m Consulting Process

m Consulting Process

Key Points

  1. paid newsletter mailing service - https://substack.com/
  2. Monthly newsletters - subscribe to a given channel
  3. Online articles - Medium , other related tech or biz sites
  4. Linkedin posts to a medium article
  5. Online user group meetups - Meetup and Zoom
  6. Books - manning.com and others
  7. Certification courses - others or create your own ... eg dmxu
  8. Online surveys - gforms
  9. Collaborations - IBM and Hyperledger etc
  10. Partnerships
  11. Confluence access for key providers
  12. Github shares
  13. Create tutorials on key topics as articles ( eg Grails reviews - authors and books,  Java 12 modules, Nodejs web sockets etc )
  14. Article reviews and tips ( free AWS, IBM cloud, GCP, Azure intros )
  15. Recycle ebtnow sessions as updates
  16. Continue collaborations with Hyperledger docs, training and SPIs
  17. Low cost conferences - Local to NE or ?, low fees, speaker at ( liveworks, hlf forum etc )
  18. Challenges - getting basic hands-on skills in many key technologies and frameworks


BEP - Business Excellence Program
VCE > Value Chain Economies: micro economies for value-chain communities ( VCC )
GAPS assessment for Key Use Cases

ISR - Information Solutions Review - Assessment

ISP - Information Solutions Plan - Define IT Solution Strategies & Capabiities

m Project Tools & Documentation
m Business Process Solution Design Tools
Design Tools
t Test Tools
m CX Design and Tools
m API Test Tools - Postman Curl
m REST API design and tools

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hrlBwM7FYM88DKWjYiw0WRFWm-iaVuXo/view?usp=sharing_swt_architecture_processes-proposal_v2.pptx ***  
project document control list - gdoc

s Blockchain Opportunity Assessment - BOA
m Blockchain Consulting
Design Methods
Design Tools
m CX Design and Tools
m Design Patterns
m Design Engineering Themes
m Business Process Solution Design Tools
m Project Tools & Documentation. < key Project Management conceptssth bdc

Project Documentation List - State of RI - gsheet
http://www.innovativeprojectguide.com/documents/BABOK_Guide_v3_Member.pdfBABOK Business Analysis Book
https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:9001:ed-5:v1:enISO 9001:2015 - QMP



Motivation focus tips for work

SQL concepts

Big Data Concepts

https://www.datacamp.com/courses/big-data-fundamentals-via-pyspark?fbclid=IwAR1wu8n6y_lAQkQozuFP4P4NrLtirlUsLt-RhEpKYtHUHhbGg5RPndTeEaMBig Data with PySpark ( DataCamp )

https://www.datacamp.com/courses/introduction-to-sql-server?fbclid=IwAR12Q0J8iEo5Y7IHc2wmoxIlyO2VPeuoVplloXZpvXXNCAxD67XsJxm59QQSQL Server intro






Stat libs - npm

Stat libs - groovy








Sitecore - .Net CMS

provides CMS server APIs for multiple uses

SEO for web sites



SEO tips for your web site

Technology Articles
Gartner - 2019 - top 10 trends



2019 - top 25 commercial web sites
Lean Business Scorecard Assessment - Key Questionsrajg


https://help.smartsheet.com/smartsheet-plan-features?_ga=2.189652907.1218807800.1573142719-951918010.1573142719GSuite - Google apps for work – $145 per user per year
https://help.smartsheet.com/smartsheet-plan-features?_ga=2.189652907.1218807800.1573142719-951918010.1573142719Smartsheets is expensive – $300 per user per year





Docker Compose

swtip_grails_s100_quickstart_.docxQuickWeb Workshop concepts

Key Concepts


Successful solution definition

Successful solutions are ones that deliver sustainable value stakeholders want 

VSPG-Value Chain Solution Process Goals-3 steps

VITAC-Verifiable Information Trust Assurances Capability

Beyond  Cybersecurity - Zero Trust is VITAC

SQMT-Service Quality Management Technology - automates service quality management

SAP - Solution Assessment Program 

This process can work as a model to enhance an existing solution or define a new solution

There is almost always an existing system to analyze even if it's manual

The SAP is an interative process - starts with a simple business case and is refined progressively to get an accurate view of the value of a new solution

Who is involved in the SAP? 

  • current solution users, owner, operators, champion
  • new solution users, owner, operators, champion
  • key change agents, external experts in the business and technology domains

SAP - Key Concepts

BEP = Business Excellence Program model

VCC = Value Chain Community - the logical community in scope for the solution

VCE = Value Chain Economic model - the economic model to operate the solution in scope

VCRST = Value, Costs, Risks, Success Keys, Trusts - change drivers

FACTUR3DT.IO = Impact areas to measure for a solution ( both current and new )

VSPG = Value Chain Solution Process Goals-3 steps

VSDP = Solution Delivery Process as a series of phases the project goes through with gates

VSDM = Value Chain Solution Design Method - steps to deliver a solution design for a system

GAPS = Goals, Assessments, Problems, Solution Steps - key change details and solution gates for specified use cases - Goal = BDD story

DATES = Data, Decisions, Automations, Trusts, Events, Services

VITAC = Verifiable Information Trust Assurances Capabilties

STEAR = Policy Governance:  Secure, Track, Escalate, Act, Remediate for all Trust Services

ABC = Advanced Business Component Architecture as the key design model in the ASF - Application Solution Factory

E2M2 = Executable Enterprise MetaModel architecture - automate design, generation, testing, portability, interoperability of solutions using E2M2

Who?  Who should be involved in the solution?  clients, users, resellers, implementors, operators, partners, platforms, governance, sponsors, champions, others?

VCE - Value Chain Economy - what are the executable use cases (xucs) in scope for change?

Given a VCC - Value Chain Community and a VCE - Value Chain Economy ( model ) what is domain scope?

