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Table of Contents

Key Points



Google drive docs
North Dakota RFP folder Drive jem notes G Drive link to Paramount Proposals
Research Areas for PresentationRFP docs

Attachment+1+Tech+Archit+Overview-notes.docxND RFP Technical Architecture







IBM Blockchain Platform features

ensure key features covered in proposal


HLF concepts, diagrams


HLF concepts, diagrams

ibm BC book - design, implementation, features, business cases

the right scope, select the best technology, and establish an
appropriate business model and governance structure, risk mgt

EnerBlock NSF SBIR Phase I Update 11-04-19.pptxEnerblock POC proposal model with actions, next steps
jmason_blockchain_strategies-v1.pptx_psoft/writing -  ebc, hlf concepts - solution strategies, impacts
m Hyperledger Fabric Conceptsconcepts on value, impacts, approach

Chris G K8S hlf v1.4 deployment tutorials - see videos on hlf app dev
Fabric getting started guides chaintool packager for smart contracts ( chaincode )
  at 18:42 time
Fabric Contributor Meeting - release cadence plan v1

Identity Management security concepts
m Hyperledger Indy
m Hyperledger Aries - identity, data management tools
m Hyperledger Fabric Concepts
m Fabric Concepts 2
C:\Users\Jim Mason\AppData\Local\Amazon\Kindle\storage

Blockchain for SSI Identity Mgt Kindle Book ( via Kindle app )

Key Tasks

I have shared a list of questions for review.We are bidding for three segments within the five options in the list of documents i.e. Blockchain,ID Proofing and Self Sovereign Identity.The ID Proofing and Self Sovereign Identity specific part will be helped by Vipin.Vikram is in charge of the RFP for submission and feel free to connect with him for more details if you need.







Key Questions

  1. what are our service / education offerings ??   my QWU, IBM WebFacing, in-sourcing TGA
  2. what are the applicable regulations for the state to track identity, transcripts ?
  3. do individuals require NEW ids on this network?
  4. do the service providers ( schools and .. ) have a way to support DIDs? Not now
  5. who are trust providers?
  6. who are service providers?
  7. who are the hosting organizations?
    1. currently, state hosts the eTranscript program for schools
    2. do schools need to be hosts on the blockchain?  No
  8. For SSI, how many DIDs would be issued potentially to a user?   1> network access   2> school registrations
  9. credentials issued by a school:  enrolled, attended, graduated
  10. documents issued by a school:  transcript, health record, diploma

Key Use cases

School registers with state

Individual enrolls on state network

Individual enrolls in a school program

Individual attends a school program

Individual graduates a school program

Individual requests transacript

Individual requests diploma


core/More than just a learning management system (LMS), Brightspace Core combines the powerful tools, services, and support you need to deliver a best-in-class teaching and learning experience for faculty and students—all in one convenient package.

Key Tasks

I have shared a list of questions for review.We are bidding for three segments within the five options in the list of documents i.e. Blockchain,ID Proofing and Self Sovereign Identity.The ID Proofing and Self Sovereign Identity specific part will be helped by Vipin.Vikram is in charge of the RFP for submission and feel free to connect with him for more details if you need.

a> review rfp
a> answer questions
a> research TYS vs custom
a> research Fabric samples for id mgt
a> research for Fab id mgt
a> research Besu, Indy for IAM
a> review oauth2, openid docs

research ...

RFP Objectives

Looking for software services, solutions ( and platforms ?? ) to deliver digital ids, wallets, credentials and verifications for specific items ( transcripts, diplomas, etc )

Hire for services & POC for:


Identity Management - Microsoft Azure B2C

Identity Management – Identity Proofing

Identity Management - Self-Sovereign Identity

Digital Credentials (Certificates, Badging, Wallets, and Backpacks)

2 phases on 2 separate SOWs

  • Services & training - Phase 1 design, training
  • POC Phase 2


Other RFP Documents

  1. amendment doesn't clarify much except
    1. they have worked with Indy, Aries in test
    2. AWS or Azure are acceptable cloud environments
  2. attachment 1 = enterprise architecture shows focus on Microsoft environments
    1. they have an existing dNet eTranscript app running now with ADFS identities, sso
  3. attachment 2 = application definition
    1. focuses on 4 areas for app:  architecture, security, data mgt, maintenance and support
  4. more

