Mental Health

Key Points

  1. personal accountability for behavior
  2. identify the right sources of emotional support
  3. find the right lead professional to manage the biggest problems through a life cycle
  4. what's the most important problem to fix?
  5. what's the next step in the right direction to correct it?
  6. There are often times when social services is not effective enough
  7. Schools that do not deal with behavior issues are of  limited help
  8. Residential treatment can be very effective as a change agent for good in many cases


m Health
m Life
AMSGPSL - 1 - LIFE - Plan Your Life of Research Finds That Most School Shooters Have 4 Things in Common.pdf

Lagom Can Be Your Path to Living a Balanced Life.pdf file

Lagom - lower stress with a balanced life that is right for you

  • morning exercise
  • solitary moments to gather thoughts - mow the lawn and walk
  • declutter wardrobe - simple mix and match - more sleep time
  • short work breaks - energize after short rest
  • active listening - what's said vs meant - slow talk, ask, feedback, learn, clarify
  • random acts of kindness -
  • focus on positive feelings, let negative feelings go
  • find the humor and the lessons in life - share them
  • understand expectations and consequences for yourself and others
  • happiness is a choice and a journey
  • live your best life now as you move forward

7 C's of communications

clear, concrete, concise, courteous, correct, considerate, collaborative, cooperative, 

effective-communication-by-type-2024.pdf.   link

effective-communication-by-type-2024.pdf. file

Stimming What It Is and Why People Do It.pdf file

Stimming - nervous movements to calm yourself

What Is Narcissism?

What Is Emotional Dysregulation?

inappropriate response to a situation

What Is Positive Thinking?

the practice of focusing on the good in any given situation. you approach the good and the bad in life with the expectation that things will go well. 

life is not what happens but how you handle it that matters

what can you control now to help you feel good?  help wiht a problem?

be mindful for 15 minutes to start your day — somehow - what's good?

what bothers you most? what can you do now ( if it can't be fixed, write it down and move on )

who is your support team?  what are you grateful for? who did you help?

what's the best 3 things that happened last week?

tell me about how you take care of yourself - be kind to yourself

where do you find fun?  tell me a joke. What's the most fun yesterday? last week?

who were the 3 people you were happiest with this week?  why?

tell me how you are going to be kind to yourself today? this week?

Stop Negative Thinking

Balancing Work and Family

Work-life balance is the relationship between your job and the other important things in your life

f you feel like you have enough time for all of these things, you probably have a good work-life balance.

impacts of poor balance? overwhelming exhaustion. You might feel emotionally distanced from your children or think you're a poor or ineffective spouse or parent. 

talk to your manager on help - how to balance, reschedule, get help etc

take a day off to spend on yourself

schedule your me time with something you like / enjoy

start each day reprioritizing your todo list. close tasks done. what can be deferred? delegated? helped?

step back from work demands to see the bigger picture - what's most important now? why?

who are the most important people in your life? are you happy with the time you spent in the last month?

what changes your mood? a drive ? exercise ? music playlist? a conversation? a hug? sex? or ?

disconnect from work - phone, laptop, leave the office etc

what's your routine to give yourself time to focus on what you enjoy most today?

Thoughts on Happiness and Build the Life you want1. Happiness isn’t the goal, and unhappiness isn’t the enemy.  happiness isn’t a destination. it's a direction.

2. Brooks and Winfrey quote Viktor Frankl’s famous book, “Man’s Search for Meaning”:
“The way in which a man accepts his fate  gives him ample opportunity, to add  to his life.”

3. Happiness is a combination of enjoyment, satisfaction, and purpose.

4. The truth is, however, that feelings associated with happiness and unhappiness can coexist.
Thoughts on Happiness and Build the Life you wantPersonality summaries
Cheerleaders celebrate the good in everything and don’t dwell on the bad, while Poets have trouble enjoying good things and always know when there’s a threat lurking. If we were all Cheerleaders, we would keep making the same mistakes. Poets are valuable for their perspective and creativity. Life is more interesting with Mad Scientists in the mix, and Judges keep us all from blowing ourselves up with impulsive ideas.

