BCEmploy program

BCEmploy program

Key Points

  1. program to introduce people to DLT careers in many roles
  2. online, free
  3. marketed to Hyperledger communities
  4. no cost for basic program webinars
  5. many options for technical training



Bcemploy-plan-notes1.  gdocdetail bcemploy work notes

Future Skills Future Skills: The 20 Skills and Competencies Everyone Needs.pdf link 

Future Skills Future Skills- The 20 Skills and Competencies Everyone Needs-w_wile568.pdf  file

 20 key skill summaries to master ***
Employer Guide - Attract top blockchain talent - 2024 **


interview-tips-ivyexec.com-How to Project Confidence During a Job Interview
Even When Youre Really Nervous.pdf

Ivy Exec Interview Tips
interview-questions-to-ask-jobs.citizensbank.com-8 questions to ask during
your interview that hiring managers love.pdf
Citizens Bank interview tips
BCEmploy plan, prepare for the right jobs video

How-to-hire-great-people - Dan Hughes

How to hire great people pdf

Dan Hughes evaluating talent as a skilled match


UC Berkeley Haas School of Business-MBA app prep.pdf 

Education resources

Online Courses
Technical Learning & Training resources

EU Blockchain skills maps


Chaise funded by EU dept

Add EDX, Kahn Academy, LF, 101blockchains, Hyperledger tutorials, Udemy

Blockchain jobs report 2022


Blockchain_Job_Report_2022_CFTE_compressed.pdf file

Blockchain_Job_Report_2022_CFTE_compressed.pdf  link

Blockchain jobs report 2022 ***


EU Standards

EU Policies

EU Regulations

FEAF - Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework



ATARC Responsible AI Governance, Digital Assets Governance Executive Orders 





Key Concepts

Hyperledger BCEmploy 2024 Career Fair

free program to discover your Blockchain Career opportunities

  • the BCEmploy Program introduces opportunities and options for careers in the blockchain space.
  • the primary focus is on Hyperledger technologies and community with some coverage in other areas with online 90 minute Zoom sessions
  • while technical roles are always in high demand, there are opportunities in other areas: Project Mgt, Consulting, QA, Infrastructure, Support, Training
  • if you have blockchain skills, great
  • if you don't have blockchain skills, great
  • if you are motivated for a career opportunity to learn and work hard, great
  • You can register to attend the sessions through the Hyperledger Meetup sites

Resources for BC Careers






Session 1 - Blockchain Career Prep - Thu, April 25th


  • introduce the Hyperledger Community: Organization, Projects, Resources, Community support channels and teams, Education resources
  • overview some basic concepts on blockchain, DLT, application scenarios
  • list of business use cases and solutions by industry
  • discuss how the career fair works
  • introduce the Homework assignments and related materials and links

Homework ( Optional ) - checklist of self-guided tasks to discover basics on blockchain technologies and use cases

  • choose the topics you want to learn from the list
  • access your education resources 
  • Track your work with the online forms

BCEmploy-Career-Fair-2024-session1-v2.pdf.   link

BCEmploy-Career-Fair-2024-session1-v2.pdf.  file

BCEmploy-Career-Fair-2024-session2.pptx.   link

Session 2 - Blockchain Job Fair - Thu, May 16th

  • Leading companies and recruiters working with Blockchain technologies are available at the career fair in breakout rooms
  • Companies will
    • summarize their business and operating models,
    • provide insights on the roles and teams they focus on
    • discuss how to register for their talent pool
    • answer questions

Blockchain Career Panel - 2024


Hitesh Goradia, Director, Technology Research and Innovation at DTCC
Alex Shorsher, Full Stack Engineer at Kaleido
Frances Donegan-Ryan, Chief People and Community Officer at Indicio

Immediately after the panel discussion we will have a virtual career fair with many companies hosting virtual tables.

Panelist Questions

What is the demand within your organization for blockchain-related skills and roles, and what types of projects might they expect to encounter?
How does your organization define blockchain roles and opportunities vs other roles?
How can candidates build their skills, and their brand for blockchain related roles?
How can candidates find open and available blockchain roles within your organization and who are their best points of contact?
What is the best piece of advice that you can offer attendees interested in blockchain roles within your organization and across the industry at large?

