a Articles

a Articles

Key Points

  1. Goals - build valuable skills, find potential work contacts
  2. Find the right market segments
  3. Find the key technology investment areas
  4. Find the right road to add value
  5. Publishing best way to build branding and network
  6. Need the right publishing partners to reach the markets

Publisher profiles

  1. audience size
  2. market segment business value
  3. market segment technical value
  4. market segment partner value

Publishing Options

  1. LInkedin
  2. medium
  3. techtarget
  4. forbes
  5. facebook
  6. IBM developer works
  7. Hyperledger groups

Candidate Sectors

  1. Banking
  2. Insurance
  3. Financial Services
  4. Healthcare
  5. Manufacturing
  6. Education - a secondary segment




Blockchain for Self Sovereign Identity - Debajani Mohanty
https://wip.mitpress.mit.edu/new-economySandy Petland - MIT - Building the New Economy

My Articles
a Confluence Overview

Article Goals

  1. improve my knowledge in an area for potential billable services and solutions
  2. define my brand – enterprise IT solution roadmaps
  3. find potential clients that can use those skills and services with easy engagement process
  4. find potential partners that can hire me for those skills with easy partner process, no commits on either end beyond an account
  5. find media opportunities to promote those skills - more articles, journals, conferences, organizations ( work groups etc )

Article Types

QSR - Quick Solution Review - what, fit for purpose, key use cases, opportunities, challenges, solutions, next steps ( if needed use QSA to validate your use case ) - include products

QGS - Getting Started Roadmap - what, why, how, key use cases, build your roadmap, next steps — solution roadmap

QLT - Quick Look Tutorial - what, why, test environment, setup, build, test, next steps

QSC - Quick Solutions Compared on key criteria

QMS - Quick Management Solutions - remote teams etc

QPR - Quick Partner Review - review partners on use cases, services, value add - awareness articles - collab leads

QBR - Quick Book Review -

in most cases, looking for audience feedback

Areas covered

IT Value Management

IT Risk Management

Technology Solution Opportunities

Article Ideas

Tecnical Solution Articles

  1. zarticle - java streams example
  2. zarticle - kafka streams example - data duct tape > just streams
  3. zarticle - apache camel data integration hub
  4. zarticle - spark streams example
  5. zarticle - use bi - grafana - powerbi or ?
  6. zarticle - github src / docs process
  7. zarticle -  blockchain - using wef ebc toolkit in practice

  8. zarticle - fabric -- minifabric or solo? what are the use cases
  9. zarticle - fabric -- private data examples - best use cases?
  10. zarticle - fabric - caliper - higher mileage blockchains
  11. zarticle - fabric - deployment tools - cello vs baf vs CLI
  12. zarticle - fabric membership models 

  13. zarticle - fabric deployment guide - example how to setup ca, msp for 2 orgs

  14. zarticle - fabric - data compliance services - stear
  15. zarticle - fabric - virtual fabric blockchain -
    what, why, how — based on multiple use cases - a blockchain has virtual views, segments, stores - NOT 1 physical chain for all
  16. zarticle - fabric - blockchain checkpoint - what - why - how - fit - next steps
  17. zarticle - fabric - where fabric is headed - summaries of Hyperledger Labs and Fabric RFCs
  18. zarticle - fabric - multi-tenancy in fabric - what, why, how — can an anchor node host multiple orgs WELL ( eg private data etc ) ?? or is it oops ??
  19. zarticle - aries, indy – SSI, DID wallets for credentials models
  20. zarticle - TOIP – Trust Over IP framework - interoperable DIDs. wallets, credentials for trust relations, transactions
  21. zarticle - DID interoperability with OpenID - standards, models, examples
  22. zarticle - QBR - SSI, DID blockchains
  23. zarticle - BESU basics
  24. zarticle - Catctus –  BIF -- fabric and besu -- supply chain & payments
  25. article - MDM options
  26. zarticle - Grails 4x and REST API
  27. zarticle - Groovy 3x examples including streams, lambda, modules, record
  28. zarticle - OpenId and DIDs?
  29. zarticle - JDBC - the universal connector - when to use
  30. zarticle - REST w Loopback
  31. zarticle - Liberty - a lightweight JEE server fits both cloud and on-premise models
  32. zarticle - QBR - Sandy Petland - MIT - Building the New Economy
  33. zarticle - Confluence Basic Concepts
  34. zarticle - Github Basics for Documentation

QSV - Quick Solution Value metric - a value forecast

Create the SWT Golden Cube– awards based on criteria - some prior data, some expected forecasts

These are NOT "perfect metrics" or prescriptions for your use case. These are estimated valuations for my use cases. They may be useful to you. Recommend a custom QSA

match long-term value, cost, risk dimensions but fit to use cases - 4th dimension - use tables to rank golden cubes

"We don't have to think alike. We just have to think"

ISM - IT Solution Management

IT Value Management

IT Risk Management

RTM - Remote Team Management

Topic Areas

Security - Data

Security - Authentication

Security - Authorization - functions, data

Cloud Platform Reviews

Data Services

Data Analytics

Data Quality, Governance and MDM

Remote Team Management

zarticle - RTM - team use cases and related tools – SERIES – overflow, each - compare FOSS vs commercial best for each - Golden Cube awards

web collab - zoom, jira, confluence, gsuite, gcalendar, chats, design tools, test tools, doc tools, video record - edit - publish, git repos, data stores, data queries

scrum - DOD - what, why, issues, how ( process, tools ), examples, recs

scrum - DOR - what, why, issues, how ( process, tools ), examples, recs

scrum - velocity - what, why, issues, how ( process, tools ), examples, recs

The Quick SDP process ...

QSI - quick solution intro - define use cases, summarize history, set visions

QSA - quick solution assessment

QSP - quick solution defintion

QSD - quick solution delivery

QST - quick solution test

QSI - quick solution implementation

QSS - quick solution support

Key Concepts

Design articles for audiences

Abstract - who benefits, what's covered

Key Takeaways - executive bullet points are the teaser ( technical, business case )

Key use cases - audience focus here – business, technical debt opportunities

Problem statement - todays solutions and challenges

New solution - what is it

How can it help ?  - vcrs –  factur3.io

Sample Test cases


Results evaluated - statistical significance

Production considerations

Golden Cube - VCR rank — ranks = gold, silver, bronze

Conclusions - worth further research for these use cases, compare to ..

Next Steps

Further research

Potential Value Opportunities

Potential Challenges

Candidate Solutions

QBR - Blockchain for Self Sovereign Identity - Debajani Mohanty


excellent quick read to understand SSI / DID and blockchain.
She covers details on SSI / DID models clearly, quickly to give you a solid understanding.
Several implementations of SSI are covered ( Hyperledger Indy, Aries ), Microsoft ION, Ethereum Uport / Civic.
The book finishes with use cases in different industries to give you ideas on how SSI can add value in these verticals.
I recommend it if you are looking to understand SSI concepts, how it's implemented and how it can be used.
To check your understanding she also provides some simple chapter self quizzes with answers to ensure you're understanding.

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

Recommended Next Steps

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