  1. What are the key use cases?  (BDD format )
  2. Who is promoting changes? 
  3. What are the target changes?
  4. What are the expected benefits, impacts for target changes?
  5. Why are they looking to make changes? Now?
  6. Who has to be convinced on changes?
  7. What are GAPS for the proposed changes?

current solution assessment << solution < metrics < impacts 

  1. who should be in these conversations ?
  2. vcc - who are the parties, roles involved now ? raci?
  3. what is the current solution ?
  4. what is the current environment?
  5. what are the current interfaces, integrations?
  6. current solution: the gaps ? vcrst?
  7. what are the models:  actors, objects, processes, events, services, data, trusts, decisions, compliance, states ?
  8. impacts ? the factur3dt.i metrics?
  9. how was the current solution validated?
  10. how is the current solution implemented, used, operated, supported?
  11. how is the current solution funded, governed?
  12. what are the decisions made in the current solution?

new solution proposal  << solution < metrics < impacts 

  1. who should be in these conversations ?
  2. vcc - who are the parties, roles to operate the new solution ? raci?
  3. what are key capabilities needed?
  4. what is the new solution ?
  5. what are the new environment capabilities?
  6. what are the new interfaces, integrations?
  7. what is the  4 B sourcing model: borrow current solutions > borrow open source > buy > builld ?
  8. new solution: the gaps ? vcrst?
  9. risk management: business, technical, project, people, quality, metrics, funding, sponsors, champions, users, operations, data, competitors, communications (RACI)
  10. what are the models:  actors, objects, processes, events, services, data, trusts, decisions, compliance, states ?
  11. impacts ? the factur3dt.o metrics?
  12. how can new solution plan be validated?
  13. how should new solution be implemented, used, operated, supported?
  14. how should the new solution be funded, governed?
  15. what are the decisions made for the new solution?

new solution delivery plan << ready for change ?

  1. what is the change business case: 5WH with VCRST keys?
  2. who is the team to deliver new solution - parties, roles? raci ?
  3. what is the delivery roadmap and the roles, milestones, gates ?
  4. what are key items in the decision and RAID logs and how are they resolved?
  5. what is the investment model ?
  6. what is the committed plan to realize value? time to value?
  7. what is the governance for the delivery project?
  8. what are next steps and who owns them?
  9. VCRS readiness tests

new OAP - Operations Assurance Program

Managing the SAP

Key Questions for the Conversation

What are our goals for this conversation?  Who are the parties? Who's on their team?  What skills & resources do they have? What do they want? What have they done? What are the biggest fears? What's the current strategy? How well is it working? Are they ready for a change? Why are they talking to us today? What's their current plan going forward? What help do they want? Why? How? When ? Where ? Who ?

See #CBP for how to engage for commitment

#CBTP - Commitment = Confidence, Belief, Trust, Partnership

< the heart of sustainable relationship value

The basis for any healthy multi-party relationship depends on these 4 principles:

  1. Confidence that we understand our needs 
  2. Belief that we can help meet those needs
  3. Trust that we will deliver on those needs if given the opportunity
  4. Partnership - a healthy business relationship is based on mutual value, transparency, clarity, communications, consensus, commitment, collaboration for a Purpose that is clearly defined

Good article from Scott Perry on the Benefits of Collaborative Partnership model for consulting engagements between a client and service provider

see https://digitalgovernanceinstitute.com/ for more details 

Scott's model focuses on client audits but the concepts can apply to any healthy services engagment

#AMA - Given commitment, Delivery Team brings < Ability, Motivation, Attitude



Be Humble
You don’t have all the answers. Luckily, you don’t have to. Don’t worry about being right. Be humble instead.

Stay Curious - Listen & Learn
Curiosity is a springboard to the future. It can transform the wisp of an idea into a full-blown breakthrough. We ask “what if.” We work with wonder. It’s how we innovate.

Do More
Do more than your job description. Take initiative. Take charge. No job is beneath you, and no job is too big. Be a leader and do more — do whatever it takes.

Own the Result
We have no time for blame or shame. When you stumble, own it, learn from it + get back to business.

Ask Questions for Clarity and Follow with Solutions
Question everything. But offer solutions as you do. Raise issues. But propose a few answers. For every hole you poke, offer a way to patch it up.

Be Unreasonably Passionate
Our passion is borderline obsessive, and we’re ok with that. No one ever built anything great on a “meh.” We work with outsized passion to fulfill our mission.


Grow your Personal Brand Intentionally

  1. who is your target audience?  how well is your connection, communication with them now?
  2. how have you measured your personal brand with your target audience?
  3. what is your brand?  is it successful ? what works with it ? what can be improved ? how ?
  4. how has a "better" personal brand than you in your domain? what have they done that worked? how ?
  5. what are easy next steps to improve your brand with your target audience?

Network Strategically

  1. what are the 2 key domains you are working to grow your relationships, influence with?
  2. what groups have joined ? support ? your roles in the groups ? your contributions ?
  3. how do others in the group perceive you?
  4. are there key people in the group who can help you with your goals, opportunities, development, skills?
  5. What relationship do you want in the future?
  6. How can they help you now or in the future?
  7. How can you help them now or in the future?

Thoughtfully communicate to your specific audience focused on intended expectations, feelings and outcomes

  1. What is the topic and your relationship to it? the audience's relationship to the topic?
  2. Who are you communicating with and what is their relationship to you now?  
  3. Given the context and prior history, what are their expectations and targeted outcomes for you now on these topics?
  4. What are the positive ideas, feelings you can share ? build more rapport with?
  5. What are the easy ways to get alignment on expectations?
  6. what are your intended expectations, feelings and outcomes for the audience on the topics, your relationship?


VCC > VCE > VSDM > VTP ( current > plans > verifications > changes > results )
a>>> VSDM >> context > parties & roles > goals > scope > assumptions > xuc > metrics ( VCRS, FACTUR3DT.io ) > responsibilities > standards > interfaces > capabilities > events > behavior > process > decisions > collaborators > messages > data > stores

#CDS - Customer-Driven Solutions

Opportunity exploration > Goals > Scope > OKRs > Roles > SDP 

Project Charter definition > roles > plan > controls > budgets

#VCC - Value Chain Community

How is the Community Defined?

What are the primary goals, purposes, principles for the community?

What are the stakeholder groups and their roles in the community?

What are the key decisions, actions, capabilities needed to fulfill goals, purpose?

