m Fabric Concepts 2

m Fabric Concepts 2

see Concepts 1 here m Hyperledger Fabric Solution Concepts

This page extends the first

Key Points

  • The Fabric documentation ( see References below ) is the right place to learn blockchain concepts and details on building and deploying Fabric blockchain solutions
  • Hyperledger Fabric is open-source software framework, tools and runtime for permissioned blockchains ( eg NOT Bitcoin )
  • Node server applications can call Fabric smart contracts ( aka chaincode ) using the Nodejs Fabric SDK. SDKs for other languages exist.
  • Fabric smart contracts can be written in languages like Nodejs, GO, Java.
  • Fabric blockchain ledgers have 2 parts: an immutable "chain of blocks ( of transactions )" in the file system and a database ( CouchDb ) with current entity state
  • The Fabric runtime is different than our cloud applications in many ways
  • The Fabric runtime is different than other blockchain frameworks in it's consensus models to deliver better performance
  • Fabric runs in Docker containers on Linux instances
  • An overview on DMX University is here for Hyperledger resources



Blockchain basics: permissionless vs permissioned


Nuances Between Permissionless and Permissioned Blockchains  Anant Kadiyala

ebook-getting-started-with-enterprise-blockchain_46025046USEN.pdfIBM ebook Enterprise Blockchains - 2019

Hyperledger Fabric concepts 
Hyperledger concepts 
Hyperledger, A Greenhouse for Blockchain Projects
Hyperledger hosts and incubates multiple technology projects, all advancing business blockchain frameworks and modules through open source collaboration.

Hyperledger Project and Fabric Resources












Main Projects Site page

Wiki page for all Hyperledger projects 

Hyperledger Project public meeting calendar  ( a few meetings forget to add to this calendar )

Hyperledger working groups

SIGS - Special Interest Groups page - industry and social groups

Fabric project wiki home page

Fabric design documents

Fabric playbacks for design reviews - docs and recordings

JIRA  - Fabric feature roadmap - create account, login, query any tickets, related docs in Fabric

Fabric chaintool information page - compile, test, package, deploy

File lists for some community calls and recordings - Fabric Dev and ?

Fabric Basic Blockchain Introduction 

The "Hands-on Blockchain with Hyperledger" book is out of date on Fabric technical topics since it was built on version 1.1 primarily. Most of the concept and design ideas are still valid

Recommend using the current Fabric documentation ( readthedocs.io/en/lastest ) pages to get current info that is normally more accurate

https://bmos299-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/protocol-spec.htmlOLD - 3rd party copy of Fabric docs
https://hyperledger.github.io/fabric-rfcs/rfcs.htmlFabric RFCs for major new features after v1x

Fabric Key Concepts 


fabric-private-data-collections-2019-14489867.pptxFabric private data collections pptx

Fabric - What's New 


https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/fabric/Fabric+Interop+Working+GroupProvide standard interfaces for separate Fabric networks to connect, create and join channels, install and run chaincode and smart contracts.  Feature works in v1.4x and later networks

Hyperledger Fabric Developer docs

Fabric - Getting Started 


Fabric - Developing Applications

Fabric - Tutorials 


Fabric - Smart Contracts ( Chaincode ) - a Developer's View


Fabric - Smart Contracts ( Chaincode ) - an Operator's View


Fabric - CouchDb - the ledger database 


Fabric - Operations Guides


Fabric - Command Reference


Fabric - Architecture Reference 


Fabric - Glossary


Fabric Feature Youtube Videos ( 19 )

The Fabric team adds videos to this youtube channel as new features come out
Github Fabric repositoriesyp

Hyperledger Wiki

Hyperledger Design Documents 


Team design docs for a Hyperledger Feature

Hyperledger Design Feature playbacks


Architects present, review online new Fabric features in Zoom here.
< more pages are added all the time from the Fabric doc team >more on governance, administration, policies etc
Hyperledger Training Materials Group site

How to work on Fabric training materials


Hyperledger Training Materials Resources


presentations etc free for reuse
https://medium.com/beyondi/tagged/hyperledgerArticles and Tutorials on medium.com about Hyperledger Fabric
https://github.com/mahoney1/animaltrackingTutorial - animaltracking app from Paul Mahoney
Minifabric admin tool **very good clear, easy to learn

