m Data CouchDb

m Data CouchDb

Key Points

  1. provides REST api to NoSQL documents
  2. supports basic aggregation
  3. has Fauxton admin browser for Web queries using NoSQL without coding
  4. does not support JDBC access from other tools directly for easy reporting
  5. see CAMEL for some data integration options with Java, XML
  6. CouchDB v4x will use FoundationDB key-value store as the storage engine
  7. Mango query in Fauxton client is similar to Mongo Query syntax
  8. Berlin couchdb meetup site - jm0 for jem1 


https://couchdb.apache.org/Apache CouchDB
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_CouchDBCouchDB overview
Compare Couchbase and CouchDB
https://couchdb.apache.org/CouchDB org, wiki and more

CouchDB Visual Query Client tool ***

Apache CouchDB is a database that uses JSON for documents, JavaScript for MapReduce indexes, and regular HTTP for its API.
Fauxton is a native web-based interface built into CouchDB.

Mango Query in Fauxton client or via REST api

supports: CRUD and create-index

https://github.com/cloudant/mangoCloudant Mango repo
https://godoc.org/labix.org/v2/mgoMango package for GO apps
https://www.javatpoint.com/java-couchdbJava CouchDB access - NetBeans sample project
https://guide.couchdb.org/draft/notifications.htmlCouchDB change listener tutorial article **

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59656958/can-apache-camel-output-a-jdbc-interface-instead-of-java-object-mapsIssue - trying to find a valid JDBC connector for CouchDB to use BIRT and ore as reporting tool
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/COUCHDB/Apache query on JDBC usage in projects
https://forums.foundationdb.org/t/update-couchdb-4-0-on-foundationdb/1690CouchDB migration notes for FoundationDB in v4

CouchDb is migrating to FoundationDB in version 4.0

FoundationDB has an old JDBC driver that may still work

m Camel Data SvcsApache Camel as data connection service for CouchDB
http://logging.apache.org/log4j/log4j-2.0-beta7/log4j-core/index.htmlLog4j has a driver to write to couchdb

Couchdb JDBC Driver options
Grails jdbc config for a proprietary CouchDB jdbc driver
https://github.com/jcouchdbjcouchdb - Open source Couchdb JDBC driver - github
https://www.cdata.com/drivers/couchdb/jdbc/commercial jdbc driver
https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/was-liberty/nd?topic=cccil-configuring-couchdb-connectivity-by-using-ektorp-client-library-in-libertyLiberty config for couchdb access



jcouchdb doc
http://fforw.de/static/jcouchdb-javadoc/jcouchdb javadoc


Google Code Archive - jcouchdb archived - for Java 5 .pdf
mailing list for jcouchdb

google - jcouchdb is a java5 couchdb driver using the svenson JSON library.


jcouchdb- parser- lib -Svenson by fforw.pdf

svenson JSON library for jcouchdb driver
svenson JSON library for jcouchdb driver ZIP filesvenson JSON library for jcouchdb driver ZIP file

Kivik - CouchDB CLI admin tool


Kivik - CouchDB CLI admin tool *

Foundation DB for Couch DB v4x

Key Concepts


Apache CouchDB is an open-source project and a single node database that allows you to easily store your data and access it when you need it. Couch DB can also scale up for more demanding projects into a cluster of nodes with multiple servers. It supports the HTTP protocol along with the JSON data format and also integrates with HTTP proxy servers. Apache CouchDB is designed for reliability with a crash-resistant structure that supports “Offline First” applications and a system that saves data redundantly so that it is never lost and available in a state of emergency.

CouchDb Setup


Setup TLS access for CouchDB

haproxy should be as simple as installing the binary on your *NIX platform, then using something similar to our shipped configuration:


Also, I see this walkthrough is referenced elsewhere as working for Let's Encrypt and CouchDB:


Basic CouchDb Operations

CouchDB Design Documents


CouchDB supports special documents within databases known as “design documents”. These documents, mostly driven by JavaScript you write, are used to build indexes, validate document updates, format query results, and filter replications.

