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Key Points

  1. Lots of services competition in all blockchain segments including Hyperledger
  2. Keys to success in blockchain services
    1. build competent virtual team
    2. project delivery controls: GSuite, process ( connect > engage > define > design > plan > deliver > implement > support )
    3. solutions track record
    4. build out targeted industry verticals
    5. partner with key players: Hyperledger, IBM, Sovrin, R3, related ERP services to add BAAS and ???
    6. promote opportunity, value, success tips, technologies through right channels
    7. simple web solution services site:
    8. define business plan with quarterly kpi's
    9. sell solution templates for domains that are extensible, interoperable
  3. more


Reference_description_with_linked_URLs_______________________Notes______________________________________________________________ and Blockchain Deployments.pdf

Blockchain project operations, infrastructure planning checklist - Mohan - 2020
AM1540B - Connected Vehicle Identity Management Using Blockchain.pdfSWT Connected Vehicle Blockchain session - Mason

BOA - Opportunity Assessment questions - Mason

s Blockchain Opportunity Assessment - BOABOA - Opportunity Assessment - Mason
m Business Process Solution Design ToolsVCRS
STS - Smart Trust Services: deliver better trust for better outcomesSTS trust design
Modern Platform ODP supports VCE , DAN
Hyperledger Fabric Performance

WEF Blockchain Toolkit Overview



Token Taxonomy Framework - TTI - Alliance for interoperable token systems
blockchain-for-dummies-d-3rd-ibm-limited-edtion_83025383USEN.pdfIBM Blockchain for Dummies ebook - 2020
2017_Comparison-of-Ethereum-Hyperledger-Corda.pdfCompare Fabric Ethereum Corda

Compare Fabric Corda Quorum

m Hyperledger Fabric Solution ConceptsHas key questions to ask in Blockchain assessments and solution definitions ESA - embedded solution agreement - used to provide access to all IBM open source software in our products PMBOK - 2013 slides - old

Blockchain Solution Concepts
Why Blockchain Projects Fail - Mahua Chatterjee

Blockchain consulting services concepts

hlf-lmdwg-pss-learning-jem.pptx 2020 Blockchain Executive survey

Deloitte 2020 Blockchain Solution Survey

_survey-blockchain-deloitte-DI_CIR 2020 global blockchain survey.pdf

Focus concepts 

  1. blockchain
    1. blockchain now seen as core enabler for business processes
    2. strategic, scales, real use cases, competition is working on it now
    3. questions: is blockchain secure? 
    4. value-add: provenance, fraud reduction, automation, faster settlements, asset trades, digital trust, certification, compliance, licenses, payments
    5. production solutions range from 30% to 60% by country now
    6. blockchain is a business change agent involving stakeholders inside, outside the organization
    7. keys to success:
      1. clear use cases, clear kpis, re-engineered BPM for all party roles & decision models, clear success keys & lessons learned for pilots 
  2. digital assets
    1. works for major assets ( buildings, real estate, vehicles etc ) as well as digital twins of smaller systems
    2. benefits: fungible ownership, use, automation of systems, trading, rewards, potential use of stable coins, 
  3. tokenization
    1. token economies - rewards, gaming, other
  4. cybersecurity
    1. cybersecurity risk management needs to engineered into blockchain ecosystems
  5. global identity
    1. value-adds:  identity, privacy mgt, ownership, financial transactions, credentials, KYC, AML, fraud prevention, healthcare
    2. governance, digital trust, TOIP, reputation all key to acceptance, validation of digital identities
  6. regulations
    1. lower costs, times for regulatory compliance apps
    2. interoperability standards will make compliance easier
  7. governance
    1. consortia focus on: how systems are run, decisions made, profits shared, onboarding processes
  8. summary
    1. regional leaders: UAE, Singapore, China, India, EU
    2. larger organizations normally lead ( $100M > revenues )
    3. leading sectors: technology, fin services, manufacturing, supply chain
    4. impacts include:  revenue, efficiencies, compliance, timeliness, quality, better data security
    5. challenges: defining value, costs, success keys, skills, re-engineering, integration, data quality, interoperability, tech change, ROI concerns, rollouts

Survey Skips 

  1. automation
  2. AI
  3. Iot

Key Questions

Digital Transformation Roadmap

Cloud Services Architecture ( CSA )?





cloud native



Value Chain Engineering Solution Process

STS - Smart Trust Services: deliver better trust for better outcomes

Where are you on your VCE Maturity?

