DAML - Blockchain DSL and runtime services - Fabric, Corda, Besu, Postgres


Key Points


Key Concepts

Project Management 

  1. Deliverable definition
  2. Team - editors, reviewers
  3. Project Plan - work break down
  4. assignment
  5. deliverables w owners
  6. simple weekly timeline w status
  7. Checkpoint meeting weekly
  8. Review meetings as needed
  9. Publish all work in Teams ( what channel ? )

Report Contents and Scope

Review Questions to answer

  1. what functional features are delivered in each environment?
  2. what is open-source ?  how would that be supported?
  3. what is licensed ? what type of support levels are available?
  4. what operational features are provided compared to each of the supported native platforms?
  5. what level of architecture, product planning can we expect with the vendor? the community?
  6. what are keys for us in assessment if there is a value add?

Work Tasks

Like we learned with existing DLT reviews, we need to:

  1. set research investment and decision gateways for this process
  2. id ALL the functional, non-functional use cases in our current production solutions
  3. id any new critical requirements not met in current solutions that are a priority based on regulations, compliance, business value, risk
  4. review the candidate DLT solutions and their runtimes and integrations in detail 
  5. map to a candidate DLT platform and environment to see what platform provides and what we need to provide
  6. determine any delivery partners needed for the platform
  7. determine long-term support for any external services, products that we integrate
  8. design E2E deployment and operational support needs for the solution
  9. forecast viability, growth, risks of the external product or platform: community, costs, risks, quality, support etc
  10. perform the right evaluations:  POT, POC, POV

Learning Path

DAML learn


Daml Developer
Learn how to write Daml and build simple multi-party applications.

System Integration
Learn how to produce an application that depends on a Daml back-end for business logic and data persistence.

System Architect
Learn about the different components and how they work together to produce a Daml solution

DAML basics certification ( free )


DAML Cheat Sheet Concepts



docs.daml.com--cheat-sheet-The Fast Track to DAML.pdf file



The open source Daml smart contract language, described in more detail below under “Daml Smart Contracts,” forms the core of the Daml application stack. The language is a purpose-built Domain Specific Language (DSL) designed to encode the shared business logic of the application. It provides developers primitives to safely and succinctly describe core concerns like data types, privacy, and authorization rules without concerning themselves with the ultimate deployment target. In terms of the virtual shared ledger, it expresses who may write what events, and to whom they are distributed.

Daml abstracts the event sourcing model employed by blockchains and distributed ledgers. Event sourcing means that the current state of the system can be computed from the log of past events. Instead of keeping a global event log, Daml provides each stakeholder a consistent view on a virtual shared event log, called the virtual shared ledger, while distributing data on a strict need-to-know basis under the hood. This creates a system in which each participant has a consistent view of the (virtual) global system state, consisting of exactly the data they are entitled to. The virtual shared ledger is described in Daml’s Ledger Model and implemented in the Daml smart contract language and associated Ledger API.


The Ledger API is the primary API to interact with Daml smart contracts and the virtual shared ledger. It is a high-performance reactive gRPC-based streaming API. It allows applications to subscribe to events that they are permissioned to view, get their current state, or submit commands to write new events. As such, the Ledger API and smart contracts are the primary mechanisms for abstracting away concrete blockchains or databases to instead develop against a virtual shared ledger. Any node in a network that exposes Daml’s Ledger API—and thus gives access to the shared ledgers—is called a participant node as it allows participation in the network.


To enable an infrastructure like a blockchain or database to run Daml applications, it needs a Daml Driver that allows a matching participant node to connect into the network. Daml Drivers do not store any data and are typically deployed per node of the underlying blockchain or database. There are already numerous drivers, both open source and commercial, available in the Daml ecosystem, with more under development. See https://daml.com for an overview.

The deployed Daml smart contracts as well as everything on top of the Ledger API are considered part of a Daml application. Daml Connect is a suite of tools that assists in the development of full-stack Daml applications. Daml Connect contains an SDK that includes an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for smart contract development, a suite of runtime components, and integration libraries spanning all the way to user interfaces.


