Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Key Points



Table of Contents

Key Points


Procedure and generation examples

MySQL Connector/J Guide

MySQL Connector/J X DevAPI Reference

Postgres vs MySQL - Jim comparison

I'll give the tutorial credit for factual accuracy - that's good.
If you look at the listed limitations for MySQL, most of those are correct.
Not skilled in Postgres but cover DB2, SQL Server, Oracle, Mongo. Couchdb, Derby and more. Maybe the most attractive feature is the data types compared to MySQL.

As a data architect using MySQL, 75% of those limitations are easily solved using MySQL: recursion, materialized views, external procedures, application data replays, automated database change management, automated event streams etc. It has full ACID compliance using InnoDB and scales well for big data projects: 3.2 billion rows written by a single server over 19 hours on an older version of MySQL.

Reference_description_with_linked_URLs_______________________Notes______________________________________________________________ upgrade paths from GA release A to release B on Windows, Linux
m MySQL Workbenchm MySQL Workbench community edition

mysql-router-rest-api-dev.mysql-61nbspA Simple MySQL Router REST API Guide.pdf

MySQL router for REST API app access NoSQL documents overview concepts Tutorial - SQL but little on operations - very good, quick Tutorial - basic examples -
Scale MySQL w Write Master, Distribution Master, 5 Read Slaves language localization support - O'Reilly character sets


Case statement creates a Pivot Table
can we generate a generic pivot function using a query result table as input to INSERT If Row Does Not Exist UPSERT in MySQL.pdfUpsert model in mysql

Procedure and generation examples

C:\Users\Jim Mason\Google Drive\_ptp\work\grails\_gdev\gtest1a.groovy



Groovy scripts for MySQL

MySQL Connectors

MySQL Connector/J Guide

MySQL Connector/J X DevAPI Reference User Guide

MySQL .Net  Connector Guide

MySQL .Net Connector X DevAPI Reference ODBC Connector Guide  ( for pbi ? ) Nodejs Connector Guide upgrade paths from GA release A to release B on Windows, Linux
m MySQL Workbenchm MySQL Workbench community editionMySQL Python Connector Guide

MySQL comparisons vs MySQL vs PostgreSQL A Comparison of
Relational Databases.pdf

compare-mysql-logz-Sqlite vs MySQL vs PostgreSQL A Comparison of Relational Databases.pdf

MySQL  Postgresql Sqlite - 2020

mysql-router-rest-api-dev.mysql-61nbspA Simple MySQL Router REST API Guide.pdf

MySQL router for REST API app accessorg/difference-between-mysql-and-postgresql/
Postgres = full SQL w external procs
MySQL has work arounds for recursion, java procs as table requests






com/products/enterprise/document_store.htmlMySQL NoSQL documents


Postgres vs MySQL 

many db comparison posts overview conceptspostgresql-vs-mysql/Postgres vs MySQL Tutorial - SQL but little on operations - very good, quick Tutorial - basic examples -
Scale MySQL w Write Master, Distribution Master, 5 Read Slaves language localization support - O'Reilly character sets


Case statement creates a Pivot Table
can we generate a generic pivot function using a query result table as input to INSERT If Row Does Not Exist UPSERT in MySQL.pdfUpsert model in mysql

C:\Users\Jim Mason\Google Drive\_ptp\work\grails\_gdev\gtest1a.groovy



Groovy scripts for MySQL
MySQL Connectors User Guide

MySQL .Net  Connector Guide

MySQL .Net Connector X DevAPI Reference ODBC Connector Guide  ( for pbi ? ) Nodejs Connector Guide Python Connector Guide
MySQL comparisons vs MySQL vs PostgreSQL A Comparison of
Relational Databases.pdf

compare-mysql-logz-Sqlite vs MySQL vs PostgreSQL A Comparison of Relational Databases.pdf

MySQL  Postgresql Sqlite - 2020 = full SQL w external procs
MySQL has work arounds for recursion, java procs as table requests

