m IBM i and Z Solutions & Services

m IBM i and Z Solutions & Services

Key Points

  1. IBM i is now an OS running on Power 9 Servers which host Linux OS's and AIX as well
  2. zOS is the IBM mainframe
  3. IBM Power is the hardware platform for IBM i, Linux, Unix
  4. IBM Z is the hardware platform for IBM zOS, zLinux
  5. Both support many features for reliability, performance, resiliency, security
  6. Both support options for:
    1. VMs - partitions
    2. Containers - containers and subsystems
    3. Open standard software as well as proprietary solutions
      1. Linux, Java, Python, Nodejs, MySQL, Postgres, Kafka, more
  7. IBM i offers higher automation, productivity, extensibility in the OS architecture
  8. IBM Z has higher top-end performance



https://community.ibm.com/community/user/powerdeveloper/homeIBM Power Dev X
https://community.ibm.com/community/user/powerdeveloper/communities/community-home?CommunityKey=609d2e3d-9128-4143-af37-bd186e521736Power eos DBs group

Power w Kubernetes

n’s and out’s of working with Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift


Power w Containers

developing and deploying containerized apps on IBM Power.

https://community.ibm.com/community/user/powerdeveloper/communities/community-home?CommunityKey=e7262db6-9b22-4474-8870-5b31337aa570Power w eos Security
https://community.ibm.com/community/user/powerdeveloper/communities/community-home?CommunityKey=068c1cf5-2cf5-4d82-88c5-e067df2580bdPower w AI
https://community.ibm.com/community/user/powerdeveloper/communities/community-home?CommunityKey=8cc2a1f0-6307-48cb-9178-ace50920244ePower w Programming Languages

http://jt400.sourceforge.net/JT400 - open Java Toolkit for IBM i
https://sourceforge.net/projects/jt400/JT400 downloads page


IBM i ports for remote access to open ( RDI , apps etc )

The mandatory ports for Rdi are: 8470, 8475, 8476, 446, 449

optional ports for Debug, IFS etc: 8473, 8472, 4300, 3825

https://learn.common.org/catalogCOMMON sessions - jmswt - S$

eosi eos ibmi solutions and services


EOSi  iBM EOS Services pptx  ***

good - just add cloud, data svcs, eos ebc, bi tools, groovy grails birt

IBM i cloud migration services from AWS, Azure, Google 





Why IBM Mainframe runs in the Fortune 100 and FIS Cloud Migration ***

IBM App Connect Enterprise linkIBM IIB and Cloud App Connect combined 
where's EOS ? open version ?

Key Concepts

IBM i Services to Focus on

Hi Mahua
Here is my quick capabilities summary for the IBM i OS and the Power 9 server platform ( see below ).
IBM i is now just an OS not a hardware server.
The current hardware server is IBM Power 9.
The list below shows all the current capabilities I have worked on for IBM i OS at some point.
I'm leaving out RPG and COBOL because the customers already have those skill sets and I haven't done them in 20 years.
IBM i / Power 9
Software Support Capabilities

  1. Web server
  2. Websphere server
  3. Liberty server
  4. Tomcat server
  5. Java
  6. Node.js
  7. Grails Web applications
  8. REST services
  9. DB2
  10. Integration with other databases: Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, CouchDB, SQL Server
  11. SQL, NoSQL, stored procedures
  12. IBM HATS - 5250 green screen to Web Browser - dynamic transformation
  13. Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain ( runs on Power 9 Linux and integrates directly with IBM i via REST services etc )
Issues ...
We SHOULD have access to IBM i and IBM Cloud for our team to train and test on IF we are positioning ourselves in that space as a software solutions provider.
We don't have that now.
We also don't have referenced IBM customers now ( server or cloud ).
A win for IBM would be a positioning for Paramount that links:
  • IBM i
  • Hyperledger Fabric
  • IBM Cloud
  • IBM Analytics in the cloud
To become a "preferred" services provider with IBM in those 4 areas, we need certifications, not just experience.
I had been a HATS instructor for IBM a long time ago so I was certified then.
I also had an IBM Object-Oriented Developer certification in the past as well.
I didn't need certs on the list above in the past because I was established as an expert on IBM i with Rochester and Toronto labs 10 years ago.
I also was a monthly author on IBM i new technology in the Experts Journal ( which has since folded ) for more than 10 years.
We know the Hyperledger Admin cert we need.
IBM also has other certs.
The Analytics certs would not be hard to pick up those.