Hyperledger Fabric Deployment and Administration
https://www.hyperledger.org/resources/training/hyperledger-fabric-certificationThe Fabric administration course ( still in beta with content upgrades needed before it can be used as a training or certification vehicle )


Github materials 

Good intro to Fabric deployment on Kubernetes

Fabric samples and projects
https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-samplesCommercial Paper app - v1x

Commercial Paper Advanced app - v2x
https://github.com/mahoney/docs/blob/animaltracking-tutorial.mdAnimal Tracking app
https://github.com/IBM-Blockchain/vehicle-manufactureVehicle Manufacture app

Books and articles, papers

IBM Hands-on Blockchain with Hyperledger  ( v1.1 )


the table of contents is here:

m Fabric Concepts 2


$5.00 for a pdf version from packtpub 

Good conceptual detail from start to finish well explained.
Built on old Fabric version 1.1 unfortunately
Good hands-on Composer tutorial
Use the Fabric samples apps shipped with the product for Nodejs
GO is not important as a language - reference only

IBM Blockchain for Business ( 2019 )



Focuses on the business of blockchain by abstracting out the technology very nicely 

Introduction to Blockchain
Opportunities and Challenges
Blockchain Revolution
Coexisting with Existing Systems of Record
Business of Business Models
Developing a Governance Structure for Blockchain Networks
Understanding Financial Models Investment Rubrics and Model
What Does the Future Hold?

Hyperledger Fabric - Whitepaper by the Fabric team


Very good on concepts but not current with any of the new features after v1.2
https://www.ibm.com/blogs/blockchain/2019/04/does-hyperledger-fabric-perform-at-scale/?Fabric performance results - v1.4.1 - show Kafka, Raft 

Hyperledger Fabric overview and integration with Dapps

Keyhole software video from 2018

blockchain-for-dummies-d-3rd-ibm-limited-edtion_83025383USEN.pdfBlockchain for Dummies ebook 2020

External Courses

EDX Blockchain for Business certification program


This program combines both certificate courses below into 1 program saving $20
EDX-LFS171   Blockchain: Understanding it's Uses and Implications
$99 for student certification

EDX-LFS170    Blockchain for Business: Introduction to Hyperledger


$99 for student certification

Other resources 
https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1S32QkWng-rfJGox4gr7pnn2Di0f0mefrOld Fabric v1.1 presentation - Jim Mason



VSCode editor extensions for Hyperledger Composer and IBM Blockchain ( Fabric )

Fabric Documentation team resources
https://jira.hyperledger.org/browse/FAB-8171Orderers conceptual design doc
https://jira.hyperledger.org/browse/FAB-12874FAB-12874 Develop Apps: Smart Contract topic
https://gerrit.hyperledger.org/r/#/c/28958/Gerrit change ticket for FAB-12874
https://gerrit.hyperledger.org/r/#/c/28958/2..1/docs/source/developapps/diagrams.pptxLatest pptx file from the change ticket
JIRA query

Jira query for these parms .. 

project = FAB AND issuetype in (Story, Task) AND fixVersion = v2.0.0 AND "Epic Link" is not EMPTY AND project in (10002) AND issuetype in ("10002", "10001") AND cf[10006] = FAB-14524 AND status = Backlog

Fabric releases


New release_ Hyperledger Fabric 2.2 LTS – Hyperledger.pdf

Fabric v2.2 LTS summary

Key Concepts

Hyperledger Fabric Features Summary

Fabric Concepts

  • EVM and Fabric fit different use cases well
  • Cryto world has LOW volumes
  • Tether is 25 B per day, USDC < 3 B per day .. down from there 
  • Traditional world has HIGH volumes, HIGH value, private, secure transactions

Why Fabric?