Postgres vs MySQL 

many db comparison posts vs MySQL vs MySQL - Guru 99
some facts listed are not necessarily current on MySQL now. Skipped the ability in MySQL to address issues my review raises.
Use Kafka to manage qps on MySQL shards

Key Features

The MySQL Community Edition includes:

  • SQL and NoSQL for developing both relational and NoSQL applications
  • MySQL Document Store including X Protocol, XDev API and MySQL Shell
  • Transactional Data Dictionary with Atomic DDL statements for improved reliability
  • Pluggable Storage Engine Architecture (InnoDB, NDB, MyISAM, etc)
  • MySQL Replication to improve application performance and scalability
  • MySQL Group Replication for replicating data while providing fault tolerance, automated failover, and elasticity
  • MySQL InnoDB Cluster to deliver an integrated, native, high availability solution for MySQL
  • MySQL Router for transparent routing between your application and any backend MySQL Servers
    • the router supports configuration of REST APIs linking apps to MySQL DB
  • MySQL Partitioning to improve performance and management of large database applications
  • Stored Procedures to improve developer productivity
  • Triggers to enforce complex business rules at the database level
  • Views to ensure sensitive information is not compromised
  • Performance Schema for user/application level monitoring of resource consumption
  • Information Schema to provide easy access to metadata
  • MySQL Connectors (ODBC, JDBC, .NET, etc) for building applications in multiple languages
  • MySQL Workbench for visual modeling, SQL development and administration

Available on over 20 platforms and operating systems including Linux, Unix, Mac and Windows.

Key Concepts

MySQL is an open-source, high performance database server with a variety of connectivity options.

It combines multiple database server types into a single package:

  • RDB -Relational Database Server
  • NoSQL - JSON document server that can store, update, query using SQL ( similar to Mongoose with MongoDB )
  • Wide Column Tables - used in high performance query operations for aggregate reporting over denormalized data
  • Geo location - When geolocation info stored in JSON docs, geolocation queries can be executed

The MySQL workbench provides an easy admin / developer toolset to view, manage the MySQL server, schedule and run batch jobs, view performance and more.

Almost any SQL client can connect to MySQL server ( eg Squirrel, and more )

Many open-source, visual reporting tools can use MySQL ( BIRT, Grafana, PowerBI and more )

MySQL install


Windows install

MySQL Php Driver install

MySQL native driver for PHP - mysqlnd

The MySQL native driver for PHP (mysqlnd) is a drop-in replacement for the MySQL Client Library (libmysql) for the PHP script language.

PHP MySQL extensions

The PHP MySQL extensions are lightweight wrappers on top of a C client library. There are 3 PHP MySQL extensions:

Extension Feature Comparison »

It is recommended to use either the mysqli or PDO_MySQL extensions. It is not recommended to use the old mysql extension for new development.

MACOS  - Linux install

download community edition package

install for all users

for v8x, use old password encryption vs higher encryption

set root password 


decide if MySQL server should start automatically or manually

Image Removed

Image Removed

Image Removed

Image Removed


com/postgresql-vs-mysql-difference.htmlPostgres vs MySQL - Guru 99
some facts listed are not necessarily current on MySQL now. Skipped the ability in MySQL to address issues my review raises.

Postgres vs MySQL - Jim comparison

I'll give the tutorial credit for factual accuracy - that's good.
If you look at the listed limitations for MySQL, most of those are correct.
Not skilled in Postgres but cover DB2, SQL Server, Oracle, Mongo. Couchdb, Derby and more. Maybe the most attractive feature is the data types compared to MySQL.