#VCBM - Value Chain Business Model - the reusable business model lowers time to value

Business Value Model - the reusable business model lowers time to value

#VCE - Value Chain Economy - 

VCE > Value Chain Economies are virtual economic communities

What is the sustainable economic model for the VCC and the stakeholder groups?

What is the VCNE - Value Chain Network Effect for the VCE?

#VCNE - Value Chain Network Effect

What are the key drivers for the growth of the VCE for the different stakeholder groups?

As the VCE grows, how does the value proposition for the VCE and the groups change?

Examples >> 

Amazon marketplace model - as the marketplace expands, the value for buyers and sellers grows

TYS - as the Trusted Supplier Network grows, , the value for buyers and sellers grows

#VCE > scope > actors & roles > use cases > goals x role > responsibilities > metrics > assumptions > problems > 

a>>> system context diagram - roles, use cases, e2e flows w #SOS (hipo)  services & layers  

a>> define #SOS as interfaces for capabilities as a model first to demo the JEPL flows

model current solution 

#VSDP - Solution Delivery Process = Discover > Assess > Plan > Design > Deliver > Implement > Operate > Support > Maintain 

#ISR - Information Solution Review - Opportunity Analysis - Define, Scope, Share, Value, Rank

Current systems, solutions, policies, procedures, goals, results, sgaaps 


  • Rethink
  • Reuse
  • Redesign
  • Refactor
  • Rehost
  • Replatform
  • Retire
  • Retire


VCE w roles defined

Problems > producers and consumers > blockers > impacts > options > strategies

Validation of concepts - POX - POT > POC > POV

Project VCRS keys, FACTUR3DT.io impacts on VCC

We add metrics and methods on value delivered with validations to specific business areas that are key for sustained growth for clients, the business and investments in these solutions.

see sgaaps

#ISP - Information Solution Plan

after ISR, VSDM

requires  verifications, validations, controls, consents, approvals, funding, resources, governance

opportunity > context > vcrs.i > factur3dt.i > scope > goals > metrics DOM > responsibilities > xuc > capabilities > interfaces > 

stakeholders impacted

stakeholders responsible

#VSDM - Value Chain Solution Design Method -

VSDM - Value Chain Solution Design Method - an Interative Improvement Process integrates Business Value with Technology Capabilities

For a given community ( VCC ) domain and an economic model for that domain ( VCE )

  1. Define and measure the current value stream
  2. Identify strategies to improve the value stream
    1. Solution Architecture drives Enterprise, Data, Trust, Security Architectures
  3. Identify the solution capabilities, related requirements, expected impacts and value for the improved value stream
    1. XUCS, GAPS, VCRST, FACTUR3DT.o, Capabilities, Requirements
  4. Build, implement and operate the new products, solutions that deliver the improved value stream
    1. 4B Sourcing, Build plans, Tooling, Test Cases, Delivery, Testing, TISOM 
  5. Repeat this process

VCC > VCE > XUC > GAPS > Solution Strategies >  Capability Requirements > Solution Design > 4B Sourcing
> Solution Delivery & Validations

#VSDM >> context > scope > parties & roles > goals > assumptions > xuc > metrics > responsibilities > standards > interfaces > capabilities > process > decisions > sourcing > collaborators > events > behavior > trusts > messages > data > stores

>> Given VCC, VCE >
>> context > scope > parties & roles > goals > assumptions > xuc > metrics ( vcrs.io, factur3dt.io ) > responsibilities > standards > interfaces > capabilities > process > decisions > sourcing > collaborators > events > behavior > trusts > messages > data > stores

see Engineering Themes 

m Design Engineering Themes#KeyConcepts

see Architecture Concepts

m Design Engineering Themes#ArchitectureDesignConceptsforSolutionEngineering

SSD - System Solution Design Artifacts for VSDM

for a given set of use cases in scope in a VCE with different stakeholder r2c
we have:

  1. real world and related digital sytem artifacts and models
  2. goals as outcomes, related inputs, processes, events, decisions, metrics
  3. responsible entities that perform actions: users, organizations, SSA - smart service agents
  4. supporting and dependent systems, artifacts, tools, environments, data, metadata, governance, trusts, entitities
  5. a delivery process that includes validation the goals and objectives can produce the target outcomes in scope

#VSQA >> design > compliance > trusts > verifications > validations > consents

#SOS model >> -- input data > process > input events > analysis, verification, alert, actions, rules, governance,  TLC

SOS = Simple Object Services Model for all actors, solution services, components and infrastructure by layer

Extensible and Reusable model - build once, improve and reuse many times to model many systems in an organization 

defined with JEPL - Jim Event Processing Language DSL 

In some cases, we have the ability to generate and update solution components from the SOS providing a faster TTV - time to value

Discover >> Key Questions

Data Discovery Solution Questions

Data Discovery Solution Questions - Raj G - 2024

Top 30 Questions for Leadership Before Beginning hashtag#DigitalReadiness Assessment:

1.   What are our top 3 digital goals for the next 3-5 years?
2.   How will digital transformation help us achieve our overall hashtag#businessStrategy?
3.   Are we clear on the competitive landscape and how digital is impacting it?
4.   What are the key metrics we will use to measure the success of our digital initiatives?
5.   Do we have a defined digital hashtag#customerexperience we want to deliver?
6.   What are the biggest digital threats and opportunities we face?
7.   Is our leadership team comfortable with embracing change and taking digital risks?
8.   What are our current strengths and weaknesses in terms of digital capabilities (e.g., hashtag#technology infrastructure, hashtag#datamanagement)?
9.   Do we have a culture of hashtag#innovation and experimentation within the organization?
10. Do our employees have the necessary hashtag#digitalskills to thrive in a transformed environment?
11. Are our existing processes and structures hashtag#agile enough to adapt to a digital future?
12. How well does our current organizational structure support digital initiatives?
13. Are there any known pain points or inefficiencies in our current digital processes?
14. How up-to-date are our existing technological systems and infrastructure?
15. What existing data sources do we have, and how effectively are we currently using data?
16. How effectively are we utilizing hashtag#dataAnalytics and insights in decision making?
17. Do we have a clear hashtag#datastrategy and hashtag#datagovernance framework in place?
18. Are we comfortable leveraging hashtag#cloud computing and other emerging technologies?
19. How secure are our digital assets and data from cyber threats?
20. Do we have a robust IT support structure to manage a digital transformation?
21. What are the potential risks associated with digital transformation (e.g., hashtag#cybersecurity threats, project failure)?
22. How will we mitigate these risks?
23. What is the budget allocated for our digital transformation journey?
24. Do we have the resources (people, time, expertise) needed to implement digital initiatives?
25. What external resources (partners, consultants) might be needed for successful transformation?
26. How will we measure the return on investment (ROI) for our digital initiatives?
27. Are we prepared for potential hashtag#disruptions and unforeseen costs associated with digital changes?
28. Do we have a communication plan to keep stakeholders informed about our digital transformation journey?
29. What internal and external resources will be involved in the assessment process?
30. What is the timeline for completing the digital readiness assessment?