Note: Previously, the functionality provided by CouchDB’s design documents, in combination with document attachments, was referred to as “CouchApps.” The general principle was that entire web applications could be hosted in CouchDB, without need for an additional application server.

Use of CouchDB as a combined standalone database and application server is no longer recommended. There are significant limitations to a pure CouchDB web server application stack, including but not limited to: fully-fledged fine-grained security, robust templating and scaffolding, complete developer tooling, and most importantly, a thriving ecosystem of developers, modules and frameworks to choose from.

Apache camel data service overview


Apache Camel ™ is a versatile open-source integration framework based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns.

Camel empowers you to define routing and mediation rules in a variety of domain-specific languages, including a Java-based Fluent API, Spring or Blueprint XML Configuration files, and a Scala DSL. This means you get smart completion of routing rules in your IDE, whether in a Java, Scala or XML editor.

Apache Camel uses URIs to work directly with any kind of Transport or messaging model such as HTTP, ActiveMQ, JMS, JBI, SCA, MINA or CXF, as well as pluggable Components and Data Format options. Apache Camel is a small library with minimal dependencies for easy embedding in any Java application. Apache Camel lets you work with the same API regardless which kind of Transport is used - so learn the API once and you can interact with all the Components provided out-of-box.

Apache Camel provides support for Bean Binding and seamless integration with popular frameworks such as CDISpring, Blueprint and Guice. Camel also has extensive support for unit testing your routes.

The following projects can leverage Apache Camel as a routing and mediation engine:

  • Apache ServiceMix - a popular distributed open source ESB and JBI container
  • Apache ActiveMQ - a mature, widely used open source message broker
  • Apache CXF - a smart web services suite (JAX-WS and JAX-RS)
  • Apache Karaf - a small OSGi based runtime in which applications can be deployed
  • Apache MINA - a high-performance NIO-driven networking framework

Postman CRUD tests on CouchDB


React.js frontend tutorial using nano for CouchDB CRUD services


couchdb-CRUD-ReactReactJS and CouchDB CRUD Operations w Nano.pdf

Fauxton admin client for CouchDB

Fauxton Visual Guide


fauxton readthedocs


fauxton setup


fauxton github


Using Fauxton article 


Fauxton setup

Go to couchdb.apache.org, and click download

Learn how to install and setup CouchDB from here, then go to

Fauxton URL


Using Fauxton 


CouchDB Mango Query in Fauxton client or API


Mango provides a single HTTP API endpoint that accepts JSON bodies via HTTP POST. These bodies provide a set of instructions that will be handled with the results being returned to the client in the same order as they were specified. The general principle of this API is to be simple to implement on the client side while providing users a more natural conversion to Apache CouchDB than would otherwise exist using the standard RESTful HTTP interface that already exists.

Mango API design

The general API exposes a set of actions that are similar to what MongoDB exposes (although not all of MongoDB's API is supported). These are meant to be loosely and obviously inspired by MongoDB but without too much attention to maintaining the exact behavior.

Each action is specified as a JSON object with a number of keys that affect the behavior. Each action object has at least one field named "action" which must have a string value indicating the action to be performed. For each action there are zero or more fields that will affect behavior. Some of these fields are required and some are optional.

For convenience, the HTTP API will accept a JSON body that is either a single JSON object which specifies a single action or a JSON array that specifies a list of actions that will then be invoked serially. While multiple commands can be batched into a single HTTP request, there are no guarantees about atomicity or isolation for a batch of commands.

Configure Mango on a cluster

Query can be enabled by setting the following config:

rpc:multicall(config, set, ["native_query_servers", "query", "{mango_native_proc, start_link, []}"]).

Mango HTTP API Design

This API adds a single URI endpoint to the existing CouchDB HTTP API. Creating databases, authentication, Map/Reduce views, etc are all still supported exactly as currently document. No existing behavior is changed.

The endpoint added is for the URL pattern /dbname/_query and has the following characteristics:

  • The only HTTP method supported is POST.
  • The request Content-Type must be application/json.
  • The response status code will either be 200, 4XX, or 5XX
  • The response Content-Type will be application/json
  • The response Transfer-Encoding will be chunked.
  • The response is a single JSON object or array that matches to the single command or list of commands that exist in the request.

