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Table of Contents



  1. 5 year Strategic Plan company wide is redefined annually
  2. 1 year Tactical Plan company wide is defined annually 6 months after the Strategic Plan cycle is complete
  3. management > goals down
  4. teams > plans up to meet goals
  5. SWOT analysis done by all areas of the company as prerequisite for each teams operation plans
  6. Finance creates plan playbooks for every team covering all goals and responsibilities
  7. the playbooks define for each team which other teams they have to create their operation plans with and which teams review them
  8. The net result is plans to support goals that all operations teams have reached consensus on before the company wide meetings that review and kickoff the plans


RMM - Risk Management Matrix for Projects

Connect the RMM summary to RAID list 

use it as a stakeholder survey of what are key impact risk areas now for the project 

IF you assign a RAG status manually it's based on individual assessments

IF you assign a Gov.RAG status it must be evaluated and measured against a standard criteria

The RAID list tracks all project risks, their status and impacts

Each risk has attributes:

risk detail info

risk responsibility weights: BPT 

risk impact weights:  VCRS


The RMM is a.summary view of the RAID by Responsibility Category and Impact Area

Get Consensus from All Key Stakeholders on Risk Summary Status by Area with RAG Status

Each section can drill down to the related 

VCE: Value Chain Economy defined for all stakeholder groups


Without a VCE, key stakeholder groups and perspectives may be missed at the start of project SDP that may add significant risk to solution delivery

Value Chains 

VCE > Value Chain Economies are virtual economic communities#ValueChainConcepts%26Mapping

Value Chain Economies

VCE > Value Chain Economies are virtual economic communities#VCEConcepts%26Mapping

Barry Wright - 7 Cs for Performance Success


The BWIM Solution Delivery Process documented here

m Project Tools & Documentation#BasicProjectDocumentsChecklist-SimpleSPD-SupportsBWIM

BWI Business Solution Design Principles 


>> ensures all stakeholder groups understand goals and responsibilities for all groups before work begins

VCE > Value Chain Economies are virtual economic communities#Key-Defineavalideconomicmodeltooperateeachlayerbasedonstakeholderroles%2Cvalue%2Ccosts%2Crisks%2Csuccesskeys(VCRS)

VCE > Value Chain Economies are virtual economic communities#Key-Definethestakeholdergroups%2CtheirrolesandtheVCRSmodelforeachgroupinthetargetcommunities

The GAPS process helps build consensus on goals and responsibilties


Technology Business Management (TBM) is a discipline that improves business outcomes by giving organizations a consistent way to translate technology investments to business value.

Finance and technology leaders need comprehensive visibility, planning, billing, benchmarking, and optimization of their technology investments regardless of technology stack, delivery, or development model.

Impactful outcomes from technology investments because technology is driven by business needs and solutions

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TBM Taxonomy


Summary View of TBM Taxonomy

TBM Taxonomy to help take the guesswork out of naming and organizing cost structures. The TBM Taxonomy translates from a financial view to a technology view to a business-facing view with terminology that makes sense to each audience.

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TBM Towers View