  • proven, industrial strength, permissioned DLT platform 
  • number 1 permissioned DLT platform running today
  • supports higher volume use cases
  • security
  • software and hardware security support ( HSM etc )
  • cryptographic libraries are NIST FIPS 140.3 compliant
  • privacy
  • on-chain, off-chain controls for pii
  • more customization capabilities based on architecture than other platforms generally

permissioned DLT references

  • No 1 permissioned blockchain in production use today ( see Blockchain 50 history )
  • Very complex solution usage:  Supply Chain, Healthcare, Trade Fiance, Climate Change
  • Allianz Bank - loan network 
  • TYS - Trust Your Supplier - manage confidential information on companies, individuals
  • TradeWaltz - digital automation for global trade
  • CIRCULOR - battery traceability solution
  • Change Healthcare - medical records managmeent
  • GSBN - Shipment Management, Trade Finance  
  • Blockrails - secure payments 
  • Swift - POC for DvP on Trade Finance
  • IBM Food Trust - food chain traceability & logistics
  • Farm to Plate - food chain Trade Finace
  • Honeywell - aircraft parts suppy chain management
  • Estonia - secure patient health records
  • Covd vaccine tracking in NYC

Fabric architecture features

  • built-in smart contract governance
  • ledger management with purge & archive built in
  • multiple consensus methods: RAFT, BFT .. add more
  • flexible consensus policies at the contract level
  • flexible network architecture
  • multiple smart contract languages: GO, JAVA, NODEJS .. more Python
  • multi-tenant support for organizations mapped to nodes
  • flexible access models: api gateway, network level 
  • interfaces for features with default implementations allows custom services
  • transaction life cycle - execute, order, commit
  • flexible certificate management: built-in Certificate Authority or external
  • flexible membership management: built-in MSP or external service ( eg LDAP or ? )
  • Solidity contract execution 

Fabric and Hyperledger ecosystem

  • strong community of organizations
  • strong Hypledger projects set for delivery, integration and operations
  • Firefly, Caliper, Explorer, Cello, Cacti, Yui, Ursa, Aries, Burrow EVM, 
  • integrations
  • Firefly supernode connects multiple blockchain networks easily
  • cacti, yui
  • Fabric api gateway for easy Web 3 api integrations
  • k8s operator for easy Fabric network management in Kubernetes environments
  • Token SDK framework: supports ERC 20, 721, 1155 token types
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs2EJbEK4_E&t=5s
  • Account based wallets support - https://hyperledger.github.io/fabric-sdk-node/
  • iot integrations: MOBI, Nodered and more

Fabric roadmap directions

  • expanded interface sets for more custom services 
  • more architecture flexibility to scale 10X for high volumme use cases
  • updates on security frameworks
  • more 3rd party frameworks to automate smart contract development
  • more flexible scenarios for purge, archive
  • continued support of NIST approved cryptographic libraries: ECDS, Quantum etc

Compare Fabric and EVM networks

Fabric - related resources

Fabric Consensus Method for Ordering Service

Currently orderers support either CFT (Raft) or BFT (still in v3 preview stage). The ordering service is setup as to run one and only run of those two protocols for block consensus. 

Chaincode transactions will be ordered according to the channel configuration setup for the ordering service, meaning there is no way of changing consensus on the fly.

Addressing the three ideas:
  1. Two orderer organizations in the same channel will share the same ordering rules, as they are part of the same ordering service.
  2. Not possible for the reasons I outlined above.
  3. You may have two channels that follow two different ordering protocols (Raft and BFT for v3.0.0-preview) as long as they are served by different orderers. The orderer runtime will run only one of the protocols after initial setup. That would also mean that your chaincode logic would be separate in two channels (two chaincodes) and that information would be registered in separate ledgers.
Beware that ordering logic is decoupled from smart contract logic.

CTO @ GoLedger

Value Chain Network Model

  1. For Fabric technology, ( see above references )
  2. Businesses operate in networks, formal or informal, with customers, suppliers and competitors
  3. Business networks can be:
    1. connected
      network connected ( Internet, email etc ) 
    2. integrated 
      business processes interfacing ( traditional ETL or REST apis )
    3. coordinated 
      well defined business methods and roles between customers, competitors, vendors
      smart contracts standardize business transactions enforcing business rules
      transactions digitally signed by identified parties
      data is shared real-time over the network with privacy rules enforced
      governance and audit requirements are simpler, lower cost to meet
  4. Where is your organization on the VCN scale?
  5. If businesses can see improved results in the coordinated model, blockchain is often the answer

Fabric Network Interoperability Model

The Interop Group has defined standard interfaces for separate Fabric networks to connect, create and join channels, install and run chaincode and smart contracts. 