This is intended to be a significantly simpler use of HTTP than the current APIs. This is motivated by the fact that this entire API is aimed at customers who are not as savvy at HTTP or non-relational document stores. Once a customer is comfortable using this API we hope to expose any other "power features" through the existing HTTP API and its adherence to HTTP semantics.

Supports CRUD and manage indexes

Mango Query Examples

implicit or explicit and syntax

{"foo": "bar", "baz": true}
{"$and": [{"foo": {"$eq": "bar"}}, {"baz": {"$eq": true}}]}

object subfields in a doc

{"location": {"city": "Omaha"}}
{"location.city": "Omaha"}

escape char = \ , operator prefix = $

{"age": {"$gt": 21}}

The list of combining characters:

  • "$and" - array argument
  • "$or" - array argument
  • "$not" - single argument
  • "$nor" - array argument
  • "$all" - array argument (special operator for array values)
  • "$elemMatch" - single argument (special operator for array values)
  • "$allMatch" - single argument (special operator for array values)

Condition Operators

Each of the combining operators take a single argument that is either a condition operator or an array of condition operators.

The list of combining characters:

  • "$and" - array argument
  • "$or" - array argument
  • "$not" - single argument
  • "$nor" - array argument
  • "$all" - array argument (special operator for array values)
  • "$elemMatch" - single argument (special operator for array values)
  • "$allMatch" - single argument (special operator for array values)

Condition Operators

Condition operators are specified on a per field basis and apply to the value indexed for that field. For instance, the basic "$eq" operator matches when the indexed field is equal to its argument. There is currently support for the basic equality and inequality operators as well as a number of meta operators. Some of these operators will accept any JSON argument while some require a specific JSON formatted argument. Each is noted below.

The list of conditional arguments:

(In)equality operators

  • "$lt" - any JSON
  • "$lte" - any JSON
  • "$eq" - any JSON
  • "$ne" - any JSON
  • "$gte" - any JSON
  • "$gt" - any JSON

Object related operators

  • "$exists" - boolean, check whether the field exists or not regardless of its value
  • "$type" - string, check the document field's type

Array related operators

  • "$in" - array of JSON values, the document field must exist in the list provided
  • "$nin" - array of JSON values, the document field must not exist in the list provided
  • "$size" - integer, special condition to match the length of an array field in a document. Non-array fields cannot match this condition.

Misc related operators

  • "$mod" - [Divisor, Remainder], where Divisor and Remainder are both positive integers (ie, greater than 0). Matches documents where (field % Divisor == Remainder) is true. This is false for any non-integer field
  • "$regex" - string, a regular expression pattern to match against the document field. Only matches when the field is a string value and matches the supplied matches


The sort syntax is a basic array of field name and direction pairs. It looks like such:

[{field1: dir1} | ...]

Where field1 can be any field (dotted notation is available for sub-document fields) and dir1 can be "asc" or "desc".


Unlike MongoDB only the fields specified are included, there is no automatic inclusion of the "_id" or other metadata fields when a field list is included.

A trivial example:

["foo", "bar", "baz"]

More Mango Query Examples - regex, lists, starting date

"selector": {
"offerKWH": {
"$gte": 80 },
"startTS": {
"$gte": "2021-01-27"}
} }

"selector": {
"objectType": {
"$in": [
]  },
"Timestamp": {
"$gte": "2021-02-22"
} } }

"selector": {
"name": {
"$regex": "^Test acc"
}  } }

CouchDB migration to FoundationDB


FoundationDB JDBC driver notes


IDEA - implement JDBC driver for Mango client to connect BI tools

support defined JDBC type 4 client interfaces ..





