Financial Management Services - FMS

Financial Management Services - FMS

Key Points

  2. dependencies on identities ( organizations, individuals ), accounts, accounting systems
  3. payments
  4. credit payments
  5. bank payments
  6. settlements
  7. orders
  8. invoicing
  9. receivables
  10. sales analysis



 F2F Product document folder  
Deck for InComm - Sep 23 v2 .pptx
Finastra trade finance software supports SWIFT 
payments and tokens service product concepts

F2P setup info

"mongodb+srv://f2puser:FarmToPlate@f2pdb.qunan.mongodb.net/F2Pdb?retryWrites=true&w=majorityurl for Mongo DB for F2P TNT

Payments Task List

get bluenumber project access: JIRA, Confluence, Github, Postman, DB

get TNT project access: JIRA, Confluence, Github, Postman, DB

define process, inputs, prereqs for invoicing

define payment services for invoicing
Thomas pocfile system wallet
review onboarding model for growers, processors, shippers

check use of Indy IDs, wallets for Fabric MSP services

define any known integration requirements

create product roadmap

Key Product Solution Questions

  1. What are the payment scenarios in F2P Finance?
  2. what are the challenges, opportunities for each stage and role in the payment chain?
  3. who can pay for the solution in the payment chain?  ( NOT the growers )
  4. what's the F2P story we share?   ( challenges & opportunities,  F2P FBRs, case studies )

Product Delivery Concepts 



dataports-project.eu-Deliverables DataPorts.pdf

a>> well defined work packages for a product w good research tasks **

Key Payment Services Concepts

DPS - Digital Payment Services Feature Concepts 

#DPS - digital payment services - DPS

- buy payment tokens with ACH funds or credit card
- cash out payment tokens to ACH account
- send money from ACH account to ACH account
- convert currency on transfers

scenarios ?
- any including international payments, remittances
- supports many currency conversions
- low cost
- fast

DPS considerations
- which services to use ( Stellar, Wise, Stripe or ?)
- secure payment models
- secure sharing of bank accounts
- standard or custom payment use cases
- related contract methods for payments
- related contract documents
- digital signatures
- wallets
- supported identity types, verifications for accounts
- interoperability on identities
- interoperability on wallets
- interoperability on services ( DID methods etc )
- support for terms verifications
- support for escrow payments
- support for reverse payments on escrow failures

DPS fees
- different use cases may have different fees
- fee structures should allow multiple servicers
- fee structures should support discount methods applied by account, account type ( eg a flat fee for all trans in period)
- fee visibility restricted by role
- should include coverage of all related costs to run, maintain, manage DPS
- should support usage credits, tokens based on defined rules

Thomas POC features tested 

buy tokens with credit card

add payment method for account
buy tokens on credit card
show token purchase
explorer - view new account balance minus fees
stripe login
stripe payment with credit card shown

cash payout using xwise

xwise summary screen
xwise login - MFA
add new bank account
create cash payout
confirm the payout request w transfer shown
Stellar explorer shows payout transaction on xwise
> consider login to view the JSON details
xwise shows the payout to Paramount and the $1.05 fee

send money feature

F2P Solution Concepts 

F2P Modules ( needs review )

IAMS - Identity, Access and Memberships Services

SCM - Supply Chain Management 

FMS - Financial Management Services 


Invoice reconciliation

Invoice payments

Direct payments on delivery

Contract payments 

Invoice Loans - Factoring receivables

Crop Loans - highly risky

Payments - via payment services



General Ledger


External integrations


Module 1 : Farmers Welfare : Mike will be supported on Sustainability and Ethical Farming practices.
Module 4 : Transport :  Supply Chain Optimization is about the choice of the different stakeholders in a complex value chain whereas Freight Optimization is about predicting the optimal freight capacity to be carried by the transporting vehicle.
Module 5 : Invoice Management though a financial activity is kept separate due to the high volume (about 100M disputes annually) and LoC,BOL and other financial modules have been considered within the Trade Finance.

food supply chain logistics improvement

food safety 

ethical sourcing

fresher food

F2P Incomm presentation deck

Deck for InComm - Sep 23 v2 .pptx

see the ps deck model ...


context - existing solution

use cases for scope
quality - efficiency
security - safety
consent mgt
trust - immutability - traceability

problem stmts
current system focus ( add roadmap )
from user journeys ( cpa, dmv, dbr, firms )

user full credential exposure for proof requests
user id, pwd risks, issues
state reduced fraud, disputes

new system

impacts for use cases
food recall reduction w data quality, automation, immutability,

add did, credentials for ssi, pii

data protection
data privacy
easy secure access
consent mgt
reduced fraud, impersonation

any specific kpis / metrics to measure impacts?
any other related references on benefits ?
how decentralized a network is this?

