m Psoft Farm2Plate f2p

m Psoft Farm2Plate f2p

Key Points

  1. logistics and reverse logistics
  2. energy trading
  3. service work
  4. parts tracking



 F2F Product document folder  
Deck for InComm - Sep 23 v2 .pptx
Revisit F2P-jim.pptx
F2P slides before demo 210624.pptx

SCB - Consumers Want Transparency in Supply Chain - Saptarshi

SCB - Consumers Want Transparency in Supply Chain - Saptarshi pdf

SWOT competitors
https://icroptrak.com/tracks crops through foodchain - supports Delmonte primarily
https://www.ifinca.co/technologyifinca - coffee chain w qr codes *
https://agstack.org/agstack - eos ag stack 

Blockchain enabled food traceability platform raises 250,000 USD

Blockchain enabled food traceability platform raises 250,000 USD pdf


Hi@Jim MasonPlease follow the below details to access the QA Environment:
Upstream:-debashish@paramountsoft.net/ paramount@123
Midstream:-amit@paramountsoft.net/ Welcome@01
Downstream:-anubha@paramountsoft.net/ abc@1234@Anbu KannappanCan you please provide latest "Postman collection" and "MongoDB" URL access to@Jim Mason

CouchDB environments

CouchDB for DEV Instance

username: admin

CouchDB for QA

Key Concepts

F2F Solution Concepts 

food supply chain logistics improvement

food safety 

ethical sourcing

fresher food

F2F Incomm presentation deck

Deck for InComm - Sep 23 v2 .pptx

see the ps deck model ...


context - existing solution

use cases for scope
quality - efficiency
security - safety
consent mgt
trust - immutability - traceability

problem statements
current system focus ( add roadmap )
from user journeys ( cpa, dmv, dbr, firms )

user full credential exposure for proof requests
user id, pwd risks, issues
state reduced fraud, disputes

new system

impacts for use cases
food recall reduction w data quality, automation, immutability,

add did, credentials for ssi, pii

data protection
data privacy
easy secure access
consent mgt
reduced fraud, impersonation

any specific kpis / metrics to measure impacts?
any other related references on benefits ?
how decentralized a network is this?

next to last slide ( F2P ) shows
safety benefit ( food recall )

no other slides show the sourcing or produce quality benefits

revenue slide could benefit from added text to clarify the model

next steps


related stds - ssi, did, toip, pki, ...
swt id bc pptx

Potential Value Opportunities

India using blockchain to track containers in Logistics - 2021


the central board of indirect taxes and customs under the country’s finance ministry launched a pilot electronic cargo tracking system (ECTS) project based on blockchain technology. This aims to achieve secure documentation and GPS-based tracking of containers.

If this test run is successful, the initiative may be launched across India after an assessment of costs, time savings, and compliances,

“The test run is being done within Delhi…for liquor,” the official told Quartz. “Liquor is a sensitive item, and it changes hands very frequently. It has been done in consultation with all stakeholders—the customs, the importers, the warehouse owners.”

India processing invoices with banks on blockchain

15 Indian banks came together to form an entity Indian Banks’ Blockchain Infrastructure Co to empower blockchain-enabled projects. One of them, involving the processing letters of credit, GST invoices, and e-way bills, is likely to use Infosys’s blockchain-based platform.

Freight Logistics using Broker Networks 



direct client to trucker scheduling without freight brokers 

LaneAxis strives for a more efficient and transparent supply chain by exposing one of the industry’s biggest problems: the near-monopoly third-party brokers hold over the industry. The freight brokerage industry sells itself as a necessary component to smoothen out the supply chain. But logic dictates that brokers need a chaotic and fractured supply chain to justify their existence. Without chaos they would be rendered obsolete. LaneAxis rejects this business model. We strive for efficiency.

The global pandemic made it utterly clear that the supply chain isn’t ready for the demanding online environment. With the increasing demand, the expectations of end consumers also rose, demanding fast delivery without wanting to risk any loss of quality. Images of store shelves stripped bare of essentials such as toilet paper and cleaning supplies belied the fact that many of those products were in fact available and sitting in warehouses. But as the world saw, chaos consumed the supply chain. A direct, transparent freight network utilizing blockchain could have significantly mitigated this supply chain crisis by identifying available supply with available nearby carrier capacity. 

Problems with Brokers for Shippers 

Broker Cost vs Efficiency 

One of the many examples that illustrates the broken, unfair and outdated broker machine encompasses the fact that brokers routinely consume 40-70% commissions on freight movements, with those margins essentially pulled from the pockets of hard-working drivers. Even worse, freight brokerages – which are largely unregulated - are not required to reveal how much a shipper has paid them to haul a load. So carriers are kept in the financial dark. Apart from the fact that the broker machine is often hustling shippers, carriers and drivers out of money - their systems lack efficiency. Common problems are the lack of visibility into real-time capacity, the lack of direct connectivity, unforeseen detention times, empty truck miles, and many more, resulting in inefficient and skewed supply chain metrics. 

