates many engineering decisions to validate ( even using existing resources )
- Dependencies include: mobile device, local Wifi router with modem for ISP access, ISP access account, ISP access tokens, ISP access
- Solution works in locations where ISP access available
- Limitations on ISP access locations
- Limitations on ISP access bandwidth
- Limitations on Wifi router range from modems
- Limitations on Wifi bandwidth and signal quality
- Power requirements for ISP network
- Power requirements for local devices
Steps ( and Strategies ) >> to define solution and related decisions, trusts
Specific Solution Steps for XUC 1