Key Concepts


super agers have healthier brains

brain-Secrets of SuperAgers with superior memories into their 80s.pdf file

elite group enrolled in the Northwestern SuperAging Research Program, which has been studying the elderly with superior memories for 14 years.

 studies have shown the cortex, responsible for thinking, decision-making and memory, remains much thicker and shrinks more slowly than those of people in their 50s and 60s.

also has bigger, healthier cells in the entorhinal cortex. It’s “one of the first areas of the brain to get ‘hit’ by Alzheimer’s disease,” 

The entorhinal cortex has direct connections to another key memory center, the hippocampus, and “is essential for memory and learning,”

Habits that hurt your brain

Manage Your Emotions - Don't Let Emotions Manage You

Self Worth Concepts

How Do You Measure Your Self-Worth?

Published on Mar 12, 2018

Midja Fisher

How Do You Measure Your Self-Worth?


How Do You Measure Your Self-Worth?

Five things that shouldn't determine how you value yourself.

When to Just Say No article on Tradepub

  1. Priorities. When you’re hijacked by other people’s priorities, you don’t have time to tackle your own. Make your priorities a priority.

  2. Personal values. Hold firm to your beliefs and values. When you succumb to peer pressure, you may live to regret it.

  3. Focus. If you try to be good at everything, you’ll end up being mediocre at everything.

  4. Balance. Stop trying to fill your calendar each day. Happiness is a result of balance rather than intensity.

  5. Productivity. Just because some people waste their time doesn’t entitle them to waste yours.

  6. Shortcuts. Don’t allow yourself to be talked into every harebrained idea.Get-rich-quick schemes rarely pan out in the long run.

  7. Appetite. Be grateful for the things you have in your life rather than being obsessed with more.

  8. Resource allocation. Concentrate your resources rather than making across-the-board decisions.
  9. Attitude. When you allow negative and unethical people to pollute your thoughts, you’re forced to carry a heavy load. Carefully choose the people with whom you associate.

  10. Conscience. Never let anyone persuade you to compromise your integrity. Listen to your conscience. That’s why you have one.

  11. Happiness. Say “no” every once in a while — before you become resentful. When you spend more time doing have-to’s rather than want-to’s, other people’s happiness becomes more important than your own.

  12. Self-respect. Take ownership of your life decisions rather than relinquishing that responsibility to others. When you constantly seek approval, you give more weight to another person’s opinion than to your own.

Signs of Low Self-Esteem article

Some common signs or symptoms of low self-esteem include:

  • Lack of confidence
  • External locus of control
  • Negative social comparisons
  • Trouble asking for help
  • Worry and doubt
  • Difficulty accepting compliments
  • Negative self-talk
  • Fear of failure
  • Poor outlook of the future
  • Lack of boundaries
  • Being a people-pleaser

ower levels of self-esteem is linked to a number of mental health issues, including:

Activities that can lead to low self-esteem: 

Positive activities for low-self esteem

  • Focus on Hopeful Thoughts
  • Care for Yourself
  • Get Outside Support

How to Fix Low Self-Esteem

  • Think positively
  • Treat yourself well
  • Practice self-acceptance and forgiveness
  • Get support from friends and loved ones
  • Do things that bring you joy
  • Feel good about your achievements and progress
  • Actively challenge negative thoughts and self-criticism
  • Find someone else to help

Potential Value Opportunities

School Bullies can be Fixed .. and Should

Facebook response to a boy who hung himself

Yes it's always terribly sad when kids don't have a healthy view of their own worth. There are so many ways to help kids understand their own value in this world. I see few schools that make a difference in this area. Schools mix different kids from different families with different value systems. That's why a clear set of behavior rules for all needs to be set.
I'm familiar with the problem. Believe it or not, there was bullying even in kindergarten where I taught. I was a house parent for juvenile delinquents too. I've coached kids sports. My teenage daughter was threatened by a boy with a gun in school.
Awareness programs for everyone are great. Support programs for kids are great. Thanks but that's not even close to enough.
You need different laws, different school administrations who know how to stop this behavior fast and far different expectations and consequences for anyone who bullies someone else. Every bully in school I dealt with paid a bigger price than the kid that was bullied. It ended quickly. Bullies understand consequences better than you do .. and they learn fast too.
As a voter, you make these choices on who you put in office to pass laws, administer laws and teach kids.
We can do better. We should do better.