The Interop Definition Feature works in v1.4x and later networks


This working group was formed to promote the interoperability of Hyperledger Fabric network services. The primary goal of this working group is to ensure Fabric services provided by different vendors can work with each other with the following specific requirements:

  1. Peers from a new organization can join a running fabric network, that is, a peer from a new organization can eventually participate in an existing channel to receive and respond Fabric blockchain transaction requests
  2. A client application can perform Fabric SDK provided API calls against any of the peers and orderers to perform the following Fabric operations:
    1. Channel create
    2. Channel join
    3. Chaincode install (in golang or nodejs)
    4. Chaincode instantiate
    5. Chaincode invoke/query

To test the compliance of each service from a vendor, an new or existing orderering service shall be used. The orderering services should at least satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Kafka based orderering service
  2. TLS on

The Interop Test Network that is running now


Fabric v3x coming in 2024


With Fabric v3.0, Hyperledger Fabric is continuing its leadership in the Enterprise Permissioned Blockchain / DLT space as secure, adaptable, high performance, easy to use platform supporting a variety of smart contract language options: GO, Java, Javascript etc. It offers configuration options on services other platforms often don't. Fabric can interoperate with other blockchains as needed using API integrations to any service or the blockchain connectors ( Hyperledger Cacti and YUI ). There is good documentation and training to get started on Fabric ( https://lnkd.in/etqVcPx5 ). If you need enterprise quality, trusted transaction solutions Fabric is a great base to build from.

If you look at driving up quality and lowering time to market and costs for development, definitely take Hyperledger Firefly (.https://lnkd.in/eXne_Zsg ) for a test drive. It is a well architected services platform for enterprise blockchains that can integrate multiple blockchains well ( Fabric, Ethereum, etc ), supporting Web 3 standards, flexible interfaces and code generation for the API services layer. Teams I've worked with love using it. Kaleido offers a variety of enterprise extensions as well for Firefly ( https://lnkd.in/erdhvcbJ ).

I see 2024 continuing the expansion of use cases where Fabric and Firefly deliver higher value for trusted computing solutions for digital assets and digital transformation projects in any industry

Fabric on Kubernetes

Fabric Multi-tenancy Concepts for v2x

Implementing Multitenancy on Hyperledger Fabric using Kubernetes


In Hyperledger Fabric 2.0, chain code script components are embedded within Docker containers which then have to be installed on each and every peer on the network. Docker swarms or Kubernetes(details below) are then used to deploy these components on the Fabric network.

Deploying and managing multitenant Blockchain architectures for concurrent access is quite a herculean and challenging task. Here as well, Kubernetes are used to achieve multitenancy on Hyperledger Fabric for managing multiple Blockchains.

a single Hyperledger Fabric based system is required to serve multiple tenants simultaneously for processing concurrent execution of transactions.

Multi-tenancy features required

Data Isolation & Privacy

Achieving multitenancy on Hyperledger Fabric demands complete data isolation. The platform has to be built in such a way that one tenant should not be allowed to access other tenant’s data, thus maintaining complete data privacy.

System Performance for tenant workload separation

Performance of all tenants should be irrespective of each other’s workload. One tenant should not be affected due to higher workloads of other tenants, therefore maintaining enhanced system performance. Scalability by tenant

Kubernetes has multiple advantages that makes it the perfect platform for achieving multitenancy on Hyperledger Fabric. Let us see why.

1) Kubernetes enables auto-scaling as well as deployment of multi-container applications.

2) Kubernetes helps your system achieve high availability (HA) round the clock.

3) Kubernetes is a fool-proof platform that is well equipped with container management including deploying, scaling and executing containers of the Hyperledger Fabric.

