Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Key Points

  1. interviews with thought leaders in the food industry
  2. topics include:
    1. company overview in food chain
    2. markets focus, strategies
    3. product, service innovations
    4. supply chain challenges, relations
    5. sustainability focus
    6. health and safety standards
    7. regulations, compliance, governance
    8. technology opportunities, value, impacts



Paramount Blogs on Food chain and more - eos ag stack

u energy p2p DER trading
Carbon Management - EBC - Web3 Trading Marketplaces with DLT

carbon neutral farming solutions with robotssolar farm robots **

Celery - Farm to Plate collaboration 

Pre-Interview Briefings
  • Pre-Interview Briefings Booked : 48
  • Pre-Interview Briefings Completed : 37 (2 is booked and scheduled this week)
  • Pre-Interview Briefings Missed (Currently Being Rescheduled) : 9


Food Supply Chain

Distribution models ??

free 30 day trials hosted

limited function, capacity open-source version

enterprise version

Potential Differentiators ??

pluggable interfaces for:  identities, RBAC, data models, logic scripts, workflows, events


partners on sub-systems - eg payments, inventory

Research list

Normal ERP logistics apps in cloud

When we started there were no reference solutions to review and we went with our gut feeling but now the market is getting mature and we do have some references from different aspects covering the end to end provenance and tracking for the Food Supply Chain.
Please review the shared links and let me know your thoughts.


We have to use specific features from the above to guarantee a competitive end to end provenance and tracking solution for enterprise clients. 

Potential Challenges

Legal Terms and Documents 

I have shared the legal artifacts on Blockchain and would appreciate your views.This will help our attorney draft the contents precisely matching our expectations.

1 - Page numbered 2 and 3 section client responsibility


Will we be accountable for the Cloud infrastructure or how is it going to be managed and if a third party is responsible how does the accountability is reflected in the document.The IBM Cloud in document 3 shares about the T&C and we can customize from that.


My Onboarding support concepts

good customer service

easy, effective, low-cost Paramount support options


  • No-charge Account planning meetings to define

    • goals, expected usage, gather requirements, plan any custom services, standard onboarding, training, connections, support and more

  • use youtube videos, docs as an option here

  • use knowledge base with youtube video links as first stop for help normally

  • provide direct email, live chat and phone support options for registered account contacts

  • use custom Zoom support meetings as needed to resolve issues

  • use online Grails app to record and manage work requests ( problems, questions, feature requests )

  • use online BIRT or equivalent Web report tool to show system usage and manage work request status

  • customer portal provides account information and billing status


Customer responsibilities for implementation and support

  • Customer Resources committed to meet planned onboarding and support requirements

  • Customer designates specific support contacts who go through on-boarding training courses

  • Customer is responsible for integrations to existing systems unless Paramount hired on a custom SOW under an MDA to provide services integrations

  • Customer documents planned usage of services using JEPL ( Java Event Processing Language ) to define a planned usage model for workflows, event notifications, automation

  • Paramount provides support on usage documentation with JEPL via knowledge base and support staff

  • Customer provides a test environment to test and validate planned usage and identity support problems separate from Production systems

  • Customer uses Paramount online support templates to record any support incidents ( problems, questions, feature requests ) and submit to Paramount online ( see work request template as a Grails app )

Food Casts

ffood folder for docs

futurefood podcast folder for videos


_Podcast - Slade Gorton - Kim Gorton - prep -Farm to Plate.docx

FutureFoodCast Podcast - Episode 3 Guest Speaker : Vinodthan Nayagar, Director of Organic Divisions at Where Food Comes From, Inc.

GAPP - Genuine Alaska Pollock Producers - food cast - Craig Morris 

GAPP - Genuine Alaska Pollock Producers - food cast - Craig Morris 


Future Food Cast Social Media Accounts : Please like/follow/connect


lisa gable fare

lisa gable FoodCast interview as an article on Medium

kim gorton slade gorton

Candidate Solutions

Farm to Plate - F2P solution

Quick review - 210803

  1. 1 year 
    1. IF design were locked down prior to coding, with a good build plan and a good development team then this could be delivered in 2 months for sure at a lower cost
  2. built master data model with web app for entities 
    1. created dynamic model to define organization relationships
    2. created a dynamic product definition to share between organizations
  3. solution architecture limited, EA architecture limited
  4. backend concepts, design need major improvement
  5. non-functional use cases ( security, performance, change management, identity, authorization ) needed
  6. need to think through domain use cases to id where automation, device integration and event streams are useful
  7. need to think through data consumption use cases for the transaction data to define logical data models and services for consumption
  8. backend services coding not efficient

MVP Plan

OKR - Objectives Key Results 

Problem Statements

Future Food Cast Rollout


We will continually update as we move along. I will also have a separate call with Ankita on tracking the stats on distribution and reach for reporting.

Recent Future Food Casts

#188 - Engineering Behind the Coca-Cola System’s Closures in North America

  • (9:00)  Focus on packaging design, food safety, and brand image.

  • (13:00)  Sustainable packaging initiatives at Coca-Cola

  • (18:41) "World Without Waste" program and sustainability efforts

  • (26:25)  Sustainability and recycling, encouraging recycling with caps on

Step-by-step guide for Example


sample code block

Code Block
titlesample code block

Recommended Next Steps

Page Properties

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