Jody Mason Underwood thanks for the lesson on Christianity. Yes separation of church and state is fundamental.
That said schools need to operate under 1 set of rules for all. Yes students come from all different types of families with all types of value systems. Schools need to establish a strong order on rules of behavior first - no exceptions. Setting clear expectations and consequences for behavior comes first. That's the most important lesson to teach. Without that, real learning occurs a lot less often and school safety is at risk. The schools ( and related laws ) need to support enforcement of those rules. School is not a democracy where you decide what rules you agree with and what you don't. Students under 18 are legally minors for a reason.

In.a well structured learning environment, kids do learn about rules.

  1. They learn what the rules are.
  2. They learn they didn't choose the rules.
  3. They learn it's their choice whether they follow the rules.
  4. They learn the consequences of not following the rules. 
  5. They learn successful behavior based on the consequences of following and not following the rules.
  6. It you take away positive and negative consequences, you have failed them

Potential Challenges


Loneliness is a growing health problem for many

the causes and solutions for combating feelings of isolation.

He warned that about half of U.S. adults are experiencing considerable levels of loneliness, which can affect physical, mental and societal health

Loneliness is a subjective feeling -- that the connections that we need in our life are greater than the connections we actually have.

If it's persistent, not temporary - that's a problem

One in two adults in America are living with measurable levels of loneliness, but the numbers are even higher among young people.

So, this is an incredibly common challenge that we're facing.

less personal, physical interactions << more online, remote interactions

epidemic of loneliness and isolation that has been building for years.

declining participation in the organizations that used to bring us together, like recreational leagues and service organizations and faith organizations.

just spending a few minutes each day, reaching out to people we care about can make a real big difference in how connected we feel.

5 for 5 action plan >>  expressing gratitude to someone, it could be calling a friend to extend help to them at a time when they're struggling, or it could be asking for help yourself. But doing this over five days will make you feel different.

Which party has a focus on the social fragmentation and isolation problems we live with ?? Neither 

Bad Habits Shorten Your Life

Here is the text extracted from the image:

36 Habits that are slowly killing you:
1. Too less/too much sleep.
2. Overuse of medication.
3. Skipping exercise.
4. Excessive food.
5. Lack of social activities.
6. Too much mobile time.
7. Staying in an unhealthy relationship.
8. Skipping sunlight.
9. Negative thinking.
10. Taking too much sugar/salt.
11. Overworking
12. Neglecting personal boundaries.
13. Sitting for long hours
14. Bad body posture.
15. Spending before earning.
16. Excessive alcohol consumption.
17. Living life on autopilot.
18. Always aggressive behavior.
19. Inadequate hydration.
20. Nervous habits (nail-biting, etc).
21. Constant comparison to others.
22. Excessive screen time before bed.
23. Not relaxing.
24. Overindulging in fast food.
25. Holding onto grudges.
26. Poor financial management.
27. Procrastination.
28. Avoiding seeking help or support.
29. Skipping medical check-ups.
30. Negative self-talk.
31. Ignoring mental health needs.
32. Over commitment.
33. Engaging in gossip.
34. Chronic lateness or disorganization.
35. Avoiding confrontation.
36. Lack of self-reflection.

Brain Damage from different Conditions Conditions Change Your Brain.pdf. link Conditions Change Your Brain.pdf file


doesn’t affect just your mood. The disorder can change your brain. Experts say it lessens activity in some brain areas, including your prefrontal lobes, which are involved with things like reasoning, personality, and judgment. One study found that people who were depressed for more than a decade had about 30% more brain inflammation. This may lead to brain cell loss, which would make memory problems and dementia more likely


People with schizophrenia have different brains than those without this mental disorder. Scans show they lose gray and white matter, the fatty material that makes up the brain. White matter sits deep in the brain, where information travels. Gray matter surrounds it and, among other things, helps the brain process information. In people who have schizophrenia, gray matter tends to leave first, with white matter going away over time.


