Hyperledger BCEmploy Career program 2023

Hyperledger BCEmploy Career program 2023

Hyperledger BCEmploy 2023 Career Fair

free program to discover your Blockchain Career opportunities

  • the BCEmploy Program introduces opportunities and options for careers in the blockchain space.
  • the primary focus is on Hyperledger technologies and community with some coverage in other areas with online 90 minute Zoom sessions
  • while technical roles are always in high demand, there are opportunities in other areas: Project Mgt, Consulting, QA, Infrastructure, Support, Training
  • if you have blockchain skills, great
  • if you don't have blockchain skills, great
  • if you are motivated for a career opportunity to learn and work hard, great
  • You can register to attend the sessions through the Hyperledger Meetup sites

Session 1 - Blockchain Career Prep - Wed, Oct 12th, 6:00 pm EDT


  • introduce the Hyperledger Community: Organization, Projects, Resources, Community support channels and teams, Education resources
  • overview some basic concepts on blockchain, DLT, application scenarios
  • list of business use cases and solutions by industry
  • discuss how the career fair works
  • introduce the Homework assignments and related materials and links

Homework ( Optional ) - checklist of self-guided tasks to discover basics on blockchain technologies and use cases

  • choose the topics you want to learn from the list
  • access your education resources 
  • Track your work with the online forms

Session 2 - Blockchain Job Fair - Wed, Oct 26th, 6:00 pm EST

  • Leading companies and recruiters working with Blockchain technologies are available at the career fair in breakout rooms
  • Companies will
    • summarize their business focus and operating models,
    • provide insights on the roles and teams they focus on
    • discuss how to register for their talent pool
    • answer questions

Session 1 Employment Panel Discussion


Christine Sanni. 


She's an expert on governance, compliance and regulation in a variety of industries on blockchain solutions.
She said she could schedule time on the 12th.

Given blockchain maturity, many organizations are finding they need to "lean in to regulation" but need more staff who know how to do that in different roles.

Beyond basic technical staff, most companies investing in blockchain solutions need a lot of related skill sets on project and product management, QA, infrastructure management, service management, onboarding clients etc. It would make sense to add 1 or 2 questions targeted to identifying these management roles and opportunities in addition to the technical roles.

Christine Sanni - Sybal, CEO
Bill Izzo - DTCC, Director Information Technology Security
Tracy Kuhrt - Accenture, Associate Director, Blockchain and Multiparty Systems Architecture
Nicko Guyer - Kaleido, Senior Full Stack Engineer
Karen Ottoni - Hyperledger Foundation, Sr. Director of Ecosystem & Strategic Initiatives

BCEmploy Panel Questions - 2022

  1. What business cases and industry solutions has your company adopted or supported?
  2. What Hyperledger projects and other blockchain deployments is your organization currently using?
  3. What is the demand for blockchain related skills and roles within organizations, yours, others?
  4. What blockchain roles and opportunities has your company defined, worked with?
  5. How can candidates build their skills for blockchain roles?
  6. Many blockchain solutions are subject to governance, compliance and regulations. What challenges and opportunities does this create for careers?
  7. What is the best piece of advice that you can provide to attendees of this event as they plan for the second session of the Career Fair?

Proposed Session 1 Agenda for John

can we assume the panel should last 45 minutes at least with more questions following?
I think we can wait 5 minutes for people to show
  • 5 minutes to introduce the career fair concept ( John )
  • 10 minutes to introduce the blockchain solution concepts, Hyperledger and the opportunity ( Jim )
  • 10 minutes to introduce industry use cases ( John )
  • 5 minutes to introduce the panelists ( John )
  • 45+ minutes for the panel discussion ( Jim moderator )
  • 10 minutes for more questions, responses ( panelists )
  • 10 minutes to review the next session ( John )
  • 5 minutes on blockchain resources ( Jim )

Related Resources

BCEmploy program#KeyPoints


Blockchain_Job_Report_2022_CFTE_compressed.pdf file

Blockchain_Job_Report_2022_CFTE_compressed.pdf  link

Blockchain Developer Skillsets


blockchain-developer-skills-council.org-5 Must-Have Blockchain Developer Skills.pdf file



European Blockchain Skills report


CHAISE-European-Blockchain-Skills-Strategy.pdf file

2021 bcemploy session 2 slides


Linux Foundation training resources


free courses




Hyperledger site


Hyperledger learning resources


Hyperledger Discord channel


Hyperledger Public Sector Group and other Hyperledger Work Groups

Global Forum 2022 photos


Hyperledger Youtube Channel


Career Portfolio Model


Career portfolioing reflects a future in which uncertainty is too high to rely on a single institution to fulfill basic needs, and a failure of modern work organizations to deliver what employees truly value.

For employees, career portfolioing means more latitude over how their career unfolds. Instead of rising to the next rung of an often pre-defined and inflexible corporate ladder, they might instead think about the next addition to their portfolio, whether starting a new part-time job, taking a new class or pursuing a business idea. Elements of a career portfolio not only get added to produce income or personal growth, but also to support a person’s values.

No doubt, there are potential obstacles. Taking responsibility for a career portfolio requires additional effort. In our book “Joy at Work,” co-author Marie Kondo and I find that it’s all too easy to take on too many tasks and subsequently burn out. People get trapped into thinking the more they do, the better they’ll feel. Avoiding burnout starts with anchoring a career portfolio based on values and an ideal work life.

For employers, career portfolioing means competing for the full attention of their own workforce. I believe it should prompt a deeper reflection about how to better meet the needs of employees – or else they may leave or quiet quit.

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