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Goals ( as Key XUC - Executable Use Cases in BDD format  )

GAPS Example

XUC = Executable Use Case ( to be valid it must defined as an executable or it can't be validated )

Goal> Expand Internet Access in a Rural Community using BPL - Broadband Power Line ISP


  1. Users have compatible mobile devices
  2. Users have multiple devices to connect for ISP access
  3. Users have local ISP access via Wifi router and endpoint modem
  4. Users authenticate to device biometrically without ISP access
  5. TG identity network available on cloud-nodes and edge-nodes that are cloud connected
  6. The SCPT ISP access solution can delegate authentication of accounts and authorization access verification to a 3rd party solution using SAML 2.0
  7. The TG edge-nodes are optional and not required given the TG cloud-nodes are required
  8. The TG edge-nodes would need ISP access to run the TG identity ledger
  9. IF TG edge-nodes supported wireless connections to mobile devices and RAN the identity ledger on those nodes locally, then the edge-nodes could provide authentication and authorization WITHOUT iSP access BUT could not add or revoke credentials until ISP access was provided

Problems ( and Opportunities ) >>  

  • Marketing capabilities presentations for demos and case study references can be done by sales


  1. New solution creates many engineering decisions to validate ( even using existing resources )
  2. Dependencies include:  mobile device, local Wifi router with modem for ISP access, ISP access account, ISP access tokens, ISP access
  3. Solution works in locations where ISP access available
  4. Limitations on ISP access locations
  5. Limitations on ISP access bandwidth
  6. Limitations on Wifi router range from modems
  7. Limitations on Wifi bandwidth and signal quality
  8. Power requirements for ISP network
  9. Power requirements for local devices



Steps  ( and Strategies ) >> to define solution and related decisions, trusts

Specific Solution Steps for XUC 1
