pssig: UN SDGs and DLT potential - Jim Mason

pssig: UN SDGs and DLT potential - Jim Mason

Key Points

PSSIG > April26,2024 Open Discussionon UN SDGs,trust and blockchain value-JimMason




This session is intended to be a forum to get thoughts on some of the UN SDGs and their relationship to trust and blockchain. I'll provide a quick summary of a few SDGs, some basic trust concepts and open the floor for discussion.


  1. Quick Overview of selected UN SDGs
  2. Quick WEF perspectives priorities and strategies for the selected SDGs
  3. Discussion on how blockchain solutions can improve solutions and trust for related use cases
  4. Discussion on Compare why public or permissioned blockchain may fit a given use case

Session Agenda

  1. What are key Health, Wealth, Social, Environment and Sustainability Chellenges today? khub
  2. UN SDG summary - Social Development Goals khub
  3. Quick WEF perspectives priorities and strategies for the selected SDGs.

    Discussion Questions
  4. What are key blockchain / DLT features ?
  5. For these UN SDGs - thoughts on how DLT can help add value for solutions?
  6. What are Key Strategies for UN SDGs?
  7. Are there limitations of DLT that should be addressed?
  8. Next Steps ? What are some ideas on where DLT may add value?

What are key Health, Wealth, Social, Environment and Sustainability Chellenges today?  khub

resources >> 


ESG and Blockchain-2023-Mohan-Venkataraman-chainyard.pdf


https://www.savimbo.com/ - Fair Trade Climate Credits


esma dlt pilot regime 1 year results


un environment pgm - 2024 climate risk report update


UNEI-2024-Climate-Risk-Landscape-2024.pdf. link

unep - climate risk db


unep - climate stewardship approach


UNEI-2024-Asset-Owners-NZAOA-CTA-to-AM-industry.pdf.  link

The UN-convened Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance (“the Alliance”) is a member-led initia- tive of institutional investors with nearly USD 9.5 trillion in assets. All members of the Alliance are committed to transitioning their individual investment portfolios to net zero GHG emissions by 2050. This commitment, made upon joining the Alliance, is grounded in the scientific consensus that mitigating climate change is necessary to protect a func- tioning global economic system1. Economic and societal stability is, in turn, necessary to generate the financial returns that members’ beneficiaries and clients rely on.

payments - trade finance cross border payment potential from Swift Phase 2 CBDC project


BIS 2024 - design for future monetary system


video for BIS 2024 report


UN SDG summary - Social Development Goals  khub

this is a subset of the UN SDGs

UN SDG Questions > Are the UN SDGs useful? complete? how?


  1. where is water use not sustainable long term?
  2. what options exist to improve water usage?  reductions, treatment, reclamations, processing, transport, water use management, environment?

yahoo Mexico City with 23 M people is running out of water

Land and Oceans

  1. loss of habitats and land for clean water, clean air, food supplies, bio diversity, forests and more?
  2. what programs have been in place to better manage land sustainably ? how can they be improved?
  3. what land and ocean ecosystems can be easily, affordablly, safely improved or reclaimed? how?

Green house gases and climate changes —

  1. Can programs be more efficient, effective, sustainable and do a better job of supporting the economy leading to smarter transitions to changes in the energy economy
  2. What planning, investments needed to manage climate change impacts by country?

Governments, NGOs, Corporations and People — Poor Financial Policy Management

  1. Do the social organizations ( governments, NGOs, media, corporations, other groups ) provide coordinated, effective, efficient investments for sustainable health, wealth, value chain economies ?
  2. Is Globalism good or bad or both?
  3. Is starting locally a better, more effective way to make smarter investments with better returns?
  4. Growth of debt as a percent of income - people and governments 
    1. debtor countries don't have unlimited borrowing power from foreign investors - can sell some assets or cut expenses or growth the economy
  5. Federal Student loan fiasco in the US - encouraged people to borrow money who were unlikely to pay it back
    1. can end the Federal student loan program and let students go to low-cost online training services?
  6. US Housing policies on Federal Home Loan insurance - encouraged people to borrow money were unlikely to pay it back
    1. did add more stringent criteria for Federally insured mortgages after FANNIE and FREDIE MAE programs failed
  7. Government Green energy incentives to people and companies - sometimes questionable benefits and questionable returns on investment
  8. Can both groups spend smarter?   smarter on green energy and brown energy programs that are financially solvent?
  9. Can both groups reduce deficit spending?
    1. should there be a balanced budget or just reduce the size of the deficits? what are the impacts? on who?
  10. Can governments SAFELY AND FAIRLY increase taxes in some areas without major negative impacts to groups or the economy?
  11. What are the net costs for legal and illegal migration?
    1. who fills critical jobs? unskilled jobs? does legal immigration work well? is there a guest worker jobs program that works? what are the costs of illegal migration?