Error protocols

PSCouchDB, a complete and Object Oriented cli for CouchDB

Matteo Guadrini <matteo.guadrini@hotmail.it>
Mon, Jun 27 at 4:39 AM

Hello everybody,
I wanted to announce the new version of PSCouchDB, a complete and Object Oriented cli for CouchDB, written in powershell (running on any operating system).
Find the release notes here: https://github.com/MatteoGuadrini/PSCouchDB/releases/tag/2.5.0

Other useful links
Installation: https://github.com/MatteoGuadrini/PSCouchDB#installation-and-simple-usage
Full docs: https://pscouchdb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
PowershellGallery: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/PSCouchDB/2.5.0
Site: https://matteoguadrini.github.io/PSCouchDB

Thanks to everyone!

Matteo Guadrini

CouchDB JWT authentication and Identity Provider’s JWKS URLs ( beta feature )

Tue, Jun 18 at 1:11 PM
Happy to announce a first beta release of the couchdb-idp-updater
You point it to your IdP (identity provider, e.g  AD, KeyCloak, Octa etc)
to periodically read their public keys.
When a key is new or updated it updates CouchDB’s jwt_keys configuration.
This allows users to authenticate with their IdP credentials,
thus having all actual user reaching CouchDB without the need to maintain
them in _users

Potential Value Opportunities

Potential Challenges

Engineering CouchDB Networks

mesh-like architecture which uses CouchDB replication protocol to

distribute/aggregate data is perfectly viable. As well as other members of

the ML I also have several projects employing this approach. And like

others I also can not disclose any details, even qty of nodes involved; you

better be ready to see this attitude for any mesh-related project, because

they often involve processing sensitive personal, industry or

infrastructure data in vast amounts.

However, I have a lot of observations, main are:

  - whenever possible use CouchDB, not Pouch, because failure rate of

  Pouch instances on whatever platform is much higher overall

  - CouchDB is able to run for years without getting down, Pouch is not so

  sturdy, there exist a bunch of ways to knock down Pouch node with a single


  - on mobile devices you better avoid constantly growing DBs, you may

  loose data and DB integrity eventually

  - a single doc rejected by Couch during upstream replication from Pouch

  can block entire process of replication, you can easily get the situation

  when sync just can’t restart – so carefully check what you store in Pouch,

  especially attachments size

  - get ready to spend a lot of time debugging Pouch—Couch routes having

  enormous latencies (like sync through satellites or 14400 GPRS connections)

  - mesh CouchDB networks tend to have very fast growing logs, reason is

  the number of repeated connections from different peers, so take care of it

  - do not distribute mesh topology across nodes using CouchDB

  replication, this approach looks inviting but brings a lot of risks.

Best regards.


Issue - Using a JDBC driver to connect ot CouchDB


Issue - CouchDB connection when server certs expired

Based on this SO question:

setting NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED might fix your problem.

If you don't have access to the code, you can set a shell variable and
restart Node:


CAUTION: This should only be used as a TEMPORARY fix until you can get your
certs updated. It opens you up to attacks.


- Bill

On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 3:44 PM Rick Jarvis <rick@magicmail.mooo.com> wrote:

> Can anyone tell me (urgently lol) how to ignore invalid certificates with
> nano?
> My backups haven’t been running and I’m desperate.
> I’ll then need to figure out why, despite having updated all the routes
> etc (due to R3 expiry) it’s still not working!

Candidate Solutions

CouchDb v3.4 updates

CouchDB 3.4.0 and 3.4.1

full text search for couchdb

add embedded QuickJS engine 

release 3.4.0 problems

avoid breaking changes and support CouchDB version rollback now in 3.4.1

new hashing methods


Spider Monkey from Firefox still the default js engine in CouchDB

or change config in design doc for flex

test engine

Java Connectivity for CouchDB

LightCouch Java API for CouchDB

LightCouch is a Java API for CouchDB database.
It provides a client interface to communicate with the database server HTTP API.


<dependency> <groupId>org.lightcouch</groupId> <artifactId>lightcouch</artifactId> <version>0.2.0</version> </dependency>

configure connection

containing the following properties:


A client i.e. 
CouchDbClient is the main object in LightCouch used to access the database.
Initializing a new instance using the default constructor reads properties from couchdb.properties, alternatively use an overloaded constructor.