Raj G >> At Transform Partner, we begin the Digital Transformation journey with the answers to the above (+ more specific and contextual) queries. So begin your transformation journey with us.

Cisco image >> 

Digital Transformation Framework

Cisco - Are you ready for Network DT - Digital Transformation paper?


For the VSDP ( Value-driven Solution Delivery Process ), Analytics Methods to use for VCE solutions

VSDP steps = Discover > Assess > Plan > Design > Deliver > Implement > Operate > Support > Maintain 

Each VSDP step has entry and exit criteria for the team to move to the next step

SDP client success roadmap v3. gsheet link

VSDP Questions = 5WH, VCE > Roles > Focus > Problems > Impacts > History > Options > ISR > Strategy > Plan > Project

these answers will come from the Value Chain SDP for the VCE and problem space combining stakeholders with related experts

harvest existing history, docs, solutions, people


Solution Architecture Domains = Business VCE, Solution, Enterprise Architecture, Services ( ITSM ), Data, Trust, Economic, Governance, Risk, Security, Identity, Privacy, Operations, Support, Management 

Candidate Impact Opportunities = Smart Services to: Reuse, Reorg, Train, Simplify, Modularize, Automate, Delegate, Agents, Generate, Observe, Respond, Trust, Share, Decide, Optimize, Advise, Integrate, Protect, Operate, Support, Maintain, Extend, Govern, Report

Assessment Phase: GAPS > #SGAAPS - For Systems Context, define Goals, Assess, Assumptions, Problems, Steps  ( see ISR )

Later Phases:  OARS > #SOAARS - For System context, define Objectives, Assess, Assumptions, Review Progress & Problems, Next Steps << ISR

Create SMART Objectives - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely


  • Specific - 5Ws
  • Measurable - 
    • What are the target outcomes?
    • How can they be measured?  see VCRS, FACTUR3DT.io
  • Achievalbe - 
    • Given resources, tasks, time, dependencies, what are realistically achievable vs stretch goals?
  • Relevant - 
    • Does this seem worthwhile?
      Is this the right time?
      Does this match our other efforts/needs?
      Am I the right person to reach this goal?
      Is it applicable in the current socio-economic environment?
  • Timely

VCRS - Value Cost Right Success-Keys - Barry Wright version

BEP - Business Excellence Program

FACTUR3DT.IO > Measures Delivered Value Impacts > before and after targets for operation change 



Costs - Direct, Avoidable, Intangible 

Timeliness and Trust

Utility - value of solution for business, users 


Revenue impacts

Resource impacts

Decisions that need to be made on the journey scope

Trusts - the detail trusts required between counter party roles for every use case in scope given the solution design and architecture

Input = current state

Output = planned state

Success Keys - The Ps drive Execution >> People, Projects, Plans, Processes, Practices, Partnerships, Performance

Financial Operations Basics CheatSheet - Nicolas Boucher


finance-operations-cheat-sheet-linkedin.pdf. link

finance-operations-cheat-sheet-linkedin.jpeg file

the-cfos-daily-checklist-netsuite.pdf file

Lean Business Scorecard Assessment - Key Questions

The 4 Business-critical Questions
Depending on the quality and quantity of evidence you have, the Scorecard produces a set of scores for your business idea that help give you confidence that a business is-
Desirable — Do people need this?
Viable — Can we get paid for this?
Feasible — Can we scale this?
Responsible — Is this good for society?
Each question explores key angles to the 4 business-critical questions
PROBLEM — Are you solving the right problem for your customers?
SOLUTION — What does your solution allow your customers to do?
MARKET — What is the size of the prize if you win?
BUSINESS MODEL — When do you answer the burning question and break-even?
LEAN OPERATIONS — How lean can you get your operations?
UNIQUE VALUE — Are you set up to test & learn your way to growth?
PEOPLE — How does this make life better for employees?
SOCIETY+PLANET — How does this make life better for society?
Scoring Cheat Sheet
Note that the Desirability section has a 2-part scoring system due to the critical importance of understanding the right customer need or problem to address and how you go about addressing it with the best solution.
PROBLEM — Are you solving the right problem for your customers?
Score 0–5 — Speak to your customers to qualify the kinds of problems they face
Score 6–8 — You’ve qualified the problems, now quantify the biggest problem
Score 9 — You have strong evidence of a problem worthy of addressing
SOLUTION — What does your solution allow your customers to do?
Score 0–2 — Get lots of ‘quick-and-dirty’ prototypes into your customers’ hands
Score 3–4 — Make your concepts more real. Compare & contrast value propositions
Score 5–6 — You’ve got a killer feature that customers love using
Score 0–9 — Run small scale experiments to validate assumptions in your business model
Score 10–12 — Run larger-scale experiments to build further confidence
Score 13–15 — You’re on your way to profitable growth. What would help you accelerate?
Score 0–9 — Work on your customer acquisition and activation
Score 10–12 — Industrialise, automate and optimize your customer funnels
Score 13–15 — You’ve optimised your operations for both cost and conversion
Score 0–9 — Take active steps to engage with your employees and community
Score 10–12 — Make corporate responsibility part of your long-term strategy
Score 13–15 — You’re helping to lead the way to a bright, sustainable future
Source: Robin Wong

Lean Business Scorecard


Data Architect, Program Manager working on Hyperledger, Fabric, blockchain, data pipelines, EBR - electronic business records, privacy, microservices, apis, analytics, machine learning. Automation, Integration and transformation focus areas: connected vehicle data marketplace, payments, reverse logistics, medical records, financial planning, repairs, support services.