4) To achieve multitenancy on Hyperledger Fabric, Kubernetes enables the execution of multiple, isolated Fabric instances.

5) Kubernetes balances overload and offers amazing fault-tolerance attributes, which can help ease complicated processes, subsequently reducing cost overheads.

6) Kubernetes not only provides an excellent platform to implement multitenancy on Hyperledger Fabric, but also helps build an application that maintains data integrity, scalability, high performance and cost efficiency.

Fabric - Security, Privacy, Confidentilaity Concepts

Zero knowledge design patterns for Hyperledger Fabric-Daniel-Szego-2025-slides.pdf.     GD

Zero knowledge design patterns for Hyperledger Fabric-Daniel-Szego-2025-slides.pdf.   file

Zero knowledge proofs introduction ● Hyperledger Fabric ● Private signer ● Confidential transaction ● Mixer ● Off-chain transaction ● zkRollup ● Exchange: Off-chain order book matching ● Other use-cases ● Hunting for the SNARK ● Q&A and discussion

Fabric EVM support archived now

Burrow executed 

it translated the evm blocks to Fabric read-write sets for Fabric to post

latest notes from Discord on the architved FABRIC EVM project - 2024

Solidity Smart Contract Basic Concepts 


This introduction to Solidity tutorial walks you through a real-world example that flexes the power of this programming language: building a Solidity smart contract.

In this article I'll cover the basics of writing a simple smart contract in Solidity that's a variation of an introductory Hello World program. The contract example might seem trivial, but it demonstrates some very important details that any developer must understand to program in Solidity.

Solidity is a compiled language that uses a compilation model similar to Java. In this model, Solidity source code is compiled into bytecode. That bytecode is stored on the blockchain and is processed by an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) hosted by one of the many computer nodes on the blockchain network. Figure 1 illustrates the process, similar to how a JVM processes Java bytecode.

Process to create and store a smart contract on a blockchain network.

Fig. 1. The smart contract process. Source code is compiled into bytecode, stored on the blockchain, processed by a VM and hosted on a node on the blockchain network.

Potential Value Opportunities

Fabric Blockchains can add value for applications and platforms that link different organizations on agreed business processes.

Potential impacts and improvements include:

  • Immutable, historical transaction records
  • data shared real-time across organizations
  • permissioned membership services for KYC and enterprise applications
  • smart contracts that enforce business process rules and data access controls
  • transaction events to automate business workflows
  • trust among participants with signed transactions using digital identities
  • data visibility options ( shared and private )
  • personal identity visibility options 
  • governance and audit options to fit specific needs

Dave Enyeart's 2021 Fabric Roadmap


Potential Challenges

Designing effective blockchain solutions can be different than other solutions

  • Need to identify the organization types, roles, use cases and impacts for all members in the network

Building blockchain applications can be different

  • Client applications invoke remote, distributed Smart contracts running on each node that hosts the blockchain
  • Smart contracts perform write or read only transactions ( no updates allowed )

Running blockchain applications is different

  • Blockchain applications run on a shared, distributed network on Linux instances using containers, a consensus protocol and a distributed rpc for transaction synchronization

Private Data Management Challenges

Nov 13 at 10:09 PM
Hi Yacov

again you are bypassing the question, to be honest I am quiet frustrated now.

the community is not about defending a stance but to find a solution to on going problems, and if something is wrong (which happens frequently in any open source project) we may need to discuss and consider another approach. the current questions about private data listed from various people are listed here:

Security issues
1) hashes put on chain don't have salt added to it, which is vulnerable to dictionary attack (solved)

Methodology issues
1) hashes on chain cannot be validated by any third party, so they can be used by adversaries to trick honest participants (open)
2) private data use gossip to transact data, which would require all participants be connected with any other participant part of a chain. if there are 20 participants in a channel, each participant must open up their firewalls to all other 19 participants of a single channel (open)

Engineering issues:
1) when using k8s and behind load-balancers or proxies, users do not even get a chance to use a shared port (in the aforementioned example, each participant can't even open firewalls to 19 other participants without extensive hacking, and I assumed all participants need to deployed these hacked code to make it work. (discussed)