Shipping Challenges in Supply Chain ( 2021 - LaneAxis )

LaneAxis = Blockchain + AI to solve shipping problems 

LaneAxis’ focus is on the persistent two-pronged problem, namely

1) connecting shippers directly to carriers and

2) managing the complicated process of a freight movement from A to Z - from contracts to insurance certificates to shipment documents - all the way to the final proof of delivery.

Thus, providing an all-in-one system that eliminates brokers, enables shippers to find and connect to qualified carriers directly, and crucially manages and monitors all aspects of the freight movement right down to the consumer.

Explainer video for blockchain shipping network vs current broker solution 


Agstack - EOS agriculture infrastructure stack


Potential projects built on Agstack

Agstack Architecture

 AgStack, announces a liaison with LF Edge and EdgeX Foundry to dock existing EdgeX software for IoT into AgStack’s IoT Extension

Food Supply Chain

Distribution models ??

free 30 day trials hosted

limited function, capacity open-source version

enterprise version

Potential Differentiators ??

pluggable interfaces for:  identities, RBAC, data models, logic scripts, workflows, events

industry specific

pre-built integrations - EDI etc

partners on sub-systems - eg payments, inventory

Research list

Normal ERP logistics apps in cloud

When we started there were no reference solutions to review and we went with our gut feeling but now the market is getting mature and we do have some references from different aspects covering the end to end provenance and tracking for the Food Supply Chain.
Please review the shared links and let me know your thoughts.
https://www.foodlogiq.com/  Overall Concept and UI
https://www.whr.loans/ Warehouse Receipt Management
https://sweetbridge.com/  Financial Accounting of the Food Supply Chain  
https://rfid.auburn.edu/ Tracking individual components and universal communication across Supply Chain
https://dlt.mobi/  All WG for Transport Management except EV.
https://sovrin.org/ DID of all stakeholders for authenticating credibility.Can be used without a blockchain network and also can be integrated with Hyperledger Fabric if required. 
We have to use specific features from the above to guarantee a competitive end to end provenance and tracking solution for enterprise clients. 

Potential Challenges

Legal Terms and Documents 

I have shared the legal artifacts on Blockchain and would appreciate your views.This will help our attorney draft the contents precisely matching our expectations.

1 - Page numbered 2 and 3 section client responsibility
2 - Page numbered 46-49
4 - Page numbered 3 
5 - Page numbered 2-5
Will we be accountable for the Cloud infrastructure or how is it going to be managed and if a third party is responsible how does the accountability is reflected in the document.The IBM Cloud in document 3 shares about the T&C and we can customize from that.

​My Onboarding support concepts

good customer service

easy, effective, low-cost Paramount support options

  • No-charge Account planning meetings to define

    • goals, expected usage, gather requirements, plan any custom services, standard onboarding, training, connections, support and more

  • use youtube videos, docs as an option here

  • use knowledge base with youtube video links as first stop for help normally

  • provide direct email, live chat and phone support options for registered account contacts

  • use custom Zoom support meetings as needed to resolve issues

  • use online Grails app to record and manage work requests ( problems, questions, feature requests )

  • use online BIRT or equivalent Web report tool to show system usage and manage work request status

  • customer portal provides account information and billing status

​Customer responsibilities for implementation and support

  • Customer Resources committed to meet planned onboarding and support requirements

  • Customer designates specific support contacts who go through on-boarding training courses

  • Customer is responsible for integrations to existing systems unless Paramount hired on a custom SOW under an MDA to provide services integrations

  • Customer documents planned usage of services using JEPL ( Java Event Processing Language ) to define a planned usage model for workflows, event notifications, automation

  • Paramount provides support on usage documentation with JEPL via knowledge base and support staff

  • Customer provides a test environment to test and validate planned usage and identity support problems separate from Production systems

  • Customer uses Paramount online support templates to record any support incidents ( problems, questions, feature requests ) and submit to Paramount online ( see work request template as a Grails app )

Candidate Solutions

Farm to Plate - F2P solution

Quick review - 210803

  1. 1 year 
    1. IF design were locked down prior to coding, with a good build plan and a good development team then this could be delivered in 2 months for sure at a lower cost
  2. built master data model with web app for entities 
    1. created dynamic model to define organization relationships
    2. created a dynamic product definition to share between organizations
  3. solution architecture limited, EA architecture limited
  4. backend concepts, design need major improvement
  5. non-functional use cases ( security, performance, change management, identity, authorization ) needed
  6. need to think through domain use cases to id where automation, device integration and event streams are useful
  7. need to think through data consumption use cases for the transaction data to define logical data models and services for consumption
  8. backend services coding not efficient

MVP Plan


OKR - Objectives Key Results 

Problem Statements 


Sprint Reviews

Please review the record of sprint 18 demo 
Passcode: D09n.+xm

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

Recommended Next Steps

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