Sitecore - .Net CMS




pre-defined apps for marketing

easy document management

no wsyiwyg editors for headless cms - need developers

Something drastic happens when you cut the head off a CMS: you sever the ability to send customer interaction data between the front end and the back end in real time.

That means you can’t personalize experiences or run content analytics activities.

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Service Concepts

ISO 9001:2015 ONLINE manual


Changes from 2008 to 2015



Implementation Concepts for ISO 900:2015


QMP - Quality Management Principles


iso9000-2015-the9000store.com-Seven Quality Principles.pdf

Quality Principle 1: Customer Focus

As an organization, your success depends on customer satisfaction. Therefore you need to understand current and future customer needs, meet customer requirements and strive to exceed their expectations. Managing customer satisfaction is key.

Do you carefully review your customer’s requirements?

How do you know if your customers are satisfied?

Quality Principle 2: Leadership

Your organization’s leaders are the top level of management. They establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization. They should create and maintain the internal environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the organization’s objectives. To establish a great environment you should build trust, equip and empower employees, recognize employee achievements and hard work, and set challenging goals to keep employees motivated.

The captain guides the ship, and likewise, Top Management has a responsibility to embrace these principles and your quality management system. Specifically, your organization’s leadership should hold management review meetings to keep your QMS (and organization) running smoothly.

energy-leadership-ebook-2023-w_wile454.pdf   link 

energy-leadership-ebook-2023-w_wile454.pdf file

Quality Principle 3: Engagement of people

People at all levels are the essence of an organization and their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for the organization’s benefit. ISO 9001 requires training to ensure employees have the tools they need to do their job and contribute to the success of your organization.

In order for people to support your quality initiatives, they must understand them. Additionally, you must create an environment where employees feel confident and comfortable asking questions, learning and sharing knowledge. To benefit your employees we recommend an employee overview of ISO 9001.

Quality Principle 4: Process approach

A desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and related resources are managed as a process.

A process is a set of activities that use resources (people, machines, etc.) to transform inputs into outputs. Every organization is made up of a series of interacting processes.

Quality Principle 5: Improvement

Continual improvement of the organization’s overall performance should be a permanent objective of the organization. Top management should encourage their employees to make improvements and also measure improvement consistency.

Auditing your QMS and improving your processes is a key requirement of ISO 9001.

Quality Principle 6: Evidence based decision making

Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information.

When the data reveals that an area is underperforming, it is important to take corrective actions to improve performance.

Root Cause Analysis is a good way to determine the source of the problem for knowing what corrective actions should be taken.

Quality Principle 7: Relationship management

The organization needs to identify and select suppliers (and other interested parties) that can manage costs, optimize resources and create value. When you are establishing relationships you want to collaborate to ensure that you are both focuses on continual improvement.

Your organization is unique, so there is not one right answer as to the application of these principles above. However, implementing ISO 9001 can help establish a solid basis for improved quality and customer satisfaction.


DTP - Digital Transformation Playbook ( an ISR variant )

DTP example from Transform Partner


VCE - Value Chain Economy - Stakeholder community

communities that provide a clear economic model for all stakeholder and member roles

each member should have a clear view of the value proposition, costs, risks for their role in a solution or process

s Blockchain Opportunity Assessment - BOA#BOA-VCEReview

SDP - Solution Delivery Process

The SDP is defined here

s Blockchain Opportunity Assessment - BOA#BOA-%23SDP-SolutionDeliveryProcess

SDP Circular process deliverables

Key Solution Operations Metrics

Key Solution Operations Results 

Opportunities for Improvements

Opportunity Value Assessments

Opportunity Designs

Opportunity Plans

Opportunity Investments

Opportunity Delivery

Solution Implementation

Solution Operation

Solution Support

.. repeat process on a regular basis for both strategic ( 5 year ) and tactical ( annual ) plans

SDP Themes

SDP Concepts

  1. left shift the whole SDP life cycle where feasible
  2. understand the current solution and use cases ( SWOT )
  3. engineer better trusts, economics
  4. 3B sourcing is best
  5. Solution analysis and design focuses on VCRS, FACTUR3D.IO
  6. CBTP - Confidence I understand needs, belief I can deliver on those needs, Trust I will for a Purpose
  7. Open for feedback to build better ideas, answers, partnerships, commitments

SDP Service Provider Life Cycle

Define - business case and technical needs, requirements, scope, resources, project definition, validations

Design - RDD XUC > FDD features, data > CDD capabilities > environments > 3B sourcing > solution design ( apps, services, objects, events, relations, trusts ) > validations

Deliver - Agile delivery model > validations

Deploy - Deploy > validations

Govern - Govern and manage the solution

Operate - Operate > validations

Support - Support > validations

Maintain - Maintain > validations

works for "green" or "brown" solutions

SDP Client Consumption Life Cycle

Define - define client functional need or capability as a requirement use case

Discover - discover candidate components and services for the requirement

Contract - connect to a candidate to test the function or capability externally

Consume - consume the component or service in the client context to validate fit for purpose

Confirm - confirm the evaluation of he component or service as acceptable from tests after consumption

Commit - commit the component or service contract to the client solution

Deploy - deploy ( re deploy ) the client solution with the new or revised component functionality

Govern -  Govern and manage the client solution

Operate - operate the client solution producing and consuming events in the ecosystem

Support - support the solution for the targeted operational quality and maturity level

Maintain - maintain the client solution effectively for the operations quality and maturity level desired

SDP - Solution Delivery Process Artifacts

discover > assess > plan > define > implement > support

solution profile

isa - assessment from discovery process

isp - information solution plan built from team based on factur3dt.io

isr - review a solution and apply factur3dt.io - incorporate sgaaps

isi -  information solution issues list ( input to RAID and Engineering Issues List )

iss - information solution strategy - strategic view of the external and internal opportunity, challenges and solutions to build a strategy that fits

Client ISA - Information Solution Assessment - Blockchain

5 W, H 

Who, What, Why, Where, When, How ???