What is the demand within your organization for blockchain-related skills and roles, and what types of projects might they expect to encounter?

How does your organization define blockchain roles and opportunities vs other roles?

How can candidates build their skills, and their brand for blockchain related roles?

How can candidates find open and available blockchain roles within your organization and who are their best points of contact?

What is the best piece of advice that you can offer attendees interested in blockchain roles within your organization and across the industry at large?

2024 BC Employ Notes

hlf bc employment pgm - job fair - 2024

industry - sessions, panels, interview x domain?, eu & us & ?
tools, resources, strategies, learning - docs, hands-on
key hlf? fabric, besu, aries, firefly, web3j and ???
hlf > lf > apache > toip > ???
sessions ???
mentoring models
internships ?
project work - hlf labs ?
other ideas ???

global time frame ???
early morning or evening ???

april 25 thu
session 1 - how to prepare for career roadmaps
employer panel - fmr, dtcc, citi, swift,

may 16 thu
session 2 - interview session - job fair

research tasks – questions to answer

DLT features > use cases > domains 

DLT communities / domains - crypto,  DeFi, CeFi, ReFi

Industries >> ALL > financials services, health care, mobility, supply chain, environment, government, education  << make it a quick quiz to name in chat by industry

DLT roles > pm, po, analyst, arch, FE, BE, sc dev, network eng, security, related services and support, managers, qa, training

Employment models >. 1099, w2, full time, "call for code" - hackathons for experience, HLF projects for hands-on work on resume – my exp in HLF test, doc to start

What skill sets are in high demand for DLT solutions and services now?

What are recommended preparation and career roadmaps for DLT?

Self Assessments - What do you enjoy? What are you good at? What's available?

UC Berkeley Haas School of Business-MBA app prep.pdf

1. What do I enjoy most about my current job, taking into account my roles and responsibilities, my employer, my team, and my company culture, mission, and location?

2. What do I enjoy least about my current job? Or, what would I change?

3. What specific experiences help to showcase what I enjoy most/least about my job?

4. What would make me happier, and how do I define happy? Am I happiest when I am challenged, successful, valued, well-compensated, having an impact, building relationships, etc.?

5. What skills or experiences are missing from my repertoire, both professionally and personally? In other words, what are my areas for improvement?

6. What kind of environment brings out the best in me? Or conversely, which environments stifle my creativity and growth? How does this translate to the type of business school environment or culture that will best support me?

7. When I reflect on my most influential supervisors or mentors, what characteristics give them that designation for me? What elements of their leadership style do I hope to emulate?

8. What am I passionate about? And how do those passions inform the type of leader, manager, or person I want to become? How do they inform the type of impact I want to have – on my team, my community, the world?

9. What adjectives would I use to describe myself? What adjectives would others (a friend, coworker, client, supervisor) use to describe me? What experiences from my background will help showcase these characteristics in the application process?

10. In 2-3 years from now, when I reflect back on my business school experience, what kind of legacy do I want to leave? What impact do I hope to have had on my community? How will I be a different, better, stronger person than I am now?

11. How does an MBA fit into my life? Will I thrive stepping into a season where focus and time management are key? Can I learn to distinguish between what’s really important and what’s moderately important? How will I plan ahead, prioritize, and make the most of my MBA journey?

12.In what ways could what I learn in an MBA program immediately improve my life at work? How can I convey the immediate value add I can bring to my role, team, and company to my supervisor so they support my decision to seek an MBA? BERKELEY HAAS MBA PROGRAMS Learn More » haas.berkeley.edu S

Interview Tips


Here are a few final thoughts to keep in mind before your next job interview:

  • About 30% of hiring decisions are made in the first five minutes; 5% are made in the first 60 seconds. Make your introduction count!
  • Plan what you want to tell the interviewer about yourself. This is how most interviews open, and it’s your chance to take control of the conversation and tell your story.
  • Every situation, no matter how difficult, has a positive spin. Focus on being positive and highlight what you learned from a professional setback. 
  • Acknowledge your anxiety; don’t suppress it. You can be confident and anxious. By making peace with your anxiety, you can deal with it.
  • Don’t worry about what you just said. The moment is over and done. Instead, focus on what comes next and try to use your body, voice, and words to make a positive impression.