Your brain has cells called neurons. They “talk” to each other through chemical and electrical signals, and send messages to the rest of your body. Alzheimer’s disease disrupts this communication. It’s thought that the breakdown comes from a buildup of two proteins, amyloid and tau. Both create tangles that might disrupt messages.


Experts think ADHD symptoms, like inattention and hyperactivity, come from brain differences. Research shows there’s less gray and white matter in people with ADHD. Certain areas also take longer to take shape. What’s more, networks of nerve cells work differently. These networks send signals in the brain, and they play a role in attention and focus.

These treatments focus on changing behavior.

  • Special education helps a child learn at school. Having structure and a routine can help children with ADHD a lot.
  • Behavior modification teaches ways to replace bad behaviors with good ones. Let your child know what behaviors you expect of them. Make simple, clear rules. When they lose control, have them face consequences that you’ve set up, like time-outs or losing privileges. Keep an eye out for good behavior. When they keep their impulses in check, reward them.
  • Psychotherapy (counseling) can help someone with ADHD learn better ways to handle their emotions and frustration. It could help improve their self-esteem. Counseling may also help family members better understand a child or adult with ADHD.

Many symptoms of ADHD can be managed with medication and therapy. Close cooperation among therapists, doctors, teachers, and parents is very important.

Some of the things researchers have looked at include:

  • Toxins, such as lead
  • “Western” diet. One study found that children who ate a diet high in added sugar, fats, and sodium and low in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids had a greater chance of ADHD.
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Food additives. There may be a link between food coloring additives and preservatives and ADHD


Candidate Solutions

The Choose Kindness Project

A Kinder World Starts with Us
Working together on bullying prevention, intentional inclusion and youth mental wellness, we can help kids create the futures that they imagine.

call 911 for emergencies

call 988 for mental health

Find actionable resources from The Choose Kindness Alliance — a coalition of the nation’s leading nonprofit organizations — focusing on bullying prevention, intentional inclusion and youth mental wellness.

all resources

1/3 of teens surveyed say that they have been bullied in the past year.
Survey conducted by The Choose Kindness Project with Ipsos

Importantly, when young people feel connected to adults, they are less likely to report ongoing sadness or hopelessness.

pillars of work:

Prepare parents, coaches and other caring adults with the resources and guidance they need to help young people build the futures they imagine

Inspire a culture of inclusion, mental wellness and belonging so all young people feel safe to be themselves and allies to others

Uplift organizations with investments in research, collaborations and innovations in order to help them expand their reach and impact

Kindness Project

The idea is to perform random acts of kindness, usually anonymous, in your community. A little card is left behind so that the person who benefits from the kindness knows that someone’s life and death continues to matter. This beautiful movement has helped thousands of families to heal and find meaningful outlets for their overwhelming grief.

2,000,000 (yes, two million!) Kindness Project cards have been used around the world to perform random acts of kindness in memory of a child, parent, friend, or spouse who died before their time.

Be Happier to Be Happier.pdf.  link to Be Happier.pdf. file

What are you grateful for now?

Who have you helped now?

Be Smarter - Build Your Brain Power with Exercises

see also Be Happier - >> positive attitudes always matter

1 Prioritize Physical Exercise
2 Embrace a Brain-Boosting Diet
3 Cultivate Quality Sleep Habits
4 Practice Mindfulness and Meditation
5 Engage in Continuous Learning
6 Limit Screen Time and Digital Distractions
7 Foster Social Connections
8 Develop a Positive Mindset
9 Final Thoughts

How to become an online personal therapist?

Guidelines on Training and Certification for online therapist'll%20likely%20need%20to,earning%20licensure%20in%20your%20state.

How to Build and Grow an Online Therapy Practice

How To Start an Online Therapy Practice
  1. Conduct Research and Develop a Business Plan. ...
  2. Develop Telehealth Policies and Procedures. ...
  3. Choose the Right Telehealth Platform. ...
  4. Develop a Website. ...
  5. Grow Your Client Base. ...
  6. Develop Relationships with Referral Sources. ...
  7. Qualifying Clients for Telehealth Services.

Better Help Staffing Concepts

$50 per hour for sessions

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

Recommended Next Steps