Steps to define solution

  1. vision
  2. context 
  3. actors and roles 
  4. use cases 
  5. processes 
  6. decisions 
  7. services
  8. impacts

Keys for a Value Chain Economy

  1. Who are the parties are in the Business Network?
  2. What value does each role deliver?
  3. What challenges does each role have?
  4. Is there counter party risk?
  5. How are trust issues resolved?
  6. How are identity, security managed?
  7. Do parties cooperate now? How?
  8. Are the processes clear? Efficient?
  9. What are key decisions & events?
  10. How do intermediaries add value?
  11. What are regulations, compliance issues?
  12. How can the Value Chain Network grow?

Consulting VCE - Value Chain Economy Assessment

what value can  I add?

who are best potential markets for that value?

how do I reach those markets effectively?


Who can I partner with to add more value, add more clients?

my partners - Wes, Paramountsoft, Chainyard, hlf docs ..

How do I find and reach decision makers?

How do I establish value and credibility with clients?

Hollis Thomases - contract

my partners - Wes, Paramountsoft, Chainyard, hlf docs ..

NFBR - Need  >  Feature  >  Benefit  >  Response -  confirm solution meets their needs

recap the need

map to the feature

map to the potential benefits

elicit the response, concerns, commitments

BCTP - goals for the relationships, interactions

  • belief I understand their needs
  • confidence I can meet those needs
  • trust that I will meet those needs
  • for a purpose

LSP - IBM Logical Selling Process

  • intro & rapport
  • IBS - potential benefits statement - some have found X
  • Need qualification with open questions and listen actively
    • how, why, explain, what do you think is the right approach?
    • get the client to set VCRST criteria
  • FBRs - feature / benefit / response on VCRST criteria
  • trial close - if we, will you
  • handle objections - what will it take, why, how
  • next steps - if we, will you
  • close

LSP Goals

Earn the right to identify the 5WH and BANT for a solution

LSP for sessions, presentations << engage !

how to plan sessions, presentations to a target audience

engage from the beginning

Intros  - set session operating rules / expectations

<< confirm

Topic & agenda ( what's covered, key takeaways )

<< confirm

Speakers ( relevant expertise / your need - role - funny experience with the topic )

<< confirm

Break the ice - on the topic or ?

<< confirm

Why it's important  ( interesting or humorous examples )

<< confirm

Who you are relative to topic - how engaged?

<< confirm

present >>

questions >> 

decisions >> 

next steps & action items >>

reference materials >> 


• Audiences make critical decisions about you in the first 30-60 seconds.

• Your body language and eye contact are important elements of credibility.

• When you’re looking at your notes, nothing should come out of your mouth.

• Establish a communication bond with listeners and you’ll more easily persuade.

• Allow your gaze to linger on people long enough so true contact is made.

FACTUR3DT.io - measure value delivered before and after solution - forecasts net value

A key set of factors to measure before the solution is delivered and after.

The result is first an estimated impact set and then a realized impact set that accounts for value, cost, risk and success factors

FeelingsEveryone has feelings and opinions on both the problems, opportunities, solutions, roles. These feelings can impact what change will be accepted by stakeholders and how.
AccuracyWhat are the metrics now for accuracy?  what do we need to meet the goals?  What are the rework processes, impacts? Are the current solutions measured accurately? 
CostsWhat are the implementation, operations, retirement costs? accuracy of estimates? validations?
TimelinessWhat's the timeliness we observe vs the client SLA?  what's the net value for faster solutions?
UtilityWhat's the value for each party and role in the economic model?
ResourcesWhat are the key resources? Availability? Options?
RevenuesWhat are the current revenue and potential impacts?  Keys to success for new revenues?
RiskWhat are the current operational, technical risks?  new ones?
DecisionsWhat are the key decisions that drive this process and outcomes for a user?
TrustsFor each process and the parties involved, what are the key trusts that need to be established for success?

Key Questions to Ask for clarification, value


9 magic phrases that will make you more persuasive.pdf

Generally use leading, open-ended questions to understand the focus

  1. how do you ..
  2. paint me a picture ..
  3. if you could make one change immediately, what  would that be?  why?
  4. If you had to choose X or Y, how do you make that choice?
  5. can you rank your top priority ?  why ?
  6. can you rank your top risk? why ?
  7. how do you know if you're on target?
  8. what are your options to improve and meet that goal?
  9. how well has that strategy worked in the past?
  10. what makes this time different?
  11. on average, what has been the life span of an IT solution here ( 5 years?  10 years ? )
  12. what are the costs to retire this new solution?


“On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are you about this proposal?”

why so high? why so low?

“On a scale of 1 to 10, how close are you to making a decision, but you can’t say 7?”

is this a priority now?  what would change that for your? the company?

“Here is what most people do next.”

safety in numbers on next steps - comfort level -
"and here's how it worked out for them"

 “If I can do A, B, and C for you, will you move forward?”

From the time we spent, I see X is important to you.  If I do X will you do Y?

“How open are you to…?”

If maybe or no, ask the next question – what?

“What is stopping you from moving forward?”

Do you great a straight answer or avoidance?

“I bet you are a bit like me and…”

Create alignment on needs, priorities

The easiest way to get people to say “Yes” at the end of your proposal is by getting them to say “Yes” throughout the conversation.

The beauty of the words, “I bet you are a bit like me” is they accomplish just that, while framing the benefits of your proposal in a way that makes them envision using it — which can be extremely persuasive.

“Take a second and imagine…”

or "paint me a picture" 

the simple fact that all of us love a good story. - improves alignment

“I’m not sure if this is for you.”

as they hear the words, “I’m not sure if this is for you,” they will be immediately intrigued.
What are the keys for success here?