As a data architect using MySQL, 75% of those limitations are easily solved using MySQL: recursion, materialized views, external procedures, application data replays, automated database change management, automated event streams etc. It has full ACID compliance using InnoDB and scales well for big data projects: 3.2 billion rows written by a single server over 19 hours on an older version of MySQL.
Use Kafka to manage qps on MySQL shards

Performance Solutions
Scale MySQL with partitions for Nodejs

Key Features

The MySQL Community Edition includes:

  • SQL and NoSQL for developing both relational and NoSQL applications
  • MySQL Document Store including X Protocol, XDev API and MySQL Shell
  • Transactional Data Dictionary with Atomic DDL statements for improved reliability
  • Pluggable Storage Engine Architecture (InnoDB, NDB, MyISAM, etc)
  • MySQL Replication to improve application performance and scalability
  • MySQL Group Replication for replicating data while providing fault tolerance, automated failover, and elasticity
  • MySQL InnoDB Cluster to deliver an integrated, native, high availability solution for MySQL
  • MySQL Router for transparent routing between your application and any backend MySQL Servers
    • the router supports configuration of REST APIs linking apps to MySQL DB
  • MySQL Partitioning to improve performance and management of large database applications
  • Stored Procedures to improve developer productivity
  • Triggers to enforce complex business rules at the database level
  • Views to ensure sensitive information is not compromised
  • Performance Schema for user/application level monitoring of resource consumption
  • Information Schema to provide easy access to metadata
  • MySQL Connectors (ODBC, JDBC, .NET, etc) for building applications in multiple languages
  • MySQL Workbench for visual modeling, SQL development and administration

Available on over 20 platforms and operating systems including Linux, Unix, Mac and Windows.

Key Concepts

MySQL is an open-source, high performance database server with a variety of connectivity options.

It combines multiple database server types into a single package:

  • RDB -Relational Database Server
  • NoSQL - JSON document server that can store, update, query using SQL ( similar to Mongoose with MongoDB )
  • Wide Column Tables - used in high performance query operations for aggregate reporting over denormalized data
  • Geo location - When geolocation info stored in JSON docs, geolocation queries can be executed

The MySQL workbench provides an easy admin / developer toolset to view, manage the MySQL server, schedule and run batch jobs, view performance and more.

Almost any SQL client can connect to MySQL server ( eg Squirrel, and more )

Many open-source, visual reporting tools can use MySQL ( BIRT, Grafana, PowerBI and more )

MySQL install

Windows install

MySQL Php Driver install

MySQL native driver for PHP - mysqlnd

The MySQL native driver for PHP (mysqlnd) is a drop-in replacement for the MySQL Client Library (libmysql) for the PHP script language.

PHP MySQL extensions

The PHP MySQL extensions are lightweight wrappers on top of a C client library. There are 3 PHP MySQL extensions:

Extension Feature Comparison »

It is recommended to use either the mysqli or PDO_MySQL extensions. It is not recommended to use the old mysql extension for new development.

MACOS  - Linux install

download community edition package

install for all users

for v8x, use old password encryption vs higher encryption

set root password 


decide if MySQL server should start automatically or manually

Image Added

Image Added

Image Added

Image Added

Troubleshoot failed server startup

Log files are located in the data directory (typically C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\data on Windows, /usr/local/mysql/data for a Unix/Linux binary distribution, and /usr/local/var for a Unix/Linux source distribution). Look in the data directory for files with names of the form host_name.err and host_name.log, where host_name is the name of your server host. Then examine the last few lines of these files. Use tail to display them:

shell> tail host_name.err
shell> tail host_name.log

jim-macbook:/ jimmason$ cd /usr/local/mysql
jim-macbook:mysql jimmason$ ls -l
total 552
-rw-r--r--   1 root    wheel   276551 Jul  1 03:53 LICENSE
-rw-r--r--   1 root    wheel      666 Jul  1 03:53 README
drwxr-xr-x  35 root    wheel     1120 Aug 29 22:45 bin
drwxr-x---  27 _mysql  _mysql     864 Aug 29 23:42 data
drwxr-xr-x   5 root    wheel      160 Jul  1 05:42 docs
drwxr-xr-x  16 root    wheel      512 Jul  1 05:42 include
drwxr-x---   2 _mysql  _mysql      64 Aug 29 22:53 keyring
drwxr-xr-x  17 root    wheel      544 Aug 29 22:45 lib
drwxr-xr-x   4 root    wheel      128 Jul  1 05:42 man
drwxr-xr-x  34 root    wheel     1088 Jul  1 05:42 share
drwxr-xr-x   5 root    wheel      160 Jul  1 05:42 support-files

tailing log shows security error running mysqld as root user

2021-08-30T03:48:11.926750Z 0 [ERROR] [MY-010123] [Server] Fatal error: Please read "Security" section of the manual to find out how to run mysqld as root!

