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Table of Contents

Key Points

  1. NSF SBIR grant to Enerblock to define viability of a decentralized electric energy trading system on the grid

  2. Enerblock betting National Grid will use Enerblock over other energy p2p tokenized power trading platforms

  3. Draft presentation for P2P is only a "resume" of PS history on p2p – sets table for a product opportunity presentation 




project links

m NSF Enerblock P1

p2p energy trading product

P2P Energy Trading.pptx

P2P Energy Trading.pdf

June slide deck for p2p trading app

EBC energy projects

research on carbon offset effectiveness - 2022 article url

research on carbon offset effectiveness - 2022 article link

carbon offsets - no real climate benefit from 10 years of forest carbon offsets in California.pdf file

has details on carbon certification, offsets

external reference materials


IRENA_Peer-to-peer_trading_2020.pdf ** 
where it can be used

energy tokens overview

p2p token trading for energy - Netherlands - 2019

PowerLedger xGrid energy token trading system

Kwh Meter Smart Card Model Token For EEM - Electrical Energy Monitoring

Stellar Token concepts

battery state of charge vs state of health calcs

Power reference info

Smart Grid presentation - Toronto - 2019

Widget Connector

p2p energy trading using blockchain video

Is Climate Action Policy hurting the Climate? **

US handed green battery tech discovery worth millions of taxpayer dollars to China report reveals.pdf file

US DOE transfers best battery technology to China for nothing ** standards group for power mgt UML models

Oil economics

oil-economics-The US is the worlds biggest oil producer so why do we still need to import

crude and ask countries .pdf file

oil-economics-The US is the worlds biggest oil producer so why do we still need to import crude and ask countries .pdf


crude and ask countries .pdf file

oil-economics-The US is the worlds biggest oil producer so why do we still need to import crude and ask countries .pdf

Key Concepts

Wave Farm Energy Concepts


Eco Wave generator

Swedish-Israeli wave energy developer Eco Wave Power has launched construction of what it says is the first megawatt-scale wave energy project, a 1MW generator in waters off the city of Porto, Portugal. 

image-20240808-195124.pngImage Added

Solar energy concepts


the Carbon Call, an initiative to make carbon accounting good enough to properly track and control emissions.

The Call is hosted by ClimateWorks Foundation, and members include the Linux Foundation alongside Microsoft. Other members include Capricorn Investment Group, Climate Change AI, Corporate Leaders Group Europe, Global Carbon Project, Global Council for Science and the Environment, International Science Council, LF Energy, Mila, Skoll Foundation, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, United Nations Environment Programme (collaborating organization), and United Nations Foundation.

Lucas Joppa, chief environmental officer at Microsoft, said, “With so many organizations now committing to net zero, one key piece is still missing: a transparent and interoperable system to track, report, and compare GHG emissions and removals. The Carbon Call is a collaboration to enable reliability among the multiple, different GHG accounting ledgers — from the corporate to the national to the planetary. We encourage all organizations committed to net zero to join us.”


p2p energy trading - slides - Paramount

P2P Energy Trading.pdf

p2p slide notes

  1. What are the marketing goals here for this session??

    1. who presents ?

    2. who answers questions ?

    3. is there a demo?

    4. other resources ?  sessions ?

    5. compare to other p2p systems, presentations

    6. In the PRODUCT presentation — show DER actors  > use cases > roles > process > decisions > value-add impacts 

    7. This session is only a Paramount capabilities session for P2P space based on our experience

  2. p2p energy goals - opportunity

    1. open up market for small suppliers, slow grid peak demands, faster settlements

    2. optimize demand, pricing w AI ( w added incentives to automate energy mgt )

    3. virtual device mgt for smart meter

    4. provence, transparency 

    5. permissioned access ( KYC, bank accounts etc ) 

  3. psoft expertise 

    1. customized design > interoperable good ( should be bullet title ) - customization = custom policy mgt

  4. app interface = app features ??

    1. q> is this defining the POC or the MVP features ?

    2. q> are the red squares the system services vs interface features ??? 