CouchDbClient dbClient = new CouchDbClient(); 

Foo foo = new Foo(); // Plain Java Object

Response response = dbClient.save(foo);

Foo foo = dbClient.find(Foo.class, "doc-id");



boolean b = dbClient.contains("doc-id");

// views
List<Foo> list = dbClient.view("ddoc/by_date")
long count = dbClient.view("ddoc/by_tag")

// attachments
Response response = dbClient.saveAttachment(inputStream, "photo.png", "image/png");
InputStream in = dbClient.find("doc-id/photo.png");

// replication
ReplicationResult replication = dbClient.replication()

// changes feed
Changes changes = dbClient.changes()

while (changes.hasNext()) {
	ChangesResult.Row feed = changes.next();

// shutdown the client

Use in Spring application:

<bean id="dbClient" 
	class="org.lightcouch.CouchDbClient" destroy-method="shutdown"/>
// Autowire in Spring Components

private CouchDbClient dbClien

CouchDB in Spring Boot Projects


couchdb-Java-Getting started with CouchDB in your Spring Boot project _ Medium.pdf   link

Getting started with Couch DB

  1. Download CouchDB and can access the built-in web interface of CouchDB:
  2. Add ektorp to your pom.xml (ektorp provides a set of APIs to connect to CouchDB from your Application)

2. Create documents in the database by adding annotation JsonProperty to your model’s getter and setter methods to store its attributes as a document

package com.example.NewsFeedGenerator.model;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty

public void setUserFeedProfile(UserFeedAndProfile userFeedProfile) {
this.userFeedProfile = userFeedProfile;

3. Create a database using ektorp StdHttpClient and StdCouchDbInstance

HttpClient httpClient = new StdHttpClient.Builder()
CouchDbInstance dbInstance = new StdCouchDbInstance(httpClient);
// - - - - - - - - Creating database - - - - - - - - - - - - - - //
CouchDbConnector db = new StdCouchDbConnector("news-feed-service", dbInstance);

4. Use the above CouchDbConnector instance db to perform all CRUD operations

// - - - - - - - Creating document from User instance - - - - - - //
// - - - - - - - Reading a user document using id- - - - - - - - //
db.get(User.class, id);
// - - - - - - - Updating a document user - - - - - - - - - - - - - //
// - - - - - - - Deleting a document user - - - - - - - - - - - - //

Nodejs Connectivity for CouchDB


To connect to CouchDB in a Node.js app, you can use the nano library:
1. Installation:
npm install nano
2. Usage:
const nano = require('nano')('http://localhost:5984');

// Create or access a database
const db = nano.db.use('mydatabase');

// Insert a document
const doc = {
name: 'John Doe',
age: 30

db.insert(doc, (err, body) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log('Document inserted:', body);

// Get a document
db.get('doc_id', (err, body) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log('Document retrieved:', body);

  • nano: This library provides a convenient interface for interacting with CouchDB from Node.js.
  • http://localhost:5984: This is the default URL for CouchDB. Adjust it if your CouchDB instance is running on a different host or port.
  • nano.db.use('mydatabase'): Creates or accesses the database named mydatabase.
  • db.insert(doc): Inserts the given document into the database.
  • db.get('doc_id'): Retrieves the document with the specified ID.
  • Replace 'http://localhost:5984' with the actual URL of your CouchDB instance.
  • You might need to handle authentication if your CouchDB instance requires it. Check the nano documentation for details.

Compare CouchDB v4x with FoundationDB to LevelDB

The  performance study on LevelDB secondary index options is well done.
That said, for Fabric, I think it's critical to keep CouchDB as an option.
Most of the solutions I look at need the functionality in CouchDB that LevelDB lacks.
If performance were the only issue for a key value store, there are other options to LevelDB other key store databases can be considered  - https://mozilla.github.io/firefox-browser-architecture/text/0017-lmdb-vs-leveldb.html
CouchDB has just released version 3.1 ( see notes below ).
CouchDB has decided to migrate to FoundationDB as the core for version 4x.( see https://www.foundationdb.org/  )
That work is in progress now.
Since version 3x is an interim to v4x, I'm not sure how Hyperledger Fabric will choose to update CouchDB versions on Fabric releases.
Jim Mason
Notes on CouchDB 3.1
See the official release notes document for an exhaustive list of all changes:
Release Notes highlights from 3.0.1:
  - A memory leak when encoding large binary content was patched
  - Improvements in documentation and defaults
  - JavaScript will no longer corrupt UTF-8 strings in various JS functions
Release Notes highlights from 3.1.0:
Everything from 3.0.1, plus...
  - Support for Java Web Tokens
  - Support for SpiderMonkey 68, including binaries for Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa)
  - Up to a 40% performance improvement in the database compactor