Economic growth of real median per capita incomes in safe, legal economic activities

  1. Countries and companies don't pay much attention to real median per capita income growth within countries or regions focusing overall GDP which isn't as good an indicator of sustainable economic health of groups in different countries
  2. What countries, groups and regions rely heavily on illegal activity for economic benefit?  What are the options to prevent or end the activity or change the law?
  3. Is safety and crime a significant cost to sustainable economic health? how can it be reduced?


  1. talk to me about the well designed, well executed sustainable job programs that can grow real median per capita incomes over time?
  2. What are the short-term jobs vs long-term ones (. building a road versus running a farm )?
  3. What are threats to jobs? regulations, taxes, failure to manage sustainable career planning, company work force management, work force transitions, work force reductions, increases in unskilled and unmotivated populations
  4. what to do with people who can't become effective workers?


  1. how is the payback in education measured at all levels for all groups and major programs? what are the results to date? what's sustainable and what isn't?
  2. can education be more effective supporting the sustainable economy?
  3. what is the point of education? 
    1. where has education had payback for health, wealth, the economy, incomes?
  4. who should pay for education? how?

Quick WEF perspectives priorities and strategies for the selected SDGs. 

WEF Code of Conduct

  • The World Economic Forum adheres to the principles of independence, impartiality, moral integrity and intellectual integrity.

WEF Mission

  • The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.
  • Our activities are shaped by a unique institutional culture founded on the stakeholder theory, which asserts that an organization is accountable to all parts of society. The institution carefully blends and balances the best of many kinds of organizations, from both the public and private sectors, international organizations and academic institutions.
    • how well does WEF actually adhere to its own mission? what stakeholder groups actually have representation? how?

WEF Principles ( from 2019 update )

  1. Strengthen global cooperation
    1. advance long-term security and humanitarian objectives for SDG 16
  2. Advance peace and security
    1. promote good governance, strong institutions and social cohesion.
  3. Re-globalize equitably
    1. new global social contract .. that.. reduces inequity and addresses debt burdens globally.
  4. Promote gender equality
    1. prevent gender-based violence and discrimination .. respect of women’s human rights.
  5. Rebuild sustainably
    1. measures should advance .. practices ... consistent with 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
    2. need to create a sustainable, inclusive and climate-resilient future.
    3. raise the trillions of dollars in investments that are needed.
  6. Deepen public-private partnerships
    1. funding for innovation and .. direct resources towards education, infrastructure, technology and humanitarian priorities.
  7. Increase global resilience
    1. better global trading systems

Comment on WEF Principles


Discussion Questions

What are key blockchain / DLT features ?

DLT is a trust system - khub

slides - Enterprise Blockchain Concepts and Value - khub

immutable ledger?

trusted ledger?

observable ledger?

auditable ledger?

performant ledger?

discoverable ledger?


smart contracts govern ledger transactions, compliance

tokenization of assets, rights, payments, services

identity, rights and verifiable credentials management

private data management 

wallets and custodians




For these UN SDGs - thoughts on how DLT can help add value for solutions?

1 > End poverty in all its forms everywhere
2 > End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
3 > Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
7 > Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
12 > Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
13 > Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

key references 

see "how to" queries for each SDG, rate and upgrade each


TYS for AI, DLT in multi-party trade trusts


< illegal migration or ??  population mgt, sustainable economies, 

What are Key Strategies for selected UN SDGs?

  • Affordable globalization
    - unlimited globalization hasn't proven to be effective yet, UN shows nation states don't agree on basic principles, values in many cases - find common areas of agreement for cooperation
  • Sustainable population management 
    - how to identify target population levels for sustainable physical communities based on health, wealth, social, safety, risk, fulfillment factors?
  • Finding sustainable cooperation models for nations and communities based on VCE
  • Finding sustainable, accurate, useful shared invformation value
  • Finding sustainable, automated, smart solutions & services for health, wealth, relationships
  • Finding sustainable, effective, accountable, transparent governance solutions that align to agreed principles, regulations
  • Sustainable environment management by nation and area
  • Sustainble health delivery services by nation and area
  • Sustainable economic growth by nation and area
    - real per capita median income growth rates
  • Sustainable national debt growth by nation
    - real total government debt to GDP growth rates for consumables vs investments
  • Sustainable personal debt growth by nation
    - real per capita debt to income growth rates for consumables vs investments
  • Useful Foreign aid
    - gift or investment for a return?

What are some challenges of DLT for some use cases?

Standardization ?

Interoperability ?  (. services or DLT layers )

Integration ?  on-chain vs off-chain

Public vs Private (. Public DLT vs Enterprise DLT )

Measurement of value, cost, risks?

Governance ?   ( Public, Consortiums, Governments, NGOs or ?? )

Performance ?

Security ? 

Privacy ?

Provenance ?

Costs to delivery, operate and retire?



DLT solution issues to address? 