    3. acct mgt, bid mgt, offer mgt, 

    4. q> where is asset mgt ?  where is ingestion services for ( consumption, production, storage etc )?? smart mgt ?

    5. q> where does the "system smarts" happen?  do we need a conceptual activity diagram vs function blocks?

  5. tech architecture

    1. q> why show both POCs on 1?  what's the advantage of showing NSF-SBIR diagram if that's not the product?

    2. I get DC / AC difference in this product vs the old poc

    3. q> tgen token is used for ?  internal to the producer only ??

    4. tstore token is the unit sold, bought correct ?

    5. diagram is confusing – can you show flows in sequence for use cases or not?

  6. Power Gen process

    1. shows generation, storage for a residential producer - simple clean

    2. q> based on that, why is a tgen token created???  never traded only internal

  7. Buy process 

    1. simple, good

  8. Sell process

    1. simple, good 

  9. Sample UI screens

    1. too much going on

    2. q> should these be separated ?

    3. can't see assets etc well

  10. Challenges

    1. weird mix – both design and operation challenges on 1 screen does not make sense

    2. ops challenges — SOH of system, seller optimization on offers, location of sellers and est power loss on purchase

    3. design challenges -  residential seller - what battery, panels  –  network servicer – what blockchain, what grid interfaces

  11. Risk Mgt Strategy - good

    1. good list and actions

    2. q> are we showing a POC or an MVP design ?

  12. ROI

    1. ROI for who ??? should be x actor

    2. need references for quantified impacts

    3. other – seller and buyer value-adds ??? - grids have low implementation costs, hi customer sat - other ?? auditors too

  13. Need VISION slide to set table for opportunities and value-add

  14. more 

  15. more 

p2p energy trading using blockchain video


The main advantage of using ammonia fuel is that since it is a carbon-free molecule, burning it inside the internal combustion engine will not produce any carbon emissions.
Furthermore, ammonia can be manufactured using renewable energy sources such as biomass, solar, and wind, thus making it a carbon-neutral fuel. 


Hydrogen energy from electrolysis

Hy Stor Energy is building a green hydrogen hub in Mississippi that will generate zero emission hydrogen energy while also creating a new industry with hundreds of jobs and economic growth for the area, according to the company.

Green Hydrogen

Green hydrogen is a form of renewable energy that is produced by splitting a water molecule into its hydrogen and oxygen parts via electrolysis. When this process is powered using renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, it has zero carbon and zero methane emissions. Hydrogen energy can be stored for long periods of time and used during extreme weather events, when the power may be out for days at a time, and can also be transported over long distances.

Salt caverns to store hydrogen

“Salt cavern geology is only found in specific locations around the world, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast is one of them. Salt caverns provide that multi-day, multi-week energy storage that can be dispatched on demand.”

Hy Stor has four salt caverns fully permitted and ten under their control in total. One is in Louisiana, and the rest are in Mississippi.

Mississippi is a strategic geographic location for the company because of the state’s naturally occurring geology and its proximity to existing distribution channels, such as the Mississippi River, deep water ports, interstate highways, railways, and gas and electric transmission lines. Having access to ports is going to be crucial for the company as they grow, expand, and seek to transport energy internationally.

Fusion Energy is making progress with AI - 220309


energy-New England Is One Cold Snap Away From An Energy Crisis.pdf. link

energy-New England Is One Cold Snap Away From An Energy Crisis.pdf


China's tree breeders are coming up with a business model to make money while doing right by the environment

Chinese scientists published an article in the internationally renowned journal Cell, uncovering the genetic code and the molecular mechanisms regulating the evolution of Pinus tabulaeformis, a coniferous tree native to China.

"With this breakthrough, trees can grow faster and stronger, and be less susceptible to pests and diseases," said Wang, general manager of the company with 350,000 mu (23,000 hectares) of plantation in southeastern China's Jiangxi province. "The selection and breeding of new fast-growing varieties with high yield, high timber quality and strong [disease] resistance is an effective means of improving productivity and expanding forest resources."

Carbon Forestry Programs - US
