

Key Points

  1. Iot payback hits automation, service and efficiencies within and between organizations and systems
  2. automates device behavior, events
  3. add identities and intelligence to provide device responsibilities in networks, solutions



MQTT: The Standard for IoT Messaging **

https://www.slideshare.net/Eclipse-IoT/using-eclipse-mqtt-sparkplug-as-your-iiot-digital-transformation-toolkit-eclipse-iot-day-sc-2019Slides - MQTT and Sparkplug - 2019
https://www.slideshare.net/AmazonWebServices/industrial-iot-applications-making-the-connection-and-extracting-value-iot342r2-aws-reinvent-2018Industrial IoT Applications: Making the Connection and Extracting Value (IOT342-R2) - AWS re:Invent 2018

State of the Union - Eclipse IoT Day - 2020

https://www2.slideshare.net/Eclipse-IoT/presentationsEclipse IoT presentations 2019 - list

https://mqttlab.iotsim.io/sparkplug/MQTT cloud lab for sparkplug testing
MQTT plug and play with sparkplug overview 2020

http://mqtt.org/a machine-to-machine (M2M)/"Internet of Things" connectivity protocol. It was designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport.
MQTT v5 docs



Nodered - visual IoT messaging network services
https://nodered.org/docs/nodered docs and tutorials
https://www.slideshare.net/paulswithers1/engage-2019-introduction-to-noderedNodered intro slide set

Hands on-intro to Node-RED

https://pt.slideshare.net/OpenEnergyMonitor/connecting-all-the-things-with-mqtt-nodered?smtNoRedir=1Open Energy Monitor using Node-Red and MQTT
https://www.slideshare.net/KaiWaehner/iot-open-source-integration-comparison-kura-nodered-flogo-apache-nifi-streamsetsIoT integration Comparison ( Node-Red, Kura, Nifi )
https://pt.slideshare.net/AnshuPandey5/node-red-for-raspberry-pi?smtNoRedir=1Node-Red for Raspberry PI
https://www.slideshare.net/BorisAdryan/node-redcamjampibirthdayfeb2015Intro to Node-Red workflow development

Flying a Drone with JavaScript and Computer Vision

IoT Protocols
IoT network and data standards
Top 15 IoT protocols
IoT protocols overview
https://www.avsystem.com/blog/iot-protocols-and-standards/IoT protocols and standards blog

https://objectcomputing.com/products/openddsOpenDDS basic concepts
https://objectcomputing.com/products/opendds/resources#techOpenDDS resources

OpenDDS code generation - part 1

( OLD )

http://mnb.ociweb.com/mnb/MiddlewareNewsBrief-201007.htmlOpenDDS code generation - part 2

Iot Devices - Testers



ELECROW CrowPi Raspberry Pi 4B 3B+ Learning Computer Sensor Kit for Learning Coding and Electronics(Basic Kit, RPI Not Included, Black)

IoT OS services
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_real-time_operating_systemsComparison of IoT / Real time OS options



Free RTOS, MIT license



MyNewt - Apache free RTOS

supports wireless apps



RTAI - real time extension of Linux Kernel

supports IA-32, x86-64, PowerPC, ARM and MIPS



Linux Kernel - is tunable for any workload ( vs Windows )

IoT Platforms



10 Best IoT Platforms To Watch Out In 2020-softwaretestinghelp.com.pdf

Iot Platforms - 2020 - what are they - compared

IoT Impacts


Five Takeaways from MS IoT Signals Report - 2020 - Ian Skerrett


IoT Signals-2020_Edition 2_English.pdf

Microsoft IoT signals report 2020 - Iot Trends, investments, results

Key Concepts

IoT Networking and Data Standards


There are many protocols that have a direct or indirect role in IoT. We’ll focus on two protocol types in particular:

  • Network protocols
  • Data protocols

Network Protocols

The network protocols we use for IoT should be open standards because our IoT network has to support devices from multiple vendors. Proprietary protocols increase complexity because you then need devices that can translate between the different protocols.