Private Data Management Features

Hello Ivan,
I have been following this thread for a while.
Thanks for raising some of these issues.
While it is important to question and to challenge the assumptions underlying Hyperledger Fabric, the best way to get attention, answers and influence the design may not be by using language like "Major Security hole...". This raises hackles and creates an atmosphere of defensiveness.
First- The issue you raised at first (the salted hash) may be just related to documentation according to all who debated this let us drop that from the list.
So that leaves:
1) hashes on chain cannot be validated by any third party, so they can be used by adversaries to trick honest participants (open)-
The design of private data collections, setup in effect "a covert channel" between the people who exchange that information. I use the term "covert channel" guardedly, before the cryptographers and crypto engineers among us object strenuously to that term. All those who need to know have access to methods to check the hash. Please re-examine this and re-read the private channel documentation. In terms of the veracity of the data (or the claim); this is a problem that has to be solved anyway-in any blockchain; through attestation by the party who put the data on the chain (in other words the issuers of the claim). There are many ways to share these "covert" claims  - Edge architectures with certain proof on the chain and so forth- a la Aries supported by Indy etc.
2) private data use gossip to transact data, which would require all participants be connected with any other participant part of a chain. if there are 20 participants in a channel, each participant must open up their firewalls to all other 19 participants of a single channel (open)
This may not be as it seems as gossip protocols can transmit information using connections to a limited number of "near peers". Overlay this with the three types of nodes (i.e. endorsing peers, validating peers and orderers- with Anchor peers being special types of peers that can serve as the "gateways" for endorsing and validating peers. As far as the orderers, I am not aware of the exact network that they participate in (i.e. is it gossip driven?). Also this interaction can be over TLS which is a widely used method today to protect communications over the open internet. I believe Fabric has this feature.
You have a point about firewalls, the disposition of the components in a regulated enterprise may need some design modifications to accommodate  firewalls. Since Firewalls, whether  on prem or in the cloud are not monolithic (include multiple layers like the DMZ etc.) currently use reverse proxies (for incoming messages) and Socks compliant protocols for outgoing. In Corda Enterprise, there is a component called the "Float" which functions as a reverse proxy. I was involved in conversations around the design of this component, when I was working in a regulated financial institution. I do not know the status of "the float" since that is available only in Enterprise Corda. There are also multiple architectural patterns written up on the provisioning of the components inside firewalls. We need that thought process in fabric if it does not exist.
Another feature that is demanded by IT architecture and security teams in Enterprise are the componentization of nodes. By that I mean the breaking up of (say) any endorsing or validating peer into data access and smart contact execution layers with the possibility of scaling and housing in various parts of the enterprise stack.
All this points to having community involvement in Architecture best practices for projects and the presence and participation in such exercises so that the Fabric team can take advantage of expertise such as yours that exist in the open source community.
We must collaborate, otherwise why be in an open source consortium?

Question on User Wallets connecting to Fabric - normal via the app


Is it possible to connect to Hyperledger Fabric network directly from Frontend React application? Ethereum uses web3.js library for that, it uses JSON-RPC communication protocol. Hyperledger Fabric uses gRPC for communication between peers, nodes, orderes etc. It uses HTTP/2 as transfer protocol. Understanding that, is it somehow possible to create Wallet of user in React client application using fabric-network, then connect to HLF network through API which have Gateway and accepts user wallet?

Using fabric-network Wallets inside client app gives error of gRPC. If the wallet is created on server side (API and Node.js with HLF SDK) the server have to much information about user.

Fabric client connects using the Gateway Client API or the normal Fabric API interface - users have offline signing

using the Fabric Gateway client API with Fabric v2.4 or later. It has a much smaller footprint than the legacy Node SDK and does not require the use of wallets to store client identity information, so is more likely to be usable for you.

The biggest issue for using the client API at the front end is likely to be that it is developed for Node.js as the runtime environment, so may rely on some Node.js-specific APIs or behaviour. If this does turn out to be an obstacle and you do need to interact with Fabric at the server side, the API specifically supports a usage pattern that it calls "off-line signing", where your server side application does not hold the signing credentials but instead sends messages back to your front end application for signing before submitting them to Fabric. The API documentation has more information and examples.