DAML Concept Overview slides

daml-101blockchains.com-DAML- The Language For Smart Contracts link

daml-101blockchains.com-DAML- The Language For Smart Contracts.pdf file

DAML Getting Started Docs


local install? 

recommend ubuntu, Linux   


General Notes on DAML work

tri tested

function delta
perf delta

arch overview

if we would use it
why ( over options )

map daml to our scenarios

corda for insurance

low-code, no-code

who can learn quickly?


Python for analytics w libs

Normal languages with full flexibility in a runtime

arch process docs >>
quickLook - 5WH w refs
ISR - review - map to a test case,
ARB - arch, runtime
ORB - operations mapping << what IS our ORM by soln type?

daml review

summary on the opportunity, concerns, recs


feedback - internal, external

should we investigate daml as an option
of app fit

insurance test in DEVX

IT or ET


dtcc roadmap

next steps


1 week model - use cases, references, tests, evals

DAML Presentation 2/24/22


DAML Sample Bike Repair Tutorial


DAML repos 

DAML reviews 

DAML POC for trade capture

Perfect analysis and conclusions in my opinion.

Absolutely stays on the radar but does not yet meet the needs of a portable, easy to learn, performant low-code DLT platform solution wih solid support for the primary DLT platforms in use today for most use cases today.

IF I were evaluating DAML vs Java in the future on any ledger, I'd look at the Java side very differently ( JDK17 ) with custom extensions to simplify code complexity ( making Java more of an event-driven DSL ). I'm guessing that would significantly simplify the developer experience with a shorter learning curve for Java Ledger development, improve portability, performance and reduce significantly the Java code lines involved ( like Firefly does ).

Really think this analysis project was really well done by you and the team.

You got the right outside partner to provide the best possible evaluation, picked a valuable use case but correctly simplified scope and did a great job leveraging DEVX for a training environment.

DAML solutions 

DAML 2.0 and Canton ledger service

DAML notes including DAML 2.0 overview



Questions for 2.0

  1. support for extensions, customizations via policies, delegate services via interfaces, modularity
  2. open-source ?  base version not enterprise HA
  3. performance ? no benchmarks
  4. GA version? yes
  5. integration with other ledgers?  yes - Besu, Fabric, Corda ...
  6. integration concept?  Canton ledger service provides a common model that is integrated by any supported driver
  7. integration driver currency with DAML releases?  no formal timing commitments
  8. is the HA model useful? costly for license and runtime metering? easy to integrate, extend or customize? unknown
  9. can the metering service be used with the open-source model? unknown

Potential Value Opportunities

What DAML production solutions use open source DAML Canton version?  volumes?  performance? 

What DAML production solutions use enterprise DAML Canton version?  volumes?  performance? 

What DAML production solutions use DAML Hub Canton version?  volumes?  performance? 

Other DAML projects 

Australia Stock Exchange cancels DAML project

ASX-daml-project-cancelled-Chairman Apologizes After Writing Off 165 Million Blockchain Project.pdf  url

ASX-daml-project-cancelled-Chairman Apologizes After Writing Off 165 Million Blockchain Project.pdf file

the project was facing a number of obstacles, including resistance from companies on the platform to use the shared ledger.

<< Lesson learned:  engage key partners through out the solution life cycle, not at the test phase  ( see Food Trust, TradeLens, TYS )

<< Lesson learned: let the partner council define the economic. governance, compliance, trust models that work, not just the applications and technologies for the use cases in scope

the Accenture report commissioned by ASX that noted “the absence of appropriate design artefacts, rigour, or inconsistent design discipline to model the expected behaviour within the constraints of the technology.”

<< Lesson learned: don't try to be revolutionary. Be evolutionary in the solution design - takes longer but has lower risks, more network buy in for success

Potential Challenges

Candidate Solutions

DAML - language, tools, runtimes

can execute on Corda, Fabric, Besu

Step-by-step guide for Example

sample code block

sample code block

Recommended Next Steps