A sample my.cnf config file


port = 3306
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock

port = 3306
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
datadir = /usr/local/mysql-5.7.17-macos10.12-x86_64/data
tmpdir = /tmp

MySQL admin

MySQLD default login


Access server environment to reset

You must have root access on the server to reset MySQL's root password.

if remote, login with ssh

You must run the commands in the following steps as the root user. Therefore, you can either log in directly as the root user (which is not recommended for security reasons), or use the su or sudo commands to run the commands as the root user.

Stop the MySQL service or daemon first

service mysql stop
mysqld stop


mysql client login to validate

mysql -u jemadm -pmypasswordp


select version();


-- console.log(`user Syn$ logged in`);


MariaDB vs MySQL Key Differences Comparing MySQL 80 with MariaDB 105.pdf gdrv

The goal of this article is to evaluate and highlight the main similarities and differences between the MySQL Server Database and the MariaDB Server Database. We’ll look into performance aspects, security, main features, and list all aspects which need to be considered before choosing the right database for your requirements.

For MySQL, we can see names such as Facebook, Github, YouTube, Twitter, PayPal, Nokia, Spotify, Netflix and more.

For MariaDB, we can see names such as Redhat, DBS, Suse, Ubuntu, 1&1, Ingenico, Gaming Innovation Group, BlaBla Cars and more.

Oracle DB compare to MySQL DB 


The conditional logic of the CASE expression works hand in hand with the aggregate function to only get a total of the prod_name that you want in each column. Since we have 3 products, then you’d write 3 sum(case... expressions for each column. Here is a demo on SQL Fiddle. This query will give a result of:


MySQL procedure example



MySQL procedure example

Create a procedure with a parm and a result set

-- prepared stmt example
set @aproduct = 'Pants';
prepare stmt1 from '
select p.* from products as p
where p.prod_name like ?';
execute stmt1 using @aproduct;

deallocate prepare stmt1;

-- procedure example - normally use create definer for security by roles
delimiter ;;
CREATE PROCEDURE `zListProducts`(IN increment INT, OUT acounter INT)
WHILE counter < 10 DO
SET counter = counter + increment;
SET acounter = counter;
delimiter ;

Call a procedure with a parm and a result set


Call a procedure with a parm and a result set


SET @increment = 2;
SET @acounter = 22;
select @increment;

CALL `zListProducts`(@increment, @acounter);

select @acounter;

MySQL dynamic statements using SQL varialbles @myvar etc

Temporal DB Tables in MySQL

A temporal database stores data relating to time instances. It offers temporal data types and stores information relating to past, present and future time. Temporal databases could be uni-temporal, bi-temporal or tri-temporal.

More specifically the temporal aspects usually include valid time, transaction time or decision time.

  • Valid time is the time period during which a fact is true in the real world.
  • Transaction time is the time at which a fact was recorded in the database.
  • Decision time is the time at which the decision was made about the fact.

MariaDB of a temporal table with application and system time

If your application needs to utilize both system-versioning and application-time periods, you can combine them in bitemporal tables. The earlier instructions for maintaining each type of temporal data applies.

CREATE TABLE coupons_new (
   name VARCHAR(255),
   date_start DATE,
   date_end DATE,
   PERIOD FOR valid_period(date_start, date_end)

This creates a table with two time periods, the arbitrary one based on the two DATE columns for application-time periods, and the internal SYSTEM_TIME for system-versioning.

You may find this useful in applications where you need an audit trail for data change while still needing to perform operations dependent on application-time periods.

Step-by-step guide for Example