Connected > Integrated > Coordinated > Automated > Smart

VCE assessment questions defined in Fabric concepts

m Hyperledger Fabric Solution Concepts

Sales Audit

how do we find potential clients?

what marketing partnerships do we have?

do we have a standard(s) engagement process for blockchain opportunities ?

what is our marketing life cycle ? related doc stds?

what is our sales life cycle ? related doc stds ?

what is our project mgt life cycle ? related doc stds ?

what is our product mgt life cycle ? related doc stds ?

Key Value Chain Economy questions ( see PS IBM ebc presentation )


Key Decision Factors for a Value Chain Economy

  1. Who are the parties are in the Business Network?
  2. What are the key use cases for the Business Network - VCE now?
  3. What value does each role deliver?
  4. What challenges does each role have?
  5. What are the counter party risks and how are they resolved now?
  6. What are the trust issues and how are they resolved now?
  7. How are identity, security, authentication, authorization managed now?
  8. Do parties cooperate now? How? 
  9. Are the processes clear? Efficient? Effective? What are the process gaps?
  10. What are key decisions & events for the use case processes?
  11. How do intermediaries add value?
  12. What are the key integrations for the VCE and how are they implemented now?
  13. What are regulations, compliance issues?
  14. What is the governance model for the VCE and the key policies, metrics?
  15. How can the Value Chain Economy grow?
  16. What are the expected net economic gains for each role in the Value Chain Economy?
  17. What is the VCRS for the VCE?
  18. Does the group leading the implementation have the keys for success?

Questions for Client on solution opportunity

get solution needs survey with validation, impacts

get solution decision process – raci matrix
get solution budget model – phase 1
get solution operating model from client
get requirements model from client
get project requirements / scope / resources from client
get use case scope agreement
get existing solution resources
get existing solution performance – FACTUR3DT.i
get solution opportunity definition – VCRS – FACTUR3DT.o
get external dependencies agreement
get MVP deliverable plan agreement
get MVP acceptance criteria agreement
get solution roadmap – all phases

Blockchain - Set the Right Expectations for Success - Mahua Chatterjee

It is important that Blockchain is interpreted as an augmenting technology rather than disruptive. Blockchain technology success depends on how carefully projects are designed, alignment of stakeholders’ objectives, tradeoffs understood, and testing well. Key is to work on the smaller project early on, test with a small group of users, gather enough feedback, and go over it again! Working with a deployment partner who is able to handhold, guide, and also help in setting up the required infrastructure in a legacy system is extremely crucial. Because it definitely needs a thorough vision, and many other factors that need deep attention, the adoption of Blockchain is calculated - and here are some of the reasons why!

Reasons Blockchain Projects can Fail

  1. Lack of a clear vision, understanding of the technology and how it can deliver value realistically
  2. Assuming that the production environment is ready for the blockchain solution ( security, integration, support services, operations maturity etc )
  3. Underestimating the costs and time needed to deliver production-ready solution ( true for any project )
  4. Assuming the blockchain work is the majority of the project. Often, everything else is more work than just the blockchain services ( UX, client, server, database, data services, security etc )

Challenges Impact Blockchain Adoption rates

Given your use case, the following challenges may apply:

  1. Scaling to meet the use case requirements
  2. Interoperability requirements and standardization
  3. Regulatory support sometimes required to approve electronic signatures, transactions etc
  4. Security and privacy regulations that apply need to be reviewed

The issues should be addressed early on in the project and the proposed solutions validated during the project life cycle

Other Key Expectations for Blockchain Success

  1. Blockchain - it's more than a project, it's a new platform requiring the right engineering and operations management across the network
  2. Creating a successful Business Network on blockchain is a business problem first - what's the VCRS for the solution? how to find it?
  3. The difference between success and failure on Blockchain projects is not the software
  4. New technologies should go through multiple iterations with customer feedback for your use case ramping up to full production feature set