Take notes on what was said by both parties and learn from it for the next interview

Technical Interview Process - Google Example 

For the second session, traditionally technical interviews for companies with established recruiting processes go as follows (using a software engineer as an example) 

Recruiter Call (informal)
Technical Interview ( 45 minutes to 1 hour, working through a coding challenge. More junior roles focus on data structure and algorithms, more senior incorporate system design)
Onsite interview
(3-5 rounds, 45 minutes to an hour each). Depending on the company, some of these will be technical interviews again, and some may be behavioral. Also, depending on the role, there may be a technical leadership component as well. 

Prepare for Technical Interviews

Best way to prepare- in my opinion, brush up on data structures algorithms for more junior candidates, and system design for more senior candidates. Coding ability, big O notation, etc and how they can be used in your solutions. Topcoder.com has some good practice rooms in the first/second divisions to warm up for interviews. 

As always, don't just focus on the technical interviews. Make sure to have some examples of taking lead on some projects, and follow through on the example with how the project ended and what the results were, and the business impact of the results, especially for leadership. Examples of successful mentoring are important too. Finally, make sure to research the company as well and have some thoughtful questions prepared for the end of each interview (and make sure you don't ask the same question to each interviewer, they will figure it out!) 

Let me know if this is helpful,


bcemploy - career planning

email invite for panelist

The Hyperledger Project in the Linux Foundation has created a program to highlight blockchain-related career options. The 4 virtual sessions will end with a virtual job fair where recruiters can talk to candidates.

We want to help people find related career roles ( not just developers but architects, project managers, testers, UX designers etc )

Session: Blockchain Careers: Employer Perspective - July 29, 6:30 pm EDT

session recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGUuBaN0HuM

I'm organizing a virtual session on July 29th ( 6:30 pm EDT ) that is a panel discussion with recruiters that I will moderate.

The panel discussion includes:

  • The demand for blockchain related skills and roles
  • How companies define roles and opportunities
  • How people can build their skills, brand for roles
  • How companies find candidates
  • How the hiring process is managed
  • Tips for the first 90 days on a new team

After the panel discussion ( about 45 minutes ), we'll open the floor for questions.

We'll post the meeting video recording on the program site and reference it from Linkedin.

Session: Blockchain Careers Job Fair

At a following meeting, we are inviting employers, recruiters to a virtual job fair to talk to candidates

There's more info here:

Let me know if you can participate as a panelist on the July 29th session and the job fair later.

Thanks very much for your support,

Jim Mason

Linkedin message invite 

Hi Carrie,

I'm following up on your message on a blockchain developer earlier.

The Linux Foundation as a new program ( BCEmploy ) to help people find careers in Blockchain.

I'm hosting a panel discussion this Thursday, July 29th, 6:30 pm EDT on Blockchain Careers: The Employer's Perspective.

Can you to participate as a panelist? Your experience would be valuable for the panel.

It's an opportunity to let attendees know you are interested in that type of talent as well.

I have links below.


Jim Mason

The Linux Foundation as a new program ( BCEmploy ) to help people find careers in Blockchain. I'm hosting a panel discussion this Thursday, July 29th, 6:30 pm EDT on Blockchain Careers: The Employer's Perspective. Can you to participate as a panelist? Your experience would be valuable for the panel. It's an opportunity to let attendees know you are interested in that type of talent as well. The link is below. Let me know. Thanks

Hi Gabriel

How would you like to communicate your message on hiring blockchain engineers to an audience of prospective and actual blockchain engineers Thursday, July 29th at 6:30 pm EDT?

I've organized a Zoom meeting - 

Blockchain Careers: Employer Perspective Panel Discussion

I'm looking to add 1 or 2 more panelists.

The discussion will run 45 minutes with Q&A afterward.