next to last slide ( F2P ) shows
safety benefit ( food recall )

no other slides show the sourcing or produce quality benefits

revenue slide could benefit from added text to clarify the model

next steps


related stds - ssi, did, toip, pki, ...
swt id bc pptx

Potential Value Opportunities

Food Supply Chain

Distribution models ??

free 30 day trials hosted

limited function, capacity open-source version

enterprise version

Potential Differentiators ??

pluggable interfaces for:  identities, RBAC, data models, logic scripts, workflows, events

industry specific

pre-built integrations - EDI etc

partners on sub-systems - eg payments, inventory

Research list

Normal ERP logistics apps in cloud

When we started there were no reference solutions to review and we went with our gut feeling but now the market is getting mature and we do have some references from different aspects covering the end to end provenance and tracking for the Food Supply Chain.
Please review the shared links and let me know your thoughts.
https://www.foodlogiq.com/  Overall Concept and UI
https://www.whr.loans/ Warehouse Receipt Management
https://sweetbridge.com/  Financial Accounting of the Food Supply Chain  
https://rfid.auburn.edu/ Tracking individual components and universal communication across Supply Chain
https://dlt.mobi/  All WG for Transport Management except EV.
https://sovrin.org/ DID of all stakeholders for authenticating credibility.Can be used without a blockchain network and also can be integrated with Hyperledger Fabric if required. 
We have to use specific features from the above to guarantee a competitive end to end provenance and tracking solution for enterprise clients. 

Other Trade Finance solutions and use cases


Bills of Lading

Tokenizing Bills of Lading - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN69tm9bq7c

Potential Challenges

Legal Terms and Documents 

I have shared the legal artifacts on Blockchain and would appreciate your views.This will help our attorney draft the contents precisely matching our expectations.

1 - Page numbered 2 and 3 section client responsibility
2 - Page numbered 46-49
4 - Page numbered 3 
5 - Page numbered 2-5
Will we be accountable for the Cloud infrastructure or how is it going to be managed and if a third party is responsible how does the accountability is reflected in the document.The IBM Cloud in document 3 shares about the T&C and we can customize from that.

​My Onboarding support concepts

good customer service

easy, effective, low-cost Paramount support options

  • No-charge Account planning meetings to define

    • goals, expected usage, gather requirements, plan any custom services, standard onboarding, training, connections, support and more

  • use youtube videos, docs as an option here

  • use knowledge base with youtube video links as first stop for help normally

  • provide direct email, live chat and phone support options for registered account contacts

  • use custom Zoom support meetings as needed to resolve issues

  • use online Grails app to record and manage work requests ( problems, questions, feature requests )

  • use online BIRT or equivalent Web report tool to show system usage and manage work request status

  • customer portal provides account information and billing status

​Customer responsibilities for implementation and support

  • Customer Resources committed to meet planned onboarding and support requirements

  • Customer designates specific support contacts who go through on-boarding training courses

  • Customer is responsible for integrations to existing systems unless Paramount hired on a custom SOW under an MDA to provide services integrations

  • Customer documents planned usage of services using JEPL ( Java Event Processing Language ) to define a planned usage model for workflows, event notifications, automation

  • Paramount provides support on usage documentation with JEPL via knowledge base and support staff

  • Customer provides a test environment to test and validate planned usage and identity support problems separate from Production systems

  • Customer uses Paramount online support templates to record any support incidents ( problems, questions, feature requests ) and submit to Paramount online ( see work request template as a Grails app )

Candidate Solutions

F2P solution

MVP Plan


OKR - Objectives Key Results 

Problem Statements 



Restructure F2P product plan - 210504

Pramod,Yuva and I had a deep discussion yesterday and as an outcome of that we are going to sandwich the modules and reduce the timeline.
You are already working with Puvan for the Farmers' ID on the BlueNumber project for their welfare and associated activities.I would encourage you to use the same concept as part of Trusted Supplier Onboarding (within the Trade module).
Identical solution has been made by Chainyard on Trust Your Supplier(TYS).I want your thoughts if this is possible using Hyperledger Indy providing SSI to the suppliers of the manufacturing brands.These suppliers mostly are farmers with low income.
The next activity will be Invoice Management (within the Trade module) and Jim will take care of that.We are already hiring a Product manager to help Jim on that.
Remaining sub topics within each module will be considered later as and when the scope arises.
 Click here to expand...

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

Recommended Next Steps

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