m MySQL Workbench

Key Points

  1. MySQL client for admin, dev, modeler
  2. has admin, schema, developer views
  3. round trip modeling - create model > generate sql > build > reverse engineer db > create sql > create model from sql
  4. good performance hot spot analysis tools
  5. can connect multiple databases on different connections concurrently and share data
  6. scales very well
  7. supports all data models-  SQL, NoSQL json, wide column db denormalized, graph databases
  8. event streaming support
  9. very widely used
  10. small change from MySQL to other DBS - Oracle, DB2, Postgres, SQL Server



https://dev.mysql.com/downloads for devs
Workbench output windows

Key Concepts

MySQL Local install

admin = root  ( default )

set admin/ pwd

Install MySQL db

start mysqld to run as daemon

Install MySQL workbench

run exe to open workbench

connection on localhost:3306 to db from workbench - test connections

can import / export SQL

can generate model from DB 

can generate DB from model

Potential Value Opportunities

Potential Challenges

Candidate Solutions

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

Recommended Next Steps