Use Case Analysis 

Candidate Solutions

Hyperledger meetup - Run Solidity contracts on Hyperledger Fabric - 2022 - Jim Sullivan


Hyperledger Fabric Open Source Documentation and Training Materials 

Hyperledger Fabric developer materials
On the Hyperledger Fabric courses I'm not really worried about finding good courses on the Web.
All the ones that exist are very outdated materials.
The one on Udemy was actually just a bad course as well.
I work with the Hyperledger Fabric documentation group and they have produced the best materials by far.
Like anyone else designing courses,  we can use all the materials and code samples from the Fabric documentation group because they are all open source..
They have a strong set of tutorials now for developers including the commercial paper tutorial.
That tutorial actually walks through in detail the business discussion on the roles participants play in the network and how they design workflow and smart contracts.
All the tutorials collectively show almost all of the current features in Fabric from a developer perspective.
Sjir Nijssen who is a professor of computer science in the Netherlands is part of the doc team and is using the materials as the basis of a course he is teaching there.
As new features are added, the Fabric doc team is the first to document them with direct input from the developers.
If we open on April 1, the documentation for version 2.0 should be complete about then as well.
That should add RAFT consensus option and how to execute Ethereum contracts written in Solidity on Fabric using Burrow EVM support.
Materials for future Hyperledger enhancements 
There are features that keep getting added to the product backlog that we know will show up at some point in a release. While we can't provide "hands-on" lab exercises, we can provide some good basic, conceptual documentation ( versus product documentation ) that will make it easier to absorb those features later on when they show up. Examples here would include self-sovereign identities, zero knowledge proofs, token support, modeling language etc.
Deployment documentation materials
For test deployments developers need on Linux or MAC, the documentation is generally very good.
The one area that IS not strong on documentation and training materials today is the production deployment side because that is specific to each platform: IBM Cloud, AWS, GCP and Azure. More work is needed there for administrators for sure. Most of the documentation to date has been for IBM Cloud or, more recently, AWS. The concept everywhere is to use Kubernetes to manage Fabric environments. It also provides better portability and reduced platform dependencies for companies - a big win. I have some initial doc I'll post on using Fabric in Kubernetes. It's older, done with Fabric v1.3 but still useful.

Fabric latest stable release

The Hyperledger Fabric maintainers are pleased to announce the availability of Fabric v1.4.2!

v1.4.2 delivers the next set of patches and fixes on the Fabric 1.4 long-term support (LTS) release.

v1.4.2 also delivers Kafka to Raft migration capability for the ordering service. The Raft-based ordering service is simpler to operate since it requires no dependencies external to the orderer nodes. It also enables the ordering service to be provided by different organizations across different data centers. For these reasons we expect Raft to become the preferred ordering service choice for production Fabric networks.

Please see the release notes for additional improvements and suggestions:

Download instructions:

And for more information on Raft, see the What's New documentation and Raft documentation:

Fabric Tips

Fabric peers get blocks from orderer directly


peers run out of memory trying to get many very large blocks from other peers using grpc


configure peers to pull blocks from orderers directly rather than through normal replication if peer count is low

configuration for peers to pull blocks from orderer

We have found that unless there are a large number of peers in an organization, it is more efficient to have peers pull blocks directly from orderer nodes, by using this configuration:


If there are a large number of channels or large block sizes, reduce the size of these configurations from default of 100 to improve memory usage (the latter setting is not needed if CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_STATE_ENABLED is false):


And if the block sizes are so large that you risk hitting grpc 100MB limit, reduce this setting (again, not needed if CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_STATE_ENABLED is false):


The CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_STATE_* settings were added in Fabric v1.4.1 and above.

I've opened a Jira to improve the defaults and guidance in v2.0, we can continue discussion there: https://jira.hyperledger.org/browse/FAB-16435

Control block size limits

Also, you can limit the size of blocks by configuring the block cutting parameters on your channels:

Dave Enyeart

gRpc - gossip rpc usage

gossip block too large

Looks like you are hitting a grpc limit of 100MB. Are you testing with artificially large blocks or is this a real size requirement?