DATES ( Decisions, Data, Automations, Trusts, Events, Services ) analysis for solution operations dimensions

Given a specific use case and operations context:

  1. Define the R3P for the use case:   Roles, Policies, Procedures, Processes for each Role
  2. Define the solution dimensions: economics, governance, operations, support, implementation models
  3. Define the related DATES ( Decisions, Data, Automations, Trusts, Events, Services ) to support the use case processes and roles

Can use SGAAPS method for initial assessment and SOAARS method for updates

Gartner - 2109 - Top 10 tech trends






Innovation Strategies and Concepts 

mckinsey innovation essential traits article

mckinsey innovation essential traits link

innovation-concepts-2022-mckinsey.com-The eight essentials of innovation.pdf file

Innovation Readiness Team Tests & Surveys

Testing for innovation

Product Innovation Strategies



Product Mgt mistakes

7 Deadly Sins Of Product Development.pdf

Sample Product Roadmap


psoft-Farm2Fork-product-plan.pdf glink

#OAP - Operations Assurance Plan

given a solution scope in a VCE with related stakeholders roles, responsibilities and capabitilies

and a solution to operate effectively for VCRST goals


  1. value for all stakeholder parties in the VCE solution scope
  2. cost efficiency and effectiveness for all parties
  3. risk efficiency and effectiveness for all parties
  4. success keys to operate effectively and efficiently for all parties
  5. trust assurances to operate effectively and efficiently for all parties

TISOM - Training,  Implementation, Support Services,  Operations,  Maintenance

we have to 

  1. test & train
  2. implement & integrate
  3. support & service
  4. operate 
  5. maintain & extend

Sample OAP for a simple solution

RACI matrix - who is responsible, accountable, consulted, informed on an item


Image preview

Product and Service Management Concepts

CMP - Capability Maturity Program

Services Management, Maturity and Metrics

SPMM - Software Product Maturity Model

There are usage model types that define how to implement product delivery, licensing and support - eg US military different than US commercial for example.

Client Contract Concepts

Agreements > MSA, SOW, Patents, Product Licenses, Product Support Agreements, Customer SLAs

Concepts >> US Military vs US Commercial Customer Product Licensing and Ownership

Client Product Needs Survey

Key Questions to Answer:
what are the major parts of the solution?
who provided them?
who created them?
what parts are subject to patents? licenses?
How are the parts authorized in the solution ( mgt )?
How are the parts integrated into a solution ( devops )?
How are the parts tested in the solution ( devops )?
How are the parts adapted to the solution ( interfaces )
How are the parts serviced & supported in operation?
How are the parts recovered in BCP for a solution in operation?
How are the parts replayed for a solution in operation as needed?
How are the outcomes tracked verifiable for a solution in operation as needed?
How are the parts maintained & upgraded in operation?

Product Licensing Concepts

What client owns vs producer 

The "cake and icing" product licensing model..

We owned the cake. They owned the icing and license to use the cake.

We granted a perpetual license to the CAKE ( our valuable binary executable reusable component stack ), while the ICING ( the actual code that translated client requests, invoked the components and returned results ) belonged 100% source code for the client so they could fully own the client source, perpetual license on binary services stack and we provided full test info on each release of the stack ( OWASP, pen tests, benchmarks etc ).

Where open-source can drive adoption around standards - see Firefly, Swift etc

Agree how that will break out depends on the client usage models and our product stack. There MAY be some items we want to open-source as components at some point that may drive adoption up and architecture lock in to standards that will also be a consideration in the future ( Kaleido has done that very well with Firefly )


2Learn - key technologies and frameworks


js full stack - add swagger 2 wks

spring boot microservices 2 wks

https://www.baeldung.com/learn-spring-course $197 course

grails v4x books - authors 4 days


grails mvc app using spring services - mode coding


hlf dev
fabcar, byfn, cpaper, add-org, net-upgrade, private-data, chaincode

hfca admin $500 for online course, exam 1 retry fab 1.4.1

spark data streams
spark in 7 steps

udemy java spark

aws cloud practioner exam 6 hrs - free course

aws certification prep guides

aws hadoop course 90 mins - no exam

aws solution architect associate 2 wks - $170 exam fee
exam prep

4 days - free course

python ML






Some Relevant Concepts

  1. trust is the foundation for all relationships
  2. we put trust to work
  3. in theory, there's no difference between theory and practice ...
  4. modern QA mgt focuses on six sigma and zero defects at the expense of failure management
  5. catch 22 for new systems - everyone wants change but doesn't like new system because it's different than the current one
  6. consultant borrow your watch to tell you the time -- good because you have all the answers and consultant has no assumptions
  7. resistance to change expert - "war council" .. feelings over data, shared focus and attitudes key to success, value
  8. customer first doesn't mean user interface first, it means value first ( think responsibilities, decisions, action delegations)
  9. in a world of digital transformation, which careers are in demand AND long-term?  which will change or disappear ?

Supporting Enterprise Innovation


Digital Transformation Tips 013: Tips to Overcome the Challenges in the Corporate #Innovation

1.    Foster a culture of innovation
2.    Embrace failure as a #learning opportunity
3.    Break down silos and encourage cross functional #collaboration
4.    Empower #intrapreneurship and involve employees at all levels
5.    Provide dedicated resources and support especially from top leadership
6.    Encourage external partnerships and #openinnovation
7.    Embrace emerging technologies and #datadriven decision making
8.    Create a structured innovation process
9.    Align innovation with strategic goals
10. Continuously monitor and measure progress

For VCE ( Value Chain Economies ) - Engineer Dimensions for Multi-Party Roles:

  • ABC Archtiecture - Advanced Business Components
    • Knowledge, Behavior, Relations & Responsibilities
    • Advanced Business Component Foundry
    • Advanced Business Components Interfaces, Services, Brokers
  • Decisions
  • Trusts
  • Trusted Data
  • Economics
  • Governance
  • SMART metrics

