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Use Libre Calc with project mgt templates

Use GSuite project mgt templates of open source Project Management tools
p Product Plan tProject Tools within Confluence *
SWT project and design templates search link.  ****

SGAAPS, SOAARS templates - gsheets - embed Confluence templates launch templates - Confluence ** management templates - Confluence ** open tools list templates from - Test Data Mgt Plan

EMP - Environment Management Plan

Jira server SSL setup - gdrive

Jira server SSL setup

Integrating JIRA with Apache using SSL - gdrive

Integrating JIRA with Apache using SSL

Jira server authentication process with Apache SSL tip - gdrive

Jira server authentication process with Apache SSL tip

Project Management Concepts

Project Management concepts - slides - Sky Web Team

Project Management concepts - pptx - Sky Web Team

Project Management concepts - pdf - Sky Web Team



Project Management concepts - Jim
Project-Architecture-Decision-Log-template.xlsxArchitecture Decision Log - template to use in GSheets Project Management Templates materials - 6 Sigma project quality controls

Project Charter - SIMPLE - How to Write article to Write a Project Charter Examples amp Template Included.pdf.  link

Project Charter - Complete model for VCE ISR  link

Project Charter - Complete model for VCE ISR  file

Paid PMP training class#pmp #train

Weekly PMP question review on youtube from Amer Ali

Key Concepts

Strategies for Project Success


  • Scrum is our common project management method
    • Requirements are prioritized and organized into releases
    • Releases are planned on a product roadmap
    • Release features mapped to Sprints
    • Release features defined by epics, stories in BDD format
    • Manager controls backlog
    • Sprints include: plan, deliver, demo, retrospective
    • Standups: daily check: done, doing, blockers
    • Reporting on demand via JIRA or equivalent toolset

Create BDD Stories as Test Cases

  • Stories are normally defined as acceptance test cases in JIRA
  • Define an actor and the test case in Gherkin format normally
  • BDD ( Behavior-Driven Design ) test methods have lower semantic gaps
  • Common Gherkin keywords:
  • As X, Given, When, Then, So
  • What are the verifications needed in each step of the story?


and customer can receive the goods they paid for

Bug Reporting in Jira

Solution Architecture Method - SAM - Sky Web Team


Create Executable Test Cases from BDD Stories for Solution Definition Validation



Expando objects allow dynamic class definitions with attributes, behavior and event handlers for async smart object testing

These tests provide the same interactivity when executed as async REST API event handlers so a solution model can be dynamically tested and validated for behavior before it's coded

Code Block
titleGroovy Smart Object Expando Events Ex
//x2031     groovy smart objects w expando events

println "//x2031     ex-expando-events-gen-v1.groovy"

println """
          x111c groovy bound property example -
        shows the flexibility of event messaging in requirements modeling using bound property event listeners
           in the example
           the toyota vehicle has bound properties
           the owner listens for changes in the toyota properties 
        this model has 2 independent objects, one listening for events on the other in a single Java process 
        for modeling purposes, this simple method can proxy the concept of independent processes linked by event messages 
            jim mason - 
import groovy.beans.*

class Owner implements PropertyChangeListener {
    boolean carPriceChange
    Car aCar
    String name
    String toString() {
        "owner = $ and the car is ${aCar.toString()} "
    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
        String propertyName = e.getPropertyName();
        println "debug>> e = ${e.toString()}"
        if ("price".equals(propertyName)) {
           println "\n Event >> Owner $ detected car ${e.source.brand} price changed to: ${e.newValue} from: ${e.oldValue} \n\t the car is ${aCar.toString()} \n"
        if ("automatic".equals(propertyName)) {
           println "\n Event >> Owner $ detected car ${e.source.brand} automatic transmission type changed to: ${e.newValue} from: ${e.oldValue} \n\t the car is ${aCar.toString()} \n"

class Car {
   int numberOfDoors
   @Vetoable String model
   @Vetoable String brand
   @Bindable boolean automatic
   @Bindable double price
   String toString() {
     "[Car details => brand: '${brand}', model: '${model}', #doors: '${numberOfDoors}', automatic: '${automatic}', price: '${price}']"

import groovy.beans.*
import java.beans.*
def toyota = new Car(brand: 'Toyota', model: 'Verso', price: 28919, numberOfDoors: 5, automatic: false)
toyota.propertyChange = {
 if (it.propertyName == 'price') {
  println "The price has changed. Inform sales the new price is '${it.newValue}'."
toyota.vetoableChange = { PropertyChangeEvent pce ->
 if (pce.propertyName == "brand") {
  if (!(pce.newValue in ['Toyota', 'Lexus'])) {
   throw new PropertyVetoException('New value is not Toyota or Lexus', pce)
 if (pce.propertyName == "model") {
  if (pce.newValue ==~ /.*\d+.*/) {
   throw new PropertyVetoException('No numbers in model names allowed.', pce)
toyota.price = 30995
assert 30995 == toyota.price
toyota.brand = 'Lexus'
assert 'Lexus' == toyota.brand
try {
 toyota.brand = 'AUDI'
 assert false: 'We should not be able to set this value.'
} catch (PropertyVetoException e) {
 assert true
 println " could not set brand to AUDI. car brand is ${toyota.brand}"
try {
 toyota.model = 'A5'
 assert false: 'We should not be able to set this value.'
} catch (PropertyVetoException e) {
 assert true
 println " could not set model to A5. car model is ${toyota.model}"

def anOwner = new Owner() = "Jim"
println anOwner.toString()
anOwner.aCar = toyota
println "\n car was purchased \n    ${ anOwner.toString() }  \n "

// how to add an propertyChangeListener to an object in groovy

toyota.automatic = true
toyota.price = 44000
toyota.automatic = true              // no pce fired because the attribute state is the same

Bug Reporting in Jira

Solution Architecture Method - SAM - Sky Web Team


Teams using DORA or SPACE, or even both, still may find a hole in their efficiency measurement strategy: is the development team actually working on projects that will bring the most value to the business? Traditionally mapping business value onto software development has been difficult to do as neither side speaks the same language, which can easily lead to a lack of shared priorities and understanding.  bring the two sides together, ideally with minimal pain and maximum collaboration

4 dimensions ot flow metrics - features,


quality, risks, technical debt - see VCRS for BETTER value mapping

  1. Features are what is being built, and this metric is tied completely to code creation. It is also closely related to business priorities.
  2. Quality measured by Defects is an umbrella term referring to debugging and of course the time it takes to find and fix problems.
  3. Risk is the metric that reflects the precarious nature of code development, i.e., it can be at risk of security breaches or not being compliant. And finally
  4. Debt, sometimes known by the dev term technical debt, is a tip of the hat to flow, as debt stands in the way of forward momentum in software development.
