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Table of Contents



m Confluence Admin Tips
a Confluence admin
Confluence Notes and Bugs
t Test Confluence plugins
t Confluence Page New Editor

Confluence Overview

Jim Mason


Confluence Sites and Spaces

When With a Confluence license, you get an assigned Web address. In my case, the web site is:

Spaces are a way to organize pages and content into logical categories that can be separately managed ( much like a simple, flat folder system ). Administrators can provide different access and permissions easily to a space. In addition, you can optionally set a space to public access allowing anonymous users access to the space.

Spaces ( and their pages can be imported, exported and archived. I can email you a small space with a few pages that an administrator at your site can import.

Confluence registered users

As a Web CMS ( Content Management System ), Confluence makes it easy for registered users with the right permissions to add, edit and delete pages

Confluence anonymous users

The Confluence Cloud paid licenses offer optional access to anonymous users. If I want to create a general knowledge base to share with anyone, I can set my Confluence site or an individual space to allow anonymous user access.

Admin Page showing Spaces and default permissions by role

Spaces are a convenient way to segregate content.  The Space administration page below shows 3 categories of users:

  • Confluence users - normal users registered on the site
  • Administrators - manage the space
  • Site Administrators - manage all spaces on the site

In the page below, you can manage the specific permissions eacch role has on the space.

In addition, adminstrators can create individual spaces and set individual permissions

Confluence Support Page

The Cloud version has a dedicated support page.

It covers a wide variety of topics: Getting Started, Organizing Work, Collaborating on Content etc.


Confluence Page Features

This article would go on forever if I detail all the options a Page Designer or Page Editor has to create content in Confluence.

Instead I'll only list the highlights and ask you to download the free version of Confluence to do more.

This is a list of features available that can be added or used on Confluence pages

  • Help and Ask the Community - ( I set a record on Ask the Community ). The help is easy to access and understand.
  • Admin Tools    a wide variety of tools to manage spaces, the site, permissions etc
  • Spaces - separate users and pages logically into groups that can be managed for different users, permissions
  • Users - can be registered or anonymous. Registered users can be assigned a wide variety of permissions ( vs view for anonymous users)
  • Space permissions - define the basic roles in a space typically are:  admin, editor, viewer
  • Space Page Templates - view default set, copy and edit one as needed or create your own
  • Blueprint Templates - add dynamic XML content to a web page - ( not as simple as other wikis = JSPWiki ) - Blueprint Developer Guide
  • Import, export pages from spaces - Administrators typically can export a space to the file system or import a space and it's associated pages from the file system
  • Managing Pages and parents - Pages can be created, deleted, moved, copied and archived
  • User Page actions - Registered users typically have permissions to view, edit, star, watch, share. Anonymous users can view pages
  • Page Title ( heading ), Page Table of Contents, anchor links,
  • Page comments - provide a permanent record of comments by registered users on page content including replies to comments
  • Labels ( Tags ) on a page - can improve targeted searches, create custom content menus using Content Report Table or Content by Label list
  • Space Searches - full text, labels ( tags ) or CQL queries for pages matching the search criteria
  • Page Searches - in most browsers, use Control F key combination to open a box to search the Web page for a string
  • Page Editor - ( WYSIWYG almost ) -- lists, indentations and more  ( choice of New or Old version - see below for details )
  • Page history - imagine you made changes to page and deleted a section you later discover you need ( I did writing this article ). Wouldn't it be great if it were super easy to get the deleted content from Page History ?  Yes - it was !
  • Links to any resources in wiki or other external resources by URL - links can be to uploaded attachments, external Web urls, other Confluence pages etc
  • Files - Documents, Images & Videos ( via url, attachments via upload or embedded via Google connector )
  • Tables - for content and layout
  • Controls - MANY - collapsible code block w syntax checker is one I use frequently to save real estate on long pages
  • Plugin apps usually have custom controls to add to a page
  • Team Calendar plugin - works well enough for most needs but is a billable plugin
  • Google Drive and Google Docs integration - great for teams doing RFCs, whitepapers, design docs etc that require frequent edits, changes ( see m Hyperledger Fabric Solution Concepts )
  • Drawing tools integration -, Lucidchart offer plugins to create and present drawings and diagrams in Confluence