Image Source: Xplane

Innovation Ecosystem



Marketing Messaging Strategies 

marketing solution messaging

1> define the problem

2> define the solution

3> define the impacts

transparency across the network
faster settlements, reconciliations
trusted data for analytics, decisions, optimization
provenance of assets
targeted accurate recalls
easier compliance
better governance on business processes - stear

pod casts
good for size, problem impacts, solution impacts
explainer videos
good for who what why,
problem impacts, solution impacts
ibm example

short demos w agenda, demo, summary, qna

Managing Change Strategies 


  1. Make the business case clear. Business cases for digital transformations can be pages and pages of required capabilities, anticipated costs, and expected returns. For a business case to be truly a tool to enable transformation it needs to be clean, free from business jargon, unambiguous, and brief.  A clean business case will enable the team to quickly make tradeoffs and decisions that are aligned with a vision.
    1. Where needed, ensure the business case is competitive with a SWOT and customer analysis
  2. Be the communicator-in-chief. Organizations need to have confidence that the transformation can be achieved. As an executive sponsor, building that confidence is your responsibility. This means that you need to stand up in front of the entire organization and do four things:
    • Communicate the business case
    • Lay out the overall plan and journey to achieve the goal
    • Acknowledge that there are going to be risks and bumps along the way, and
    • Do all of the above with a high degree of confidence.
  3. Hold the organization accountable. I know, I just used the buzzword “accountable,” so what does it look like? It means rigorously tracking that all impacted areas of the organization have allocated the required talent, implemented tactics to mitigate risks, and incorporated forecasts of benefits into future business plans. Visibility of these preparations needs to be raised to the executive level and illustrated on dashboards.  
  4. Take care of your team. Another non-secret to success is allocating the “A-team” to the project. These are the folks that have established themselves as top talent in the eyes of their peers and who the organization trusts to make good decisions.  But allocating the talent is not enough. Some of these A-team players may see this as an opportunity, but many will see it as derailing them from their future goals and aspirations.  Executive sponsors need to take this A-team under their wings and consistently and regularly provide them with a roadmap of how the initiative will allow them to achieve their career goals. 
  5. Elevate operational continuity as a priority. Project teams get focused on budget and schedule right out of the gate. They happily report to the steering teams on how well things are going early on.  As the project moves forward and budgets and schedules begin to slip, the teams will feel compelled not to report bad news, leading to taking risks that can lead to poor implementations and operational disruptions.  By prioritizing operational continuity early on, you create the right conditions for early discussions on project priorities and reduce the probabilities of catastrophic failures during implementation. 
  6. Lengthen decision lead times. All large-scale transformations require thousands of decisions. Many of these decisions will require executive involvement and buy-in, which will take time. Push your SI to provide an inventory of key decisions that will be required over the course of engagement.  Take this inventory and socialize it with the steering committee to confirm they are on board with making these decisions and that they have allocated the talent they trust to make them. 
  7. Be a shot caller. The team is going to need a decision maker who is prepared to make hard calls and live with the consequences. Part of the secret sauce for this is making sure you make good on lengthening decision lead times and getting executive involvement buy-in on key decisions up front. 
  8. Set and communicate priorities. The organization will be overloaded. Teams are willing to work in overload situations if they have a clear direction on priorities.  Failure to communicate priorities will lead to losses in productivity as teams attempt to establish their own priorities or simply stall, not wanting to make a wrong decision.   
  9. Leverage your vendors. Establish and actively manage your key vendor relationships by calendaring regular meetings with senior leadership counterparts. Set these discussions strategically before significant milestones. You will be surprised how much more engaged your consultants are when they know the big boss will be looking in.  Top-to-top discussions can also be leveraged to increase vendor accountability.  I have seen vendors perform great feats to complete a job when they know a positive reference can be obtained.   
  10. Establish a management reserve. I have yet to see a project that is not in some way influenced by optimistic estimates upfront. All parties are vested in putting forward the lowest possible cost as part of the business case.   Here is a bulletin: The team will rapidly consume its own contingency.  Keeping a management reserve will allow you to take the pressure off the team when times inevitably get tough and will allow them the ability to make the right decisions for the organization.

Small Business Software Solutions

A few key tips for any small business on business software..

Collaboration apps
1> leverage open-source and low-cost cloud resources where possible ( eg Google apps for work base edition etc ) to coordinate employees

Web Business apps for service businesses
2> if you need pre-built, custom business app suites look for low-cost app suites priced per user ( or use Grails to generate apps )

Easy free NoSQL database
3> Couchdb is a good free NoSQL database ( similar to Mongo but free ) and easy to use

Easy way to generate Web apps
4> Grails is the easiest, fastest way to generate Web apps ( MUCH faster than what we use at DMX )

Easy way to generate Web reports
5> Grafana or BIRT let you create reports and graphs quickly on Couchdb data

Easy, secure way to share files over the Web
6> Google drive is very low cost way to share files over the Web

Easy way to do web meetings
7> Zoom is only $15 per month for good quality Web conferencing

Great free office suite
8> Libre Office is all of Microsoft Office and more free

Great free Web CMS Portal
9> Liferay has a community edition bundled with a Tomcat server that can be run local or in a cloud server for a free Web CMS that does a lot
Easy way to create Web surveys and quizzes
10> Google Gforms can create custom Web surveys and quizzes for free with the community edition
Free Business Rules engine for Java apps
11> jBPM - jBPM is an open-source workflow engine written in Java that can execute business processes described in BPMN 2.0
Useful free design tools
Most of these can be run on your own local server or on simple cloud servers.

Awesome. So happy for you. Hope this all works out well going forward. Sounds very good.
A few key rules for any small business on business software..
1> leverage open-source, free and low-cost cloud resources where possible ( eg Google apps etc )
2> find low-cost, subscription apps where a packaged app suites where they fit your business operations
3> Google apps for work ( base edition ) is a great way to coordinate a team on work products

SEO web site tips


Networking sites

Boston New Technology networking group

$99 / yr for 20 events in Boston - blockchain, AI, startups etc


Other Consulting Services Company sites

Cape Start - Boston - development, blockchain, AI, data management


data management services


Intelligent machines and AI algorithms depend on high quality datasets on which to practice machine learning. The process of designing and building a dataset, and preparing it for analysis is however tremendously laborious, involving many mundane iterations, exploration and analysis. Many data-driven organizations are finding they lack the resources or time for adequate data preparation which ultimately impacts the quality of their algorithm.

Contract Services

Traditional Services firms



Partner Firms







online contracting



Next Steps

Biogen project presentation - QCG


good template to address customer project needs


Instructions - Move sites between Confluence instances

  1. How to Export a Space in Confluence Cloud to xml zip file
  2. How to Import a Space in Confluence Cloud from xml zip file

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