m Blockchain Consulting

m Blockchain Consulting

Key Points

  1. Lots of services competition in all blockchain segments including Hyperledger
  2. Keys to success in blockchain services
    1. build competent virtual team
    2. project delivery controls: GSuite, process ( connect > engage > define > design > plan > deliver > implement > support )
    3. solutions track record
    4. build out targeted industry verticals
    5. partner with key players: Hyperledger, IBM, Sovrin, R3, related ERP services to add BAAS and ???
    6. promote opportunity, value, success tips, technologies through right channels
    7. simple web solution services site:
    8. define business plan with quarterly kpi's
    9. sell solution templates for domains that are extensible, interoperable
  3. more




blockchain-deployment-readiness-200605-medium.com-Security and Blockchain Deployments.pdf

Blockchain project operations, infrastructure planning checklist - Mohan - 2020
AM1540B - Connected Vehicle Identity Management Using Blockchain.pdfSWT Connected Vehicle Blockchain session - Mason

BOA - Opportunity Assessment questions - Mason

s Blockchain Opportunity Assessment - BOABOA - Opportunity Assessment - Mason
m Business Process Solution Design ToolsVCRS
STS - Smart Trust Services: deliver trusted outcomesSTS trust design
VCE > Value Chain Economies: micro economies for value-chain communities ( VCC )
Hyperledger Fabric Performance

WEF Blockchain Toolkit Overview




Token Taxonomy Framework - TTI -
https://interwork.org/Interwork Alliance for interoperable token systems
blockchain-for-dummies-d-3rd-ibm-limited-edtion_83025383USEN.pdfIBM Blockchain for Dummies ebook - 2020
2017_Comparison-of-Ethereum-Hyperledger-Corda.pdfCompare Fabric Ethereum Corda

Compare Fabric Corda Quorum

m Hyperledger Fabric Solution ConceptsHas key questions to ask in Blockchain assessments and solution definitions

https://www.ibm.com/partnerworld/public/embedded-solution-agreementIBM ESA - embedded solution agreement - used to provide access to all IBM open source software in our products

https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxqKQGV-b4WQRE93QUduNkM1RUUOld PMBOK - 2013
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1e3NOuHh4ZBJTW2a66s4pP4VoouNq0BlBPMBOK slides - old

Blockchain Solution Concepts

Why Blockchain Projects Fail - Mahua Chatterjee


Blockchain consulting services concepts


https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/topics/understanding-blockchain-potential/global-blockchain-survey.htmlDeloitte 2020 Blockchain Executive survey

Deloitte 2020 Blockchain Solution Survey



_survey-blockchain-deloitte-DI_CIR 2020 global blockchain survey.pdf

Focus concepts 

  1. blockchain
    1. blockchain now seen as core enabler for business processes
    2. strategic, scales, real use cases, competition is working on it now
    3. questions: is blockchain secure? 
    4. value-add: provenance, fraud reduction, automation, faster settlements, asset trades, digital trust, certification, compliance, licenses, payments
    5. production solutions range from 30% to 60% by country now
    6. blockchain is a business change agent involving stakeholders inside, outside the organization
    7. keys to success:
      1. clear use cases, clear kpis, re-engineered BPM for all party roles & decision models, clear success keys & lessons learned for pilots 
  2. digital assets
    1. works for major assets ( buildings, real estate, vehicles etc ) as well as digital twins of smaller systems
    2. benefits: fungible ownership, use, automation of systems, trading, rewards, potential use of stable coins, 
  3. tokenization
    1. token economies - rewards, gaming, other
  4. cybersecurity
    1. cybersecurity risk management needs to engineered into blockchain ecosystems
  5. global identity
    1. value-adds:  identity, privacy mgt, ownership, financial transactions, credentials, KYC, AML, fraud prevention, healthcare
    2. governance, digital trust, TOIP, reputation all key to acceptance, validation of digital identities
  6. regulations
    1. lower costs, times for regulatory compliance apps
    2. interoperability standards will make compliance easier
  7. governance
    1. consortia focus on: how systems are run, decisions made, profits shared, onboarding processes
  8. summary
    1. regional leaders: UAE, Singapore, China, India, EU
    2. larger organizations normally lead ( $100M > revenues )
    3. leading sectors: technology, fin services, manufacturing, supply chain
    4. impacts include:  revenue, efficiencies, compliance, timeliness, quality, better data security
    5. challenges: defining value, costs, success keys, skills, re-engineering, integration, data quality, interoperability, tech change, ROI concerns, rollouts

Survey Skips 

  1. automation
  2. AI
  3. Iot

Key Questions

Digital Transformation Roadmap

Cloud Services Architecture ( CSA )?





cloud native



Value Chain Engineering Solution Process

see VCE > Value Chain Economies: micro economies for value-chain communities ( VCC )#VCE-ValueChainEconomiesareVirtualDigitalCommunities

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