Google Search

Key Points

currently, best search engine

offers built-in gemini search enhancements for better targeting, summarization of relevant content

historically, gemini LLM has problems with political bias on results



Key Concepts

Ad blockers to cut ads on searches

Ad Block Plus is the best - can remove sponsored ads by setting "allow sponsored ads" to off

How do I get rid of sponsored search results on Google?
Using an ad blocking browser extension will remove them from search results. Note that popular ad blockers may have two levels of ad blocking, so you need to check their settings. For instance, AdblockPlus has a setting which allows "acceptable ads" — you need to turn that off to block ads in search results.

Google Search Help 

Gemini smart searches

Use Better prompts 

Potential Value Opportunities

Potential Challenges

Candidate Solutions

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

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