Here's the link below.

Let me know if you're interested in participating. It will be a good opportunity to share your needs with the audience.

Recruiters invited

Ben Townsend



Jackson Hogg - recruiteraccepted
Brian Edelmanb.edelman@PSI-Staffing.net
no answer
Blake Moorehttps://www.linkedin.com/in/blakemoore775/recruiter Celsiusno answer
Brian Owensbrian.owens@wolterskluwer.com
Carrie Burnett Kearney
Technical Recruiter at Walmartinvited
Annie Coleman

Beacon Hill Staffing Group

boston bc role request

Sarah Lempickihttps://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-lempicki

Recruiter at SGA, Inc.
Sr Blockchain Developer 

Kelly Reinharthttps://www.linkedin.com/in/kelly-reinhart

Executive Recruiter at Randstad
looked for BC lead role



Brian Nelsonhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-nielson-b3151524/recruiter for Prime Team Partnersaccepted
Biser Dimitrov, Mastercardhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/biserdimitrov/messaged on linkedinforwarded
Ed Izzo 

Gari Singh

Matt Shea
bnymellon dlt recruiterinvited
Gabriel Nieveshttps://www.linkedin.com/in/gabriel-nieves/

Chief Executive Officer at LAC

(703) 232-1542


Jodi Brockingtonjbrockington@dtcc.comDirector of Diverse Talent Management & Advancement,  DTCC

Dan Hugheshttps://www.linkedin.com/in/dhughes/Owner and Enterprise Architect
Wittij Consulting

Drew Santos



(508) 951-2715

Sr. Account Executive
The Judge Group

Richard Meszaroshttps://www.linkedin.com/in/richardmeszaros/

Managing Director | Tech Innovation


linkedin recruiter query


Session 2 Panel Discussion: What Employers are Looking For

bcemploy meeting panelists


Richard Meszaros

Jodi Brockington

Drew Santos

Questions for Panelists

  1. The demand for blockchain related skills and roles?
  2. How companies define hiring goals, roles and opportunities ( contract vs permanent )?
  3. How candidates can build their skills, brand, train for roles?
  4. How candidates can find companies, jobs that fit?
  5. How companies find candidates and create a candidate pipeline for roles?
  6. How do you measure candidate skills, experience and culture fit?
  7. How the hiring process is managed?  How well is it working?
  8. Tips for the first 90 days on a new team?

Other questions for job seekers to ask

is the jobd correct?
jobd vs expectations?
look beyond jobd, what is needed?
how can i add value?
how can i play well with my teams?
what level of career support is provided?

how do I give / get feedback?
how do I build better going forward?

How the hiring process is managed?  How well is it working?
contact > hr > hiring manager > team > ???

Topics for the Employer Session

employer panel session

> intro panel
> intro bc market, platforms > forbes
> intro bc jobs market, roles
> resource slides

highlight topics

> open topics to panelists
> open questions to audience
> summary points

TOPICS for the panel

how to identify career roles, opportunities?
how to create career roadmap(s)?
how to build your brand?
how to find jobs via networking?
how to find jobs from recruiters?
how to find jobs from job sites?
how to match role?
how to match company?
how to match team?
what value do I add?
what's the career path in this org?
how to apply?
resume? cover? references?
answers to citizenship? diversity?
who has preference in hiring?
how to prepare, manage interviews with:
hiring manager

Candidate Questions

key questions for a candidate:

are job descriptions accurate, useful to understand what the job responsibilities and requirements are?

what are the "real" requirements for technical job roles?