SWT Blockchain Audit 

s Blockchain Opportunity Assessment - BOA

Key Questions to Ask on Blockchains Blockchain Questions That Will Make You Look Smart.pdf

Steps to Plan a DLT Solution in a VCE ( see BOA for more )

VCE = Value Chain Economy

1> where are we now ? FACTUR3DT.i

2> what's the best solution without blockchain? FACTUR3DT.o

3> what's the best solution with blockchain? FACTUR3DT.o

4> what's the expected net gain for a new solution ?    ( FACTUR3DT.o  - FACTUR3DT.i ) 

blockchain solution strategies for the VCE

improve the VCE
replace the VCE
improve and replace parts of the VCE

15 questions to ask about blockchains for business - article

“Are we ready to give up control?”

It’s No Longer Just About You

“Will this particular blockchain project return value for all organizations within the network?”

“Have we learned all we can from the past?”

past here, past bc failures

"Have we reached out to the other companies in our industry—even our top competitors—to jointly research options?”

“How will the deployment of a blockchain help solve our problem or achieve our goal?”

“How could we use blockchain to connect with other parts of our market—to find efficiencies that go beyond our firm to a market level?”

where is channel friction now? how to reduce it?

“Why is a blockchain crucial for this use case?”

how do we get a real network effect to return value?

“What will motivate stakeholders to participate?”

how do we get network parties to join?

Form An Opinion: Private Or Public?

“If this isn’t going on a public blockchain, why not?”

If all the parties in a network can agree on one entity to run a private blockchain, chances are they could have agreed upon a single third party to run a centralized web server.”

“How can we leverage the trust of a public DLT while maintaining the advantages of private DLT networks?”

the DID trustless model for permissioned blockchains

“What are the most important pieces of data shared across participants in our ecosystem, and if they are standardized, are standards organizations ready for the technology realities of blockchain?”

do we have std processes, data models now?

"If you invest in blockchain technology now, will this put you in a better position than your competitors when it comes to data privacy and reducing overhead? Will it be too late next year?“

are there benefits to implementing now? data compliance??

“How can we make blockchain understandable and usable for 99% of developers—and invisible to end users?”

hint: it's not necessarily invisible to users.
blockchain is a different set of services that can impact processes, users in positive ways but normally require some change

“What potential applications should we follow closely, so we are better prepared to respond early?”

who are leaders, solutions we should track?

“How could others use blockchain functionality to disrupt our relationship with customers, and how they find and use the products and services we offer?”

How Could The Shape Of Your Industry Change?

think of other industry models on blockchain now -- food trust etc
digital payments, iam, etc

Alison McCauley

I am the founder and CEO of Unblocked Future, where I help entrepreneurs and executives who are pushing the frontier of emerging technology to communicate their vision, nurture their ecosystems, and go to market. A best-selling author and frequent keynote speaker, I also educate executives who aren’t at this front edge to better understand how new innovation will impact them (and what to do about it). I’ve spent my career studying the intersection of human behavior and emerging technology, with 20 years of consulting to technology-first startups and Fortune-500 companies across industries including healthcare, education, telecommunications, energy, retail, finance, hospitality, and manufacturing.

Fabric Use Case Analysis 

Will Fabric add value for a feature?  yes | no | maybe | probably 

If half of these factors apply to your use case, blockchain can add a lot of value

#survey - Is Blockchain the right solution ?

Fabric Blockchain feature
Adds Value?
Is a shared, persistent data store useful? MaybeMaybe
Is there a need for shared data and data privacy? MaybeMaybe
Is improving trust and transparency in our business network a goal? MaybeMaybe
Is a complete, accurate historical record of all changes useful? MaybeMaybe
Is tracking consent, agreement and signatures important? MaybeMaybe
Is reducing friction, risk and settlement times important? MaybeMaybe
Are the transactions supporting business contracts? ProbablyProbably
Is compliance and audit important? ProbablyProbably

Key Concepts

VCN Solution Architecture model

see Modern Platform ODP supports VCE , DAN to understand services delivery architecture for VCE: Value Chain Economy