The Internet Protocol (IP) is well established and we have been using IP for IT networks for a long time. This is one of the reasons why IP is also the main choice for IoT networks.

Using IPv6 is encouraged because there are no address space limitations as there are with IPv4. Solutions such as IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN) or IPv6 Routing Protocol for LLNs (RPL) don’t even support IPv4, only IPv6.

Data Protocols

We need to transfer data between our devices and other systems such as an IoT platform. Some devices have sensors that push data at a regular interval. Other sensors work with a pull model where you have to request the information. There are several data protocols we can use in IoT. Here are three popular protocols:

  • Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT)
  • Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)
  • Extensible Message and Presence Protocol (XMPP)


MQTT is probably the most used protocol in IoT. It’s a lightweight message protocol that uses publish and subscribe operations to transmit data between a client and server. It uses TCP as the transport protocol.

Packets are tiny and require little bandwidth. MQTT uses a client-server model. The server is called a broker. There are two operations:

  • Publish: a device (client) sends data to a broker (server).
  • Subscribe: a device (client) wants to receive data from a broker (server).


MQTT Docs 




CoAP is also a lightweight protocol and was developed as a standard (RFC 7252). It’s based on a REST model. A server makes resources available under a URL and clients access these resources with GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE methods. It is easy to get started with CoAP because many developers are familiar with REST.

CoAP can carry different payload types including XML and JSON and uses UDP as the transport protocol.


XMPP is an open standard (RFC6120) and is based on XML technology for real-time communication. It’s used for a range of applications including VoIP, instant messaging, and IoT.

XMPP has been around for a while and has proven scalability and security. There are many servers that have used XMPP for many years. Software is available for any programming language making it easy to get started. Because XMPP was originally an instant messaging protocol and uses XML, it has more overhead compared to a lightweight protocol like MQTT.

IoT protocols overview


Types of IoT connections

Network Toplogies

Wireless nets can also be categorized according to their topology, i.e. a connectivity configuration. There may be various combinations of connections between nodes: line, ring, star, mesh, fully connected, tree, bus.

Network requirements for IoT

  • The capacity to connect a large number of heterogeneous elements
  • High reliability
  • Real-time data transmission with minimum delays
  • The ability to protect all data flows
  • The ability to configure applications
  • Monitoring and traffic management at the device level
  • Cost-effectiveness for a large number of connected objects

IoT Protocols


MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight protocol for sending simple data flows from sensors to applications and middleware.

The protocol functions on top of TCP/IP and includes three components: subscriber, publisher and broker. The publisher collects data and sends it to subscribers. The broker tests publishers and subscribers, checking their authorization and ensuring security.

MQTT suits small, cheap, low-memory and low-power devices.

Open DDS from OMG

DDS (Data Distribution Service) is an IoT standard for real-time, scalable and high-performance machine-to-machine communication. It was developed by the Object Management Group (OMG).

You can deploy DDS both in low-footprint devices and in the cloud.

The DDS standard has two main layers:

  • Data-Centric Publish-Subscribe (DCPS), which delivers the information to subscribers
  • Data-Local Reconstruction Layer (DLRL), which provides an interface to DCPS functionalities

AMQP for middleware

AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) is an application layer protocol for message-oriented middleware environments. It is approved as an international standard.

The processing chain of the protocol includes three components that follow certain rules.

  1. Exchange — gets messages and puts them in the queues
  2. Message queue — stores messages until they can be safely processed by the client app
  3. Binding — states the relationship between the first and the second components

IoT Identity, Access and Accounting Concepts

Hyperledger White Paper - IoT Identity, Access and Accounting Concepts


iot-Decentralized Access and Management for IoT Devices - White Paper – Smart Phone PoC.docx

The ever-increasing number of IoT devices carries huge security and data vulnerability risk. Technologists are busy developing solutions to protect and guard IoT devices and the data they generate and share, as well as developing trust models to validate not only IoT devices’ data but also the applications providing the end services.