>>> applying

what's the impact of citizens vs work visa candidate?

how big an impact are diversity criteria on hiring?

should I identify myself on applications?

how to find about company as a place to work??
linkedin, glassdoor, web sites, articles

how do I know when I am a good fit to apply?

if I have experience, how do I prove it to company?

work products - code, artifacts, articles, video
articles - where to put for max impact?
volunteer experience in the right orgs, groups?

is using linkedin important?

what other sites matter?

what job sites matter?

how do I "graduate" a role vs transfer in a role?

how important is the resume or cover letter?

are there certs worth investing in for tech jobs?

are there degrees worth investing in for tech jobs?

how do I know if I'm a competitive candidate?

how do I find remote roles?

how do I find full-time vs contract roles?
what's the difference ?

how do I prepare for interviews with?

how do I create a plan for and manage the interview?

how does diversity hiring help or hurt a candidate?
are there preferences for different types of diversity? by industry ?

what should I expect from a recruiter on feedback?

what should I expect from a manager on feedback?

what should I expect from a tech interview on feedback?

keys to determine right:
company fit
manager fit
team fit
skills fit
career development fit
compensation fit

how to follow up productively?

Other References for BCEmploy Panel: Employer's Perspective

Best for:
Hiring Leaders and Hiring Managers

Balance diversity with hiring at scale

Design a scalable hiring process that mitigates bias

Create an objective and equal screening process to make your hiring more inclusive

BCEmploy - Understand your journey to a job session

YouTube livestream is at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IzRQzWv1uU


bcemploy - prepare build your brand

keys ....

be an engineer vs a developer

key is asking the right questions which is rare in blockchain ... 
	what problems are you trying to solve?

who do you invest in?
	accountable, responsible, driven to solve problems, plays well with others

	understands what setting expectations, consequences are clearly for themselves and others

learning should be done differently than companies understand

	find the right person
	fill the knowledge holes with the right mentor

	forget normal training, certs

build your brand

	opensource contributor

keys for process

ask good questions
clarify then use your key experience as examples to confirm
ask qualifications on bant for role

larger company opp?

IF you meet the jobd tasks, then what?
build your own practice 


what is your story, goal, key value adds
biz, team, tech 

think of solution life cycle


YouTube livestream is at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IzRQzWv1uU

Hyperledger BCEmploy 2022 Career Fair

free program to discover your Blockchain Career opportunities

  • the BCEmploy Program introduces opportunities and options for careers in the blockchain space.
  • the primary focus is on Hyperledger technologies and community with some coverage in other areas with online 90 minute Zoom sessions
  • while technical roles are always in high demand, there are opportunities in other areas: Project Mgt, Consulting, QA, Infrastructure, Support, Training
  • if you have blockchain skills, great
  • if you don't have blockchain skills, great
  • if you are motivated for a career opportunity to learn and work hard, great
  • You can register to attend the sessions through the Hyperledger Meetup sites

Session 1 - Blockchain Career Prep - Wed, May 11th, 6:30 pm EST


  • introduce the Hyperledger Community: Organization, Projects, Resources, Community support channels and teams, Education resources
  • overview some basic concepts on blockchain, DLT, application scenarios
  • list of business use cases and solutions by industry
  • discuss how the career fair works
  • introduce the Homework assignments and related materials and links

Homework ( Optional ) - checklist of self-guided tasks to discover basics on blockchain technologies and use cases

  • choose the topics you want to learn from the list
  • access your education resources 
  • Track your work with the online forms

Session 2 - Blockchain Job Fair - Wed, June 22nd, 6:30 pm EST

  • Leading companies and recruiters working with Blockchain technologies are available at the career fair in breakout rooms
  • Companies will
    • summarize their business and operating models,
    • provide insights on the roles and teams they focus on
    • discuss how to register for their talent pool
    • answer questions

Session 1 Blockchain Career Topics

introduce the Hyperledger Community: Organization, Projects, Resources, Community support channels and teams, Education resources ( Jim )

overview some basic concepts on blockchain, DLT, application scenarios ( Jim )

list of business use cases and solutions by industry ( Jim )

PART 1 The Growth of Blockchain Companies
Investments in the Blockchain Sector
The Rise of NFTs
The Dominance of the Cryptocurrency Market
Volatility in the blockchain industry
The Largest Blockchain Companies
Market Capitalisation: Blockchain vs Fintech
Blockchain companies across the world

PART 2 Blockchain as an Employer
The State of Employment in Blockchain
Employment Growth in Blockchain
The reduction in blockchain job posting