The failure is during gossip state transfer of blocks. You could disable gossip block dissemination and have each peer receive blocks from an orderer node instead, using these environment variables for the peer:

Dave Enyeart

Fabric Testing

MiniFabric - Local Fabric app testing



If you like to learn Hyperledger Fabric or develop your smart contract, or just want to get a feel about Hyperledger Fabric, Minifabric is the tool to get you started. Minifabric can stand up a Fabric network on a small machine like a VirtualBox VM but also can deploy Fabric networks cross multiple production grade servers. Minifabric is small but it allows you to experience the full capabilities of Hyperledger Fabric. You will be able to try all Fabric operations such as channel create, channel join, chaincode install, approve, instantiation. It also supports channel update, private data collection, block query etc. All you need to start with is a docker (18.03 or newer) environment. Minifabric works on both OS X and Linux. Windows support is in the works. If you like to read more before jumping in, please read Minifabric User Guide. For those impatient, please follow the steps below to start things off.

Get the script and make it executable

mkdir -p ~/mywork && cd ~/mywork && curl -o minifab -sL https://tinyurl.com/twrt8zv && chmod +x minifab

Stand up a fabric network:

./minifab up

Tear down the fabric network when you do not need it any more:

./minifab down

MiniFabric - doc features


This tool helps Fabric users working with fabric network. It currently provides the following functions:

  1. Deploy a fabric network based on this spec or your own spec
  2. Tear down the deployed fabric network
  3. Create channel
  4. Join peers to a channel
  5. Install sample chaincode or your own chaincode
  6. Upgrade chaincode
  7. Approve and instantiate chaincode
  8. Invoke chaincode methods
  9. Query blocks and transactions
  10. Channel configuration query, configuration signing and configuration update
  11. Private data collection support
  12. Generate connection profiles and wallet files for fabric go/python sdks and vscode extensions


This tool requires docker CE 18.03 or newer.



minifabric dashboard project
To develop
build development image

./build.sh dev

run the application in dev mode

./start.sh dev

To use
build production image


run the application in production mode


Minifabric Logging options


The log entries will be always in this format:

Date and time - <Status> - <json object>

For example:

Sep 30 2020 16:23:20 - OK - {"msg": "Query results: ./vars/mychannel_newest_txs.json", "_ansible_verbose_always": true, "_ansible_no_log": false, "changed": false}

Fabric mock-testing for chaincode


A Nodejs module that helps you to test your Hyperledger Fabric Nodejs chaincode. When it proves itself, we will be adding this package to the official Gerrit of the Fabric Nodejs SDK.

🚨 Note

Due to the complexity, key endorsement policies introduced in v1.4 are currently not being enforced.

Table of contents

Version matching

Fabric node SDKMock stub


yarn add @theledger/fabric-mock-stub --dev

Fabric Admin Test tips

Fabric docker command examples 


Docker Cheat Sheet for Hyperledger Fabric.pdf

docker ps -a

2. Check logs of containers — You might need them to check logs of peer / orderer when you invoke/query chaincodes , joining peer to channels etc..

docker logs containerid

3. Get into docker container — You may need to go into container to explore volumes which you might mounted during container creation. You can get hold of blocks being routed by orderer or explore the ledger stored in peer.

docker exec -it containerid bash

4.Get into Fabric CLI — If you had defined CLI in docker-compose , then this command can take you to the specified peer.

docker exec -it cli bash

5. Restart Container

docker restart containerid

6. Run all services defined in docker-compose

docker-compose -f yourdockercompose.yaml up -d

7. Run specific service defined in docker-compose

docker-compose -f yourdockercompose.yaml up -d servicename

8. Tear down container volumes

docker-compose -f yourdockercompose.yaml down — volumes

9.Force remove all running containers

docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)

10. Remove all images which where utilized by containers

docker rmi -f $(docker images -q )

11. Remove images which where utilized by containers with like search

docker rmi -f $(docker images dev-* -q)

dev-* — Remove all images which has container name starting with dev

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

Recommended Next Steps

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