On Friday, April 17, 2020, 10:56:31 PM EDT, Senthil Nathan <cendhu@gmail.com> wrote:
I see. Good to know. Anyway, keep up the good work.

I am sure that Manish would be more interested in this work. When we were designing ledger for v1.0, Manish, in fact, proposed to build a query layer on top of leveldb using these secondary indices (not at the chaincode-level but at the fabric-ledger level). I remember he wrote a brief design document too. You can ping him privately to get that doc. 
Traditionally, all database queries run using an either primary or secondary index. If there is no index, the database would do a full-range scan. If possible, you can also experiment with a complex indexing structure and share your experience with us. However, there might be challenges in implementing them on the chaincode side.
  1. https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/indexes-types.html
  2. https://www.cs.ucr.edu/~vagelis/publications/LSM-secondary-indexing-sigmod2018.pdfA Comparative Study of Secondary Indexing Techniques in LSM-based NoSQL Databases, SIGMOD 2018. I recommend this paper to you as you have an interest in indexing techniques.

Compare Couchbase to CouchDB



Both Couchbase Server and Apache CouchDB are fully open source projects released under the Apache 2.0 licence.

Couchbase Server

Apache CouchDB

Data models

Document, Key-Value



Append-only B-Tree

Append-only B-Tree










Automatic failover



Integrated cache



Memcached compatible




Optimistic & Pessimistic

Optimistic with MVCC

MapReduce (Views)



Query language

Yes, N1QL (SQL for JSON)

No ( Mango only in Fauxton client

Secondary indexes





Database Change Protocol


Changes Feeds

Couchbase Query

Couchbase Server provides three ways to query the data it stores:

  • N1QL, a SQL-like query language for JSON.
  • Views, including multi-dimensional/geospatial; much like CouchDB views.
  • Key-value look-ups.

If you know the key of the document you need, you can perform a simple GET request using that key. There’s no need to create any additional indexes.

For more involved query, you can use N1QL. N1QL provides a familiar SQL-like way to query JSON data. For example, to find a user profile based on that user’s email address, we use the following N1QL query:

SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE email=”matthew@couchbase.com” AND WHERE type=”userProfile”;

N1QL allows you to query JSON with the same flexibility you’d expect from a relational database, including JOINs across documents. To learn more about SQL-like querying with N1QL, try using the sample visualizer or try it out in the Query Language Tutorial

CouchDB uses views as the only query option

As a pure document store, Apache CouchDB allows you to retrieve data based on the contents of documents. It does this through a system of views. You can also pull out a full document using its key.

You can think of CouchDB’s views as indexes that you generate by writing JavaScript MapReduce queries. For example, if you want to retrieve a user profile based on that user’s email address you could:

  1. Create a view that provides all the documents that contain an email address and have a type of ‘userProfile’.
  2. Query that view for the email address of the user whose profile you want to retrieve.

Couchbase has SDKs for development and a JDBC driver

Couchbase Server has several SDKs that are developed and supported by Couchbase Inc. These provide idiomatic access to the full range of Couchbase Server features, including N1QL, views and key-value access. Official SDKs are available for:

Couchbase open-source JDBC driver


SQL Select ONLY - no CRUD

This project contains the source code for the Couchbase JDBC Driver which supports the Analytics Service (not Query!). Its main purpose is to provide the low-level glue to facilitate integration with high level BI-Tools like Tableau.

