GAPS assessment for Key Use Cases
Key Points
VCC definition
VCE definition
key XUCs in BDD format
GAPS = Goals > Assessment > P:roblems > Solution
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Key Concepts
VSPG-Value Chain Solution Process Goals-3 steps
GAPS is.a step in the VSDP
VCC > VCE > XUC > GAPS > Capabilities > Strategies > Requirements > Features > Design > Tests > 4B sourcing > Delivery > Validation > Implementation > Operation > Support > Maintenance
All the VSDP
GAPS can be used in the SAP - Solution Assessment Process
OAP the Operations Assurance Program ensures the solution operation aligns with target roles and responsibilities, goals, risks and outcomes
GAPS pre-reqs
Business sponsorship, champions, resources
Change motivations
VCC definition
VCE definition
key XUCs in BDD format
Relevant Standards, Constraints, Operating Context ( VCE )
GAPS = Goals > Assessment > Problems > Solution
Goals ( as Key XUC - Executable Use Cases in BDD format )
A GAPS analysis for a use case ( or set of use cases ), needs a context definition ( ideally a VCE model - see Prereqs above )
Goals >> Given the Context, The BDD Story for the Use Case in Scope
Asssessments >> Assumptions, Analysis, Assessments with Measurements
Problems >> Problems, Opportunities with Impact Measurements
Steps >> Standards, Strategies, Solutions with Impact Estimates, Validation & Delivery Steps with Assignments
GAPS Example
XUC = Executable Use Case ( to be valid it must defined as an executable or it can't be validated )
Goal> Expand Internet Access in a Rural Community using BPL - Broadband Power Line ISP
XUC 1 = As a user, when I authenticate on the app, I have Internet Access
Goals >> BDD format
As a registered user of the SCPT which provides ISP access
Given I have
A compatible mobile device
And have access to the required network equipment ( Wifi router, modem )
With ISP access to SCPT
And onboarded on the TG mobile app
And setup an account with SCPT
And purchased prepaid ISP access tokens in my TG wallet
I authenticate on my mobile device biometrically using the TG app
And I select the option for BPL ISP access
The TG app
Verifies my account credential for SCPT
And my wallet has available pre-paid ISP access tokens
And the TG app creates a ISP access session token
And forwards the token to the SCPT access application
And the SCPT ISP access service creates a valid session for the user account
The TG solution provides authorization to SCPT for ISP access
The user can connect multiple devices to that ISP access session
Providing Internet access
To users and devices at that location
Assessments >>
Users have compatible mobile devices
Users have multiple devices to connect for ISP access
Users have local ISP access via Wifi router and endpoint modem
Users authenticate to device biometrically without ISP access
TG identity network available on cloud-nodes and edge-nodes that are cloud connected
The SCPT ISP access solution can delegate authentication of accounts and authorization access verification to a 3rd party solution using SAML 2.0
The TG edge-nodes are optional and not required given the TG cloud-nodes are required
The TG edge-nodes would need ISP access to run the TG identity ledger
IF TG edge-nodes supported wireless connections to mobile devices and RAN the identity ledger on those nodes locally, then the edge-nodes could provide authentication and authorization WITHOUT iSP access BUT could not add or revoke credentials until ISP access was provided
Problems ( and Opportunities ) >>
Marketing capabilities presentations for demos and case study references can be done by sales
Engineering for a client need or use case is solution engineering, needs engineering support up front
New solution creates many engineering decisions to validate ( even using existing resources )
Dependencies include: mobile device, local Wifi router with modem for ISP access, ISP access account, ISP access tokens, ISP access
Solution works in locations where ISP access available
Limitations on ISP access locations
Limitations on ISP access bandwidth
Limitations on Wifi router range from modems
Limitations on Wifi bandwidth and signal quality
Power requirements for ISP network
Power requirements for local devices
Solution Steps ( and Strategies ) >> to define solution and related decisions, trusts
Specific Solution Steps for XUC 1
Validate users have compatible phones for ISP access or equivalent Web app access for the ISP service and billing system and the TG app
Validate the BPL service can provide the signal quality, bandwidth, noise suppression required for the Internet access use case examples
Validate the VCE model for all stakeholders works
Validate the end to end solution architecture and services definitions
Validate the end to end solution security and governance and compliance requirements are met including relevant standards
Validate the existing billing system capabilities for user account setup, pre-paid ISP token credits
Validate the new TG identity verification app can integrate with the existing billing system using a SAML 2.0 delegated interface
Validate the TG user wallet service can hold the ISP tokens and can purchase more if authorized by the user
Validate the billing system can reduce the ISP token credits as the ISP service is used
Validate the OAP ( Operations Assurance Program ) is ready for a pilot test PTO ( Permission To Operate ) with key SLAs, Metrics, Impacts
Validate the user success using the BPL ISP solution, the billing app and the TG identity app in pilot testing
Validate the results of the pilot program are successful and any necessary changes have been made to the program to ensure future success
General Solution Process
VCC model including partners ( all stakeholder groups are represented )
VCE model
SAP - Solution Assessment Plan
OAP - Operations Assurance Program
EAP - Enterprise Architecture Plan - For Solution, For each protocol, the OSI stack architecture
Questions on XUC 1
usability>> Why use QR code AFTER first successful connection vs a simple URL link?
Potential Value Opportunities
Potential Challenges
Candidate Solutions
Step-by-step guide for Example
sample code block
sample code block
Recommended Next Steps
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