PART 3 The Jobs in Blockchain
Job Taxonomy in Blockchain
Job Split in Blockchain
Most Important Job Roles in Blockchain
Most Challenging Job Roles in Blockchain

PART 4 The Skills in Blockchain
The SHIME Framework in Blockchain
Most Important Skills in Blockchain

PART 5 Jobs in Blockchain and the Required Skills
How to Get into Blockchain
New Roles in Blockchain

PART 6 Fintech Jobs in Blockchain Companies

discuss how the career fair works ( John )

introduce the Homework assignments and related materials and links ( Jim )

Resource list

SWT pages 

m Developer Train Topics

m Fabric Admin

m Fabric Tutorials#fullFabricSampleslist-readmeisexcellent

View the Hyperledger Projects Sites

View the Hyperledger Work Groups Sites

Read DLT Concepts Overview Doc

Hyperledger courses and tutorials

MIT courses - free to audit

EDX courses - free to audit

Udemy Blockchain Courses - low cost


The Blockchain Job Report 2022


Blockchain Jobs on DICE


DICE Tech Jobs Report


OLD BC Employ Session list

Session 1 - BC career planning

bc marketplace - roles, trends
preparation - from here to there
your background, resume, accomplishments
your relevant experience, skills, certs
bc, related exp, skills
hlf groups, projects
overviews on projects, labs
tutorials on besu, fabric, firefly
homework ( optional )


Session 3 - Job Fair




blue cross

Potential Value Opportunities

Companies with Career Management and Development programs

Employee Review Meeting Tips


Template for Employee One on One Meetings

I’ve broken the template into 5 pages, each focused on a different support strategy to help optimize your one-on-one meetings. Below is a list of pages with a note about how we use them. Feel free to adapt our pages or add your own to fit your needs.
  • Partnership agreement: This is the most important step. Define how you want your unique partnership to work, including the meeting cadence, the types of topics you’ll cover, and who’s responsible for what aspects of the session.
  • Meeting notes: Structure and capture your primary meeting notes here. Take time to design how you want each meeting to run. This is the page where you’ll spend the most time.
  • Review goals: Capture individual OKRs and personal goals.
  • Track development: Agree on personal and professional goals. Keep a list of learning resources, conferences, classes etc to help with growth.
  • Kudos: Record proud moments and snippets of praise from others for encouragement and growth

Session 3 Panel Discussion - Matching Qualified Applicants with Blockchain Opportunities

Matching Qualified Applicants with Blockchain Opportunities pptx

self assessment
what are you good at?
what have you enjoyed the most?
where have you received good feedback?
what has been a bad experience?
what work environments do you like?

why leave current role?
why do you want this job? this company?
how will you deliver in this role?
what do you have to learn?
how do you prepare?
what are keys to success in this role?
what does glassdoor say?
what do others say?
how do you get feedback on your skills, value, soft skills?
how well do you interview?
how well do you learn from others?

how to define, manage change process
use cases > current state, issues, value
> define options > define perfect for insights
> create models to validate test
how to manage teams, what vs how
how to set priorities
how to work with other teams
how to lower change resistance on clients
how do you uncover problems, needs vs symptoms
how do you build alliances for change
how to define, select, deliver new platforms w app svcs
how to build, improve teams, how we play together (kb)
how well do you learn from others?
how well do you teach others?

the tech is never the hard part
design for change
build with the best long-term prod quality services
plan for change

the real issue is getting stakeholder buy for the costs of change
always show history of the current state as the driver
be realistic on the cost, value, risks of new solution

Session 4:  Virtual Technology Job Fair

Recruiters from Leading companies and staffing firms

  • host career discussion rooms
  • 4 rotations
  • 15 minute sessions with up to 12 people per room
  • attend multiple sessions

Last Piece of the Employment Puzzle.


Join our CAREER FAIR and hear from Accenture and other organizations while they discuss the open position that need to be filled. Sit down with top BLOCKCHAIN COMPANIES looking to hire and hear about the positions available.

1. Recap (3) earlier Blockchain Employment Sessions.

2. Educational Opportunities Available.

3. 5-minute Introduction from Leading Blockchain Companies looking to Hire.

