Invest Tools

Invest Tools

Key Points



https://researchtools.fidelity.com/ftgw/mloptions/goto/probCalc?cusip=92343V104&symbol=CSCO&Search=SearchFidelity Price Probability Calculator

https://www.stocktrader.com/online-stock-brokers/Good reviews of online brokers, tools and who should use
https://www.thestreet.com/investing/free-stock-trading-14902782skipped fidelity for online brokers
https://www.reviews.com/online-stock-trading/highlighted best in class platforms

https://www.babypips.com/learn/forex/how-to-calculate-pivot-pointscalculate pivot points, support resistance 1 * 

Key Concepts

Marginable Securities and Portfolio Margin




Fidelity Tools and Free Education

Price Probability Calculator 


For a given stock, time frame, and the stock's historical volatility ( 90 days ), predicts the normal distribution probabilities of stock's price on a given date.

Just an input on risk but no guarantee.

Fidelity Tools and Strategies for Exiting trades


Fidelity Trade Armor concepts to exit a trade


Example of a potential down trend based on volume confirmation - GME

GME 30 day chart

  1. the vertical "candlestick" lines show the open, high, low and close price for the day
  2. the blocks on the bottom show the days trading volume
    1. you can prices increased on days volume was up
    2. in general, prices declined when volume dropped
  3. shows price spikes on short squeeze WHEN days have high volume
    1. there's a chance to use buy and sell stops to MAYBE make a real gain
    2. consider averaging in and out of positions to minimize risk vs going all in
    3. my "all in" trades have sometimes shown "all in" bigger losses
  4. My interpretation of GME chart
    1. given it's a short squeeze, when I see declining volumes trending down, I assume the shorts are getting covered so volume declines
    2. there is less incentive to "spike" prices given the short buyers are getting covered so downside risks are up
    3. Price alerts can be set as well as conditional exit orders to protect a gain or minimize a loss

Calculate Support and Resistance Levels and Pivot Points


tech-support-line-calcs-babypips-How to Calculate Pivot Points.pdf

Equity Valuation Template to Buy, Track, Sell Stocks

The Operations Assessment

What are big events impacting the company operations now and the next year?

What are relevant ESG risks?

What are legal and regulatory challenges?

What has been managements track record on achieving operations plans?

What market segments and product lines have been grown in sales, profits?

What market segments and product lines have declined in sales, profits?

What is managements plan for the next 5 years to maximize value, minimize risks?

What does the SWOT analysis show?

The Financials Assessment

What are big events impacting the company financials now and the next year?

What is managements financial plan for the next 5 years?

How does management plan to fund growth?

Are acquisitions accretive on earnings?

Are debt ratios well managed compared to the industry?

What has been managements track record on achieving financial plans?

The Market Assessment

How is the stock priced relative to its competitors?  ( EBITDA margin, EPS, PEG )

What has been the total return for the past 5 years? 

What is the forecast total return for the next 5 years? 

How do you rate stock price performance in the next year relative to the market?

How do you rate stock price performance in the next 5 years relative to the market?

What is a good entry point for a position to average in?

What is a good exit point for a position to average out?

Potential Value Opportunities

Yahoo Finance - Free Custom View for Watchlists

_jim-div-view1-240501-Watchlist - Stock Portfolio & Tracker - Yahoo Finance.pdf.  link

_jim-div-view1-240501-Watchlist - Stock Portfolio & Tracker - Yahoo Finance.pdf. file


Potential Challenges

Candidate Solutions

Some Open Source Investment Analysis Tools


Portfolio Performance


Track and evaluate the performance of your investment portfolio

Portfolio Performance: Track and evaluate the performance of your investment portfolio across stocks, cryptocurrencies, and other assets. Performance indicators like that True-Time Weighted Rate of Return or the internal rate of return ( Internal rate of return ) are calculated. Historical courses are automatically run by Yahoo Finance loaded or can be extracted from any HTML
Portfolio Performance: Track and evaluate the performance of your investment portfolio across stocks, cryptocurrencies, and other assets. Performance indicators like that True-Time Weighted Rate of Return or the internal rate of return ( Internal rate of return ) are calculated. Historical courses are automatically run by Yahoo Finance loaded or can be extracted from any HTML pages. Due to the open file format, all data is available as XML available or can be used as CSV be exported. Support for Rebalancing based on freely definable Asset allocations. With the help of the historical exchange rates of the European Central Bank ( ECB ) accounts and shares can be held in foreign currency.

OpenBB Terminal


Investment research for everyone, anywhere

Fully written in python which is one of the most used programming languages due to its simplified syntax and shallow learning curve. It is the first time in history that users, regardless of their background, can so easily add features to an investment research platform. The MIT Open Source license allows any user to fork the project to either add features to the broader community

Ghostfolio is a privacy-first, open source dashboard for your personal finances

  • trading stocks, ETFs or cryptocurrencies on multiple platforms
  • 🏦pursuing a buy & hold strategy
  • 🎯interested in getting insights of your portfolio composition
  • 👻valuing privacy and data ownership
  • 🧘into minimalism
  • 🧺caring about diversifying your financial resources
  • 🆓interested in financial independence
  • 🙅saying no to spreadsheets in 2023
  • 😎still reading this list

Accounting Software Community Edition


The Free & Popular Akaunting Web Software in Complete Virtual Machine

This VM is created for 2 reasons: 1. Very little initial setup work required to make an Accounting Software live, within minutes. 2. This system should keep running for Years, without requiring Updates / Breakages. If you are new to Virtual Machines, then please watch the Video below ( taken from my other project. just replace td with ac wherever mentioned ) After starting this VM,
  • As this system is meant for local network usage, it uses a self-signed https certificate. Hence, browsers will throw a warning for the first time. Please accept the same and proceed ahead.



jGnash Personal Finance

jGnash is a cross platform personal finance application written in Java. jGnash is a double entry system with support for multiple currencies. jGnash can import OFX and QIF files.
Finance::Quote is a perl module that fetches delayed on-line stock quotes. The Finance::Quote can fetch quote from a variety of sources, including the NYSE, the ASX, and a number of European exchanges.

Quoter - The Console Based Stock Quote Tool


Quoter is a small command line tool to fetch stock quotes. In order to minimize HTML scraping, it retrieves quotes from IEXCloud. You can signup for free and get 500k stock quotes per month. Please check their usage agreements prior to signing up and ensure you are allowed to user their service. After getting an account, log into the dashboard and you can see your API tokens. You'll need
Quoter is a small command line tool to fetch stock quotes. In order to minimize HTML scraping, it retrieves quotes from IEXCloud. You can signup for free and get 500k stock quotes per month. Please check their usage agreements prior to signing up and ensure you are allowed to user their service.

After getting an account, log into the dashboard and you can see your API tokens. You'll need the secret token to use this program. The secret key starts with sk_



TradeMaster is an open-source platform for quantitative trading

TradeMaster is a first-of-its-kind, best-in-class open-source platform for quantitative trading (QT) empowered by reinforcement learning (RL), which covers the full pipeline for the design, implementation, evaluation and deployment of RL-based algorithms. TradeMaster is composed of 6 key modules: 1) multi-modality market data of different financial assets at multiple granularities; 

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

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