IoT Definition

There are several definitions of Internet of Things (IoT) that vary based on the specific context in which the definition is being used. However, most definitions agree on some key characteristics of IoT including: 

  • A group of physical objects, things, which are connected and accessible via the internet
  •  The “thing” could be a robot in a factory,  a pacemaker attached to a human, or a temperature sensor in a food package. 
  •  Each object has a unique ID and is capable of automatically collecting and sharing data.
  • Some objects are programmable and capable of making certain decisions on their own.

Problem statement - identity, authn, authz, security, reputation

As the number of IoT devices is expected to grow exponentially over the years, managing and protecting these devices and the data they access and generate become more complex and challenging. The challenge spans multiple domains from people accessing services to organizations responsible for authenticating and authorizing access to devices and data. 

The lack of a robust, industry-grade IoT device management scheme leaves devices exposed to identity theft and also leaves data exposed to unauthorized access and manipulation. This issue is further exasperated when dealing with personalized applications and services where issues of identity validation, trust, consent, and attribute sharing are of paramount importance.

At a macro industry level, the proliferation of IoT devices in heterogeneous networks has created a fragmented identity management space. This fragmentation has caused a multiplicity of silos of identity management systems which significantly limit interoperability.

OpenDDS concepts


OpenDDS was developed by Object Computing, Inc., working closely with key customers, users, and other researchers at various universities and other locations around the globe.


  • Broad platform support, including real-time and non-real time operating systems on a variety of hardware platforms.
    • Operating systems include Linux, Windows™, Mac OS™, VxWorks™, LynxOS™, and others
    • Hardware platforms include the Intel Core Processor Family, ARM, Raspberry Pi, and others
  • Complies with the OMG DCPS layer of the Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems (DDS) specification.
  • A Pluggable Transport Layer that allows data transmission across a variety of transport protocols. OpenDDS currently implements simple TCP, UDP, reliable multicast, and unreliable multicast transports. In addition, application developers may implement their own custom transport protocols and plug them into OpenDDS.
  • Interoperability with other DDS implementations through the RTPS transport.
  • Support for Java bindings through JNI and the option of inclusion with JBoss (ESB) frameworks by means of a JMS wrapper.


  • OpenDDS is free Open Source software (FOSS), which means no vendor lock-in and maximum user control. There are no license fees whatsoever.

  • Full source code available (also at no cost).

  • The OpenDDS Modeling Software Development Kit (SDK), built on top of the Eclipse Modeling Framework, simplifies the use of OpenDDS, leaving the developer free to devote more time to application issues rather than the details of internal middleware plumbing.

  • Efficient marshaling and demarshalling of user-defined data types.

  • Robust federated information repository that allows publishers and subscribers to discover one another, to support registration of participants and creation of topics, and to support publication of built-in topics for meta-data propagation.

  • Scalable, multi-threaded architecture.

  • Includes an easy-to-use run-time configuration framework that supports configuration via a combination of files, options, and application programming interfaces.




Hyperchain Labs sensor integration with Blockchain

CrowPI test kit for Raspberry PI sensors



CrowPi is an educational tool based on Raspberry Pi, designed to help people learn electronics, programming, and basic computer science. CrowPi was first released on Kickstarter in May 2018 and won a very successful campaign. The initial users spoke highly of CrowPi and left several good riviews.

The success of CrowPi is based on the popularity of Raspberry Pi, and on the unique advantages of the product itself, such as the compact development board, the neat and portable case, the step by step tutorials, and the affordable price.
As we all know, computer science and programming are now regarded as an essential ability for 21st-century students, and are becoming a key component of many curriculums, even in primary schools. And when we combine computer science and programming with electronics, we can build many useful devices both for industrial applications and for use in our daily life. Some examples of modern applications for IT are: running a weather station, PIR automatic lighting, line tracking robot car, vehicle radar, and so on.

crowpi video intro


Next Steps


https://confluence.atlassian.com/confcloud/import-a-confluence-space-724765531.htmlHow to import space export xml zip file into Confluence Cloud

Instructions - Move sites between Confluence instances

  1. How to Export a Space in Confluence Cloud to xml zip file
  2. How to Import a Space in Confluence Cloud from xml zip file

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