m MariaDB

m MariaDB

Key Points

  1. Compare DB servers on features, performance for specific use cases
  2. MariaDB is a GPL server only limited by directly including the server IN a commercial app distribution
  3. MariaDB has some advanced security concepts over MySQL - a security proxy managing connections
  4. MariaDB supports 3 types of tables - relational, document, geospatial and wide column tables ( MySQL does not support wide column tables yet
  5. MariaDB is 95% compatible with MySQL
  6. MariaDB supports Oracle PL/SQL so migrations are easy
  7. MariaDB does not yet have array columns ( like Mongo, CouchDB for NoSQL repeating elements )



https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/licensing-faq/MariaDB license FAQS - generally GPL unless server distributed with an app


compare-Enterprise Open Source Database Comparison.pdf

compare MariaDB w MySQL DB - 2019
https://maxscale.readthedocs.io/en/stable/Documentation/About/About-MaxScale/MariaDB MaxScale has added security, network features
https://mariadb.com/kb/en/maxscale/MariaDB MaxScale docs

Key Concepts

MariaDB has added features over MySQL Db



MariaDB MaxScale is a database proxy that extends the high availability, scalability, and security of MariaDB Server while at the same time simplifying application development by decoupling it from underlying database infrastructure.

MariaDB MaxScale is engineered with an extensible architecture to support plugins, extending its functionality beyond transparent load balancing to become, for example, a database firewall. With built-in plugins for multiple routers, filters and protocols, MariaDB MaxScale can be configured to forward database requests and modify database responses based on business and technical requirements — for example, to mask sensitive data or scale reads.

= Guardium + more


includes support for

  1. multiple authentication methods
  2. data anonymization
  3. data masking
  4. advanced security filters
  5. REST api to manage request and responses - not an application interface
  6. CDC - change data capture events for apps to subscribe to db events
  7. Both row and column storage formats
  8. Supports PL/SQL with parameters etc
  9. Support JSON same as MySQL
  10. Support aggregate pipelines

CDC is a new protocol that allows compatible clients to authenticate and register for Change Data Capture events. The new protocol must be use in conjunction with AVRO router which currently converts MariaDB binlog events into AVRO records. Change Data Capture protocol is used by clients in order to interact with stored AVRO file and also allows registered clients to be notified with the new events coming from MariaDB 10.0/10.1 database.

Potential Value Opportunities

Potential Challenges

Candidate Solutions

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

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