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- 5 year Strategic Plan company wide is redefined annually
- 1 year Tactical Plan company wide is defined annually 6 months after the Strategic Plan cycle is complete
- management > goals down
- teams > plans up to meet goals
- SWOT analysis done by all areas of the company as prerequisite for each teams operation plans
- Finance creates plan playbooks for every team covering all goals and responsibilities
- the playbooks define for each team which other teams they have to create their operation plans with and which teams review them
- The net result is plans to support goals that all operations teams have reached consensus on before the company wide meetings that review and kickoff the plansis plans to support goals that all operations teams have reached consensus on before the company wide meetings that review and kickoff the plans
#FACTUR3DT.IO to measure the solution impacts on current and proposed solutions
>> Ensures Work and Systems Operations are measured accurately against plans for impacts
<< FACTUR3DT.IO to measure the delta on results to plans
F = Feelings - how do stakeholders feel about current system, new targets, change journey? What needs to be done to educate, build consensus? for all: company, clients, partners, regulators
A = Accuracy - how accurate is the system - gaps identified with metrics, strategies to improve measurement
C = Costs - all costs ( tangible, intangible, avoidable ) for delivery, operation and retirement of the solution in focus
T = Timeliness - how timely is the solution in meeting needs of stakeholders for timely results, information? where are there gaps?
U = Utilitiy - what is the utility or value of the solution to the different stakeholder groups? how is this measured now? how should it be measured?
R3 = The Right Resources, Revenues, Risks defined and measured
R.1 = Resources - What are the current resources invested? needed? gaps? how to fill?
R.2 = Revenues - What impact on revenues for solution? now? future expected revenues? how measured? why different? who is responsible?
R.3 = Risks - What are the key risks for: Adoption, Delivery, Operation, Support, Retirement across the stakeholder groups?
D = Decisions - What are the critical decisions for stakeholders during each phase of the SDP? What are key operations decisions? Can they be improved with policy automation and governance?
T = Trusts - What are the key trusts that need to be in place for all stakeholders and participants in the solution to be effective, efficient, supported?
#GAPS - Summary Definition of a New Solution given Key Use Cases
Maintaining alignment on assumptions throughout the life cycle of a solution including the CIP ( Continuous Improvement Process ) after the solution is in operation is critical
VCRST definition of initiatives & investments
>> Enables a higher rate of return with less risk on investments for delivery, operation, retirement
S = "What do you need from me to Succeed"? Managers ensure their tasks are done before asking team members to do their tasks eliminating many reasons for failure
T = Trusts - what trusts for the solution need to exist for all parties for end-to-end processing?
Measurement of these factors is key showing net returns from investments following DMAIC principles supporting progressive improvements
Principle: Validate
VCRST definitions with all key stakeholders
>> Ensures consensus exists across stakeholders before work on that phase begins
All stakeholders associated with a deliverable directly or indirectly must understand, commit and approve the deliverable plan, responsibilities, methods and commitments
Principle: Measure Value-Add Impacts for investments: FACTUR3DT.
>> Ensures Work is measured accurately against plans during delivery reducing significant cost, quality, time and resource risks
Technology Business Management (TBM) is a discipline that improves business outcomes by giving organizations a consistent way to translate technology investments to business value.
Finance and technology leaders need comprehensive visibility, planning, billing, benchmarking, and optimization of their technology investments regardless of technology stack, delivery, or development model.
Impactful outcomes from technology investments because technology is driven by business needs and solutions
TBM Taxonomy
Summary View of TBM Taxonomy
TBM Taxonomy to help take the guesswork out of naming and organizing cost structures. The TBM Taxonomy translates from a financial view to a technology view to a business-facing view with terminology that makes sense to each audience.
TBM Towers View