Junior Tester Training
Junior Tester Training
Key Points
- employers look for lots of input on you
- social media
- resume
- job histories
- online articles, github repos
- references
- certifications
- skills tests
- personality tests
- cognitive tests
- other
- more
Key Concepts
Basic Training Skills for Junior QA, Support, Help Desk
I know you forgot most of mocha now but you built mocha unit tests in Fullstack.
You have knowledge of:
Javacript level 1
Nodejs level 1
Express level 1
Postgres level 1
Postman level 1
Jira level 1
SQL level 1
Scrum level 1
Microservices level 1
Github level 1
Code editors level 1
Debug level 1
HTTP, HTML, CSS level 1
Terminals and Shells level 1
FTP level 1
Office solutions level 2
Heroku level 1
Sequelize level 1
React level 1
Mocha level 1
Curl level 1
Windows level 1
MAC OSX level 1
Java - very little
Python - very little
Android - very little
My take on the current testing experience is you can:
- define test cases in JIRA linked to a story or epic
- post test results in Excel or google docs
- run simple api tests in Postman, Curl ( I'll show you )
- run manual tests on mobile and web apps
- view browser logs and phone logs ( I'll show in 30 minutes )
- use log viewer tools if they have different ones ( see youtube on loggly for example - all UI no code )
- view source in github to read code on apps, services etc ( you did that in Fullstack )
- view data and query data in Postgres or Mongo using SQL and native queries ( I'll refresh you here easily )
- view browser logs in Chrome, Firefox etc
- run basic commands in terminal windows: Windows command, Linux bash
- read and update a simple Windows bat file or a Bash script
- comfortable with minimal skills on google docs, drive, office apps, terminal, text editor ( Notepad, sublime )
- use of VS code to review source, clone or update from github
- you can work in Scrum with a team, do standup on status etc
- you can track project status in JIRA or Excel
- work with collaboration tools: Zoom, Hangouts or Slack
- work with documentation tools: basic Office or gdocs
- use Confluence as a wiki ( you're authorized to access this now - https://skywebteam.atlassian.net/wiki )
- understand basic HTML, HTTP and PKI concepts ( see docs here etc )
- Bug reporting - read this article !!
To do ALL of that again is easy in less than 2 8 hour days of prepared study / review with me. ( I need to setup this course FIRST )
There is NO app development experience in this resume beyond Fullstack so that bar should be VERY low on expectations with recruiters etc. - no app development at this point in your work experience - test, debug only.
You're a junior level tester - no more than that now.
That opens up junior customer support. help desk and QA roles.
You read code, run apps, view logs, post to JIRA, check data etc ...
Look at the item list above and see which are the most challenging for you at this point.
Those are the ones I would help you with first ( eg SQL on Postgres and Mongo or CouchDb ) using SQL clients probably
Let me know your thoughts.
Added Skills for a Tester - nice to have
- more of all of the above
- algorithm refresher ( see the coding interviews and basic algorithms )
- Object Oriented basics in Groovy, Java, Javascript etc
- test frameworks - Selenium Web Driver, Spock, Cucumber, Geb, JMeter
- optional - PMP certification as a project manager or ( light weigh cert - ExpertRatings PM )
- scripting for test automation frameworks
- Cloud - AWS, Azure basics
- Data analysis with R Studio, Groovy or Python
- Reporting via Excel, BIRT, Grafana or ?
Potential Value Opportunities
Potential Challenges
Candidate Solutions
Step-by-step guide for Example
sample code block
Recommended Next Steps
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