Mapping a given use case to the right mix of platform services ( public, private, integrated systems etc )

DLT Challenges depend on the specific use case and the specific solution 

Some use cases have really benefited from a specific blockchain solution well

examples include

  1. real estate land titles
  2. TYS - Trust Your Supplier for vendor onboarding
  3. Security registrations
  4. Financial Reporting

Other use cases have room for real improvement with ledger solutions:

  1. real-time market pricing of assets
  2. mobility use cases with big data volumes ( traffic management etc )
  3. supply chain lot-level and serial number tracking
  4. monitoring and validating some high volume real-time processes
  5. governance and compliance management real-time ( see STEAR )

DLT Technical limitations in summary ( some DLT platforms address better than others )

  1. better self-governance, transparency from all ledger service providers ( who can trust coinbase? metamask? why? )
  2. better separation of roles between processors, validators, transaction producers, transaction consumers in ledger architecture
  3. distributed ledger segments
  4. better directory services for distributed discovery services 
  5. consensus management
  6. real-time ledger transaction fee pricing
  7. ledger transaction finalization for high volume apps
  8. automated compliance with separation of governance parties from 
  9. integration of on-chain, off-chain data cleanly for different scenarios
  10. more improvements in digital identities, verifiable credential validations, consent management
  11. more improvements in automated privacy policy compliance on all data
  12. more improvement for validation of off-chain process execution
  13. more improvement on execution in secure container enclaves

Next Steps ?  What are some ideas on where DLT may add value?

pssig - Trust - is it important?

default now = zero trust for all parties

all multi-party solutions, transactions and behavior depend on trust << Trust is the fuel that runs the World

ADTS = automated digital Trust Services

pssig - Good Governance Defined

ADGS = automated digital Governance Services built on ADTS

pssig - VCE - Value Chain Economy model

Sustainable communities are built on VCE principles ( Value Chain Economy ) for all stakeholder groups

Move from DAO to TAO in VCE

pssig - Web9 - Where did Web3 go ?

What Web 3 provided?  what it didn't

What Web 5 provided? what it didn't 

What Web 9 adds

Key Concepts

m Public Sector Sessions 1

pssig - Ideas Section

pssig - Trust - is it important?

pssig - Good Governance Defined

pssig - VCE - Value Chain Economy model

DAO?  >. TAO > VCE ---- zero trust default, automated digital verifiable trusts required 

pssig - Web9 - Where did Web3 go ? > Web 9 = Web 3 + Web 5 + 1 

Potential Value Opportunities

Potential Challenges

Resource Export Countries differ in economic success for their populations 



Create a detailed report with a summary table that identifies the success countries that are the heavy resource exporters in raising the median per capita income over the last 10 years. The report should include these countries in the analysis: Angola, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Australia, Canada, Venezuela, Iraq, Nigeria, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Libya, Azerbaijan, Brunei Darussalam, Sudan, Iran, Qatar, Norway, United Arab Emirates, and Oman.

Some like Norway have done well. Others like Nigeria have not. Show actual data correlations between the median per capita income increase and each of these specific factors: country population size, country population growth rate, country level of cultural diversity, country level of college graduates, effective country government model ( strong democracy, weak democracy, monarchy, other, etc ), size of the country's sovereign wealth fund per capita. ID any other critical factors that correlate strongly to the countries success in maintaining or improving the median per capita income.
Provide a summary table showing the countries, their per capita median income, their per capita median income increase percent for 10 years, the primary resource export type, the correlation of each of the other factors mentioned here. The report should be in descending order based on the the median per capita income increase over the 10 year period.

CountryMedian Per Capita Income (USD)Income Growth (10 Years, %)Primary Resource ExportPopulation Size (millions)Population Growth Rate (%)Cultural Diversity IndexCollege Graduates (%)Government ModelSovereign Wealth Fund per Capita (USD)Correlation (0-1)
Qatar60,00014Natural Gas2.91.3Medium35Monarchy150,0000.85
Norway70,00013Oil and Gas5.40.7Low40Strong Democracy200,0000.88
United Arab Emirates45,00012Oil101.2Medium30Monarchy90,0000.81
Australia50,00011Minerals25.71.6Low45Strong Democracy20,0000.75
Saudi Arabia40,00010Oil35.41.6Medium28Monarchy50,0000.72
Canada48,0009Oil and Minerals38.21Medium56Strong Democracy10,0000.79
Russia30,0007Oil and Gas145-0.2High54Weak Democracy3,0000.65
Angola6,0006Oil343.2High7Weak Democracy1,0000.58
Nigeria2,0005Oil2062.6High10Weak Democracy5000.53
Algeria4,0005Oil and Gas44.21.5Medium16Weak Democracy1,0000.59
Iraq5,0004Oil43.52.3High14Weak Democracy2,0000.54
Brunei Darussalam30,0003Oil and Gas0.440.9Medium18Monarchy40,0000.62

Candidate Solutions

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

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