Key RFP Questions

  1. is the RFP going to one vendor or multiple for all the services listed?
    1. 2 phases - p1 = services   p2 = poc  both may have different vendors
  2. what are our service / education offerings ??   my QWU, IBM WebFacing, in-sourcing TGA
  3. what are the applicable regulations for the state to track identity, transcripts ?
    1. new North Dakota law on privacy only requires right to data access for a user on PII data
  4. What portions of the new environment will run on Azure and connect with AD B2C ids?
    1. Azure will run the existing identity system for existing apps
    2. OIDC will be added
    3. The new transcript solution MAY add DIDs
  5. do individuals require NEW ids on this network?
    1. existing users of school system have ids in ADFS
    2. want to add OIDC support
    3. may add SSI support w DID IF it can work with OIDC - no std here - see von
  6. do the service providers ( schools and .. ) have a way to support DIDs? Not now
    1. could use custom Indy, Aries solution
      1. DID, wallet, credentials
  7. who are trust providers?
    1. state, schools?
  8. who are service providers?
  9. who are the hosting organizations?
    1. currently, state hosts the eTranscript program for schools
    2. do schools need to be hosts on the blockchain?  No
    3. AWS and Azure are viable cloud platforms
  10. For SSI, how many DIDs would be issued potentially to a user?   1> network access   2> school registrations
  11. credentials issued by a school:  enrolled, attended, graduated
  12. documents issued by a school:  transcript, health record, diploma

Key Architecture Requirements Questions

  1. Given Azure AD for Identity registry and OIDC, how will DIDs interface?  See Azure external id interface
  2. Should credentials and verification requests get stored on blockchain?  
    1. Provides immutable, transparent trail to authorized users for both
    2. Credentials normally on blockchain but verification requests could be done securely between the 2 agents

Key Use cases

School registers with state

Individual enrolls on state network

Individual enrolls in a school program

Individual attends a school program

Individual graduates a school program and issue diploma

Individual requests transacript

Individual requests diploma

Individual requests attendance verification

Individual graduates a cyber security course and issue credential

Key Entities






Key Transactions




Key Education Policies

Based on age, people may have education requirements unless exempted

Key Requirements

The new Identity Provider is Azure AD ( page 9 )

Support for OpenID Connect for authentication

Identity proofing required to establish a valid identity

Investigate the option for individuals to use SSI ids

issue and manage DIDs, wallets for individuals

recoverable DIDs and wallets

parental or legal guardian management of DIDs, wallets for children below 18

issue and manage credentials

provide verifications on DIDs

provide verifications on credentials

Key Concepts

state Proposal Requirements


Instead of sharing private data within a collection of multiple members, you may want to share private data across collections, where each collection may include a single organization, or perhaps a single organization along with a regulator

Private data can be shared with members not a member of a private data collection

Member receiving shared data can verify the transaction is valid by matching the on-chain hashes

Private data allows custom, optional endorsement policies that override smart contract endorsement policies

For example, 2 orgs with private data may have to endorse the transaction as well

For direct, per-organization private data sharing, private data collections do not need to be defined first

Token Support 

Design process can determine the need for different token types in the disbursement solution


Blockchain Experience Section Write up

This is what I have gathered that we have so far - please change the information if it is any different.

  1. Food Industry: Provenance & Tracking

Paramount has completed the implementation of a Hyperledger Fabric-based blockchain solution for a provenance & tracking of product for a client based out of a state in the United States. The operation involves procuring the raw product from the indigenous community in a South American rainforest and eventually packaging and selling it from the base location. The process also consists of passing through a complex, opaque and time-consuming transportation mediums involving trucks, rail, and shipping. 

  1. ID Management

Paramount has started a pilot project for a federal owned entity in the Power & Utility sector. The blockchain platform is being used to create smart contacts, that provide immutable, secured, traceable, and transparent data that can be converted into tangible and relevant information for the enhancement of the business. Smart Contract would help to store sensitive information while providing a secure and auditable tracking mechanism for a chain of custody, audit compliance and asset security. The goal of the pilot project is to build a robust and secure system that can grow and evolve without compromising security.

  1. Token Management 

Paramount has launched an MVP and working on a version 1 application, for an online social community platform focused on wellness and social good. In this platform, users will be engaging in a blockchain-powered platform to allow for transactions to be conducted on the Stellar Network.

  1. Grid Stability

Paramount has engaged with a grant-based project with the National Science Foundation along with a partner offering energy-specific solutions to promote the Distributed Energy ecosystem through Hyperledger Fabric-based Blockchain solution. The project engages Utility token built using Ethereum (ERC20 preferably) on top of that for storage and exchange of energy to facilitate energy trading. Further, the blockchain solution will reconcile any payment issues between producers and consumers on the distribution end.


  1. Addressing legal requirements by jurisdiction for transfer or sale of goods, services and money is outside the scope of the solution design
  2. Data privacy considerations reflect key concepts in GDPR and related statutes as they are interpreted
  3. Security considerations address concepts of identity, authentication, functional authorization, data authorization, data encryption
  4. This is a permissioned enterprise blockchain 
  5. All transactions are recorded in the ledger
  6. All participants transacting on the network have:  an assigned identity, a wallet, assigned credentials in the wallet
  7. Receipt of goods, services and payments by organizations and users can digitally tracked 
  8. Distribution of cash, services and goods physically is separate issue
  9. If goods have bar code or QR code labels, those can be scanned as a transaction on the mobile device
  10. Services delivery could be validated as a simple online transaction referencing the service order or using a physical service work ticket if it's generated

Key Requirements 

how do we rank requirements priority?
