AMSGPSL - 1 - Plan Process

Key Points



Key Concepts

SWP Plan Process 

Discover Your Life Plan: Who, What, Why, How

the 7 AMSGPSL steps summary

Step 1 - assessment

who are you?

who depends on you?

who do you depend on?

where are you now?

what are your goals?

what is your plan now?

how is your plan working?

where do you need help?

where are you on the SWH 7 steps?

how did you do on the SWH Wealth Quiz?

what are your priorities now?   

5 years from now?

what is your process to change?

Step 2 - build your plan

Step 3 - live your plan

Step 4 - update your plan

SWH Smart Money

SWH Wealth Building Quiz

SWH Money Management Quiz

Not Saving For Retirement
Borrowing Money From Your 401k
Spending More Than You Earn
Not Having Enough Insurance
Investing In Risky Stocks Or Schemes
Not Having An Emergency Fund
Taking Out Loans You Can’t Afford To Repay
Marrying The Wrong Person
Avoid These Financial Mistakes At All Costs!

Potential Value Opportunities

Potential Challenges

Candidate Solutions

SWP Plan Tools Capabilities

capture the full AMSGPSL plan process - all steps

quizzes - why you need a plan, where are you now, how do you plan, plan elements - goals, use cases, scenarios, contraints, assumptions, assets, liabilities, decisions, options, interfaces, people, parties, roles

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

Recommended Next Steps