OLDER example of a stack model

Solution Life cycle

  1. Discovery – Understand Needs ( no charge )
  2. Assessment – Assess Value Opportunities ( optional, no charge )
  3. Definition – Define Solution
  4. Delivery – Deliver Solution
  5. Support – Support Solution
  6. Growth – Grow the Solution, Network

"Enterprise Blockchain @work"

Blockchain fuels business trust

Thanks Gabriel Aberasturi for this post. There's a ton of work on Hyperledger Fabric now for enterprise blockchains. Trust is the fuel that runs all businesses. Enterprise Blockchain is the foundation for trust. We're helping businesses understand how they can improve trust.

article - What we know about enterprise blockchain in 2020

Thanks. It's a good article overall and makes some important points on how enterprise blockchains can pay off for organizations. I don't see 2020 as the "year enterprise blockchain matures" anymore than I see 2020 as the year database matures. We are past that on the enterprise blockchain maturity life cycle. Like data services, blockchain will continue to mature and grow as it is applied to a broader set of use cases. We already have many successful, production solutions on the key enterprise blockchain platforms now. I see many industries are focused on re-engineering value chains with enterprise blockchain: mobility, healthcare, financial services, supply chain and more. DLT can apply to simple use cases within an organization as well as value chain networks.

What enterprise blockchain isn't

  1. Bitcoin
  2. Magic solution
  3. Ready to takeover this year
  4. Ready to mature this year

What enterprise blockchain is now

  1. Expanding the areas of your business or organization where it can potentially add net value
  2. Builds on the foundations of technology, trust, security and qualtiy
  3. Rethink: re-engineering: value chain networks, business relations ( vs sales ), channels, quality, data, processes, proofs, identity, privacy, regulations
  4. Focus shift from Proof-of-Technology to Proof-of-Value in design engineering
  5. Continuing to scale where there are few use cases today that can't be addressed with sound engineering
  6. Meeting demands for regulation, privacy, transparency, security, compliance and governance
  7. Offers multiple mature enterprise blockchain platforms to fit your use cases
  8. Viral adoption moving forward in many industries: mobility, healthcare, financial services, supply chain
  9. Integrated service with automation, smart data, IoT devices, machine learning, feedback for self-managed value networks

Enterprise blockchain thoughts moving forward

  1. Like the Highlander - will there be only one?  No
  2. Do successful blockchain solutions require good business and engineering management to payoff? Yes
  3. Are there good examples where trust and value chain networks are delivering now? Yes
  4. Do the implications of the new technologies go way beyond business impacting every aspect of society? Yes
  5. Is there available expertise to help organizations evaluate and implement blockchain successfully? Yes

Blockchain Opportunity Audit - BOA

s Blockchain Opportunity Assessment - BOA

self audit

guided audit

Key Business Value Audit Questions

does your business make, sell, supply or service assets ( physical or digital )?

does your businesss work with identified customers?

does your businesss work with identified suppliers and vendors?

does your business have investors?  lenders?

is your business subject to regulations, taxes or compliance?

is your business regulated or impacted by industry groups?

can rewards or incentives motivate your customers?  employees? partners? vendors?

does your business warranty sales or service?

does your business finance inventory or operations?

does your business process orders?

is your pricing policy effective for sales?  for profit?

is proof of quality key to sales, profit, customer retention, customer acquistion?

will faster, lower cost settlements on sales and service improve your business?

are there multiple steps in the channel between the origin of your product or components and their final consumption?

does your business require proof of delivery on receipts, shipments or service?

is proof of quality important in your sales or service?

does your business handle reverse logistics?

is your business fully automated in sales, service and support?

is your feedback from customers complete or just a sample?

is your feedback from vendors complete or just a sample?

is your feedback from investors complete or just a sample?

do you have quantitative or only qualitative customer feedback?  supplier feedback?

have you completed a BOA - business opportunity audit ?  FACTUR3DT.IO

VCN delivery model impacts: CSP vs MSP

“Increasingly, MSPs are reconsidering cloud brokerage models and the threat they pose to the control of their business….The problem starts with the erosion of revenues and ends with the loss of customer ownership. CSPs employing this model require end-customers to sign a licensing agreement that is separate from the MSP—weakening the customer relationship and transferring a large portion of control.”