Jim Mason IBM i presentation references

SQL-and-Data_Management-Concepts.pptx.  link

jim-mason-create-web-data-mart-transscript-docplayer.net-NEMUG Feb Create Your Own Web Data Mart with MySQL.pdf.  link

jim-mason-create-web-data-mart-transscript-docplayer.net-NEMUG Feb Create Your Own Web Data Mart with MySQL.pdf file

Jim Mason Web DataMart with MySQL session

jim-mason-QuickWebDataMart_MySQL.pdf.   link

jim-mason-QuickWebDataMart_MySQL.pdf. file

Advanced SQL. Jim Mason. Web solutions for iseries engineer, build, deploy, support, train - PDF Free Download.pdf. link

Advanced SQL. Jim Mason. Web solutions for iseries engineer, build, deploy, support, train - PDF Free Download.pdf. file

jim-mason-advanced-sql-for-ibmi-2017.pdf.   link

jim-mason-advanced-sql-for-ibmi-2017.pdf  file

Jim Mason - Best SQL session

SQL-and-Data_Management-Concepts.pdf.  link

SQL-and-Data_Management-Concepts.pdf.  file

qwtip55_JSF_wdsc_SqlReader_LAB_part_1_inquiry_work.doc.  gdoc

qwtip41_JavaXML_xml2sql_work.doc.  gdoc

my advanced sql for ibm i presentation


jim mason interview on ibm i dev in 2009


jim mason windows integration options 2011


nemug ibm i topics lists -- old


create your own IBM i data mart - 2008

java tips - some are mine



jim mason interview on dev tools
Web development on IBM i, what’s important to learn?

scribd signup - 30 day free

IBM i Features



how to configure an NVMe in an IBM i server, we create the Name Spaces (virtual disk units that will be presented to IBM i) and then configure them for use with our LPAR

IBM i videos


IBM i Introduction - Steve Bradshaw

IBM i Systems Management Concepts 

IBM i - Things I Love - Steve Bradshaw

IBM Z Platform Capabilities & FIS Cloud Migration Example

Why IBM Mainframe runs in the Fortune 100 and FIS Cloud Migration ***

IBM Z mainframe How it runs and why it survives.pdf. link

IBM Z mainframe How it runs and why it survives.pdf file 

FIS Mainframe to Cloud Migration Solution

FIS Global, a major provider of mainframe banking software, provides a migration path off of the mainframe with its FIS Modern Banking Platform. The company has architected a stack of cloud components to perform the same functions as its mainframe products, and it rewrote its COBOL mainframe applications in Java and migrated the flat file data to relational databases. The Java code runs in the JBOSS application server, which is deployed in a Docker container. The container is managed in cloud servers with the Kubernetes container manager, which runs on Linux or Windows in a cloud server. Real-time events are managed with Apache Kafka.

ROI for Cloud Migration of Bank Customers

Communication is through Kafka events or Java Messaging Services, and new server instances can be spun up in seconds in AWS or Azure clouds to provide additional capacity, which is needed for high-volume processing. FIS Global can provide the same functionality as the mainframe applications, but its system is made of commodity cloud components and is very scalable. The investment to convert to this architecture is fairly high, and a smooth conversion is by no means assured, but once a company is running on the Modern Banking Platform, the annual operating cost would presumably be lower.

How Mainframe Continues To Survive

IBM's business model allows it to invest in mainframe infrastructure. Telum, the latest mainframe CPU, saw advances in its cache management and the addition of on-die AI processing, both resulting in performance increases. Mainframe COBOL has been extended to support JSON and XML to enable web-based development, and it received considerable optimizations for the Telum CPU architecture.

IBM is also adapting to changes in the industry and is pushing its hybrid cloud strategy onto the mainframe. This includes using Red Hat Linux for DevOps and Red Hat for Linux tool chains. Red Hat enables Node.js, Python, Docker, and Kubernetes on the mainframe. Other recent Z/OS features include the ability to pull, manage, and run containerized open source Linux images.

So even as COBOL programmers and mainframe support personnel age out of the workforce, IBM continues to modernize the mainframe infrastructure and software stack. And although the mainframe continues to face challenges from the cloud, it has managed to adapt and survive.

Potential Value Opportunities

IBM partnerships help in marketing services to IBM market segments ( eg IBM i etc )

Where is our unique value add for IBM and customers over the many other IBM service providers?

  • few or none combine Fabric blockchain with IBM i on services and support
  • we need a cert on Fabric Admin and 1 on IBM i to cement that combination
  • we need a reference IBM i account that would use our services for Fabric blockchain
    • put article in IBM Systems magazine
    • ideally the solution is a simple trusted ledger for compliance ( not an external ecosystem )
  • more

IBM i Integration Technologies

Standard, open-source integration options exist for IBM i


Image preview

Using Java, even more open-source integration options exist using the JTOpen Java Toolset


Potential Challenges

Expenses for

  1. IBM server environments
  2. IBM training
  3. IBM certifications
  4. IBM related conferences for marketing, sales
  5. IBM related Web blogs published at least quarterly on tech tips ( something I can pick up again as needed )

Precisely - IBM i Security Tools & Concepts update - m240319


Candidate Solutions

STH Candidate IBM solutions


STH Product VCE models 6

#p.CMS = ?? 6

#p.Reporting = ?? BIRT ?? 6

#p.CRUD data SQL = JHipster lite ???  Grails via open400 jdbc? 6

#.p.CRUD data NoSQL = ??? 6

#p.Governance = STH.STEAR 6

#p.compares - to IBM and 3rd party solutions 7

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

Recommended Next Steps

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