4. Breakout Tables: Sit down and discuss opportunities with the folk hiring for Blockchain Positions.

5. Re-Group and Discussion on www.bcemploy.com and how we will support blockchain employment efforts moving forward.

Zoom breakout room FAQS

  1. can we manually or randomly assign attendees to breakout rooms
  2. can breakout rooms have a size limit
  3. can we track attendance in breakout rooms
  4. can we force breakout rooms to end at a fixed time or manually end

Leadership Skills

future focused

ideas turn to actions that align with vision and improve results and CX

effective communicator and influencer to support organization objectives

identifies and drives improvement across organization

<< what are the right measures for these skills?

build capabilities

committed to personal excellence

looks for feedback, training, tracks personal goals and meaurements

talent developer 

helps others id opportunities, provides coaching, feedback

<< what are the right measures for these skills?

create community

inclusive leaders

values and promotes diversity across teams and functions

<< what are the right measures for these skills?

empower results

shows accountability by delivering high quality, client focused results on time while mitigating risk

business savvy - understands DTCC roles, value and opportunity in the marketplace and trends in industry, regulations that can impact DTCC

<< what are the right measures for these skills?

Other BC employ training providers


  1. How to learn about Blockchain and Web 3.0
  2. How to get a job in Blockchain
  3. How to pitch Blockchain to my Boss / Colleagues (particularly enterprise and government)
  4. How to establish a ‘Blockchain Business’ and strategy
  5. Deciding which Blockchain to use
  6. Where to base your Blockchain project
  7. How to get funding for a Blockchain project
  8. How to scale users or an ecosystem
  9. How to establish a Blockchain team
  10. How to improve delivery of your Blockchain project

Companies with Large IT teams or Blockchain Focus

My quick thought was for companies with larger technology staffs or strong blockchain focus
I don't really know how large any companies blockchain practice is.
So industries in focus?   financial services, supply chain, IT services ( including software products )
Companies that might be worth reaching out to?

Blockchain firms

Kaleido - I can reach out


Accenture  ( leads on blockchain consulting  ) - I can reach David Treat



Infosys – I can reach out

Tech firms 

IBM – I can reach out

Consulting firms

Accenture - David Treat -   I can reach out to him 
Deloitte - I can reach out
Capegemini - Taylor Mason - i can reach out
Infosys -  I can reach out

Financial Services firms

Fidelity – I can reach out 

Citi – I can reach out

JP Morgan 


Master card

Morgan Stanley - I can reach out

Supply Chain firms 










Projected Technology Career Demand to 2032 article

However, demand for specific roles within IT is expected to be uneven, with demand for security, software development, QA, and management roles poised to grow significantly.

Potential Challenges

Finding an audience for your skills through Content Creation


Layoffs by industry - 2024 Q1

Candidate Solutions

Morgan State Program on DLT including employment - Sept 2024

Sean Bohan <sbohan@linuxfoundation.org>

I have been working with Morgan State on setting up a series of 1-hour seminars on decentralized topics and David Boswell suggested I reach out on the topic of "Getting a job in Web3/Crypto". 
Hyperledger has worked with Morgan State over the last few years, bringing guest speakers to talk to the students/faculty on decentralized topics like Identity, CBDCs, etc. The faculty at Morgan State were pretty excited at the idea of a session on finding a career in the space. 
As it is only hour, this isn't really a career fair but more of an overview of finding a career in Web3/Crypto, what skills are important, etc. The overall agenda is 30-45 min of presentation with the rest of the time set aside for questions. We usually get up to 100 people for these sessions, a mix of engineering and business students, and the seminars are posted to the Hyperledger YouTube. 
If you would be interested in helping out with this, we have started identifying dates for the fall semester (4 Mondays across Sept-Oct at 12noon ET) and I can let you know what is available and see if that works with your schedule. 
Let me know?

- Sean


Onboarding tips for HR staff


interviews gdrive

Six Secrets to Success at Work _ Jack Welch _ LinkedIn


What Employers Look for in Older Workers - Yahoo News


Google career coach shares 4 secrets for figuring out what to do with your life


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