Couchbase connection via Apache Drill


Couchbase uses mem-cache to store key-value tables

Couchbase Server has a built-in managed cache. For each request you make, Couchbase Server will transparently check the cache for the document you need. If the document isn’t in the cache, it’ll load it from disk and then serve it to you.

All writes go into the cache and you can tune at which point in the request it is written to disk or replicated to other servers.

For your working set, most key-value requests are sub-millisecond.

Adding a Validator Function to a CouchDB view to validate documents


FoundationDB features ( CouchDB v4x ) 



The main features of FoundationDB included the following:

Ordered key-value storeIn addition to supporting standard key-based reads and writes, the ordering property enables range reads that can efficiently scan large swaths of data.[5]

TransactionsTransaction processing employs multiversion concurrency control for reads and optimistic concurrency for writes. Transactions can span multiple keys stored on multiple machines.

ACID propertiesFoundationDB guarantees serializable isolation and strong durability via redundant storage on disk before transactions are considered committed.

LayersLayers map new data models, APIs, and query languages to the FoundationDB core. They employ FoundationDB's ability to update multiple data elements in a single transaction, ensuring consistency.[4] An example is their SQL layer.[11]

Commodity clustersFoundationDB is designed for deployment on distributed clusters of commodity hardware running Linux.[12]

ReplicationFoundationDB stores each piece of data on multiple machines according to a configurable replication factor. Triple replication is the recommended mode for clusters of 5 or more machines.

ScalabilityFoundationDB is designed to support horizontal scaling though the addition of machines to a cluster while automatically handling data replication and partitioning.

Systems supportedFoundationDB supports packages for Linux, Windows, and macOS. The Linux version supports production clusters, while the Windows and macOS versions support local operation for development purposes. Configurations on Amazon EC2 are also supported.[13]

Programming language bindingsFoundationDB supports language bindings for Python, Go, Ruby, Node.js, Java, PHP, and C, all of which are made available with the product.[13]

Design limitations[edit]

The design of FoundationDB results in several limitations:

Long transactionsFoundationDB does not support transactions running over five seconds.

Large transactionsTransaction size cannot exceed 10 MB of total written keys and values.

Large keys and valuesKeys cannot exceed 10 kB in size. Values cannot exceed 100 kB in size.

FoundationDB documentation

The latest changes are detailed in Release Notes. The documentation has the following sections:

  • Why FoundationDB describes the technical alternatives involved in NoSQL database design and explains the advantages of transaction processing at scale.
  • Technical Overview explains the engineering design of FoundationDB, with detailed information on its features, architecture, and performance.
  • Client Design contains documentation on getting started, data modeling, and design principles for building applications with FoundationDB.
  • Design Recipes give specific examples of how to build new data models, indexes, and more on top of the key-value store API.
  • API Reference give a detailed description of the API for each language.
  • Tutorials provide simple examples of client design using FoundationDB.
  • Administration contains documentation on administering FoundationDB.

FoundationDB performance 


FoundationDB uses commodity hardware to provide high throughputs and low latencies to your application at a variety of scales

FoundationDB scales linearly with the number of cores in a cluster over a wide range of sizes.

Here, a cluster of commodity hardware scales to 8.2 million operations/sec doing a 90% read and 10% write workload with 16 byte keys and values between 8 and 100 bytes.

The scaling graph uses a 24-machine EC2 c3.8xlarge cluster in which each machine has a 16-core processor. We ran a FoundationDB server process on each core, yielding a 384-process cluster for the largest test, and scaled the cluster down for each smaller test.

Scaling is the ability to efficiently deliver operations at different scales. For FoundationDB, the relevant operations are reads and writes, measured in operations per sec. Scale is measured in the number of processes, which will usually track the number of available cores. FoundationDB offers scalability from partial utilization of a single core on a single machine to full utilization of dozens of powerful multi-core machines in a cluster.

Latencies under load

FoundationDB has low latencies over a broad range of workloads that only increase modestly as the cluster approaches saturation.

When run at less than 75% load, 

Old CouchDB Documentation

..\_sky\jimfiles\Jim edx-nodejs-v4.docx

Jim edx-nodejs-couchdb.docx

Jim edx-nodejs-couchdb.pdf

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