--Steve Neverve, President, Nevtec.

Consider options running multi-tenant services on Cloud IAAS without Cloud SAAS


Standard KPIs

account growth

revenue growth

EBITDA growth



Success Factor Description
Competitive DifferentiationEstablishing a clear value proposition for customers around application or vertical market expertise.
Land and ExpandPutting repeatable processes in place to ensure high customer satisfaction/retention/renewal rates.
High-value Revenue StreamsUnderstanding unique services that support the distinctive value proposition and high customer satisfaction rates. Creating high-margin offerings as key differentiators for partners to compete.

Blockchain VCN analysis

Blockchain VCN Solution Design

Project Management

PMBOK slides - old

PMBOK Guide - 5th Edition

Potential Value Opportunities

Value Add Focus

  1. Market Research by segment on needs, wants to shape offerings
  2. Enterprise Blockchain
  3. Hyperledger Fabric
  4. The easy on ramp
  5. Internal DLT projects
  6. External Blockchain network integrations
  7. Resell the value-add components from projects
  8. Resell the component service packages ( eg access control, registration, etc )
  9. Find tier 1 partnerships in blockchain or other IT domains
  10. Find the right content outlets: Linkedin
  11. Leverage sample app inventory


  1. build competent virtual team
  2. create referenceable success stories
  3. obtain related certifications
  4. promote success stories and competencies
  5. join standards organizations to support, promote standards

project delivery controls: GSuite, process ( define > design > plan > deliver > implement > support )

solutions track record

MOBI standards on blockchain

VINblock prototype

Hyperledger certs

Hyperledger working groups

build out targeted industry verticals

find groups to join for verticals

reuse content, solutions adapted to verticals

Supply Chain





HLF Healthcare SIG


Boston blockchain groups

Read Write Labs

Security teams

Data Compliance Services




iTech Solutions


partner with key players: Hyperledger, IBM and ???

promote opportunity, value, success tips, technologies through right channels

simple web solution services site:

blockchain SDLC services products include:

Phase 0 - The BOA - Blockchain Opportunity Audit - self assessment

s Blockchain Opportunity Assessment - BOA

Phase 1 - assessments ( gap analysis, opportunity sized ) - no charge custom or self assessment = ISR

Phase 2 - solution definition project ( gaps > define the opportunity, analysis, POT as needed, resources - success keys, risk factors - , solution roadmap) = ISP research

Phase 3 - solution design ( conceptual POC ) and plan = ISP

Phase 4 - delivery, implementation

Phase 5 - operation and support

define business plan with quarterly kpi's

Solution Sets

Trusted Identities - DID, SSI

registered Domain:

Trusted Data - Data compliance, data quality services

Good insights on how data quality and data trust is perceived now. We have the right technologies now to ensure data security, trust, privacy, currency, resillency, compliance and quality but most organizations I know have yet to make the investments to reach that level.

Data Compliance - SOC 2 standard

SOC 2 is an auditing procedure that ensures your service providers securely manage your data to protect the interests of your organization and the privacy of its clients. For security-conscious businesses, SOC 2 compliance is a minimal requirement when considering a SaaS provider.

Developed by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), SOC 2 defines criteria for managing customer data based on five “trust service principles”—security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy.

SOC 2 Certification Criteria

Loyalty programs


Potential Challenges

virtual team

productive partnerships

technology is a moving target

heavy blockchain services competition

Catch 22 of DX - Digital Transformation ( large scale )

agreement existing system doesn't work well

we select a new solution 

try to use the new solution

find it doesn't work the way the old system did so we change it behave like the old system

what's the net gain?

Good news, bad news on DX

Bad news the existing system doesn't deliver the returns needed for stake holders

Good news we agree there 's an opportunity to improve the company with a new solution

Bad news our existing jobs, skills and roles will have to change with the new solution

Good news we will have many new jobs and roles

Bad news you need to learn new jobs and roles to work in the new solution

Key features needed for effective change management

No alternative text description for this image

Candidate Solutions

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

Recommended Next Steps

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